PWSieiE •J 300K B'UDERy' SPRIKGPORT, UICIUCau 49284 Tlie Grand Valley Ledger Volume 9, Issue 24 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 May 1. 1985 Rosie's" makes way for 7-11 A Lowell landmark was leveled by the heavy equipment of O.E. Bieri & Sons Construc- tion last Wednesday The Rosie- BSI Drive Inn was razed to make way for a new 7-11 convenience store. The property was recently sold to Garb-Ko, Inc., the area's franchise representative for 7- 11. Construction is expected to DID YOU KNOW? begin soon. The former car dealership was There arc 40 Jr. and Sr. High School students working jobs as converted into a restaurant by ^ part of the Co-Operalive Education program in Lowell and 90 Jr. Mac and Rosie Fonger in 1967. ^ and Sr. students taking courses at the Kent Skill Center? The Kent Rosie operated it for fourteen County Skill Center staff considers LHS students as some of the years until she sold it in 1981. most well-behaved and courteous students they have. The restaurant was then named Our teaching staff at the high school has earned 25 Masters De- J.R. s Family Restaurant and grees, 22 Bachelor Degrees with 2 members currently working to- later named the "In" Place when ward Specialists or Doctorates? it was re-sold in 1983. The Lowell Sr. High School has a very active Student Teen group, called Teens Involved**, concerned with substance abuse awareness and prevention among their peers? I At right: A large shovel and t This information has been supplied by the Lowell Citizens for other heavy equipment oper- Education. ated by O.E. Bieri & Sons made short work of what was # BOOSTERS TO MEET once the Rosie Drive-Inn. The Lowell Area Schools Athletic Boosters will meet Monday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the K-Quad of the Lowell High School. Any- Donate to program for 6th graders one interested in promoting athletics in the schools should plan to at- tend. Lowell Superintendent of Schools Fritz Esch describes it 4 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND PLANNERS TO MEET as, "an excellent example of ser- vice groups and the school dis- •U Those working on the upcoming WCUZ/Budweiser Showboat trict working together to provide Benefit will meet Wednesday, May I at 7:00 p.m. in the Lowell a positive growth experience for ^ City Hall. The weekend festivities will begin Friday evening. May our youngsters through the train- 24 with old fashioned riverboats gambling on the Lowell Showboat. ing of our teachers." What Esch Saturday*s events will include Showboat rides, air band competi- is referring to is a "Skills for tion, softball tournament and a country-western show at the Show- Adolescence" program for Low- boat Amphitheatre featuring Steve Wariner. Anyone wishing to ell sixth graders that is being help should plan to attend. funded by donations from sev- eral civic groups. The project is THEATER RE-OPENS being spearheaded locally by "{j Dave Potter of the Lowell Lions The Strand Theater will re-open for the summer beginning this Club and Jim Kyburz of the Alto weekend. The Strand will kick off the summer season with the Walt Lions Club. Disney classic, "Pinocchio". There will be one show each evening Skills for Adolescence helps \' at 8:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 3 through S. All young people learn how to deal I! w seats are just $2.00. with the challenges of our com- plex society by offering positive MEMORIAL DAY PARADE growth experiences and teaching specific coping skills. The pro- gram places a special emphasis Units wishing to take part in the annual Memorial Day Parade on preventing drug and alcohol Lowell Lions Club Chairman for the "Skills For Adolescence" program presents Lowell School should contact John Stinson at 897-7318 prior to May 24. This abuse and related problems and Board President Roger Kropf with a check that will be used to train Lowell 6th grade teachers on year's parade is slated for Monday, May 27 at 9:30 a.m. It will pro- fosters skills in responsibility, how to effectively teach their students about dmg and alcohol abuse. ceed from Richard's Park to Oakwood Cemetery pausing at the Rat decision-making, communica- River Bridge to place a floral tribute. tion, self-confidence and goal fourteen), since this is a particu- The donations solicited by year of training will total several setting. larly vulnerable stage of de- Potter and Kyburz will be used to thousand dollars. The project has OFF THE BLOTTER It is based on the premise that velopment and the time when fund a three day training work- been approved by both the Low- the time to address these prob- many forms of negative behavior shop for participating Lowell 6th ell School Curriculum Council Arraigned in 63rd District Court on charges of auto theft and re- lems and keep them from hurting are likely to begin. grade teachers. Cost for the first and the School Board. ceiving and concealing stolen property over $100 were Paul Banks. young people is before they start. 