
70]UBIEE2f' TlTCWanpAT, AUGUST 6 ,194ai^ Average Daily Circulation The Weather iltanrlrrairr Ett^ttbts Sm U t For the Month o f July, 1942 Forecast of 17. S. Weather Botean Mr. and Mrs. ^Eari C. Butler The Zoning CommlMlon me«U mlnster Choir College of Princeton, ,494 and son Robert o f Fhelps Road tonight at 8. o'clock in the municl N. J. , No Important temperature rtnii^ti Pearson Going Dog W inner Member otth^ Audit Alk>ut Town are vacationing at LAke Bomo.- pal building to act upon a request Mr. Pearson devotes hla full tonight seen. Vermont. Mrs. 'Rutler's of a change of zoning. The land in time to the work o f the church, Bnrenn of Cli mother, Mrs. Mabel M. Spencer, question is located to the north of directing choirs and teaching voice Middle Turnpike, west, east of To West Coast to Itf merabera. In Pet Show OAK GRILL' Manchester— City of Village Charm John A. UHpuh, formerly *ea- and Mias Doris Dutton is With man fln t claaa on the I^lniftcm . them. They are guests at the Adams street and Includes the new Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” «lT lv e d / it his home 487 North Trakenseen Hotel. development known as Pine Acres daughter, Christine, will leave Fortnitr Local Man Ac­ VOL. LXL, NO, 263 (Classified Advertising on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Main'^htreet Sunday and y®"' terrace. It is now zoned as 'rural Lancaster the middle of • August Betty Brown Takes and the request is to . have it and Mr. Pearson will assume his DINE AND DANCE ie r& y given a birthday peily The Sah-atlon Arm y band will changed to a C zone. N o opposition cepts Miyiic Appoint­ new duties the beginning of Sep­ First Prize for Best 21st birthday which was at­ give a concert Friday evening at To*the Luting Tunes of tended by 21 of his friends. ^ is expected to be presented to the ment In California. tember. Mrs. Pearson and Chria- I.ooking Entry in Show the lawn party at .the Bucking- board. The commission will also tirie have been visiting during the ,ham Congregational church. Look to Gandhi in Crisis propose a change in the zoning past week at the home of her DON MAC AND HIS A mlxup In dates forced Klnp laws regarding the sale of liquors Helge E. Pearson of Lancaster, brother, Henry G. Anderson, of When the final vote waa cast at Russian David LiOdge I.O.O.F. to call off the Kaat Side Pet show, Betty Indians Vote ^ppeal Pennsylvania, form erly o f Man­ 4 Check itrf. C. Arthur Hoaglund has in industrial arsas. Kldridge street. the first degree work scheduled returned to her home on Stephen chester, has accepted a position as B'rown’a dog “ Fluffy" had walked RHYTHM MASTERS F for last Friday evening. It was street after spending three "wWks Rev. Philip M. Rose, pastor of off .with'first prtze, a ping pong announced today that the degree Minister of Music at the First set. for the beat looking pet. DELICIOUS FOODS — MODEST PRICES 1 at the Nyquist-Hoaglund cottage the Buckingham Congregational Presbyterian church of Berkeley, ^eould be worked tomorrow eve­ at WildemerV Beach. Milford. Her church, announces a box picnic fo r Kiiights Act ' Other winner! were Janet Rich­ Steaks Roast Turkey Roast Pork ning and the officers o f the lodge California, it was announced to­ ardson. 87 Oak atreet, a litUa pup­ daughter Lauriqe remained there, Sunday at 5:30, at the Harry May day. He has held a similar post- Half Broilers Delicious Spaghetti Veal Cutlets Onrush of arc requested to be ready to open py for the most unusua!;. Phyllis To Leaders to B ^ k cabin on John Tom Hill, Bucking­ ans; and others at the cottage this On Soldiers’ Dues Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer the meeting at 7:30 o’clock F ri­ week are Mr. and\^lrs. J. Algol ham. followed by a vesper service Keish, 35 Birch street, a smSall day evening. A larger clas.s of Johnson of Edgerton\ street. Mrs. at The usual Sunday morn­ kitten, for the best behaved; Janet 30 Oak Street TeL 3894 candidates will take the degree at ing worship hour will be held at Linnell, 73 Oak street, a dog, for Carl Andersdn, .Mr. and >Irs.. Rus­ . A summons meeting of Camp- this time. sell Anderson, Mrs. Seims Olson 11 a. m.. Sunday. A lawn party is the largest animal, and Jean Mc­ of Stone street and .Miss Mary •scheduled for Friday evening at 8 beU Council, K. of C., will be held Carthy. 