Lighted Items Year Year US CAD Item # Description Issued Retired SRP SRP □ 56.59617 "Sutton Place Brownstones" 1987 1989 $80.00 N/A □ 56.59625 "The Cathedral" 1987 1990 $60.00 N/A □ 56.59633 "Palace Theatre" 1987 1989 $45.00 N/A □ 56.65129 "Christmas In The City" Set of 3 1987 1990 $112.00 N/A "Bakery" 1987 1990 $37.50 N/A "Toy Shop And Pet Store" 1987 1990 $37.50 N/A "Tower Restaurant" 1987 1990 $37.50 N/A □ 56.59684 "Chocolate Shoppe" 1988 1991 $40.00 N/A □ 56.59692 "City Hall" 1988 1991 $65.00 N/A □ 56.59706 "Hank's Market" 1988 1992 $40.00 N/A □ 56.59722 "Variety Store" 1988 1990 $45.00 N/A □ 56.59730 "Ritz Hotel" 1989 1994 $55.00 N/A □ 56.56749 "Dorothy's Dress Shop" Limited Edition of 1989 1991 $70.00 N/A 12,500 □ 56.59773 "5607 Park Avenue Townhouse" 1989 1992 $48.00 N/A □ 56.59781 "5609 Park Avenue Townhouse" 1989 1992 $48.00 N/A □ 56.55360 "Red Brick Fire Station" 1990 1995 $55.00 N/A □ 56.55379 "Wong's In Chinatown" 1990 1994 $55.00 N/A □ 56.55344 "Hollydale's Department Store" 1991 1997 $85.00 N/A □ 56.55387 "'Little Italy' Ristorante" 1991 1995 $52.00 N/A □ 56.55425 "All Saints Corner Church" 1991 1998 $110.00 N/A □ 56.55433 "Arts Academy" 1991 1993 $45.00 N/A □ 56.55441 "The Doctor's Office" 1991 1994 $60.00 N/A □ 56.55492 "Cathedral Church Of St. Mark" 1991 1993 $120.00 N/A Limited Edition of 3,024 □ 56.55340 "Uptown Shoppes" Set of 3 1992 1996 $150.00 N/A □ 56.55311 "Haberdashery" 1992 1996 $40.00 N/A □ 56.55312 "Music Emporium" 1992 1996 $54.00 N/A □ 56.55313 "City Clockworks" 1992 1996 $56.00 N/A □ 56.55654 "Town Tree" Set of 5 1993 2005 $45.00 $67.50 □ 56.58807 "West Village Shops" Set of 2 1993 1996 $90.00 N/A □ 56.58808 "Potter's Tea Seller" 1993 1996 $45.00 N/A □ 56.58809 "Spring St. Coffee House" 1993 1996 $45.00 N/A □ 56.58815 "Brokerage House" 1994 1997 $48.00 N/A □ 56.58823 "First Metropolitan Bank" 1994 1997 $60.00 N/A □ 56.58831 "Heritage Museum Of Art" 1994 1998 $96.00 N/A □ 56.58874 "Ivy Terrace Apartments" 1995 1997 $60.00 N/A □ 56.58875 "Holy Name Church" 1995 2003 $96.00 $110.00 □ 56.58876 "Brighton School" 1995 1998 $52.00 N/A □ 56.58877 "Brownstones On The Square" Set of 2 1995 1998 $90.00 $130.00 www.department56.com 1-800-LIT-TOWN (548-8696) 1 of 7 □ 56.58878 "Beekman House" 1995 2000 $45.00 $65.00 □ 56.58879 "Pickford Place" 1995 1998 $45.00 N/A □ 56.58880 "Washington Street Post Office" 1996 1998 $52.00 N/A □ 56.58881 "Grand Central Station Railway" 1996 1999 $90.00 N/A □ 56.58882 "Café Caprice French Restaurant" 1996 2001 $45.00 $68.00 □ 56.58883 "The City Globe" 1997 2000 $65.00 $98.00 □ 56.58884 "Hi-De-Ho Nightclub" 1997 1999 $52.00 N/A □ 56.58886 "Johnson's Grocery & Deli" 1997 2002 $60.00 $90.00 □ 56.58887 "The Capitol" 1997 1998 $110.00 N/A □ 56.58888 "Riverside Row Shops" 1997 1999 $52.00 N/A □ 56.58870 "The Grand Movie Theater" 1998 1999 $50.00 N/A □ 56.58871 "Scottie's Toy Shop" Set of 10 1998 1998 $65.00 N/A "5C Pony Rides" Accessory □ 56.58940 "Old Trinity Church" 1998 2000 $96.00 $154.00 □ 56.58941 "Precinct 25 Police Station" 1998 2003 $56.00 $90.00 □ 56.58913 "The Wedding Gallery" 1998 2002 $60.00 $96.00 □ 56.58945 "The University Club" 1998 2000 $60.00 $96.00 □ 56.55510 "The Times Tower" Set of 3 1999 1999 $185.00 N/A □ 56.58947 "Parkview Hospital" 1999 2000 $65.00 $104.00 □ 56.58948 "Wintergarten Café" 1999 1999 $60.00 $96.00 □ 56.58950 "5th Avenue Salon" 1999 