Tem ple Be t h El 10 70 Orchard Ave. Provid enc e , R. I. Rhode lalond's Only Anglo-Jewiah Greotest Newspoper Independent In Weekly The Jewish Herald Rhode lslond VOL. XXXX, No. 38 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1955 P ROVIDENC E . R. I. T WENTY PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY Plan Dedication Week for Soy Is rael Jewish Groups Charge Center's South Side Branch Stand W on't Completion of the Providence victual persona lity and integrity, Kill Eden Pion Jewish Community Cen ter's South and significant gToup experience. Infringement of Rights Side Branc h building will be Hence, they arc splendid instru­ LONDON- The British g·overn­ m a rked by specia l programs for a ll ments working for a finer democ­ ment expressed regret over Isra­ NEW YORK - Forty- three age groups during Dedication racy and a more fruitful life for el's "uncomprom ising attitude" J ewi sh organizations charged this Weck. which has been set for Dec­ J ewry. towa rd new Middle East peace Miriam to Open week that serious infringements of ember 10-1 7, according to Pet er "As J ews we have cause for re­ proposals made by Prime Minister constitutional provisions guaran­ H. Ba rdach . Center pres ident. joicing t h a t our Center is reded­ Eden . But there was no indica­ teeing religious freedom and the "Chanukah W eck will have spe­ icating itself t his Chanukah to de­ tion that a com bined Anglo-Amer ­ Heart Lob Service separation of church and sta te velop progra ms for th e atta in­ ica n drive to arrange an Israe li­ cia l significance to us this year in A n ew cardio-pulmona ry lab­ are taking place in four "major ment of an informed J ewi sh com ­ Egyptian settlement would be de­ Providence. for t his is the week oratory service, the first of it s areas " of American life. munity, a ble to participa te intel­ terred by the Israeli reaction to chosen to dedicate Providence kind in Rhode Isla nd, will be These four areas were described ligent ly in our society. Sir Anthony·s major policy speech J ewry 's newest communal struc­ ina ug ura t ed by Miriam Hospi­ in a letter to the Senate Subcom­ "The n ew building and facilit ies Wednesday nig hL. t ure" sa id Mr. B ardach. ComplP­ t a l on Monday, Nov. 28. mittee on Constitutional Rights by mean t ha t t he Cente r leade rship Am erican Ambassador Winthrop t io!1 of t his fi n e n ew Center in the Design ed to fill a n important the Synagogue Council of Amer ­ a nd sta ff can plan more intensive­ W. Aldrich call ed on Sir Anthony South Side of our city, with in­ gap in the investigation of ica and the National Community ly for adult and yout h activities this morning. Officials said it could cr eased opportunity for our chil ­ h eart disea se in this state, the Relations Advisory Council as along recreationa l a nd education­ be assumed that the principal rea­ dren a nd adults. will be hailed by n ew la b service will be con ­ follows: al lines a nd that it can provide son of their meeting was the com­ all. For th e community. it rep­ duct ed with n ew X - Ray a nd 1. Involvement of the public resents an add itional aid in mak­ more adequa t ely for programs mon interest of both governments connected with the J ewi sh festi­ clectrocardiogra phic equipmen t school in religious instruction and ing Providence a better place in in the re-establishment of order a nd necessary ch emistry labor­ observance. wh ich to li ve. vals . socia l functions. a nd such in the Middle Eas L. community-wide types of pro­ a tory facilities a lread y installed 2. Grn.nt of tax-raised funds One obvious aim of Amer ican by the Miriam. for religious education and use of ''Concretely, wha t does the new grams as J ewi sh Book a nd Music a nd B ritish policies at the mo­ Exercises incident to the government property by reli gious Center edifi ce. d edica ted to the Month. ment is to patch up the quarrel h ighest J ew ish ideals . symbolize "Fina ll y. our n ew Cente r build­ ope ning of the service will in­ organizations for religious pur­ between Israel and the Arab states c lude a progra m of h eart su r ­ poses. for us? It epitomizes. we think. ing will ena ble us to oITer to the Un­ and thus interrupt the Soviet ger y tha t will feature