THE JACOB RADER MARCUS CENTER OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES MS-831: Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Records, 1980–2008. Series B: Commission on Jewish Education in North America (CJENA). 1980–1993. Subseries 1: Commission Meetings, 1988–1990. Box Folder 4 3 8 November 1990 Final Meeting. Planning, May 1990-December 1990. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org cc : Henry L. Zucker TO: Morton L Mandel FROM: Virginia F. Levi DATE: 5/23/90 NAME NA.ME: 1Jfl... REPLYING TO 0£PARTM£NT/PLANT LOCATI ON DEPAi:tTMENT/ PLANT L.OCATION YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT: POSSIBLE DATES FOR OCTOBER COMMISSION MEETING n M HLZ and I suggest that we begin now to f i nd a date for our celebratory event in T October. There are very few dates f rom which to choose. IE The last of the major fall Jewish holi days , Simchat Torah, occurs on Friday, ~ October 12. The JDC has workshops and executive committee meetings Q October 15-17. The Jewi sh Agency Board of Governors meeting takes place in (0) Israel Octobe~ 25 through November 1. If we wish to avoid Fridays, as we have in the past, and to give Jewish Agency people the day previous to their meeting 1F for travel, that leaves us with Thursday, October 18, Monday, October 22 or 1F Tuesday, October 23 as the only possible dates. Il I understand that you are unavailable on the 18th. I suggest that I contact cc key commissioner s about the 22nd and 23rd. 1E The format will have to be determined. Our prel iminary recommendation calls for a brief business meeting of perhaps one hour, followed by a reception and possibly a dinner meeting for funders. Following this scenario, I suggest a 3:00 p.m. starting time. Ue a l so have to think about a location for this event. I believe this is better suited to a hotel than to the UJA/Federation. I can work with Bea Katcher on this, once I have your thoughts. 72752 (8/81) PRINTED IN U.S.A. cc: Henry L. Zucker/ @ TO: Morron r. Mandel FROM: Virgin~ Levi DATE: 6/21/90 NAME NAM€ REPLYING TO DEPARTMENT/PLANT LOCATION 0£PA~'fMEN1'/PLAN1 L.0CA110N YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT: DATE FOR FINAL COMMISSION EVENT Il IN Thursday, November 8, 1990 is the date which senior policy advisors tentatively settled upon for a final Commission event. I had checked this date with 1r Mr. Bronfman, Mr. Crown, and Mr. Hirschhorn in addition to senior policy IE advisors and all but Lester Crown indicated their availability. ~ 0 You took the assignment to check the date with your brothers. (0) Is this date now firm enough to be announced in the follow-up letter which will lF go to Commissioners with the minutes? Please advise. lF Il (C IE · IMPORTAVNJ. MESSAGE FOR f-'L .,,,7J r G) DATE_J......___L_<,_ __ TIME /O' ~ D P.M. WHILE YOU WERE AWAY M_ ___::~=-::....~.;::...=...~_ ~ __}?t_ o_W_ l.-_C._ JJ_ OF ___d---"'--_ c..._e...=-_ft_.r_.s_~__ _ 0 PHONE NO. _ ~It--_ _ _ -____53 2.. _- J__---"---/------'----.,..----'-t/aI TELEPHONED LEASE CALL CALLEO TO SEE YOU WI LL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL RUSH , /J • +1- / V~ -/~1 I SIGNED 78096 ( R EV. 4 / 80) PR INTED IN U.S.A. TO: Benry L. Zucker FROM: Morton L . Mandel DATE: 7/3/90 NAM( NAME REPLYING TO DEPARTMENT/PL.ANT LOCATION 0£PARTMEN1 / PLANT LOCATIO N YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT: J t : i o L,~L_ ~\."-', t~ ? , it I think you should book the UJA/Feoeration space for November 8, if we can get it, just to have a "fail-safe" . u-rA- ~t · J..;..Jt.t-A ~J,.J~~ 72752 (8/81) PRINTED IN U .S.A. H~-~~~~ ~~~ f/0~1~ ~ ~'6s-,o( pv~ t y ,B ,..,,, # 3 o o .. ~"' cc: Henry L. Zucker TO: Morton J. MaodeJ FROM: Vi rgi1ilf Levi DATE: 7/5/90 NA~C NAMf REPLYING TO DEPARTMENT/PLANT t.OCATION DE'l)AR,TMENf -PL..ANT LOCATION YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT: I have reserved space at the OJA/Federation from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm on Thursday, November 8 for a Commission event for 125 to 150 people. This allows us the flexibility to decide on a luncheon, a dinner, or an afternoon or evening reception. I have contacted Bea Katcher for help in making arrangements with a New York hotel and will let you know what I find out. C ~c1..