angloboerwar.com THE BATTLE OF KOODOOSBERG, February 7th When General Hector Macdonald and the Highland Brigade forestalled the Boers, and prevented the junction of two Commandoes. This was the beginning of the manoeuvres which ended in the relief of Kiniberley and the capture of Cronje. (From a sketch by Lester Ralph, Our Correspondent with Lord Roberts.) BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET March 17, 1903 4S ^lack audi "White IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, PRICE SIXPENCE, AND CONTAINS THE JWost Unique Photos and Sketches of t\ie War up to Date. Imperialangloboerwar.comPolitics, £2,000 INSURANCE Foreign Neivs, COUPON. Paris Exhibition News, The Drama, Literahire, £2,000 INSURANCE t' as //ton COUPON. Sport. ' r T ' » ¥ =a« The portraits in.this Budget are by as follows:— Maior-General Knox, Captain Gubbins, Captain Smith, Knight; Lieut. -Colonel Garth,. w Youstoun, E-Hivtt an<t Fry ; Lieut. Johnson, Bassano ; Second-Lieut. Cavendish, Maya 1 ; Second-Lieut. M'CIintock- 1 Hon. Bunbury, Crooke. The pictures are by Our Special Correspondents, &c. March iy, 1900 BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET "THE MEN WERE SPLENDID!" AGAIN that memorable phrase rises to our lips. wept with joy. A moment before they had In our last issue we commented briefly on expected a Boer attack. Guns had been trained the great news of the relief of Ladysmith. We on the approaching horsemen. When they found did not receive until some days afterwards full out their mistake, the garrison flocked out to accounts of the gallant style in which our men welcome their relievers —among them a band fought their way to the rescue of their be- of children, to whom General White gave a leaguered brethren. kindly promise of "sweets and no more siege But when the thrilling reports came through rations." Never were men so welcomed before, — ah! then we knew our men still to be made even the horses received unusual attention from of the great stuff whereof heroes are fashioned, welcoming hands. As evening fell, Sir George still chips of the old block. White made a pathetic speech to those who had We read of General Buller's last, and, as passed through the terrible months of anxiety it turned out, successful attempt to break under his leadership. We can quite believe that, " the Boer lines. On February 20th he had in the words of a correspondent, it was a scene passed three brigades over the river, three never to be forgotten." davs' hard fied-iting: followed, and resulted Meanwhile, it must not be forgotten that it in a check. Would it be final? Desperate was due to Lord Roberts's outmanoeuvring of were the attempts of the Inniskillings, the Cronje that the relief of Ladysmith was able to Connaught Rangers and the Dublin Fusiliers come when it did. If men had not been drawn to dislodge the enemy from their entrenched away from the trenches round Pieter's Hill the task might have remained as impossible as Lord position. On the 23rd andangloboerwar.com24th it was all they could do to hold their own. But they held it Roberts seems to have considered it. This is while General Buller found a passage across the not to undervalue the brave fighters in Natal. Langewachte Spruit and developed a new attack, It must be always remembered that they kept which finally resulted, in the capture of Pieter's their confidence, even while attempting the Hill. The 27th was the day on which this great impossible, and that when their chance came they action took place. Pieter's Hill was approached did not waste it. Soldiers could not have done by a precipitous ascent of 500 feet, but up this better. It means, however, that the interest of General Barton led the gallant Dublin Fusiliers the war now shifts from Natal to the neighbour- and two battalions of the Sixth Brigade. By hood of Osfontein, where General Joubert is this means the enemy's left was turned, and an preparing to oppose our Commander-in-Chief. attack by the Fourth and Eleventh Brigades* General Brabant has driven the Boers from under the general command of General Warren, Dordrecht, the district round Rensburghas been was made on the enemy's main position. As evacuated, Natal is free of Boer troops. The evening fell, the South Lancashire Regiment, last act of the war—as we hope and trust it may by a magnificent charge, carried the position be—is begun. We settle in our seats to watch Splendid men, all of them ! the Armageddon—the pitting of the united Boer Next day Lord Dundonald, with the Natal force under General Joubert against the magnifi- Carbineers and a composite regiment, entered cent army (at least three divisions) which is with Ladysmith. Lord Roberts in the Orange Free State. We The delight of the garrison may well be cannot feel uneasy about the result. Our men imagined, but can hardly be described. Men will be—as always —splendid ! "THE MEN WERE SPLENDID!" BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET March 17, 1900 NOTICES All communications regarding Pictures and Articles to be addressed to " The Editor, Black and Wiiit~ Budget, j./, Bouvene Street, London, E.C.'' " All communications regarding Back Numbers, Terms of Subscription, c?