44 Florence atreet, a small Depaand for LibeHy Rev. Dr. Woodruff and Mrs. painted turtle for th* smallest pet. Move Near Oil Fields Sullivan of Center street. o'clock at the church, with music in the clubhouse Monday evening Woodniff left yesterday for .the;r hy the Salvation Arm y Band of of next week at 8 o’clock. This Other conteatanta were Patricia sommer home at Silver Lake, Manchester. lee cream, cake, and IS the first meeting of this kind Orr, Maple street, a yellosy-'cat; Madison. N. H. Their daughters. Private Robert C. Clauj,hsey> i-lher form.* of refreshment will be held under the new board of offi­ Wanda Pagan!, Spruce atEeet, a German Troops and Ru-' Infantry Is Crushed b) Mist Jean and Miss betty Wood­ son of Mrs. Jane L. Claughsey, of brown dog; Jana Denhup, 39 Cot­ Agree to Send Plea td 12 Bralnard Place, has completed oirisale. cers and all members were today Nazi Agents’ — Allies \ r e t s ruff, are also at the cottage. notified of the meeting. Action tage atreet. a fox terrier, and Joe Cash Grants maman _____ Hundreds of Treads a 14 weeks course in radio opera­ Baxter; 142 Spruce street a Jump­ Roosevelt, Chiang Kai* tion in the Armored Force School The'Washington Social club, will is to be taken on the question of Royal Black Preceptorj' No. 13 hold its knnual outing a t the Man­ ing cat. ^ At forced Marches to FlvinS Bout Of Steel War.Wagoni communications department at pa3rment of the insurance dues of Shek and Maisky on To Students Trial Review will meet tonight at 7:30 in chester RoX and Gun club in Cov­ the members who are in the serv­ Point Within 30 O Fort Knox, Kentucky.^ He will n •tJ* T I- ' Reds Hold Nazisi .Orange hall. now be returned to his original entry on Satu.rday, August . 22. ice. Two different plans ar* to Immediate Independ­ Osano will cater. Clam chowder Miles of Maikop; Ax* unit to carry on comniinications be considered and they are also ence; Messages to Be Under Study Not Finished HUllaing Job Along Whole StalinJ in the Army's new lightning-fast will be. served at\:30 and a chick­ subject to revision at the meet­ en dinner will be served at 5:30. USfiD TIRES AND TUBES is Forces Approach*! —---- grad Front; Only in| TAXX. CEDARS armored divisions. He entered the ing. The notice says that the Sent as Soon as Res- oervlce in January, 1941. David Dickaon is chairman of tb3 house committee will arrange for AH Sizes committee In charge. Ticket sales Passive Proposal for *Democrat- ing Krasnodar and Order for 100 Will Be Critical Belaya Glint a lunch to be served following the olution on Roosevelt Uncertain as •j B I N 6 O close Augu.st 20. A baseball game meeting. ,'' VICTORY TIRE CO. Storm Timashevskaya. Placed by Navy Soon Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds and Passed. ization* of CoUeg'es To Whether He Will Sector Sag Reported.! between teams represenUng,^olt's 248 No. Main S t Phono 2-0446 Resistance Is K ey man in the crisis in India, where important political ele-.^ TOMOF^W NIGHT Mrs. Reynolds who kre spending employees and United Alrtiraft menta are demanding immediate and unqualified independence as the the week in Burnham, Maine, are ^^ployees will be a feature. Tht>c- To Assure Supply Complete Study of Berlin ( f I ^ G e r m_a Approves price of co-operation with the United Nations in the fight agatnat Moscow, Aug. 7.- expected back in town on Satujv" sten “ Goose" Larson heads the forx ,. 'AUCE CO FRAN Bombay, Aug. 7.— (A*)— ORANCk HALL O f Officer Material. ^Testimony Today. the Axis, la Mohanda.<i K. Gandhi. (left) shown in a recent photo with' Broadcasts), Aug. 7,— (/P)— Construction Plans. Hurling it.s own huge tanks day. mer team and Thomas J: Smith '-'(Known Aa (^oeen Alice) The Working Committee of Louia Fischer. American author, at Gandhi’s home. The German high command the other. Thomas W ray will be SPIRITUAJL MEDIUM the All-India Congress party against the mechanized N i the umpire. Seveatb Danghter of a Seventh Son Washington, AUg. 7—(ff)—Ed­ Washington, Aug, 7—(C)—Pres­ said today that its troops and Washington. Aug. 7— (jhalr- onrush, the Red Army check*{ Bqm With a VeU. voted today to appeal to Auio Ganerator Starlet ucation sources diacloaed today a ident Roosevelt told a press con­ their Rumanian Allies had man Donald M. Nelson said l^ la y ed the Germans today alonn Registration blanks for the liit- Helge E. Pearson Readlnga Dally, laciading Soaday, President Roosevelt, General­ special committee of the War ference today he had not yet fin­ pushed at forced marches the W PB had approved construc­ the whole Stalingrad front ir I ing of rooms in hotels and room- 9 A.
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