MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 26 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 VER COM 4:30 KATU News This Morning (N) Good Morning America (N) (cc) 47171 AM Northwest Be a Millionaire The View Phil McGraw; Miranda Live With Regis and Kelly Broad- 2/KATU 2 2 (cc) (Cont’d) 162404 (cc) 43779 36978 Cosgrove. (N) (cc) (TV14) 33978 way Week. (N) (cc) 46442 KOIN Local 6 News 20930 The Early Show (N) (cc) 81539 Let’s Make a Deal (N) (cc) (TVPG) The Price Is Right (N) (cc) (TVG) The Young and the Restless (N) (cc) 6/KOIN 6 6 Early at 6 55201 71249 60046 (TV14) 73510 Newschannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 Today Miranda Cosgrove; Lauren Graham. (N) (cc) 929355 Rachael Ray (cc) (TVG) 75978 8/KGW 8 8 AM (N) (cc) 26201 Power Yoga Between the Lions Curious George Sid the Science Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Elmo watches Slimey Clifford the Big Dragon Tales WordWorld (TVY) Martha Speaks 10/KOPB 10 10 17065 (TVY) 82794 (TVY) 58161 Kid (TVY) 26626 (TVY) 32713 (TVY) 31084 in the car race. (TVY) 26713 Red Dog 73046 (TVY) 11220 26065 (TVY) 27794 Good Day Oregon-6 (N) 79317 Good Day Oregon (N) 21171 The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 11881 The Bonnie Hunt Show (N) (cc) Mid-Day Oregon Paid 12862 12/KPTV 12 12 (TVPG) 17978 (N) 11133 Paid 88133 Paid 15713 Paid 30510 Paid 26317 Through the Bible Christians & Jews Paid 95862 Paid 25591 Paid 69715 Paid 91046 Paid 85751 Paid 35210 22/KPXG 5 5 12539 22210 Changing Your John Hagee Rod Parsley This Is Your Day Kenneth Cope- Northwest Focus Conquerors Bil Cornelius, Life Behind the Andrew Wom- James Robison Marilyn Hickey 24/KNMT 20 20 World 73201 Today 69751 (TVG) 32978 44713 land 72797 22238 80930 27959 Scenes 91133 mack 19442 85779 (cc) 35238 Paid 127626 Paid 82423 Edgemont (cc) Paid 17607 That ’70s Show The King of My Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? The Steve Wilkos Show (N) (cc) 32/KRCW 3 3 (TVPG) 98572 (TV14) 96539 Queens 88510 79862 90161 73775 75046 (TV14) 26355 Andrew Wom- Eye for an Eye Judge Jeanine Pirro (N) (cc) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit MORE Good Day Oregon 46591 Cheaters (cc) Divorce Court (N) Judge Hatchett Street Court 49/KPDX 13 13 mack (N) 60171 (TVPG) 71713 (TVPG) 48046 Philadelphia. (TV14) 49775 (TV14) 62065 (cc) 66794 (TVPG) 62881 (TVPG) 63510 Paid 668733 Paid 559442 Crime 360 Investigating a murder The Sopranos A Hit Is a Hit. (cc) CSI: Miami Death Grip. (cc) (TV14) CSI: Miami The Best Defense. (cc) Cold Case Files Note left on a A&E 52 181 in Richmond, Va. (TV14) 435423 (TVMA) 436152 363341 (TV14) 259930 grave. (cc) (TV14) 279794 Paid 367292 Paid 999046 Paid 647171 Paid 633978 Paid 105510 Paid 104881 Three Stooges 9:45 Force 10 From Navarone ★★ (‘78) Robert Shaw, Harrison Ford. British major and AMC 71 231 8418046 U.S. colonel lead commando raid on bridge. ‘PG’ (cc) (1:58) 28853336 The Most The Most Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary It’s Me or the Dog (cc) (TVG) Animal Cops Philadelphia Bonnie Animal Cops Philadelphia Rescued Cats 101 American shorthair; AP 43 130 Extreme 55881 Extreme 68030 (TVG) 61355 (TVG) 40862 760355 and Clyde. (cc) (TVPG) 31201 Just in Time. (TVPG) 46046 Savannah. (cc) (TVG) 59510 BET Inspiration 