w: konectbus.co.uk t: 03300 539358 Timetable commences 23 April 2019 e: [email protected] @konectbuses Hoveton - Stalham - Ludham - Horning - Wroxham - Dussindale - Norwich 5B Horning - Ludham - Stalham - Hoveton - Wroxham - Dussindale - Norwich 5B Mondays to Saturdays (see codes) 5B 5C 5B 502 5C 5B 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5B 5B NS NS NS NS NS NS S S S NS Hoveton, Medical Centre 0642 0722 0837 1037 1237 1437 1637 Horning, Mill Hill | | | 0942 | 1142 | 1342 | 1542 | 1805 Ludham, Kings Arms | | | 0948 | 1148 | 1348 | 1548 | 1811 Catfield, Village Hall | | | 0952 | 1152 | 1352 | 1552 | 1815 Sutton, opp Elmhurst Avenue | | | 0955 | 1155 | 1355 | 1555 | 1818 Stalham, High Street, Old Rail Station | 0725 | | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 | 1600 | 1823 Stalham, Bypass, Tesco 0655 | 0735 0850 | 1050 | 1250 | 1450 | 1650 | Sutton, Elmhurst Avenue 0700 | 0740 0854 | 1054 | 1254 | 1454 | 1654 | Catfield, opp Village Hall 0705 | 0744 0858 | 1058 | 1258 | 1458 | 1658 | Ludham, Church 0709 | 0748 0902 | 1102 | 1302 | 1502 | 1702 | Horning, Mill Hill 0715 | 0820 0752 0910 | 1110 | 1310 | 1510 | 1710 | Hoveton, opp Medical Centre 0722 0735 | | | 1012 | 1212 | 1412 | 1612 | 1833 Wroxham, Roys, McDonalds 0650 0730 0740 0825 0700 0800 0920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1720 1835 Salhouse, Bell 0656 0737 | 0832 0707 0807 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1527 1627 1727 1841 Rackheath, Sole and Heel 0703 0745 via 0840 0715 0815 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1735 1848 Thorpe End, Bus Shelter 0708 0726 0751 SP&R 0811 0845 0720 0805 0820 0905 0940 1005 1040 1105 1140 1205 1240 1305 1340 1405 1440 1505 1540 1605 1640 1740 1853 Dussindale Drive, Post Box 0712 0732 0757 | 0817 0850 0725 0810 0825 0910 0945 1010 1045 1110 1145 1210 1245 1310 1345 1410 1445 1510 1545 1610 1645 1745 1857 Yarmouth Road, opp St Andrews Avenue 0717 0738 0805 | 0823 0856 0731 0816 0831 0916 0951 1016 1051 1116 1151 1216 1251 1316 1351 1416 1451 1516 1551 1616 1651 1751 1902 Thorpe Road, Rail Station 0725 0748 0815 | 0833 0904 0739 0824 0839 0924 0959 1024 1059 1124 1159 1224 1259 1324 1359 1424 1459 1524 1559 1624 1659 1759 1910 Norwich, Castle Meadow 0730 0753 0820 0812 0838 0909 0744 0829 0844 0929 1004 1029 1104 1129 1204 1229 1304 1329 1404 1429 1504 1528 1604 1629 1704 1804 1915 Norwich, St Stephens Street 0733 0756 0823 Bus Stn 0841 0912 0747 0832 0847 0932 1007 1032 1107 1132 1207 1232 1307 1332 1407 1432 1507 1532 1607 1632 1707 1807 1917 Sundays and Bank Holidays 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B Hoveton, Medical Centre 1423 Horning, Mill Hill 0927 | Ludham, Kings Arms 0933 | Catfield, Village Hall 0937 | Sutton, opp Elmhurst Avenue 0940 | Stalham, High Street, Old Rail Station 0945 | Stalham, Bypass, Tesco | 1434 Sutton, Elmhurst Avenue | 1439 Catfield, opp Village Hall | 1442 Ludham, Church | 1446 Horning, Mill Hill | 1452 Hoveton, opp Medical Centre 0956 | Wroxham, Roys, McDonalds 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1705 Salhouse, Bell 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 1712 Rackheath, Sole and Heel 0920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1720 Thorpe End, Bus Shelter 0925 1025 1125 1225 1325 1425 1525 1625 1725 Dussindale Drive, Post Box 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 Yarmouth Road, opp St Andrews Avenue 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1735 Thorpe Road, Rail Station 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 Norwich, Castle Meadow 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1543 1643 1743 Norwich, St Stephens Street 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1745 Codes 502 operates as route 502 SP&R operates via Sprowston Park & Ride Bus Stn serves Norwich Bus Station not St Stephens Street NS Not Saturdays S Saturdays only 5C operates as route 5C to/from Little Plumstead, see separate timetable for full times w: konectbus.co.uk t: 03300 539358 Timetable commences 