Saint Mary’s Church Know your faith! Live your faith! Share your faith! 15 Clark Street, Auburn, New York 13021 -3589 Tel: 315 -252 -9545, Fax: 315 -252 -9546 E-mail: [email protected] www.stmaryauburn.org PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD His Holiness Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome (April 14, 2019) Most Rev. Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of Rochester Parish Office 315 -252 -9545 INTRODUCTORY RITE Mon – Fri: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Organ Prelude: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates Guilmant Fr. Frank E. Lioi, Pastor, Dean of East Region Antiphon: Hosanna M42 Fr. Justin D. Miller, [email protected] Hymn: All Glory Laud & Honor H579 Dn. Dennis Donahue, New Evangelization Kathleen Lipfert, Pastoral Minister LITURGY OF THE WORD Philip J. Fillion, Music Director / Organist Readings & Response Psalm 22 M43 Delia Westmiller , Secretary at 9:45: Christus factus est (sung by the choir) Bruckner Francis Fenzl, Ida Kavanagh & Tyler Reohr Christus factus est pro nobis obediens Christ became obedient to the point of Parish Interns usque ad mortem, mortem autem cru- death, even death on a cross. Because of Greg Lawson, Maintenance Supervisor cis. Propter quod et Deus exaltavit il- this, God greatly exalted him and be- Regional Finance Office 315 -252 -7111 lum et dedit illi nomen, quod est super stowed on him the name which is above 90 Melrose Rd. - Shawn Gillen -Caryl, Regional Finance Director omne nomen. Phil. 2:8 9 every name. Catechetical Office 315 -252 -3439 Passion Narrative 90 Melrose Rd. Homily Carlo Stebbings, Director LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST St. Joseph School 315 -253 -8327 Preparation of Gifts: 89 E. Genesee St. at 5:30/12:00: O Sacred Head, Surrounded H588 Mary Jo Keba, Principal at 9:45: Improperium expectavit cor meum (sung by Schola) Chant Tyburn Academy 315 -252 -2937 17 Clymer St. Improperium expectavit cor meum et My heart awaited reproach and misery; and Maura Del Favero, Administrator miseriam et sustinui qui simul mecum I hoped for one that would grieve together Prayer Line 315 -252 -5539 contristaretur et non fuit; consolantem with m e, but there was none; I looked for Celebration of Eucharist me quæsivi et non inveni, et dederunt in one who would comfort me, and found no Saturday anticipated Mass at 5:30 escam meam fel, et in siti mea pota- one. For food they gave me gall; in my Sunday at 7:00, 9:45 am & 12:00 verunt me aceto. Psalm 69:21 -22 thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. - Weekday at 7:00 am Mon Fri and Saturday at 7:45 am And Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs Handel Holy Day at 5:30pm (anticipated Mass), Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows! He was wounded for and 7:00, 12:00, 7:00 pm our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquiti es; the chastisement of our Reconciliation (confession) peace was upon him. Isaiah 53:3,5 Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00 pm Eucharistic Prayer Baptism & Marriage : call parish office Holy, Holy M85 H239 Communion to Homebound : call parish office Save us, Savior of the world … M89 H243 New Parishioners : register at parish office Amen M93 H247 The Lord ’s Prayer Breaking of Bread: Lamb of God M99 H251 St_Marys_Auburn During Communion: at 5:30/9:45/12:00: Communion Antiphon Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my drinking it, your will be done @stmaryschurchauburnny at 9:45: In monte Oliveti Bruckner and @StMaryMusic Hymn after Communion at 9:45: O Sacred Head, Surrounded H588 In monte Oliveti oravit ad Patrem: Pa- In the Mount of Olives, [Jesus] prayed to ter si fieri potest trans eat a me calix his Father: “Father, if it is possible , let this iste. Fiat voluntas tua. (Matthew 26:39) chalice pass from me. Thy will be done. ” CONCLUDING RITE Blessing & Dismissal All Depart in Silence The children of the Hebrews spread their garments on the road, crying out and saying: Hosanna to the Son of the David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord FROM THE PASTOR 14 April 2019 Some world religions have special holy days Holy Thursday (April 18) commemorates in spring time. Jews have Passover, this year begin - the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus, the day before his ning on April 20 th . Moslems have Ramadan, this passion and death. Good Friday (April 19) cele - year beginning on May 5 th . Roman Catholics have brates the Pasion and Death of the Lord Jesus. the Sacred Paschal Triduum, which is a three -day The Great Easter Vigil begins on the even - period beginning with the Evening Mass of the ing of Holy Saturday (April 20) around