Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design Original scientific paper UDC 637.3(497.5-191.2)”2014” 637.3(497.4-12)”2014” THE CHEESE CONSUMING CULTURE IN CENTRAL CROATIA AND SOUTHEASTERN SLOVENIA Bojan Matijević1*, Maja Demin1, Tihana Krcivoj1, Jože Podgoršek2, Mojca Kogovšek2, Vesna Maksimovič3, Vitomir Tafra4, Višnja Magdić5 1Karlovac University of Applied Sciences, Trg J. J. Strossmayera 9, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia 2GRM Novo Mesto-Centre of Biotechnology and tourism, Sevno 13, 8000 Novo Mesto, Slovenia 3Development Centre Novo mesto d.o.o., Ljubljanska 26, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia 4University College Nikola Subic Zrinski, Selska cesta 119, 10110 Zagreb, Croatia 5Small Cheese Producers Association of Karlovac County “Korni”, Rakovica 6, 47245 Rakovica, Croatia *e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Cheese represents a group of fermented milk products increase the culture of eating cheese and the promo- which contain different essential substances, particu- tion of local cheese production, especially on small larly high-quality proteins, minerals, calcium and phos- family farms of Central Croatia and Southeastern Slo- phorus, as well as some B-group vitamins, which puts venia. it in the group of food with high nutritional value and makes it the basis of a healthy diet. There are over 50 kinds of cheeses on the market today that vary in ap- Key words: Cheese, Consumers, Consuming culture. pearance, aroma, flavor and texture, and they are pro- duced either industrially or in small family farms, which gives consumers a wide selection. Therefore, the aim of 1. Introduction this study was to investigate the consumer knowledge about cheese in Central Croatia and South eastern Slo- Cheese is defined as the fresh or matured product ob- venia, the way that consumers choose a particular type tained by draining the whey (the moisture or serum of of cheese and the amount of cheese in their daily diet. the original milk) after coagulation of casein. Casein is coagulated by acid produced by selected microorgan- The research instrument used, was a survey that in- isms, by coagulating enzymes, or by adding food-grade cluded 348 interviewees, 161 from Central Croatia and acidulants, resulting in curd formation ([1], and [4]). 186 from Southeastern Slovenia. The existing variety of cheese types is due to the vari- The respondents recognized cheese as nutritionally ety of cheese production methods, developed in par- valuable food (over 87%) and it makes about 24.73% ticular countries and in specific areas of these coun- of their total consumption of dairy products. In Cen- tries, different climate zones and dairy cattle breeds. tral Croatia cheese is consumed several times a week, Relatively small changes in procedures during the pro- mostly as part of breakfast (44.72%). The consumers of duction process result in differences in the produced Southeastern Slovenia also consume cheese several cheese. That is why there are about 2,000 types of times a week, but mostly as a snack (40.86%). In both cheese in the world, according to early claims of Scott regions most respondents buy cheese in large shop- [7]. However, numerous types of cheese are named af- ping centers, and the purchase is carried out on the ba- ter the place of origin, and vary in shape and method sis of sensory properties (approximately 64.60% of re- of equipment, while the basic production technology spondents) and the price (about 68.82 % respondents). and the main characteristics are very similar. Therefore, The Consumers of both regions mostly consume fresh according to a variety of data, between 400 and 1,000 and semi-hard cheese produced out of cow milk. specific cheese types are produced in the world, while Conducted research shows the need for more inten- there are actually only 18 entirely different types ac- sive consumer education about cheese, the need to cording to Robinson, [6]. 33 Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design The nutritional and health value of cheeses depends According to FAO data, production of milk and cheese on the quality and type of milk out of which cheese has a record of constant growth over the last 10 - 15 is produced, and on the type of cheese itself. Cheese, years, so an average of about 16 million tons is pro- as well as milk, contains proteins, milk fat, carbohy- duced on a global scale, and in Europe approximately drates, vitamins and minerals. In fact, cheese is protein 8 million tons of cheese per annum. Germany is un- concentrate. Today it is believed that the higher pro- doubtedly Europe’s largest producer of cheese with av- tein and lower fat content a cheese has, the higher its erage annual production exceeding 2 million tons, but nutritional benefits. A daily consumption of 50 to 100 it is closely followed by France, while Italy ranks third grams of cheese is considered to be a desirable nutri- [2]. In comparison, the annual