21, of Greenville, Mississippi; Tony Whaley, 19, of Dallas, Texas The program targets the early J (formerly of Lowell) and Bruce Yeiter, 20, of Alto, MI. They were adolescent years (ages ten to S.I.D.S. benefit slated for Sunday charged in connection with an incident which occurred in Dallas, Texas earlier in April. The three allegedly robbed and feloniously Friends and neighbors of John used to help pay funeral ex- triloquist/magician Don Nielsen. assaulted a man, then took his car. All are being held on $50,000 PRECISION & FASHION and Dawn Peterson of 54 Elanda penses and also contribute to the A cash bar will be open and do- cash bond until a pre-trial hearing at a later date. HAIRSTYLING - For both Ct., Lowell are staging a benefit Grand Rapids Area Chapter of nation canisters will be available Issued an appearance ticket Tuesday, April 23, to appear later in men and women. Man's World Sunday, May 5 at the Lowell S.I.D.S. throughout the hall. There will 63rd Distrirf Court for loitering was Benjamin Schrouder, 20, of Hairstyling. Phone 897-8102. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post. The benefit will begin at 4:00 also be a 50/50 raffle in progress. Lowell. The Petersons recently lost a p.m., and there will be live en- Everyone is invited to please Taken to the Kent County Jail Tuesday, April 23, on a criminal Appointments not always child to Sudden Infant Death tertainment until midnight with a come and enjoy the fun and help bench warrant issued by 63rd District Court was Leonard Venne- needed at Vanity Hair Fash- Syndrome. S.I.D.S. The pro- band called "Bobby J." and ven- make this a successful event. man, Jr. ions, Open six days Lowell, ceeds from the benefit will be Involved in a property damage accident April 25, was a 16 year 897-7506. old juvenile who*s car was struck on Amity near Main Street by a car driven by Charles Houseman. 68, of Lowell. The juvenile was ONE SHOW exiting a private drive without yielding right-of-way. EjyQXQBSThe Walt Disney Classic... EACH NIGHT Wade Thompson, 18, of Ada made a left turn off West Street onto AT 8 PM. Main Street Wednesday afternoon, April 24, into the path of a car driven by Marilynn Brown, 50, of Lowell. No injuries were re- ALL SEATS. ported. FRI., SAT. & SUN. PI NOCCHIO Injured in an accident Sunday, April 21, at Avery & Washington ALL SHOWS Street was Sandy Bartlette, 35, of Lowell. She was a passenger in a MAY 3, 4 & 5 Rated "O" 1 continued on bock page $2.00 Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday. May 1, 1985 - Page 3 Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday May 1, 1985 - Page 2 HOT LUNCH MENU Coming Events WEEK OF MAY 6,1985 EVERY SATURDAY Lowell United Methodist Pre- Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at the Fun, games, prizes and din- Program: Helen Schaefer students, K-12th. K-5th stu- Obituaries NIGHT: Teen Dane®, spon- school is taking registration dub building at 11400 Fore- ners. Reservations neces- presenting Time Our. dents must be accompanied sored by Teen's United, at for the 1985/86 school year. man Road. Lowell. sary. Call E.McPherson 897- Hostess: Frances Olin, Judy by an adult. Please come to BURLINGAME - Frances M MONDAY The Ledger's criteria for run- brother. Cornelius (Marguerite) Rapids, Mrs. Lucille Beaupreof the Lowell American Legion Call the Church Office at 7110 Anderson. Alice Compos, the Middle School ning obituary notices is to glean Holwerda; a brother-in-law, Rochester; several nieces and Burlingame, aged 78, of Ada, Tacos w/mcat, checsc and lettuce or burritos, com \ Roller Rink. 10:30 P.M. to 897-5936 for registration in- THE LOWELL AREA ARTS BeaCery Cafetorium and tell us your from the Grand Rapids Press John DeVries, both of Grand nephews. Funeral Mass was cel- passed away Friday. She is sur- bread w/honcy, salad or vegetable, chotce of fruit or KEEN AGERS (Senior Citi- feelings about Lowell obituaries that contain de- Rapids Services will be held ebrated Monday in St. Francis vived by her daughter, Mrs. 12:30 A.M. $1.50 per person. formation. Mon./Wed./Fri. COUNCIL will sponsor a per- pudding, milk CALVARY UNDENOMINA- Schools: the teachers, the ceased persons or relatives of Saturday at 1:30 at the Zaigman Xavier Church. Interment Kenneth (Beverly) Klynstra of Tennis shoes or socks! Ages moming/aftemoon sessions formance by Boarshead: zens)meet Wednesday, May TIONAL CHURCH - will be the deceased from Lowell, Memorial chapel.
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