Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Other Sheep Church of the Nazarene 10-1-1951 The Other Sheep Volume 38 Number 10 Remiss Rehfeldt (Editor) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_os Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Rehfeldt (Editor), Remiss, "The Other Sheep Volume 38 Number 10" (1951). Other Sheep. 38. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_os/38 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Other Sheep by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Other Sheep OCTOBER 1951 —“For their rock is not as our Rock . (Deut. 32:31) 'JpHis picture shows our Indian worker, Rev. Decker Yazzie, a full­ blood Navajo who is stationed at Low Mountain in northern Ari­ zona. The rock is supposed to be the image of a giant who lived long ago. Since they believe certain death will come to them before the day is over to punish them for going near it, the Navajos fear the awesome stone. Brother Yazzie tried to convince the people of the folly of believ- irig this old story and climbed on the rock. The day passed and nothing happened. The Indians were greatly puzzled. Then an old, wise man found the answer. He said, “The Chindee [the evil spirit | fears this man of God and he has no power over him." But he continued, “If I or someone else had done this, we would have died that same day.” Yes, this happened in the United States of America, not in a heathen land far away. Our poor, darkened Indian people need the message of our Lord. He saves from the power of the evil one. Thank God for the many who are finding Him. There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God (I Samuel 2: 2). OTHER S/^I And other sheep J have, which are not of this fold: them, also I must bring (John 10:16), A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE FOREIGN MISSIONARY INTERESTS OF THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE REMISS REHFELDT. D.D., EDITOR;. C. WARREN JONES, D.D.. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR; MIRIAM PARK, OFFICE EDITOR Volume 38 October, 1951 Number 10 Far Horizons NOTHING is God loving a part of the world with a partial more heart­ love and making a partial gift of a partial Saviour ening than to see that a part of humanity might have a partial sal­ a Christian who vation!” has breadth of Such was not God’s plan, not Christ’s program. vision. Such a The “world” is included, and “whosoever” in­ person scans the cludes all men. The task has been left with horizons of life the Church. and concludes that the church Is our view limited? Do we have a narrow with its distant horizon? Are we interested only in our per­ goal of the Eter­ sonal affairs? Is there a “slump” in faith? nal City and the Have we lost in intensity? God forbid! Our fadeless crown faith is strong! Our program is extensive! Our offers more than gospel is powerful! We will make haste to an ordinary op­ carry to all men the news of salvation! portunity. With a vision of God’s desire for man, can we Why did Adoniram Judson and his devoted be content to lay up “treasures upon earth, where wife suffer physically, mentally, and spiritually moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves in Burma? They saw their children die with break through and steal”? The earthly house plague. They were persecuted and imprisoned. of our tabernacle will dissolve. What profit shall Were they not gazing on a far horizon? there be if we should gain the whole world and lose our souls? Ever keep the vision of the Alone and in prison the Apostle Paul thought distant horizon to safeguard your own soul. In­ not of surrender but of world conquest. Believ­ clude the salvation of men in your thoughts and ing that Christ was sufficient for all the world’s activities. desperate ills, he felt the urgency of his task and, in prison or out, kept the faith. It was the The angels from their thrones on high glow on a distant horizon which sustained him. Look down on us, with wondering eye, God the Father, in sending His only begotten That where we are but passing guests Son, had ever before Him a far horizon. The We build such strong and solid nests. verse which has been called the golden text of And where we hope to stay for aye— the Bible. John 3:16, clearly indicates the breadth We scarce take pains one stone to lay. of His purpose. The Master admonished, “Lay up for your­ Someone has suggested that taking missions selves treasures in heaven.” From every nation, from this verse would require the omission of kindred, people, and tongue will be gathered a the words “world” and “whosoever.” What have great multitude which no man can number. you left when this is done? “Only a partial This is our far horizon. Published monthly by the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene, 2923 Troost Ave., Box 527, Kansas City 10, Mo. Printed in U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter, July 29, 1913, at the post office at Kansas City, Mo., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 19, 1918. Subscription price, mailed singly, 35c a year in advance; ten or more copies to one address, 25c a year for each copy. Prayer Looking Forward Requests ould it not be wonderful to see the General W Board place forty to fifty new workers under appointment for missionary work at the meeting next January? Could anything be more challenging than to increase substantially the amount of money being sent to the mission fields for necessary equip­ ment to carry on the work? This fiscal year the Pray Let us pray for the safe journeying of our foreign field budgets were increased $100,000 outgoing and furloughing missionaries. above the previous year. Should we not en­ deavor to take another “step” forward? Will the Pray Mrs. Bessie Beals is recovering from a General Board be able to grant a budget of severe attack of typhoid fever in India $1,070,000? New Bible schools are desperately needed. Pray Continue to pray for Miss Louise Long in Will the necessary appropriations be made for Africa. She has had several heart attacks these training centers? Would you like to see and needs your prayers. more national preachers prepared for the task of reaching their own people? Pray Persecution is very strong in South and There is no doubt a unanimous “Yes” to all Central America. We need to pray that of these questions. However, more is required God will protect the very lives of our mis ­ than a favorable vote. The General Board can sionaries and nationals. spend only what is received. A substantial gift in the Thanksgiving Offer­ In July the Douglasses in Peru moved in­ ing on November 18 from every member of the Pray land to Yuma Yakat and, while they were church would guarantee the above goals. For journeying, their pack animals ran away such a cause why should there not be $1,000 and and they lost their supplies. You may $500 contributions from those who are able, and recall that only a short time ago their yacht $100 amounts from those who are working regu­ exploded and destroyed all their posses­ larly? Christ waits for His Church to respond sions. Let us pray that God will sustain adequately, and the world calls for saving truth. them in these hours of trial. When the day arrives—November 18—to present your gift, look forward: Pray Mrs. Harold Hampton’s father is very ill, She returned a few weeks earlier than 1. To the January General Board meeting her scheduled furlough to minister to him. where budgets are set on the basis of in­ She needs prayer for physical strength and come; encouragement in these hours. 2. To sending many new missionary recruits to needy areas of the world; Pray Robert Jackson in Africa is suffering from an arthritic condition in his legs and will 3. To placing in the hands of our consecrated need to be furloughed after the African workers the means for promoting their work Council meeting. efficiently; Pray Mrs. Wesley Meek, who has been suffering 4. To the establishing of new stations. Bible ' for some time with poor health, needs our schools, preaching places, schools, and dis­ prayers. pensaries. Pray It is important in order to maintain a pro- The General Board is ready for an advance. gressive world evangelism program that every member of the church realize his YOUR GIFTS DETERMINE THE EXTENT. responsibility in connection with the thank offering for missions to be received on No­ GIVE GENEROUSLY ON NOVEMBER 18. vember 18. 2 The Other Sheep A Bunglesome Method By C. Warren Jones, D.D. Several years ago Dr. J. B. Chapman said, He started off, and with a quick motion of the “This preaching of the gospel through an hand bade us follow him.
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