>r. , to be addressed to Tie Publisher, Black and White Budget, 6j, Fleet Street, London, E.C." The Editor requests Correspondents -who may wish to communicate with the Publisher at the same tin:? as they write to* h m, 10 write a separate letter to the Publisher at the address given above, and not add it to their communication to the Editor. The Editor particularly requests that no Poems be sent for consideration. NOTES O' WAR The taking of 4,600 prisoners of war by Lord gallant officer could not have had a better testimonial ! Roberts, when he captured General Cronje's laager, is The King made him the commander of a fine frigate, the greatest number in modern British military history. gave him a pension of four thousand reals, and ordered It is only when the records of the Peninsular War at Lord St. Vincent's letter to be circulated throughout the beginning ot the century are searched that greater all the departments of the Spanish Marine ! captures are found. At Salamanca, lor example, Among the Paardeberg casualties there were given Wellington defeated Marmont and took 7,141 prisoners the names of two soldiers who had been killed by — in 1812. The Duke of Marlborough, during his lightning on February 22nd. More remarkable still, campaigns, took many prisoners. At Ouderarde there one ot the men was No. 3913 Kitchener, of the 2nd were 9,000 of the enemy taken, at Ramillies about 5,000 Gloucester Regiment. Of course it is so hot in South were secured ; while at Blenheim 13,000 of the French Africa at present that there is bound to be thunder- were, at the lowest estimation, made prisoners of war. storms, but noneof the newspapercorrespondents appears The British have now about 6,000 Boer prisoners in to have mentioned any. It will be dangerous work for hand, against less than three thousand English at balloon men, as at Aldershot some years ago, in the Pretoria. At the conclusion of the great French War, presence of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, a a hundred years ago, there were in this country over captive balloon under inspection was struck by light- 50,000 Frenchmen as prisoners of war ! Indeed, ning and several men killed. between the years 1803 and 1814 inclusive, 122,440 The reward that Lord Roberts will receive at the French prisoners were brought to England, of whom conclusion of the war is already being speculated upon. 10,341 died in prisons, 17,607 were sent back to France He is certain to receive a pecuniary reward, and pro- as invalids on parole, many exchanged, and the bably a higher title. As "Bobs'" son, however, was remainder liberated at the conclusion of war. Some killed at Colenso, it is probable that he will claim, like were kept in horrible hulksangloboerwar.comand others in prisons, Dart- Lord Wolseley, the acknowledgment ot his eldest moor Prison holding 6,500 of them. daughter as heiress under special remainder. It is valour of the Irish Brigade, Sir Redvers The under difficult to see how other honours can be bestowed, for Buller, has so touched the Queen that she has sent his full title is Lord Roberts of Kandahar and Water- them congratulation. recall a message of Their deeds ford, P.C., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E, V.C., those of the Irish Brigade of 1691, a body of 14,000 D.C.L., LL.D. The Editor of Black and White has soldiers who quitted Ireland and entered the pay of suggested, the creation of a new order, "The Star of Louis on the signing of the Pacification of Limerick. Africa." Why not make Lord Roberts the first Grand There are eight Irish Infantry battalions at the front, Commander ? two of which— 1 st Royal Irish Fusiliers and 2nd Dublin advance Ladysmith, at the Fusiliers — have been with General White in Ladysmith. Lord Dundonald's into head of the Natal Carbineers, and without the loss of Curiously enough, it is the 1st Battalion Dublin Fusiliers recalls ancestor, that has suffered the most severely in the relief of the a man, some similar exploits of his beleaguered town. Lord Cochrane. When the latter was commanding the frigate Imperieuse, in less than a month he had cut out The Boers are casting aside all the rules of civilised of French harbours and destroyed fifteen of the enemy's warfare.
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