Archdiocesan Committee Completes Revision of Curriculum for Parochial Students Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Content* Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951—Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue, New Study Course for Grade Schools The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, superintendent of schools aids to the teacher (such as partially developed units), text Washington, D. C., ^ d implemented in the Southeastern for the Denver archdiocese, announces that the Arch­ materials, visual aids, reading lists, and all other educational Curriculum committee, Atknta, Ga., have been integrated diocesan Course of Study Committee, comprised of repre­ activities to be used in striving to accomplish minimum in the basic pattern of the new course guide. sentatives of the various religious communities teaching grade-level achievement. The eight separate volumes are The course also suggests subject time allotments. DENVER CATHOLIC in the elementary schools of the Archdiocese of Denver, "wire-o” bound with Tuscan-stock cover. Each volume grade placernents, typical teaching-day programs, testing has completed and published a revised course of study averages 132 content pages. materials,' ' andnd suggested. procedures.. _The course meets all for tentative use in the parochial elementary schools of The present revision marks the fourth modification state requirements and national teaching norms. the Archdiocese of Denver, Diocese of Pueblo, and Diocese of the Archdiocesan Course of Study since its inception in A letter from Archbishop Urban J. Vehr recommends of Cheyenne. 1912. The course has been expanded to include new study the new course of studies as follows: The project marks the culmination of two years of units in the areas of history, geography, and citizenship, Reverend Dear Father and Beloved Sister: REGISTER study and research into grade school curricula in use in with............................................................ particular application to the home regions of■ Colorad■ ■ ido "After considerable study and consultation with many leading diocesan school systems throughout the country. and Wyoming. The newly developed principles of Chris­ committees of religious sisters teaching in the schools of Eight separate publications— one complete course of study tian social living as advocated’ by the Commission on the Archdiocese of Denver, this tentative course of study VOL. XLVI. No. 52. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO for each grade— present the aim, subject-matter, specific American Citizenship, Catholic University of America, for our parochial schools is submitted for your information and ^ idance. This course of study is tentative in the sense that it is vitally dynamic and subject to modification, correction, and im­ provement from the mature teach­ ing experience of the various sis­ Rev. James Moynihan Pastor of Swansea Parish terhoods who labor in ih e pa­ rochial schools of this area. Your informed guidance and suggestive helps are solicited and always wel­ Nun Paints Panels for All Saints'Church comed by the committee for its Chaplain, Three Assistants Also Named further improvement. “This tentative course of study + + The Rev. James F. Moynihan of Annunciation parish, + + IS, however, a guide to minimum widely known young Denver priest, has been named first academic attainments in the var­ ious grades of our parochial pastor of the new Parish of Our Lady of Grace in the Swan­ schools. You are, therefore, urged sea district of the capital city. The appointment^ was an­ to use the various texts suggested nounced this week by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in fuffill- in this outline of study. Kindly ment of the promise made to the parishioners on the oc­ assist your Committee of Religious Teachers to enlarge and enrich casion of the dedication of the church on June 11. these curricula, from the vast ex­ Other clergy appointments given by the Archbishop at perience of your mature teaching this- time include the naming of C ippD inJtm sLnlL background. Your committee de­ the Rev. Leonard A. Redelberger, acquired for the parish three years serves great credit for its splendid who has been assistant for seven before, bounded by East 48th and PASTOR work. years in St. ’ Anthony’s parish. East 49th avenues and by Colum­ Rev. James Moynihan, Our Lady of “We labor for God and the salva­ Sterling, to the chaplaincy of St. bine street and Thompson court. Grace church, Denver tion of immortal souls. We believe Joseph’s convent, the mother- The new $75,000 church, seating CHAPLAIN in God and His Church. We work house of the Franciscan Sisters in 330 persons, was completed and incessantly to teach CJirist and Denver. Rev. Leonard Redelberger, St. Jo­ Him crucified and His virtues as dedicated this June. The church seph’s convent, Denver