Annual report 2019 Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Office Exemplary Energy and Climate EEC Publishing information Publisher Office Exemplary Energy and Climate EEC Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, 3003 Bern www.exemplary-energy-climate.ch Project management for this report Claudio Menn, Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, Office Exemplary Energy and Climate EEC Members of the Exemplary Energy and Climate Coordination Group CG-EEC Alexandre Bagnoud, SIG Daniel Büchel, Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Pierre-Yves Diserens, Genève Aéroport Andrea Riedel, Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS Hubert Lieb, Suva Carmen Maybud, Civil Federal Administration Christina Meier, SBB Stefan Meyer, Skyguide Giancarlo Serafin, ETH Board Res Witschi, Swisscom Anne Wolf, Swiss Post Office Exemplary Energy and Climate EEC Claudio Menn, Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Technical consultants to the EEC Office Cornelia Brandes and Charlotte Spörndli, Brandes Energie AG, Zurich Thomas Weisskopf, Stefanie Steiner and Daniel Arnet, Weisskopf Partner GmbH, Zurich Concept Weissgrund AG, Zurich Design and texts Polarstern AG, Lucerne and Solothurn Distribution www.bundespublikationen.admin.ch Article number 805.075.19ENG 06.2020 200ENG 862680478 Bern, June 2020 HQHUJ\QHXWUDO 2 Contents Editorial 5 Giving a clear signal 6 The 10 actors 8 Continuation and re-orientation of the initiative 13 Focus: renewable energies and waste heat recovery 14 Producing and using energy sustainably 14 Energy optimisation of military real estate 17 Visible progress 18 Final energy consumption and energy efficiency of all actors 20 Degree to which the joint measures have been implemented 22 The actors’ individual action plans 24 Swiss Post 24 ETH Domain 28 Genève Aéroport 32 SBB 36 SIG 40 Skyguide 44 Suva 48 Swisscom 52 DDPS 56 Civil Federal Administration 60 The 39 joint measures in detail 64 Action area Buildings and renewable energy 64 Action area Mobility 66 Action area Data centres and Green IT 68 3 The Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics went through the certification process for its new administration building in Ittigen during the pilot phase, in accord- ance with the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SSBS). 4 Far-sighted role models Over the past seven years, the actors in the We would have liked to launch the new Exemplary in Energy initiative have pursued phase in April 2020 with a launch event in two ambitious goals: to increase their own the presence of the President of the Confed- energy efficiency and to expand the share of eration, Simonetta Sommaruga as head of renewable energies. Currently, the initiative DETEC, and of Federal Councillor Viola comprises ten actors: Swiss Post, ETH Amherd as head of DDPS. Unfortunately, Domain, Genève Aéroport, SBB, SIG, Sky- this was not possible due to the exceptional guide, Suva, Swisscom, DDPS and the Civil situation caused by the coronavirus pandem- Federal Administration. With their commit- ic. However, we will make up for it by hold- ment, they are together making an impor- ing the event in a worthy setting early in tant contribution to the implementation of 2021, when the actors will present their indi- the Energy Strategy 2050. vidual energy and climate targets up to 2030. The Federal Council is sending out an impor- In the meantime, I look forward to seeing tant signal by extending the initiative until the circle of far-sighted role models continue 2030 and by giving it a new name: Exempla- to grow. ry Energy and Climate. Because, in order to avert serious climate change, we need role models today, and in the near future, that lead the way and show how our society can succeed in making the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle. They include the public administration and public enterprises. They perform important functions in our country and can inspire other organisations to take similar measures. In the new phase, the actors are committing to further increase their energy efficiency over the next ten years, to meet 100% of their power consumption with renewable Matthias Ramsauer Secretary General energy sources and to promote their own Federal Department of the Environ- production of renewable energy. The initia- ment, Transport, Energy and Com- tive creates a uniform framework for this munications DETEC purpose and assists the actors with imple- mentation. 