2001 $68.00 $109.00 □ 56.58951 "The Consulate" Set of 2 1999 2000 $95.00 $152.00 □ 56.58952 "Molly O'Brien's Irish Pub" 1999 2011 $62.00 $99.50 □ 56.58953 "Lafayette's Bakery" 1999 2002 $62.00 $99.50 □ 56.58954 "Clark Street Automat" 1999 2000 $68.00 $109.00 □ 56.58911 "Paramount Hotel" 2000 2003 $85.00 $127.50 □ 56.58912 "Jenny's Corner Book Shop" 2000 2004 $65.00 $97.50 □ 56.58913 "The Majestic Theater" 2000 2001 $100.00 $155.00 Limited Edition of 15,000, 25th Anniversary Celebration Piece □ 56.59814 "42nd St. Fire Company" 2000 2005 $80.00 $124.00 □ 56.58915 "Gardenate House" 2000 2002 $68.00 $105.50 □ 56.58916 "Foster Pharmacy" 2000 2002 $85.00 $132.00 □ 56.58917 "Mrs. Stover's Bungalow Candies" 2000 2003 $75.00 $116.50 □ 56.58918 "Department 56 Studio, 1200 Second Ave." 2001 2001 $100.00 N/A 25th Anniversary Celebration Event Piece □ 56.58919 "Cathedral Of St. Paul" Historical Landmark 2001 2001 $150.00 N/A Series™ 25th Anniversary Celebration Event Piece □ 56.58920 "Baker Bros. Bagel Bakery" 2001 2002 $75.00 $120.00 □ 56.58921 "Paradise Travel Company" 2001 2002 $75.00 $120.00 □ 56.58923 "Yankee Stadium™" Legendary Ballparks Series 2001 2005 $85.00 $136.00 □ 56.58925 "The Monte Carlo Casino" 2001 2002 $85.00 $135.00 Limited Edition of 15,000 □ 56.58926 "Sterling Jewelers" 2001 2003 $70.00 $110.00 □ 56.58927 "Architectural Antiques" Set od 17 2001 2003 $75.00 $120.00 www.department56.com 1-800-LIT-TOWN (548-8696) 2 of 7 □ 56.58928 "Tavern In The Park Restaurant" Christmas In 2001 2004 $75.00 $120.00 The Park □ 56.58929 "Nicholas & Co. Toys" Set of 2 2001 2003 $65.00 $105.00 "Look At All The Toys" Accessory □ 56.58930 "Cathedral Of St. Paul" Historical Landmark 2001 2005 $150.00 $240.00 Series™ 25th Anniversary Celebration Event Piece □ 56.58932 "Fenway Park™" Legendary Ballpark Series 2001 2005 $75.00 $120.00 □ 56.58933 "Wrigley Field™" Legendary Ballpark Series 2001 2005 $95.00 $152.00 □ 56.58924 "Radio City Music Hall" 2002 2006 $95.00 $150.00 □ 56.58937 "Parkside Holiday Brownstone" Set of 4 2002 2002 $75.00 $120.00 "The Last String Of Lights" Accessory, Limited To Year Of Production 2002 □ 56.58938 "Chez Monet" 2002 2003 $65.00 $105.00 □ 56.58942 "Hudson Public Library" 2002 2004 $80.00 $128.00 □ 56.58944 "Midtown Barbershop" 2002 2004 $65.00 $104.00 □ 56.58946 "East Harbor Fish Co." 2002 2005 $85.00 $136.00 □ 56.58949 "DeFazio's Pizzeria" Set of 2 2002 2004 $65.00 $104.00 "Pizza Pick-Up" Accessory □ 56.59201 "Seasons Department Store" 2002 2001 $70.00 $112.00 □ 56.59202 "Harley-Davidson® City Dealership" 2002 2006 $85.00 $136.00 □ 56.59203 "Ebbets Field" Legendary Ballparks Series 2002 2004 $75.00 $120.00 □ 56.59204 "Central Synagogue" Historical Landmark 2002 2003 $110.00 $176.00 Series™ Limited To Year Of Production 2003 □ 56.59206 "Church Of The Holy Light" Set of 6 2003 2003 $75.00 $105.00 □ "Christmas Eve Visit" Accessory, Limited To Year Of Production 2003 □ 56.59205 "1234 Four Seasons Parkway" 2003 2004 $75.00 $105.00 □ 56.59207 "Empire State Building" Historical Landmark 2003 2005 $185.00 $260.00 Series™ □ 56.59208 "Katie McCabe's Restaurant & Books" 2003 2004 $70.00 $97.50 □ 56.59209 "Historic Chicago Water Tower" Set of 2 2003 2006 $65.00 $91.00 Historical Landmark Series™ □ 56.59210 "Blue Line Bus Depot" 2003 2005 $75.00 $105.00 □ 56.59211 "Harrison House" 2003 2005 $70.00 $98.00 □ 56.59212 "5th