Page Four THI; ROCKETEER Friday, March 9, 1962 You con't pursue hap pin e s sand lTEMPERATURES cotch il. It comes upon you unawares Max. Min. NOTS Concert to Feature' while you are help. Mar. 2 .. 57 36 ing others. Mar 3 .... 59 31 We are more soc· Mar. 4 .. 61 32 PianistByronJanis Tonight iable, and get on ROCKETEER Mar. S. 64 39 beller with people Mar. 6 .... 56 43 by the heart than Mar. 7.... 64 34 A young American concert pianist from Pittsburgh, the intellect.­ Mar. B.... 68 35 Pa., Byron J anis, will be the g uest artist at tonight's NOTS Bruyere Civic Concert at 8: 15 p.m. in the Station Theatre. Budd Gott, Ed itor Office, Housing Bldg., Top Deck Phones 7-1354, 7-2082, 7-1655 If his kindergarten teacher had not discovered that he had per­ Vol. XVIII, No. 9 U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California Friday, March 9, 1962 fect pitch, he might have become a painter or a poet, as his family was not musical and he had rio opportunity to demonstrate his Two NOTS Administrators[Cdr. R. N. Vehorn unusual music ability, He gave hi& first concert in his home Leave for Other Agencies Attending Notional town after four years of study Two Station employees of long standing left NOTS last Fri­ which began when he was a kin­ day in transfers to other government age ncies. Willis E. (Bill) Safety Conference dergartener. Vore, Associate for Operations in Test Department, went to Pa­ Cdr. Robert N. Vehorn, the jpoFj;;:' His family moved to New York cific Missile Range, Pt. Mugu, California, and Euge ne V. Rutkow­ Station's Safety Officer, is at- so that he could study with Adele ski, Associate Head of the Mis- Fund Drive and as president of ten din g President Kennedy's Fjl-:.j_ Marcus and take special courses sile Propulsion Divison, Propul- the United Fund Board of Direc­ Co n fer e n c e on Occupational .J in composition and harmony at sion Development Department, tors in the 1961-62 campaign. Safety in Washington, D.C., this LIFE IN THE SERVICE-John Ireland and Steve Franken drink a toast to the LST crew the Chatham Square Mus i c went to Advance Research Proj- He and his wife, Muriel, and week. in the popular war-time comedy "Mr. Roberts," to be presented next Thursday at the Station School. At fifteen, he appeared their two daughters, Patty Ann The two-day conference is the Theatre. Henry Fonda originated the role on Broadway in 1948 and later appeared in the movie as soloist wit h the NBC Sym­ and Michelle, plan to 1 i vein eighth biennial meeting since its version. Tickets may be obtained at the Special Services office in Barracks 1, the Community phony. Thousand Oaks, California, until establishment by Pre sid e n t Center, and the Station Theatre. Seat prices range from $1 to $3 and Station passes must be By the following year, he had they decide where they want to Harry Truman in 1948. , The Conference b r i n g s to­ shown before admittance. All tickets are for reserved seats; curtain time is 8 p.m. advanced so far that Vladimir Byron Janis buy or build their own home. Horowitz undertook to guide Rutkowski Here Since '51 gether in the Nation's Capitol him for several years - a priv­ The first half of the program Rutkowski reported to NOTS more than 3,000 leaders of Amer­ Girl Scouts Slate Open House ilege he had accorded no other will be composed of "Sonata in immediately following his grad­ ican industry, labor, agriculture, young pianist. Horowitz contend- G Maj or, K.283" by Mozart, uation from the University of Federal, State, and local govern­ In Anniversary Observance "Arabesque in C Major, Opus Minnesota in June, 1951. His ments, insurance, education, sci· 18" by Schuman, "Impromptu in entire career at NOTS has been ence, health, and private safety Members of Troop 344 will share with our Community the Chief Groth Asst. Chief Cummins interests and enthusiasm of local Girl Scouts working in their Since all tickets for the E Flat Major, Opus 90" by Schu· organizations from all parts of national program at an Open House on Sunday, March 11, from Byron Janis concert have been bert, and "Sonata in B Flat Min· the country. 