5 Giving a clear signal The Federal Council intends to increase energy efficiency in the federal administration and parastatal enterprises by 25% between 2006 and 2020. The participating actors are planning and coordinating some of their measures within the framework of the Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative. Ready for tomorrow’s energy policy Buildings and renewable energy With the first package of measures for the Measures for energy-efficient new and con- Energy Strategy 2050, seven years ago the verted buildings, electric power and heat Federal Council committed the Federal Gov- from renewable energy, green power and ernment to setting a good example in the further measures. energy sector and to optimising its energy consumption. The Federal Government is Mobility responsible for 2% of total energy con- Measures to encourage use of public trans- sumption in Switzerland. port, promotion of mobile-flexible forms of work, charging stations for electric vehicles As a result, the federal administration and and further measures. parastatal enterprises joined forces in the Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative. Data centres and Green IT A coordination group defines the binding Highly energy-efficient data centres, waste action plan and steers the joint activities. Its heat recovery, re-use of appliances and oth- office is managed by the Swiss Federal Office er measures. of Energy. Starting from the base year 2006, the actors aim to increase energy efficiency Specific measures by 25% by 2020. Since 2016, the initiative Alternatively-powered PostBuses optimised has also been open to other public-sector railway point heating systems, continuous enterprises. descent approach at Geneva Airport, fresh- air cooling in telephone exchanges, low- Comprehensive measures rolling-resistance tyres, photovoltaic installa- The action plan of the Exemplary Energy and tions and further measures. Climate initiative comprises 39 joint meas- ures in three action areas plus a series of specific measures determined by each actor individually. 6 Major actors Some very different public actors have com- mitted to the Exemplary Energy and Climate initiative: – The Confederation is represented by the Civil Federal Administration and the Feder- al Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS. – Of the parastatal enterprises, Swiss Post, SBB, Skyguide, Suva and Swisscom have signed up. The Confederation sets these organisations strategic objectives, which in some cases also concern energy targets or require at least a sustainable corporate strategy. – The two Federal Institutes of Technology and four research institutes are grouped together in the ETH Domain. Their purpose is specified in the ETH Act and is translated into practice by following the Federal Council’s strategic objectives for the ETH Domain. – With Genève Aéroport and the Services Industriels de Genève (SIG), two cantonal enterprises are now also participating in the initiative. Discussions are underway with further actors. Swiss Confederation 7 Bianca Gebauer, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Hannes Pichler, Head of Real Estate Management, PostFinance Empa “Our data centres, with PUE1 values of 1.23 and “We implement a concept that focuses on the 1.31, are operated with renewable energy from use and storage of waste heat as well as on Switzerland and utilise waste heat recovery.” maximisation of self-produced renewable energy.” Swiss Post ETH Domain As a mixed group, Swiss Post operates in the Academic achievement at the highest level: communications, logistics, financial services this is what the ETH Domain provides with and passenger transport markets. Last year, 22,600 staff members, over 33,600 students Swiss Post carried about 1.8 billion letters and and doctoral students and a faculty of about some 148 million parcels. PostBus transported 860 people. The ETH Domain consists of the nearly 167 million passengers, while Post- two Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich Finance had more than 4.4 million customer (ETH Zurich) and Lausanne (EPFL), the four accounts. With about 50,000 employees in research institutes Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland, Swiss Post is one of the largest the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow employers in the country. and Landscape Research (WSL), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Energy strategy implementation Technology (Empa) and the Swiss Federal As the largest logistics company in Switzer- Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology land, Swiss Post operates an energy-intensive (Eawag). The ETH Board is the strategic man- business. In order to further increase energy agement and supervisory body of the ETH efficiency, it is renewing its vehicle fleet and Domain. building stock, using more alternative-drive systems and optimising delivery rounds. It is Energy strategy implementation also replacing fossil fuels with renewable The common environmental model of the ETH energy sources. Domain has been coordinated with the targets of the federal government’s Energy Strategy 2050. The ETH Domain’s institutions
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