Avenue Shoppes" 2003 2006 $95.00 $133.00 □ 56.59213 "East Harbor Ferry" Set of 3 2003 2004 $85.00 $119.00 "Ferry Ticket Sales" Accessory, Limited Edition of 10,000 □ 56.59214 "Harley-Davidson® Detailing, Parts And Service 2003 2006 $85.00 $119.00 □ 56.59215 "Old Comisky Park™" Legendary Ballpark 2003 2007 $80.00 $112.00 Series □ 56.59216 "Kelly's Irish Crafts" Set of 2 2003 2005 $65.00 $90.00 "Tin Whistles - 25 Cents" Accessory □ 56.59219 "Crystal Gardens Conservatory" Set of 4 2004 2004 $75.00 $105.00 www.department56.com 1-800-LIT-TOWN (548-8696) 3 of 7 "Christmas Topiaries" Accessory, Limited To Year Of Production 2004 □ 56.59220 "Royal Oil Company" Set of 2 2004 2005 $75.00 $105.00 "Full Service Attendant" Accessory □ 56.59221 "Coca-Cola Soda Fountain" 2004 2007 $85.00 $119.00 □ 56.59222 "The Art Institute Of Chicago" 2004 2005 $85.00 $119.00 □ 56.59224 "New York Yankees™ Souvenir Shop" 2004 2005 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59225 "New York Yankees™ Tavern" 2004 2005 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59227 "Chicago Cubs™ Souvenir Shop" 2004 2005 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59228 "Chicago Cubs™ Tavern" 2004 2005 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59229 "Boston Red Sox™ Souvenir Shop" 2004 2005 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59230 "Boston Red Sox™ Tavern" 2004 2005 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59231 "Chicago White Sox™ Souvenir Shop" 2004 2006 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59232 "Chicago White Sox™ Tavern" 2004 2006 $45.00 $56.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59233 "The Ed Sullivan Theater" 2004 2005 $70.00 $87.50 Limited To Year Of Production 2005 □ 56.59235 "Hensly Cadillac & Buick" 2004 2006 $80.00 $100.00 □ 56.59236 "Lowry Hill Apartments" 2004 2007 $75.00 $95.00 □ 56.59237 "Pier 56, East Harbor" 2004 2008 $85.00 $105.00 □ 56.59238 "Milano Of Italy" 2004 2007 $65.00 $82.50 □ 56.59239 "Gardens Of Santorini" 2004 2007 $65.00 $82.50 □ 56.59240 "Christmas Treasures" Set of 4 2004 2006 $75.00 $95.00 □ 56.59241 "Golden Gate Bridge" 2004 2006 $120.00 $150.00 □ 56.59433 "Yankee Stadium™ Lighted Ornament" 2004 2005 $15.00 $19.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59436 "Ballpark Bleachers" Legendary Ballparks Series 2004 2006 $45.00 $63.00 Tune: Take Me Out To The Ballgame! □ 56.59437 "New York Yankees™ Refreshment Stand" 2004 2005 $17.50 $22.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59440 "Chicago Cubs™ Refreshment Stand" 2004 2005 $17.50 $22.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59441 "Chicago White Sox™ Refreshment Stand" 2004 2006 $17.50 $22.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59442 "Boston Red Sox™ Refreshment Stand" 2004 2005 $17.50 $22.00 Legendary Ballparks Series □ 56.59243 "Visiting Santa At Finestrom's" Set of 5 2005 2005 $75.00 $95.00 "Look, It's Santa!" Accessory, Limited To Year Of Production 2005 www.department56.com 1-800-LIT-TOWN (548-8696) 4 of 7 □ 56.59244 "Royal Flush Casino" 2005 2008 $85.00 $105.00 □ 56.59245 "Russian Tea Room" 2005 2006 $70.00 $87.50 □ 56.59246 "Baltimore Arts Tower" 2005 2008 $65.00 $82.50 □ 56.59247 "Brooklyn Bridge" Historical Landmark Series™ 2005 2006 $120.00 $150.00 □ 56.59248 "Cathedral Of St.
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