__ ,<J,.,-r'<L-'-(_ ~ /::ujCJo 72752 (8/81) PRINTED IN U.S.A. @ TO: =-=---=-~----- --­ FROM: =-~~--------- DATE: 7/5/90 NAMc NAM1:. REPLYING TO DCPAFITMENT/PU\NT LOCATION 0€PARTMENT/PU\NT 1.OCATI0N YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT: Il The celebratory meeting could accommodate 125-150 persons. These would be IN members of the Commission and selected individuals who have a close T relationship to the work of the Commission. lE They should be invited to a luncheon or dinner meeting which should be billed ~ as the final meeting of the Commission. It's purpose would be to issue the 0 report of the Commission, and to discuss follow-up arrangements to see to the (Q) implementation of the Commission's findings and recommendations. 1F The invitation list should be carefully scanned to include key professional and IF lay leaders whose support will be needed to implement the recommendations of n the Commission . cc The occasion might be used to announce the membership in the professional IE leadership of the follow-up mechanism. It might also be utilized to try to get an expression from private foundations as to their plans for Jewish education support during the next 5-10 years. If we are far enough in our discussions with federations, the program s hould include our plans for urging increased federation support. There might also be some sort of presentation to members of the Commission, and recognition of the work of David Finn and others who have made an important contribution to the preparation of the report. 72752 (8/81) PRINTED IN U.S.A. TO:-,-...,....~H~e_n-r+Y-1~-Z~u~c~k-e_r____ _ DATE: 7/16/ 90 NAME FROM: Virgil F Levi REPLYING TO DEPAATMEN1'fPLANT LOCATION ::::~TMENTm ; LOCATION YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT '. NOVEMBER 8 COMMISSION EVENT Il My contact at the JCC Association is now back from vacation and tells me tha t N there is space available at the Grand Hiatt for an event on November 8. She is 1r concerned, however, that if we do not move quickly, the space will be taken. IE Nothing is definite, but she projected a cost of approximately $300-400 for the IR{ use of the room (although she would help us to try to get this waived). A 0 luncheon would cost approximately $65 - 70 per person. In addition, the Hiatt (Q) would give us a "speci al" rat e of $165 per person per night for participants lF wishing to stay there. IF The cost of a luncheon a t the OJA/Federation would be $60-70 per person. The r e Il is no charge for the room. (C The overall cost of using the UJA/Federation (and staying at the Doral Tuscany 1E: for $180) is not substantially less than the Hiatt. I suggest that we use the Hiatt and that we reserve space now. (C I understand that we wi ll probably have a luncheon rat her than a dinner. I (Q) would suggest reserving t he space from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. ~ Please advise. ! ~ [tiu-!t- ~ rJK 0 N JD) [ N cc IE 7275 2 (8/ 8 1) PRINTED IN U.S.A. vfl TO: --~tt.....e... ...n ...;..__..Lry ..._... z.... u..,, c... k... e.... r...._ ___ _ FROM: Virgi~ F Levi DA TE: 7/16 /90 NAME REPLYING TO D EPARTMENT/PL.AN T LOCATION ::~:RTMENT/= ; LOCAToO N YOUR MEMO OF: ____ SUBJECT: NOVEMBER 8 COMMISSION EVENT Il My contact at the JGC Association is now back from vacation and tells me that N ehere is space available at the Grand Hiatt for an event on November 8. She is 1f concerned, however, that if we do not move quickly, the space will be taken. IE Nothing is definite, but she projected a cost of approximately $300-400 for the ~ use of the r oom (although she would help us to try to get this waived). A D luncheon would cost approximately $65-70 per person. In addition, the Hiatt (0) would give us a "special" rate of $165 per person per night for participants IF wishing to stay there. IF The cost of a luncheon at the UJA/Federation would be $60- 70 per person. There Il is no charge for the room. (C The overall cost of using the UJA/Federation (and staying at the Doral Tuscany for $180) is not substantially less than the Hiatt. I suggest that we use the IE Hiatt and that we reserve space now. I underst and that we will probably have a iuncheon rather than a dinner . I would suggest reserving the space from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please advise. @ cc: Henry L. Zucker TO: Morton L Mandel FROM : Virg1;J;:/:. Levi DATE: 7/18/90 NAMC NA Mt- -- REPLYING TO DE.PAATME.NT/Pl.AHT LOCATION OCPA R.TMCNTJP~Nt LOCATION YOUR MEMO OF: _ ___ SUBJECT: LOCATION FOR COMMISSION CELEBRATORY EVENT Il N With the help of staff at the JCC Association, we have tentatively reserved space at the Grand Hiatt for an event on November 8.
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