Addendum A: Antiparasitic Drugs Used for Animals Each product can only be used according to dosages and descriptions given on the leaflet within each package. Table A.1 Selection of drugs against protozoan diseases of dogs and cats (these compounds are not approved in all countries but are often available by import) Dosage (mg/kg Parasites Active compound body weight) Application Isospora species Toltrazuril D: 10.00 1Â per day for 4–5 d; p.o. Toxoplasma gondii Clindamycin D: 12.5 Every 12 h for 2–4 (acute infection) C: 12.5–25 weeks; o. Every 12 h for 2–4 weeks; o. Neospora Clindamycin D: 12.5 2Â per d for 4–8 sp. (systemic + Sulfadiazine/ weeks; o. infection) Trimethoprim Giardia species Fenbendazol D/C: 50.0 1Â per day for 3–5 days; o. Babesia species Imidocarb D: 3–6 Possibly repeat after 12–24 h; s.c. Leishmania species Allopurinol D: 20.0 1Â per day for months up to years; o. Hepatozoon species Imidocarb (I) D: 5.0 (I) + 5.0 (I) 2Â in intervals of + Doxycycline (D) (D) 2 weeks; s.c. plus (D) 2Â per day on 7 days; o. C cat, D dog, d day, kg kilogram, mg milligram, o. orally, s.c. subcutaneously Table A.2 Selection of drugs against nematodes of dogs and cats (unfortunately not effective against a broad spectrum of parasites) Active compounds Trade names Dosage (mg/kg body weight) Application ® Fenbendazole Panacur D: 50.0 for 3 d o. C: 50.0 for 3 d Flubendazole Flubenol® D: 22.0 for 3 d o. C: 22.0 for 3 d (continued) # Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 663 H. Mehlhorn, Animal Parasites, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-46403-9 664 Addendum A: Antiparasitic Drugs Used for Animals Table A.2 (continued) Active compounds Trade names Dosage (mg/kg body weight) Application Mebendazole Telmin® KH D/C:2Â/d 50–100 mg/5 d o. Selamectin Stronghold® D/C: 6.0 Spot on Epsiprantel Cestex® D: 5.5 o. C: 2.75 Nitroscanate Lopatol®, Excanat® D: 50.0 o. Pyrantelpamoate Banminth® D: 5.0 o. C: 20.0 Pyrantel + Febantel Welpan® D: 5.0 (B) + 15.0 o. Nitroscanate Lopatol® C: 50.0 o. B base, C cat, D dog, d day, kg kilogram, mg milligram, o. orally Table A.3 Combination drugs against cestodes and nematodes of dogs and cats (selection) Dosage (mg/kg body Active compound Trade name weight) Application ® Fenbendazole (F) Caniquantel D/C: 50.0 (F) for 2–3 d + 5.0 o. + Praziquantel (P) Plus (P) ® Fenbantel + Praziquantel Drontal D: 15.0 + 5.0 + 5.0 o. pyrantelembonate Plus Pyrantelembonate Drontal® C: 20.0 + 5.0 o. + Praziquantel Pyrantelembonate + Oxantel Plerion® D: 25–50 (P), 100–200 (O), Chewable + Praziquantel 25–50 (PR) tablet Moxidectin + Imidacloprid (not Advocate® D: 2.5 + 10.0 Spot on against TW) C: 1.0 + 10.0 Emodepside + Praziquantel Profender® D: 10.0 + 50.0 D: o. C: 3.0 + 12.0 C: Spot on Milbemyxinoxim Milbemax® D/C: 0.5 + 5.0 o. + Praziquantel C cat, D dog, d day, kg kilogram, mg milligram, o. orally, TW tapeworms Table A.4 Antiparasitics acting against ectoparasites of dogs and cats (selection) Dosage/host Active (mg/kg body compound Trade name weight) Application Target group ® Fipronil Frontline D/C: 6.7 Spot-on Ticks, fleas, lice, Fipronil Frontline D/C:K:5+6 Cheyletiella mites + Methopren Combo® Imidacloprid Advantix® D: 10 + 50 Spot-on Ticks, fleas, sand + Permethrin