17962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 September 13, 2006 Nick Walters, originally of Wiggins, sion Nick Walters will be successful in A tireless worker on behalf of others’ MS, was appointed as Mississippi’s wherever his endeavors may lead. campaigns, he also held elected office, USDA rural development director by I hope my colleagues will join me in serving for 10 years in the State legis- President George Bush in 2001. Since thanking Nick Walters for his exem- lature, first as a member of the Oregon then, Nick has done a great job sup- plary service to the Federal Govern- House of Representatives and then as a porting Mississippi’s communities, ment and, more importantly, to Amer- member of the Oregon Senate. Prior to helping to secure resources needed for ica as Mississippi’s USDA rural devel- that, in 1948, he was elected to the public facilities, utilities and for eco- opment director. Democratic National Committee. nomic development. f Given his strong partisan politics, This is a key Federal position for my some might think his most notable MURRAYHILL LITTLE LEAGUE State. As Nick likes to say, this is the feat was converting U.S. Senator ALL-STAR TEAM ‘‘non-farm,’’ or ‘‘non-food’’ part of Wayne Morse, whose seat I now hold, USDA. It’s about new water and waste ∑ Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise to the Democratic Party—helping Sen- water systems, so people can have today to congratulate Oregon’s ator Morse to see the light, as it were. clean, dependable running water. It’s Murrayhill 11 and 12-year-old Little But Monroe considered the passage of about new community centers, town League All-Star team. They recently the Bilingual Education Act of 1968, a halls, and even high-tech or edu- placed second in the U.S. Little League product of his work at the National cational assets like broadband service, World Series Championship, and third Education Association, his most impor- telemedicine and long-distance learn- in the World Little League Champion- tant accomplishment. What I will re- ing. ship. member most about Monroe is the way Since taking office, Nick has pre- On August 26, 2006, at Howard J. he lived: his boundless optimism, his sented scores of oversized checks, in Lamade Stadium in South Williams- energy to get things done and his smile countless photos for local papers tell- port, PA, Murrayhill capped a remark- that would warm even the coldest ing stories about a new water tower or able postseason, losing the United room. a new police car or fire truck. States Championship to Columbus When I spoke with Monroe a few Some people might think these Northern Little League from Georgia. weeks ago, he was still the activist we things are small, and they often are in Murrayhill was the first Oregon team all knew so well. The last thing we dis- terms of Federal dollars. But these in 48 years to qualify for the Little cussed was the November 2006 elec- modest services will reverberate for League World Series, and the first to tions, and, since Monroe was constitu- years to come. As Nick says: USDA ever reach the U.S. Championship tionally incapable of being anything rural development is really about eco- game. On their road to the champion- other than optimistic, he did not want nomic development, helping to encour- ship, they won the District 4, Oregon to discuss what-ifs about the outcome age and sustain job creation—paving State, and Northwestern Regional of the election; he only wanted to talk the way for communities to grow. Baseball Tournaments. about the good that the Democratic Nick has helped administer more Murrayhill displayed great heart, Party will accomplish when it wins than $100 million to Mississippi’s cities outstanding teamwork, dedication, re- back the majority in Congress this fall. and towns through this agency. He silience, character, and sportsmanship Oregon and the Nation are better for hasn’t sat on laurels waiting for may- throughout the tournament while having had Monroe Sweetland in the ors, supervisors, town aldermen, or achieving one of the highest honors in world. For 96 years, we were blessed CEOs to approach him. Nick has been Little League Baseball. with his presence on this small planet. proactive, innovative, and he is ac- This team of 11 and 12-year-olds Although life seems a little dimmer tively sought cases and ways to meet brought pride to the State of Oregon without him, I know my life is better individual community needs through with their remarkable run during this for having known him. USDA’s various rural development pro- year’s postseason. I ask my colleagues I know Monroe is in heaven, and if I grams. to join me in congratulating all the had to guess, I would say it is likely he We have all heard the old saying: players involved in a hard-fought U.S. is up there right now organizing the ‘‘Don’t tell me what you can’t do, tell Little League World Series.∑ angels for further good deeds. Nothing me what you can do.’’ That is been f on this Earth slowed him down and I Nick Walters’ approach to public serv- TRIBUTE TO MONROE SWEETLAND don’t expect that to change now that ice. His first inclination is to act. That he has gone ahead to a better place. is something we Mississippians appre- ∑ Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I A giant of politics in our State, and ciate. After Hurricane Katrina, we saw pay tribute to the life of Monroe an even greater human being, Monroe many Federal bureaucrats in FEMA Sweetland—a visionary, a patriot, a will be sorely missed by all who knew and elsewhere strapped by indecision, statesman, and the father of the mod- him, and even more sorely missed, blinded by tunnel vision, stuck on what ern Democratic Party of Oregon. Mon- though they may never know it, by they could not do, obsessed with the roe passed away Sunday, September 10, those who never had that opportunity.∑ at the age of 96, having lived a very full word ‘‘no’’ when they should have been f saying ‘‘yes.’’ Nick isn’t that type. He life in pursuit of a better Oregon and a has provided a great example of what better Nation. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT someone in this office can do using its An Oregon native, Monroe was born Messages from the President of the authority to the utmost, and we’re in Salem in 1910. After attending law United States were communicated to working hard to find a successor who school, he returned to Oregon, and, fol- the Senate by Ms. Evans, one of his will continue this strong leadership. lowing the Second World War, he secretaries. Nick Walters will be missed but my worked tirelessly on behalf of the f guess is that he will be back in public Democratic Party of Oregon, rebuild- service one day. In what capacity? I ing the party from the ashes. Monroe EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED don’t know. That is a decision for him, was a strong Democrat, a proud par- As in executive session the Presiding his wife Lisa, and his young children, tisan who stood with his party not out Officer laid before the Senate messages Porter and John Garrett. of any desire for influence or power but from the President of the United But now with this success behind him out of a belief in the values espoused. States submitting sundry nominations and given his previous experience in He seemed to know instinctively that which were referred to the appropriate the private sector, his work with if the party was strong in its values, committees. former Mississippi Governor Kirk then electoral success would follow. (The nominations received today are Fordice, his stint as chief of staff for And on that basis, he worked to rebuild printed at the end of the Senate pro- the Mississippi Public Service Commis- our party from the ground up. ceedings.) 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