4 Vol. I, 140. 6 Amacule, Colorado Novemb~2a!9±~._. .EVDCIJEES A~D FAHITIERS Real Property ML GIRLS VOLUNTEERS SONA TI NA S HARVEST BEETS Taxes Due In. answer to the pleas Los Angeles county real “Lea Sonatinas”, a mu sical organization of 21 of local beet farmers, who property taxes will be de werE. threatened witha loss linquent after December 5, young women, will give a concert at Terry hail, Tues of 60,000 tons, the assem counsels Chiyoko sakamoto bly voted unanimously to’ of the legal aid staff. day, Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. The organiZ4tiOn is un come to the aid of farmer Write to H. L. Byrani, neighbors. county tax collector, hail der the direction of C. Already 141 volunteers Burdette Wolfe, supervisor of Justice, Los Angeles. including 20 high school of music programs for the Taxpayers should gi.ve students and five women Garden city high school and full legal description of junior college in Kansas. have relliedill this nation property and certificate Tickets are now on sale wide crop—savins c~mpa~gn. According. to the admin of title or previous cadnty at the school offices in istration, the woit orders tax bill. BE. prices will be adults 25 cents, and children 10 of those emplçyed within tent a. the center wIll not be can TWO STE ND celled luring ithelr abseftie. Student volunteers will be CONVENT! ON Fire Alarm given an opportunitY to Henry tshimizu, former make up their classwork. Sonoina-~coU1ftY JACL.presi— System Set Deductions for morning dent, and tttasao Satow, a Fire phones have been and evening meals will member of the National JACL placed In each center block total 44 cents; for all emergency board, -are ax— and can be recognized by a meals, including packed pectéd to.leave the center lunches, 67 cents. red and white striped pole today to attend the Na With this last groUp of tional JACL convention to to which an embeZ~colored light is attached, announced 141 residents placed within be held in Salt take CitY Tern Campbell, fire pro this 30—mile area the vol.— next week. - unteer evacuee army num -. - The ~eiegates will be tection officer, Wednesday. By calli~ig number. 60, bers some l200on the farms given a 10—day furlough the maiz switchboard will of this state. and will join representa connect the speaker with tives from other relocation centers -who are: also ex the fire atgtion, Campbell CALL BLOOD pected to attend the seven added, but he cautioned the people against using them • -. v”ention~ DONORS Zor. any other purpose. Blood donors are gflatiy needed at the-center hos 110 6tfl1 pital, it-was revealed by Dr. Gerald A. DuffyImedi— EIV~ ~ cal director,, yesterday. -here b.y several prominenti. - Four-hundred twenty—five He stated that there is no - church and civic leadersi compensatiop - foI~.thip but • sewing hiachines 8re cur from Colorado springs. ...J. rently -. being conditioned That at. living quarters the appeal has been made - for the weifare,of the- peo for use by center residents, have hardwood floors, and it was revealed 8t the meet— of this communIty. that residents have a choice -“(a do not. know when - ing of the Granada women’s of foods were cited by Mrs. - anyone of us may becr’ILe federation, ThursdaYe /They KanazaWc~ as being among the seriously ill and ~P2C a wi]! shortly be apportioned many misconceptions preva - about five to a bloc}C, it blood transfusion Thut we lent - emonE~ most Caucasian - -- want b be prepared. for it ,“ was added. groups. lila -this tour, Also discussed at the said tht chairman, served Dr. Duffy concluded. meetir4,, presided over by Volunteers are asked to to clarify -t11e~e felse im report to the hospital. Wir... ChiuyO Kcnazawa,Wea a pressions. recent inspection tour made Poge 2 _-____-. _..PIONEER .NovenTher 14, 1942 MCI SCt©Ct .1J~T~ ~I HC~C ~T K E S ~twenty-two project stu The groi~ was a~anrenied Beaming regiêtrcir V~11lis dents of the senior high by Norman Pixler, principal F. Hanson just r e turned school he2~,d a picnic at the S. Clay Coy, Jimmy Yemenaka, from a leave to low Thri’hg— numicipal ~Sark in Lamar, • and George Yüzawa. ing his wife ~zd two da~i— Wednesday afternoon, Prin The students later at ters with him. The Hanson cipal S. Clay Coy revealed tended a movie at the Pio family will make their home today. neer theatre. in Lamar. Approxiinatel.Y 25 post NEW COURSE CIVIC LEPOERS graduate students have en rolled in the senior high OFFERED VISIT CEflTER school, Principal S. Clay Analytic gdometry ie now Five prom inent women Coy announced yesterda~r. being taught ,at the adult church workers and civic I night scbooi on M~nday, leadem of Colorado Springs • Rev.T. Shirakawa, here— Wednesday, and Friday eve visited the cents; dednes— tofore in charge of BuddhLst nings from 8—9 p.m. day and learned of the liv Hall No. 1 (70), will, be Those interested are re ing conditions and social ginning tomorrow, take quested to erdLi at 8H—6B. activities of the evacuees. charge of HeilNo. 