flies, mosquitoes, lice Metaflumizon ProMeris D: 20 + 20 Spot-on Ticks, fleas + Amitraz Duo® Permethrin Exspot® D: 50 Spot-on Ticks, fleas, sand flies (continued) Addendum A: Antiparasitic Drugs Used for Animals 665 Table A.4 (continued) Dosage/host Active (mg/kg body compound Trade name weight) Application Target group Pyriprol Prac-tic® D: 12.5 Spot-on Ticks ® Selamectin Stronghold D/C: 6.0 Spot-on Fleas, sarcoptic mites ® Imidacloprid Advocate D: 10 + 2.5 Spot-on Sarcoptes, Demodex, + Moxidectin C: 10 + 1.0 Otodectes mites, lice, fleas Metaflumizon ProMeris® C: 40 Spot-on Fleas Imidacloprid Advantage® D/C: 10 Spot-on Fleas ® Permethrin Duowin D: 94 + 1 Spray Ticks + Pyriproxyfen Lufenuron Program® D:10 o. Fleas C:10 s.c. Nitenpyram Capstar® D/C: 1 o. Fleas ® Deltamethrin Scalibor D: neclace Neclace Fleas, sand flies, ticks Flumethrin Kiltix® D: neclace Neclace Fleas, ticks + Propoxur Imidacloprid Serestro® C: neclace Neclace Fleas + Flumethrin Margosa Vermin D/C: Washing: Single Ticks, mites, fleas, extract shampoo 50 ml shampoo washing lice, mallophages Wash Away® for small animals ® Margosa MiteStop D/C: dilute Dip into the Ticks, mites, fleas, extract Dog/cat extract 1:40 with diluted extract mallophages, tap water or wet the fur especially autumn mites Amitraz Ectodex® D: 0.05 % Bath every 7 d Skin mites Fenthion Tiguvon® C: 100 mg/ml Pour-on Fleas C cat, d dog, kg kilogram, mg milligram, o. orally, s.c. subcutaneously Table A.5 Anthelmintics of cattle for oral or pour-on application (selection) Active Trade Dosage (mg/kg Waiting time/days compound name body weight) Application (Germany) (Pro)Benzimidazole Febantel Rintal® 7.5 o. DA ¼ 2d;E¼ 14 d Fenbendazole Panacur® 7.5 o. DA ¼ 6d;E¼ 7d Albendazole Valbazen® 7.5 o. DA ¼ 5d;E¼ 28 d Neotobimin Hepadex® 7.5 o. DA ¼ 5; E ¼ 10 Oxfendazole Systamex® 4.5 o. DA ¼ 5; E ¼ 10 Macrocyclic lactones Doramectin Dectomax® 0.2 (0.5) s.c. (pour-on) NL: 50 (35) d Eprinomectin Eprinex® 0.5 Pour-on DA ¼ 0d;E¼ 30 d Ivermectin Ivomec® 0.2 (0.5) s.c. (pour-on) NL; E ¼ 28 (continued) 666 Addendum A: Antiparasitic Drugs Used for Animals Table A.5 (continued) Active Trade Dosage (mg/kg Waiting time/days compound name body weight) Application (Germany) Moxidectin Cydectin® 0.2 (0.5) s.c. (pour-on) DA ¼ 0d;E¼ 14 d (pour- on) resp. 65 d (s.c.) Imidazothiazole Levamisole Citarin® 7.5; 0.5; 10 p.o.; i.m.; NL; E ¼ 8 d; 8 d; 22 d pour-on d day, DA dairy animals, E edible tissue, i.m. intramuscularly, kg kilogram, mg milligram, NL not for lactating animals, o. orally, s.c. subcutaneously Table A.6 Anthelmintics for cattle as bolus against gastrointestinal strongylids Active Waiting Duration of compound Trade name Dosage time effect Oxfendazole Systamex Intervall- Every 23 d 1250 mg E ¼ 100 150 d (7.5 g) Bolus forte® each d, NL Fenbendazole Panacur-SR®-Bolus Daily 0.2–0.4 mg/kg E ¼ 100 Up to 140 d (12 g) body weight d, NL Levamisole Chronomintic®-Bolus (a) 2 g at the beginning E ¼ 140 Up to 90 d (18.8 g) (b) then 220 mg/d d, NL d days, E waiting time for edible tissues, g gram, mg milligram, NL not for lactating animals Table A.7 Nematocidal anthelmintics for sheep and goats (selection) Active Dosage (mg/kg Waiting time/days compound Trade name body weight) Application (Germany) (Pro)Benzimidazoles