Three Assistants Named is complete with a large hall in the religious ideal and inspiration in the formative years of our pu­ Three Denver priests are given the basement for parish meetings ASSISTANT PARISH PRIESTS and living quarters for a priest at pils. We hold to the definite moral new assignments as assistants. Rev. Walter R. Jaeger, Presentation code of the Ten Commandments the rear of the church. The parish church, Denver under divine revelation. There is Succeeding Father Redelberger in has sufficient land to care for Rev. James Ahern, Annunciation the Sterling parish will be the Rev. no alternative for the building of future expansion purposes includ­ church, Denver Christian character and for man’s James Kane, ordained in June, ing the possible erection of a who has been stationed tempo­ Rev. James Kane, St. Anthony’s spiritual and temporal welfare. school. Latest figures indicate that church. Sterling “May the good Lord continue to rarily in St. Vincent de Paul’s par­ there are about 300 Catholic fam­ ish. Replacing Father Moynihan as bless our efforts in preparing our ilies in the parish. All effective Sept. I. children for citizenship- here and in Rev. Jame> F. Moynihan assistant at Annunciation parish Father Moynihan will be in­ * URBAl’f J. VEHR will be the Rev. James L. Ahern, the kingdom of heaven.” debted to( Monsignor Hagus, to Archbishop of Denver who has been assistant in Presen­ whom he has been an assistant for tation parish, Denver, since his + + + ordination in June, 1950. The Rev. seven and a half years, since it was his able direction that in­ Fr. Redelberger Field Mast Aug. 19 Walter R. Jaeger is named to the augurated the new parish and su­ Presentation parish’af<er serving In Convalescing as assistant chaplain at Loretto pervised the building of the At Home for Boys Heights college. All appointments church. Father Redelberger, who will be­ become effective Sept. 1. Named 'Man of Year' come chaplain of St. Joseph’s con­ vent, is at present recovering from The annual outdoor Mass ‘Our Lady of Grace parish will Probably no young priest in of the La Salle auxiliary, par­ a serious operation undergone in ADDING STRIKING BEAUTY to the hoe coupties was dedicated by Archbishop Urban J be no stranger to Father Moynihan Denver is better known than Fa­ July at the Mayo clinic in Roches­ ents’ club of the Christian for the priests of the Annunci­ ther Moynihan—Father Jim, as he ter, N. Y. His condition is suf­ sanctuary of All Saints’ church, 2537 S. Vehr on Aug. 13. More than 100 clergymen were ation parish have been caring for Brothers, -will be celebrated is known to so many—for his work ficiently improved for him to" Federal boulevard, Denver, are the two six-foot present. The parish, although it is -without a resi­ Sunday, Aug. 19, at the grotto it since it was established in 1947. with boys of the East Denver and undertake the limited duties that long panels hanging over the side altars. The dent pastor, boasts 500 families with more than Under the direction of the Rt. Rev. downtown sections. He has mer­ will be required at the Franciscan paintings were made by Sister Norbert of the Loretto 700 children. The Rev. Edward Leyden, archdiocesan of Lourdes on the grounds of the Monsignor Charles Hagus, Annun­ ited the Junior Chamber of Com­ Heights college department of art. She also designed superintendent of schools, and the Rev. Walter R, J. K. Mullen Home for Boys at Fort mother-house as chaplain and as Logan. Mass time will be 8:30. ciation pastor, Masses have been merce title "Man of the Year,” teacher of some courses for the a mystical rose symbol for the main altar. The new Jaeger have been caring for the parish.—(Register offered every Sunday in the par­ and his smiling face can usually be novices and postulants there. He church to serve residents in both Denver and Arapa- photo by Smyth) Immediately following the cele­ ish since May, 1947, first in the bration of the Holy Sacrifice, a found in groups interested in succeeds the Rev. Richard Hiester, + + + + + 4" Johnson Community center, and helping the underprivileged. His who returned to the air force as breakfast will be served under the then in the new church. The Swan­ interest in sports is not limited to a chaplain in June. The Rev. towering cottonwood trees of Mul. sea parish was taken from terri­ the Junior Parochial leagpie of Arthur G. Dresen of St. Vincent Parish Has 500 Families, 700 Children len home. Members of the auxil­ tory in the northeast section of which he has served as president de Paul’s has been caring for the iary, their families and friends will Denver formerly included in the and in other capacities but ex­ convent this summer. be guests at this breakfast, and at Annunciation parish. tends to such “extracurricular Father Redelberger, a native of the all-day picnic to follow.
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