2 (110), The night school office The group included Mrs. Rev. Yonemura will conse also stated that the Mctday’ Gordon Parker, In. Lewis quently transfer to ~tbe evening cooking class ivill Abbot, president of the former. not be held until the BK League of i~onen Voters, I kitchen is fully equipped. Patricia Leigh, chairman T4e fo~2owing four moth— of the social service com e~s end their babies arrived mittee of the Presbyterian hare Monday from Merced, WPTRflPBE R!TES church, and kabel and Ruth Calif.: Mesdames Tagawa, Parker. 70—ic; Ode, fl—lOS; Kajiwa— HELD TUESO~ftY ra, 105—25, and Tabcta, Final serviees were held 8 E—5D. at 2 p.m. on Tuesday for SERVICE MEN a Kohei Vlatanabe, 49, who Twenty—four girl scouts died here Now 2. Rev. Yu ARRIVE visited historic spots in zuru Ysmaka officiated. Nisei soldiers visiting Lamar thi~ morning. They After a brief service in friends and relatives in were under the supervision Lamar, the body was sent to the center include: Corp. of Terry mae Lurakemi, Dor Denver for cremation. Toshio akamura, Camp Vial— othy Maeda, and Yuri Naka— Ruth Watainbe, only child ters, Texas; Pfc. Takuo ha— moto, scout leaders. of the deceased, arrived wauchi, It. ~larren, dyo.; here on a two_weekat leave Pfc. Yeichi Nakano, Camp Herbert LWalther, prin from school in Rochester, Phiflip, Kan.; Pfc. Masno cipal of the junior high N. Y., to attend the ser 3.Shimizu, it. Bliss, Tex school, left Wednesday night vices. as; bgt. James Teurumoto, for Denver to purchase mu Camp Crowder, Jo.; Pie. sical instruments for the CHIEF WARNS James Yeinate, it. Custer, project sehools,the junior high office revealed yes SPEED E RS •j$cn.; and Pvt. James ~ Drivers of trucks and Ft. Des homes, Iowa. terday. oars will be deprived of their licenses for excessive All sociel gatherings ~eeding within tile center, REPORTS HEPOS must end at 10:30 p.m. un warned Stanley E. Adams, less special permission is chief of polic% yesterday. In IflSPECTIOfl given by William Johnson, John C. Daker, national acting chief of conimunity CHURCH chief of the VillA reports service, it was announced office, and Frank C. Cross, by Stanley Adams, chief of regional chief, were visi police, Ts1ursday. MifF TING tors at the centa recently. S Young people of the fl They conferred with Joe Charles I.ametsuka, 10, mar Methodist and Presby— McCieliand, local reports of GF—9F, was taken to La tartan churches will join officer, and mezhbers of the mar hospital Itonday after— the young people’s group PIONEER staff. aoon for an emergency ap— pendectoiny. of the Granada Protestant church in a joint meeting LATEST SANTA . I at 7 p.m.tomorrow in Terry ANITA CHECKS i~. Yutaka ?it~kagawa of hall (OH). Rev. Gabriel Santa Anitans are urged this center has been in to claim new checks over vited to speak at a Cvlo— I Upton of Lamar will deliver the evening’s message. the periods of Sept. lb to redo ~r~ptist ministerial A fellowship hour and Oct. iS and Oct16 to Nov. council meeting to be held refreshments will follow 2, advises the cashier in in Pueblo snortly. He has this first meeting with an the building opposite the also been asked to deliver outside church group. fire department. sermons at Rocky Furd. 3 November 14, 1942.__ PlANtER Page a flICFHM3 fl CWflIW: LESS fISH•. flPVY CPUS FOR STOCK TO BE. SAYS WELLS OU E ST ID fl fl P IR ES INCREASED Chief project steward Applicants recently in ~o keduoe the increasing William Wells of the mess terviewed for teaching posi number of requests for division made a series of’ tions in the Denver Univer passes to Granada and Lamar, welcome announcements to— sity naval lunguage school v,bioh are usually based on day. at Boulder by Florence Walne the necessity of purchasing They are: halving of and Lieutenuni Glark should olothing,Assistant Project the fish order4 opening of send in tbe~.r application Director Donald LUarbison. all mess halls except in blanks imedintely to the declared that a strenuous the school block; arrival Naval Intelligence Office effort is being made to have of 1500 gallons of soy in Denver, adeises Maaao the coamnanity store as fully sauce and 750 vounds of Igasalfl who just received stocked with items as pos bean paste with a promi~ed wg~4~4nmwMiaS Tja~jae, sible.
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