Mebendazole Ovitelmin® 15–20 o. DA ¼ 0d;E¼ 2d Fenbendazole Panacur® 5.0 o. DA ¼ 5d;E¼ 21 d Albendazole Valbazen®, 3.8 o. DA ¼ 5d;E¼ 10– Albazol® 14 d Febantel Rintal® 5.0 o. DA ¼ 2d;E¼ 14 d Netobimin Hepadex® 7.5 o. DA ¼ 5d;E¼ 5d Oxfendazole Systamex® 5.0 o. NL; E ¼ 14 d Macrocyclic lactones Doramectin Dectomax® 0.2 i.m. NL; E ¼ 70 d Ivermectin Ivomec®, 0.2 s.c. NL; E ¼ 42 d Virbamec® Eprinomectin Eprinex® 1.0 Pour-on DA ¼ 0; E ¼ 15 d Moxidectin Cydectin® 0.2 o. DA ¼ 5d;E¼ 14 d Imidazothiazole Levamisole Citarin® 8.0 s.c. NL; E ¼ 14 d Chronomintic® d day, DA dairy animal, E edible tissue, i.m. intramuscularly, kg kilogram, mg milligram, NL not for lactating animals, o. orally, s.c. subcutaneously Addendum A: Antiparasitic Drugs Used for Animals 667 Table A.8 Selection of remedies against ectoparasites of ruminants (check for approval for animal species and efficacy) Active Dosage (mg/kg body Waiting time/ compound Trade name weight) Application days Amitraz Taktic® 0.025 % Spray Spray 4 d Cyfluthrin Bayofly® 0.2 Pour-on 0 d Cyhalothrin Cyhalothrin® 0.2–0.4 Pour-on 0 d Cypermethrin Flectron- Earclip Attachment 0 d Earclip® Deltamethrin Butox® 0.75 Pour-on 18 d; DA ¼ 0d Flumethrin Bayticol® 2.0 Pour-on 5 d; DA ¼ 8d Doramectin Dectomex® 0.2–0.5 Pour-on 35 d; NL Ivermectin Ivomec® 0.2–0.5 Pour-on 28 d; NL Eprinomectin Eprinex® 0.5 Pour-on 15 d; DA ¼ 0d Moxidectin Cydectin® 0.5 Pour-on 14 d; DA ¼ 0d Phoxim Sebacil® Spray Spray 35 d; NL d day, DA dairy animal, kg kilogram, mg milligram, NL not for lactating animals Table A.9 Selection of remedies against ectoparasites of horses Active Trade Dosage (mg/kg body compound name weight) Application Parasite ® Ivermectin Ivomec P , 0.2 Orally Gasterophilus Eraquell® larvae ® Ivermectin Equimax , 0.2 + 1.5 Orally Gasterophilus + Praziquantel Eqvalan® larvae ® Moxidectin Equest 0.4 Orally Gasterophilus larvae Moxidectin Equest 0.4 + 2.5 Orally Gasterophilus + Praziquantel Pramox® larvae Permethrin Wellcare® 4.2 Application Flies, gadflies Emulsion on the fur every 14 d Neem Seed TaonX® Spray until fur is Spray Gadflies, flies, Extract moistened midges, black flies, + Saltidin mosquitoes, ticks, mites Neem Seed MiteStop® Dilution of 100 ml Brush or Ticks, mites, Extract Horse extract in 2 l of H2O sponge mallophages, + Margosa and application on the gadflies, flies, fur with a brush or midges, black flies, sponge mosquitoes d day, kg kilogram, mg milligram 668 Addendum A: Antiparasitic Drugs Used for Animals Table A.10 Anthelmintics for horses against nematodes Dosage (mg/kg Waiting time/ Active compound Trade name body weight) Application days (Germany) (Pro)Benzimidazoles Febantel Rintal® 6.0 Orally E ¼ 20 d; NL Febantel Rintal® Plus + Metrifonate Fenbendazole Panacur®, 10.0 Orally E ¼ 7d;NL Equivermex® Mebendazole Telmin®, 10.0 Orally E ¼ 7d;NL Mebendazole Telmin® Plus + Metrifonat Oxibendazole Equitac® 10.0 Orally E ¼ 8d Macrocyclic lactones Ivermectin Ivomec®, 0.2 Orally E ¼ 21 d; NL Eqvalan®, Equell® Moxidectin Equest® 0.4 Orally E ¼ 32 d; NL Pyrimidine Pyrantelembonate Banminth®, 6.6 Orally E ¼ 1d;NL Strongid-P® d day, E edible tissues, kg kilogram, mg milligram, NL not for lactating animals, o.
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