570336 The Wendy Williams Show (cc) The Mo’Nique Show (cc) (TV14) The Jamie Foxx The Jamie Foxx The Game (TV14) The Game (TV14) BET 56 270 (TVPG) 982997 181171 Show 654442 Show 283978 481423 482152 Newsroom (N) 501591 Newsroom (N) 181065 Newsroom (N) 216274 CNN 44 100 Paid 6946930 Paid 9532591 Paid 5928084 Paid 5907591 Paid 5505930 Paid 5504201 Married. With RENO 911! (TV14) Daily Show The Colbert Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach COM 60 190 5528881 4222133 9556171 Report 5524065 (‘09) ‘R’ (cc) (1:33) 4354959 Paid 165133 Paid 623572 DuckNews Net Impact Outdoor GPS 975607 Wanted: Adventure Host 174881 Softy 175355 CSN 37 77 386539 (TVG) 365046 Paid 963305 Paid 531046 Paid 289171 James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid 722201 Overhaulin’ Restoring a Chevy Overhaulin’ (cc) (TVG) 264862 Overhaulin’ Wake Up Call. (cc) DISC 7 120 275978 723930 pickup. (cc) (TVG) 963125 (TVG) 284626 Phineas and Ferb Imagination Mov- Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Special Agent Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Imagination Mov- Jungle Junction Chuggington Tigger & Pooh Little Einsteins DISN 41 250 534249 ers 8070881 (TVY) 726133 8934881 Oso 200510 7597404 (TVY) 3579797 ers 2778317 (TVY) 9261978 (TVY) 296317 7782046 (TVY) 837688 Paid 727997 Paid 612591 E! News Entertainment news. Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians The Soup (TV14) Kiss and Tell E! 70 196 (TVPG) 505862 (TV14) 506591 (TV14) 703317 (TV14) 369997 534797 184256 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 360510 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 895881 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 896510 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 462666 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 635336 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 615572 ESPN 35 70 3:00 Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take (Live) (cc) 6124249 ESPN First Take (cc) 3406220 Mike and Mike 1st and 10 (N) ESPN2 36 74 (Live) (cc) (Cont’d) 5416201 7003959 (cc) 7004688 Joyce Meyer The Joni Show Boy Meets World Boy Meets World Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Grounded for Life 700 Club Interac- The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 457510 Gilmore Girls (cc) (TVPG) FAM 39 199 266355 724794 449591 468626 907930 906201 920881 tive 650510 444046 America’s Newsroom (N) 9670881 Happening Now (N) 2111355 America Live (N) 2126881 FNC 48 118 Paid 6955688 Paid 9541249 Paid 5920442 Paid 5916249 Paid 5514688 Paid 5513959 Paid 5537539 Brian Boitano Emeril Live Brisket; musical guest Tyler’s Ultimate Quick Fix Meals FOOD 66 164 Make 4224591 Shawn Colvin. 5905133 5444133 5445862 Paid 60713 Paid 11862 The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score Paid 46572 Paid 60152 Paid 90881 Paid 35442 Paid 66336 Athlete 360 (N) Kid Pitch 56862 FSN 34 76 43959 55794 47201 55133 Paid 4406152 Paid 2105794 Malcolm in the Malcolm in the The One ★ (‘01) Jet Li, Carla Gugino. A renegade leaps through Rules of Engagement ★★ (‘00) Tommy Lee Jones. An old friend FX 53 53 Middle 2459959 Middle 2461794 dimensions to gain enormous power. ‘PG-13’ (1:27) 2193959 defends a Marine accused of killing civilians. ‘R’ (2:08) 