23 April 2019 e: [email protected] @konectbuses Norwich - Dussindale - Wroxham - Horning - Ludham - Stalham - Hoveton 5B Norwich - Dussindale - Wroxham - Hoveton - Stalham - Ludham - Horning 5B Mondays to Saturdays (see codes) 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 5C 5B 502 5C 5B 5B 5B NS NS S S NS Norwich, Bus Station [B] 1748 Norwich, St Stephens Street [BC] 0757 0757 0850 0920 0950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 1520 1550 1620 1710 | 1740 1810 1910 2030 Norwich, Castle Meadow [CB] 0759 0759 0855 0925 0955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1225 1255 1325 1355 1425 1455 1525 1555 1625 1715 1751* 1745 1815 1913 2033 Thorpe Road, opp Rail Station [DD] 0802 0802 0859 0929 0959 1029 1059 1129 1159 1229 1259 1329 1359 1429 1459 1529 1559 1629 1719 | 1749 1819 1917 2036 Yarmouth Road, St Andrews Avenue 0808 0808 0906 0936 1006 1036 1106 1136 1206 1236 1306 1336 1406 1436 1506 1536 1606 1636 1726 | 1756 1826 1922 2042 Dussindale Drive, opp Post Box 0812 0812 0911 0941 1011 1041 1111 1141 1211 1241 1311 1341 1411 1441 1511 1541 1611 1641 1731 via 1801 1831 1927 2047 Thorpe End, Bus Shelter 0816 0816 0916 0946 1016 1046 1116 1146 1216 1246 1316 1346 1416 1446 1516 1546 1616 1646 1736 SP&R 1806 1836 1931 2051 Rackheath, opp Sole and Heel 0821 0821 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 1741 | 1841 1935 2055 Salhouse, opp Bell 0828 0828 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 1628 1748 | 1848 1941 2100 Wroxham, Roys 0640 0835 0720 0835 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1758 1820 1858 1948 Hoveton, Medical Centre 0642 0837 0722 0837 | 1037 | 1237 | 1437 | 1637 | 1822 | Horning, Mill Hill | | | | 0942 | 1142 | 1342 | 1542 | 1805 | 1905 Ludham, Kings Arms | | | | 0948 | 1148 | 1348 | 1548 | 1811 | Catfield, Village Hall | | | | 0952 | 1152 | 1352 | 1552 | 1815 | Sutton, opp Elmhurst Avenue | | | | 0955 | 1155 | 1355 | 1555 | 1818 | Stalham, High Street, Old Rail Station | | | | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 | 1600 | 1823 1835 Stalham, Bypass, Tesco 0655 0850 0735 0850 | 1050 | 1250 | 1450 | 1650 | Sutton, Elmhurst Avenue 0700 0854 0740 0854 | 1054 | 1254 | 1454 | 1654 | Catfield, opp Village Hall 0705 0858 0744 0858 | 1058 | 1258 | 1458 | 1658 | Ludham, Church 0709 0902 0748 0902 | 1102 | 1302 | 1502 | 1702 | Horning, Mill Hill 0715 0910 0752 0908 | 1110 | 1310 | 1510 | 1710 | Hoveton, opp Medical Centre 0722 1012 1212 1412 1612 1833 Sundays and Bank Holidays 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B Norwich, St Stephens Street [BC] 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1543 1643 1743 Norwich, Castle Meadow [CB] 0946 1046 1146 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1746 Thorpe Road, opp Rail Station [DD] 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 Yarmouth Road, St Andrews Avenue 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 1755 Dussindale Drive, opp Post Box 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 Thorpe End, Bus Shelter 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 Rackheath, opp Sole and Heel 0909 1009 1109 1209 1309 1409 1509 1609 1709 1809 Salhouse, opp Bell 0914 1014 1114 1214 1314 1414 1514 1614 1714 1814 Wroxham, Roys 0920 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 1721 1821 Hoveton, Medical Centre | 1423 Horning, Mill Hill 0927 | Ludham, Kings Arms 0933 | Catfield, Village Hall 0937 | Sutton, opp Elmhurst Avenue 0940 | Stalham, High Street, Old Rail Station 0945 | Stalham, Bypass, Tesco | 1434 Sutton, Elmhurst Avenue | 1439 Catfield, opp Village Hall | 1442 Ludham, Church | 1446 Horning, Mill Hill | 1452 Hoveton, opp Medical Centre 0956 Codes 502 operates as route 502 SP&R operates via Sprowston Park & Ride Bus Stn serves Norwich Bus Station not St Stephens Street NS Not Saturdays S Saturdays only * serves Castle Meadow stand CA 5C operates as route 5C to/from Little Plumstead, see separate timetable for full times.
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