A BRIEF GUIDE TO USING THIS TEXT The sixth edition of Marketing Research offers several features that will help you throughout this course. FEATURE BENEFIT/DESCRIPTION PAGE REFERENCE SPSS and SAS computerized This edition offers the most extensive help available anywhere for learning e.g., 419, 439 demonstration movies, screen these programs. (1) From the Web site for this book you can download captures, step-by-step instruc- computerized demonstration movies illustrating step-by-step instructions for tion, and technology manual every data analysis technique covered in the chapters. (2) You can also download screen captures with notes illustrating these step-by-step instruc- tions. (3) You can study detailed step-by-step instructions in the chapters. (4) You can refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual, a supplement that accompanies this book. We provide the most extensive help available anywhere for learning SPSS and SAS. You can learn these software tools on your own. Stimulating critical-thinking Socratic questioning, critical reading and writing, and higher-order thinking 780-787 practice and assessment are built into three comprehensive critical-thinking cases (2.1 American Idol, 2.2 Baskin-Robbins, and 2.3 Akron Children's Hospital), end-of-chapter review questions, applied problems, and group discussions. These materials have been designed along guidelines from the Foundation for Critical Thinking. Develop critical-thinking skills while you learn marketing research. Concept maps These maps will help you visualize interrelationships among concepts. These e.g., 28 are one or more concept maps per chapter based on the findings of the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. This tool has been proven to enhance learning. A focus on Every chapter has a section entitled “International Marketing Research” or e.g., 23 international issues a Real Research example illustrating a data analysis technique in an interna- tional setting. A capstone chapter discusses some advanced concepts in international marketing research (Chapter 24). Be better prepared to meet global challenges! A focus on ethics Every chapter has a section entitled “Ethics in Marketing Research,” which e.g., 25 takes the perspectives of the four stakeholders (the client, the marketing research firm, respondents, and the general public) or a Real Research example illustrating data analysis techniques with ethical implications. You will develop an ethical mindset. A new running case A running case on Dell features real data with questions in every chapter. e.g., 30 This case is another way for you to see the linkages among chapters and trace the entire marketing research process throughout the book. Two comprehensive cases These cases feature actual questionnaires and real data collected by prominent 788–820 marketing research firms. These cases are 4.1 JPMorgan Chase (new) and 4.2 Wendy’s (updated); they include questions for all the chapters. Three addition- al data analysis cases offer actual questionnaires and real data (3.1 AT&T, 3.2 IBM, and 3.3 Kimberly-Clark). See how professionals do research. New video cases New video cases for each chapter contain questions pertaining to that chap- e.g., 31 ter as well as the preceding chapters. You can study the cases with or with- out the videos, but a picture is worth a thousand words. A live marketing research Each chapter lets you complete one or more live marketing research projects e.g., 29 project that are sponsored by outside firms. Learn research by doing it! Extensive end-of-chapter These exercises help you learn, apply, and practice concepts through review e.g., 29-30 exercises questions, applied problems, and group discussion. The data analysis chap- ters include several datasets whose files are provided in both SPSS and SAS. Practice makes perfect. This page intentionally left blank Marketing Research ? This page intentionally left blank Marketing Research An Applied Orientation Sixth Edition Naresh K. Malhotra Georgia Institute of Technology Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore? Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Creative Director: Christy Mahon Acquisitions Editor: James Heine IRC Manager, Rights and Permissions: Zina Arabia Product Development Manager: Ashley Santora Manager, Visual Research: Beth Brenzel Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Photo Researcher: Kathy Ringrose Senior Marketing Manager: Anne Fahlgren Image Permission Coordinator: Angelique Sharps Marketing Assistant: Susan Osterlitz Manager, Cover Visual Research & Permissions: Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Karen Sanatar Production Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Media Director: Lisa Rinaldi Permissions Project Manger: Charles Morris Lead Media Project Manager: Denise Vaughn Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Full-Service Project Management: Jennifer Operations Specialist: Ben Smith Welsch/BookMasters, Inc. Art Director: Steven Frim Composition: Integra Software Services Cover Designer: Steven Frim Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Art: Steven Frim Cover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Color Interior Text: Jill Little Text Font: 10/12 Times Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. SAS logo is provided courtesy of SAS Institute. Copyright © SAS Institute, Inc., Cary NC. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countires. ® indicates USA registration. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. Screen shots and icons reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Corporation. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. Copyright © 2010, 2007, 2004, 1999, 1996 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Malhotra, Naresh K. Marketing research : an applied orientation / Naresh K. Malhotra—6th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-608543-0 (casebound : alk. paper) 1. Marketing research. 2. Marketing research—Methodology. I. Title. HF5415.2.M29 2010 658.8'3—dc22 2009011023 109876543 ISBN 10: 0-13-608543-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-608543-0 To the memory of my father, Mr. H. N. Malhotra and To my mother, Mrs. Satya Malhotra and To my wife Veena and children Ruth and Paul The love, encouragement, and support of my parents, wife, and children have been exemplary. “The greatest of these is love.” I Corinthians 13:13 “But God showed how much He loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.” Romans 5:8 The Holy Bible This page intentionally left blank Brief Contents Foreword xxi Preface xxiii Acknowledgments xxix Author Biography xxxi PART I Introduction and Early Phases of Marketing Research 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Marketing Research 2 Chapter 2 Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach 34 PART II Research Design Formulation 67 Chapter 3 Research Design 68 Chapter 4 Exploratory Research Design: Secondary Data 98 Chapter 5 Exploratory Research Design: Qualitative Research 136 Chapter 6 Descriptive Research Design: Survey and Observation 176 Chapter 7 Causal Research Design: Experimentation 213 Chapter 8 Measurement and Scaling: Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling 248 Chapter 9 Measurement and Scaling: Noncomparative Scaling Techniques 272 Chapter 10 Questionnaire and Form Design 300 Chapter 11 Sampling: Design and Procedures 336 Chapter 12 Sampling: Final and Initial Sample Size Determination 370 PART III Data Collection, Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting 399 Chapter 13 Fieldwork 400 Chapter 14 Data Preparation 418 Chapter 15 Frequency Distribution, Cross-Tabulation, and Hypothesis Testing 448 Chapter 16 Analysis of Variance and Covariance 496 Chapter 17 Correlation and Regression 528 Chapter 18 Discriminant and Logit Analysis 568 Chapter 19 Factor Analysis 602 Chapter 20 Cluster Analysis 628 Chapter 21 Multidimensional Scaling and Conjoint Analysis 656 Chapter 22 Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis 690 Chapter 23 Report Preparation and Presentation 726 Chapter 24 International Marketing Research 752 CASES Case 1.1 Dell Direct 774 Case 2.1 American Idol: A Big Hit for Marketing Research? 780 Case 2.2 Baskin-Robbins: Can It Bask in the Good ‘Ole Days? 783 Case 2.3 Kid Stuff? Determining
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