lectures 3. Enforcement of compulsory th e faith of our community a nd J ewi sh community additional fa­ ion·s new attempt to establish it­ its leaders in t he fut ure a nd un­ by two n a tion a lly prominen t Sunday laws against person s ob­ cilit ies tha t will draw to Center self in the Middle Eas t. de rlines their concern with th e heart s pecialis ts, Dr. John B. serving the seventh day as the all segments of our J ewi sh com­ Sir Anthony Eden ·s settlem ent developmen t of a well-equipped munit.y , and further stre ngthen Gr ow a nd Dr. Herbert Harned. S abba th. proposal is that Israel and Egypt will fn 1x ic;; h vr'lllt,h n n rl ~ Sf',..L!rr, h:?.r - ! 'JU.!.' Center as the cultural. rccrca­ These exercises b~ h e ld on 4. R Pst rictions on the erection sta1 t negm,iation~. with Grea t Nov. 28. of houses of worship and rell Riou:-. m onious community. For th e I tional and socia l hub of our com­ Britain as a mediator Sir An­ Centers of our nation stress indi- munity." Com plete d etails on the Mir­ organizations for residential com­ thony said a compromise could ia m's n ew community ser vice munities. Uc found between the 1947 reso­ will be list ed in n ext week's Letter Filed \\Ti th Sen ator s lution on boundaries and the I 949 Herald. The letter of the J . A. C. was YAD Initial Gifts Dinner Shows Palestine armistice lines. fi led with the S enate subcom­ mittee with expressions of r egret One Third Increase in Pledges South Side Pre-Schoo lers that the latter had canceled a scheduled hearing on the st a tus Young Ad ults of the Grea ter Magazine. of religious freedom in this coun­ P rovidence a rea gath ered last Oscar Goldstein was the feature try." The J. A. C. represents n a­ Sunda y evrn ing a t the Lcdgemont entertainer of the evening. tional synagogal and rabbinic or­ Coun t ry Club to hold their annua l S idney Rabinowitz represented ganizations as well as regional a nd initial gi fts dinner. The tota l the General Jewish Committee local civic J ewish groups, includ­ a mount of money ra ised was one- a nd explained the function of ing the American Jewish Congress. t h ird more tha n last year a nd is ma ny of the local agencies that t he Central Confe rencp of Ameri­ eviden ce that Young Adults in the benefit from GJC funds. can Rabbis. the Rabbinical Assem­ area are r.ognizant of their rcspon­ M a rtin Dittelman. chairman of bly of America, and others. s1b1 li ty to their community a nd to the a ffair a nd Lewis Goldstein, Sign ed by Rabbi Abrah a m J . Israrl. Young Adult Division chairman, Feldman. president of th e Syna­ Peaturc speaker of the evening sta ted they we re pleased with the gogue Council of America. a nd was Leo La nia. editor of World line a ttenda nce. Mortimer Brenner , a New York communal lead er a nd a ttorney. the st a t ement said in pa rt that J ewish organizations today arr Seized in Hiding of Orphan Girl finding a " most serious t h reut" to the principle of religious freedom THE HA GUE- A nun a nd an- Belgium. the Dutch Foreign Min­ othC' r Roma n Cat holic wo man istry announced today. Their cx­ a nd sepa ration of church nnd conv1ctt>d by a Dutch court of pre- tradition to this country is being state becnuse of "eve r tnc re:1.si n g: vr ntmg a 14 -yrar-old Jewish f.{ irl sought. pressure to in t roduce reli p. ious in ­ struction nnd prncticrs into t hl' f rom Joining- hl'r h·1rn l frna rcli a ns The nun is Dutch - born Mother public sch ools." have- bC'rn arrrstl'cl at Brussels. S upC'nor Vc rspeck, of the Belgia n con vrn t of Wa lmeer who w as sel) ­ t('ncrd 111 ubscntla to six months Captains Meet imprisonment by nn Amste rda m THE DEADLINE court on Oct . 24. S h e was charged To Plan D-Day Fo r a ll News Stories, with hiding orpha ned Anna 1-l cn­ rit' tte Beekman in the convent in D- Day capta ins met last T ues­ Pictures, Societ y Item s, et c . .s pite of a demand by Out.ch au­ d ay n ig h t to fo rmlulate plnns for FOR NEXT WEEK 'S thori ties thnt th t• girl be turned t h r onr-day solicitation for t h C' ISS UE IS ovrr to guard ians of the J ewi sh 1955 cnm paign of the Genf'ral fnlth J ewish Commit t ee on Sunday, T h t• oth(' r woma n ulso scntt• nced Decem ber 4.
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