dusk. This Lord ’ Supper on Holy Thursday (April 18) and con - Liturgy consists of four parts: the Lighting of the cluding with Evening Prayer or Vespers on Easter Paschal Candle, Readings from the Old and New Sunday (April 21). In the Sacred Paschal Triduum Testaments, Blessing of water and the renewal of the church celebrates one great Liturgy divided over baptismal promises, and finally the Celebration of a three -day period. the Easter Eucharist. The three days of the Paschal Triduum are Easter Masses of the Resurrection are cele - preceded by the forty days of the Lenten Season brated on Easter Day (April 21) with the Triduum and followed by the fifty days of the Easter Season. itself concluding at Vespers (Evening Prayer) on In other words, Lent ends prior to the Evening Mass Easter Sunday afternoon. of Holy Thursday; then there are the three days of As Lent draws to a close, we Catholics the Triduum, followed by the fifty days of Easter – should make the most of this week called “Holy ” in 40 & 3 & 50 - almost ninety days of the Lent - preparation for The Sacred Paschal Triduum! Triduum -Easter Cycle in the liturgical calendar. Fr. Lioi UNPLANNED, the movie, is be - A BIG “THANK YOU ” to CHILDREN ENVELOPES are ing shown at the Auburn MoviePlex St. Joseph School Altar Servers available in the back of church. on Grant Avenue this week. Abby Children who used envelopes last Johnso n becomes the young est year have pre -assigned envelopes. clinic director in the history of All other children need to fill out Planned Parenthood, then a life - the registration form attached to each box of envelopes. changing experience turns her into an pro -life activist. Call the 24 PARISHIONERS IN Hour Movie Information Line MILITARY SERVICE at 315 -255 -4635 or on the web at Pictured L to R are Meghan Far- to be remembered at Passion tide www.the auburnmovieplex.com rell, John White, and Jessica Ber- Jacob Reilly (Army) (select showtimes/ticketstab) ry. The trio acts as Altar Servers Joshua Panas (Marines) RICE BOWL BOXES can be re - for St. Joseph School Masses. Any Dominic Panas (Marines) turned any time before Easter. child who wishes to serve Mass Isaac Panas (Marines) should call their parish office. Boxes can be placed in the baskets Michael Fenzl (Air Force) in the back of church. QUOTES Max Fenzl (Marines) No pain, no palm; no thorns, no Michael Wilder (Marines) GIFT SHOPPE will be open on Kyle Wagner (Marines) the weekend of April 27/28. Be - throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, - no crown. ~ William Penn James Yankton (Marines) cause of Easter, the Food Collec Zack Buchberger (Marines) tion and Bottles & Cans Collection Palm Sunday tells us that it is the If there are other parishioners not will be on the weekend of April cross that is the true tree of life. on this list, please call the parish 27/28. ~ Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI office. THOUGHTS ON THE EASTER LILY Rightly the lily is the flower of Easter. It lies buried in the ooze of pond or stream. There is nothing in the grave of the dead lily that appeals to nostril or eye. But silently the forces of life are working in the dark and the damp to prepare a glorious resurrection. A shaft of green shoots upward toward the sun. This is followed by a cluster of tiny buds. One day the sun smiles with special warmth upon the dank, black ooze, and there leaps into the light a creature of light and beauty; it is the lily, an angel of the earth, whose look is light. ~ Author U nknown Saint Mary ’s Church, Auburn, NY April 14, 2019 DEACON ’S CORNER: Last week St Paul advised us to continually STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE strain forward to what lies ahead...God's upward calling, in Christ Jesus. Mar. 31, 2019 Apr. 7, 2019 This Holy Week we have that once a year opportunity to do just that in Envelopes $7,321.00 $7,903.00 the Paschal Triduum. The Three Days begin with the Evening Mass of Loose Money 1,515.20 1,421.00 Elec. Trans. 223.00 223.00 the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, finds it peak at Easter Vigil in the Children 10.00 14.00 Holy Night on Saturday and continues through Easter Sunday. Look Total $9,069.20 $9,561.00 ahead and plan your week to attend most if not all of the beautiful Bp. Hickey Sch. 25.00 $202.00 ~ Deacon Dennis Donahue Cath. Courier 15.00 148.00 liturgies of the Triduum! Maintenance - $1,393.45 U U U U U U U U U U Thank you for your regular and make -up sacrifices. FROM THE FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR BREAKTHROUGH FAITH FORMATION: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord marks the beginning of Holy Week.
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