1479249 Top 10 53423 Top 10 68012 PGA Tour Golf Nationwide: South Georgia Classic, Final Round. Paid 53862 Paid 83591 Paid 28152 Paid 59046 Top 10 71171 Fabulous World of GOLF 33 304 58881 Golf 764572 Paid 1350881 Paid 8491268 Paid 4837133 Paid 4856268 Paid 4311591 Paid 4310862 Martha-Kitchen Martha-Kitchen From Martha’s From Martha’s Touched by an Angel The Grudge. HALL 18 240 4334442 8147775 Garden 8475220 Home 4330626 (cc) (TVG) 4832688 Paid 5448249 B. Original (TVG) Cash in the Attic New Spaces Big Amazing Big Amazing If Walls Could If Walls Could The Unsellables My First Place Designed to Sell Designed to Sell HGTV 67 165 1196423 4002539 (TVG) 4081046 5468862 5467133 Talk. 5481713 Talk. 8076797 (TVG) 1187775 (TVG) 5487997 8208688 8209317 How the Earth Was Made (Part 2 of The Real West The Final Clash: MonsterQuest Giant Bear Attack. MonsterQuest Legend of the MonsterQuest Mysterious Ape MonsterQuest Piranha Invasion. HIST 50 128 2) (cc) (TVPG) 3602539 Wounded Knee. (TVG) 1817713 (cc) (TVPG) 1818442 Hairy Beast. (TVPG) 1345959 Island. (cc) (TVPG) 4847510 (cc) (TVPG) 4834046 Paid 239201 Paid 737268 Paid 452065 Paid 431572 Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Reba (cc) (TVPG) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Will & Grace Will & Grace LIFE 69 140 (TVPG) 910404 (TVPG) 919775 (TVPG) 933355 663084 (TVPG) 711220 (TVG) 939539 (TVPG) 571539 (TVPG) 572268 The Daily Rundown (N) 6595404 MSNBC News Live (N) 8252442 MSNBC News Live (N) 8253171 MSNBC News Live (N) 4413442 Andrea Mitchell Reports (N) MSNBC News Live (N) 2478084 MSNBC 128 103 2458220 AMTV: Morning Hot Mix Music vid- AMTV: Morning Hot Mix Music vid- AMTV: Today’s Top 10 Videos MTV Cribs MTV Cribs MTV Cribs MTV Cribs MTV Cribs MIMS. MTV Cribs MTV 63 210 eos. (TVPG) 517591 eos. (TVPG) 987862 (TVPG) 988591 928423 (TVPG) 658152 (TVPG) 713688 (TVPG) 924607 566607 567336 Family Matters Family Matters SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Team Umizoomi Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi NICK 40 252 (TVG) 763387 (TVG) 539688 287713 266220 721572 (TVY) 753171 744423 465404 (TVY) 553268 (TVY) 740607 (TVY) 955442 (TVY) 956171 Paid 990881 Paid 474268 Paid 197607 Paid 109442 Paid 671084 Paid 670355 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation High SPIKE 57 54 Snuff. (TV14) 976201 Blood Lust. (TV14) 105626 and Low. (TV14) 185862 Paid 3488238 Paid 3106065 Paid 8920775 Paid 8932510 The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake (‘09) Adrian Paul. Pirates Hercules ★★ (‘05) Paul Telfer, Sean Astin. The mythical strongman SYFY 59 180 search for a mythical cure for a sultan’s dying son. (cc) 3187930 must perform 12 heroic labors. ‘TV14’ 2220978 Married. With Married. With Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Fresh Prince of Fresh Prince of Fresh Prince of House of Payne Just Shoot Me Home Improve- TBS 55 52 Children 620539 Children 197626 812423 891930 370862 379133 Bel-Air 393713 Bel-Air 711864 Bel-Air 188978 399997 (TVPG) 595084 ment 596713 Moving Up Seeing Red. Design Property Ladder The Not-So- Bringing Home Bringing Home A Baby Story A Baby Story 18 Kids-Count 18 Kids-Count Say Yes to the Say Yes to the TLC 38 139 styles clash.
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