production of cheese in tional standard. An intake of 100 g of fresh cheese can Croatia (about 30 thousand tons) and Slovenia (about provide 30 to 40% of proteins daily required in diet of 20 thousand tons) is at the bottom of the scale of Eu- an adult person, and an intake of 100 g of hard cheese ropean Union member states. Cheeses in Croatia and can provide about 40 to 50% (Tunick, [10]). Slovenia are mostly produced in large industrial dairy plants and both countries are mainly importers of More mature cheeses are much easier to digest com- cheese. The leading dairy plants in Croatia are Dukat pared to less mature ones. Cheese ripening partially (holding about 32% of the market) and Vindija (about breaks down the basic cheese components (proteins, 12% of the market). In Slovenia, the leading produc- fats and lactose) to a greater or lesser extent. In most er of cheese is Ljubljanske Mlekarne that holds about cheeses, about one third of proteins are broken down 33% of the market. However, both regions process milk during ripening, depending on the cheese ripening also on small family farms and it is precisely this pro- period. The longer the cheese ripening, the greater the duction that represents a real treasure of traditional decomposition (of not only proteins) will be. Thus, in dairy products. Tradition is a factor in the development very hard mature cheeses, lactose (milk sugar) is com- of production of exclusive dairy products, where Croa- pletely decomposed. In cheeses with noble molds, tia and Slovenia have a great potential that is underuti- decomposition of basic components of cheese is very lized. It is commonly believed in expert circles that intensive. The reason for that is a very powerful molds about thirty traditional cheeses are produced in Croa- proteolytic and lipolytic system. In cheeses with blue tia, of which the most important are: Pag cheese, Tounj noble molds (Roqufort, Gorgonzola), up to 50% of pro- cheese, Preveli (Prevehli) cheese, Krk cheese, Skripavac teins are decomposed, and in cheeses with white molds cheese, Istrian cheese, fresh cheese and Turos cheese. (Camembert, Brie) even up to 90% of proteins can be On the other side, cheeses whose popularity crosses decomposed. Considering also the intense lipolysis, the borders of Slovenia are Bohinj cheese and Tolmin the digestibility of these cheeses increases significantly cheese [5]. during ripening, and a more intense taste and smell are developed at the same time ([9], and [10]). Croatia and Slovenia take various measures intend- ed to stimulate cheese sale, and especially traditional In addition to the nutritional value of cheese, it is also cheeses. Among the more important measures carried necessary to stress the specific health value of cheese out in Croatia and Slovenia in order to achieve sustain- that is manifested in protecting and reducing the risk of able development of the traditional cheeses produc- dental caries. That is probably due to high calcium and tion are to educate producers, experts and consumers phosphorus contents in cheese that influences the de- and to constantly adapt legislation to the processing mineralization process; then increased salivation when and market needs. An important measure that pro- eating cheese (especially when chewing hard cheese) motes traditional cheeses, and thereby those who pro- so cheese acts as a buffer which increases the pH in the duce these cheeses, is selling exhibitions accompanied mouth, which is also facilitated by the buffering prop- by media, because producers of traditional cheeses are erties of casein and partially peptides. A specific val- not able to finance their own promotion. Sensory eval- ue of cheese is also in its protective effect of reducing uation of cheeses is also a way to encourage producers the risk of some carcinomas. Namely, some tests have to manufacture as high-quality traditional cheeses as shown that continuous consumption of cheese reduces possible. Cheese evaluations place cheese makers into the risk of breast cancer. Reducing the risk of digestive competitive conditions, thereby encouraging them in system carcinoma is attributed by some to the effect of production of the best possible quality cheeses as well calcium, but it could also be attributed to the effect of as in innovation. nitrites derived from nitrates that are added sometimes in the production of certain cheeses. In any case, these Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the assumptions have yet to be proved. Nevertheless, it is consumer knowledge about cheese in Central Croatia quite certain that cheese is an important source of sub- and Southeastern Slovenia, the way that consumers stantial amounts of proteins and essential amino acids, choose a particular type of cheese and the amount of important amounts of riboflavin and vitamin A, and can cheese in their daily diet. be the richest source of calcium and even phosphorus.
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