2 to 4 p.m. The eagerness with which they prepare a special sold no single tickets are avail· or, Opus 35" by Chopin. Their purpose is to devise and able. However, any Concert After the intermission he will then apply voluntary, coopera­ tribute to the fiftieth annivers- Brownie, Intermediate, and Sen­ New Police Chief Association member who can­ play "Pictures at an Exhibition" tive means for reducing the 13,- ary of Girl Scouting in the Uni- ior Scout program_ All mem­ not attend may call Ext. 77853 by Modeste Moussorgsky. T his 000 deaths and nearly 2 million ted States further emphasizes bers of Troop 344 are in the disabling injuries occurring an­ th e i r loyalty and respect for Intermediate stage, and hoi d to make arrangements for depiction of an art gallery in its MERCURY* RISES their tickets to be used. Every entirety includes 11 sections: nually because of the on-the-job Takes Over Duties tradition. various ranks within that class. effort will be made by the The Promenade, The Gnome, accidents. The Girl Scout Hut, located Representing all races, creeds. -The big pus h Willis E. Vore New Chief of Police Robert F. Groth took over his Concert Board to make tickets The Old Castle, Tuileries, Bydlo Program emphasis of the 1962 east of Switzer Circle on Halsey and nat ion a I heritages, Girl ects Agency (ARPA) in the Pent· duties last week, relieving Val A. (Slim) Cummins who Avenue, will hold an array of Scouts have the opportunity to for new Bur r 0 5 available to anyone wishing to (The Polish Ox-cart), Ballet of meetings will underscore the attend this concert. Chicks in Their Shells, Rich and agon, Washington, D.C. fact that 80 percent of all job has been acting chief since the retirement of George \'If. exhibits from v a rio u s China appreciate the similarities and Band uniforms is Vore first came to NOTS in Chilson in August of last year. Lake troops, depicting the valu- differences a m 0 n g the many Poor, Limoges, Catacombs, The injuries occur in non·manufac· gradually eli m b· Hut on Fowl's Legs, and The July, 1946, as an Electronics En­ turing activities. Hence, Confer­ The new chief brings over 20 turned to the City of Los An­ a b 1 e experience in art s and groups that compose America, ed that "talented people must be gineer for Reasearch Depart­ crafts, nat u r e, homemaking, and to understand the contribu­ ing towa rd the Great Gate of Kie v. ence delegates will concentrate years of experience as a law geles Police Department. Dur. guided rather than taught" and Concert Manager · Christine ment. In 1949, he transferred to on safety problems in such lines enforcement officer to the job, ing the ensuing years his work community life, and internation- tions of each group to our na- $6000 goal. The the Electronics Countermeasures al friendship. tional life. this accounts for the popular Myers requests all members to of work as agriculture, construc­ most of which was acquired with covered all phases of lawen. Red H e ads bas· comment that the Janis tech­ Section of Test Department, and the City of Los Angeles Police forcement including patrol, traf. Parents Invited Members of Troop 344 will be be prompt if they wish to hear in 1951, became Project Engin­ tion, trade and service business­ nique is peculiarly his own. Department. fic, juvenile, vice, internal af~ A special invitation to parents available during Open House to ketball game last the Mozart sonata. eer for Countermeasures. In es, materials handling, and gov­ In 1952, he earned the repu­ ernment. They will seek ways Cummins will continue as As· fairs, with specialization in crim· of youngsters approaching, or welcome guests, serve refresh­ week boosted the 1953, he was appointed Chair­ already of scout age, is made ments, and explain their activi­ tation of being one of the young­ to minimize the Nation's losses sistant Chief of Police and serve inal investigation and police ad· total to almost est artists ever to appear at La man of the Bureau of Ordnance as Chief of the Security Depart- ministration. He left the force by the troop hostesses. G i r 1 ties and goals. Troop Leader Public Works Must Evaluation Committees on Ter· in manpower, technical skill, hu­ Scouting is 0 pen to all girls Gwyn J ens e n and assistants Scala. His career then became E. V. Rutkowski man suffering, and financial me nt's Investigators. Cummins as a lieutenant. $4500. Proceeds a series of tours, guest appear­ rier and Sidewinder for the from 7 through 17, and is adapt- Louise Greer and Blanche Zills, Curtail Paint Issue Project Engineering Diviso n. directed in explOratory research waste that job accidents are caus­ has served with the force since Wife Law Officer ed to age groups through the will supervise the event. on the game to· ances, recording sessions, and The current fund situation has ing. July 18, 1944. starring at major summer music Since 1957, he served as Head and development work in the Law enforcement runs in the taled $488.05.
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