Vol. 4, No. 5 May 1993 WHY SOME AREA CHURCHES OF CHRIST CANNOT SUPPORT THE 1993 AREA WIDE COLISEUM MEETING IN CORINTH It is with much regret that that vacation of yours for leaves, he will himself be such an article as this needs March 25-28, 1992. AND it's both immersed into Christ to be penned. However, there's time to ask that lost friend and immersed into the fel no way we can be faithful to the of yours to do the same! lowship of other excited Lord who saved us and not speak Plan to bring that Christians, saved completely favorite friend of yours, that in the precious blood of the up concerning any grievous error, LOST friend of yours, to the Lamb. especially when it is at our own upcoming International So, plan your vacation front door. Soul-Winning Workshop in now. URGE him to make his The speaker chosen for this Tulsa. Make it a special plans to come with you. If year's meeting is LARRY WEST week-end outing. Have him you cannot bring a friend ofthe White's Ferry Road Church stay with you at a Tulsa from home, plan to bring, of Christ in West Monroe, motel. For something special don't just invite, but bring Louisiana. He is well known for is planned for him. Tulsa waiters, clerks, maids his "We Care" campaigns and The Emphasis: TO WIN and anyone else you meet crusades. He is very zealous in SOULS "AT" THE INTER after you arrive! Let's make striving to teach the lost. There NATIONAL SOUL-WIN this truly a SOUL-WIN NING WORKSHOP! NING WORKSHOP! certainly is no wrong in this regard. However, there are a (Thursday) Larry West: In this article, Larry West number of reasons why some "How God Saved People encouraged people, far and near, churches in our area cannot sup 2000 Years Ago!" port him in the area wide meet (Friday) Terry Rush: "I to attend the 1992 Tulsa Soul- ing. Some of these reasons are Don't Feel Like I'm Good Winning Workshop. This work found below. Enough!" shop is one of the most liberal Brother West frequently Marvin Phillips: "Pente among us! He invited them to sit appears on lectureships and cost Revisited!" at the feet of men who have been workshops which are noted for (Saturday) Jeff Walling: known as false teachers for "To Seek and Save The their support of error and false years. Not only that, he planned Lost!" to be with them himself and lend teachers. In the "World Radio Think of it! Your friend News" of November-December his support and encouragement! will be immersed in the This is a flagrant disregard of 1991, he wrote an article enti singing of fifteen thousand Romans 16:17 which says to, "... tled: Emphasis: Win your brethren night after night. neighbors "at" the Tulsa Soul- He will feel the bursting mark them which cause divi Winning Workshop. He said, spirit of God's wonderful sions and offences contrary to the people surround him for doctrine which ye have learned; It's time now to schedule days there. And before he and avoid them." It is an open Seek The Old Paths - May 1993 violation ofEphesians 5:11. "And be saved at the workshop!" are increasing...I conduct have no fellowship with the personal work seminars and unfruitful works of darkness, but MARVIN PHILLIPS I'm getting invitations from rather reprove them." He is con the non-instrumental demned by II John 11 which Restoration Forum VIII was brethren in this area." says, aFor he that biddeth him held at the Garnett Road Church God speed is partaker of his ofChrist, Nov. 7-9, 1990. It was a Regarding cooperation evil deeds." He is "guilty by meeting "for an expected 1,500 between the Christian Church association" - associating with members of the Churches of and the Church of Christ, he said those in error with no sign of Christ and Independent Christ that the Christian Church had rebuke from him! ian Churches from across the A look at some of the speak nation." While commenting on "contributed $800,000 to feed the starving in Ethiopia ers on past Tulsa Workshops instrumental music and the which was sponsored and reveals a great deal. In 1992 Independent Christian Church, overseen by the elders ofthe there were: Terry Rush, Jeff Phillips said, church of Christ, non-instru Walling, Larry West, Wayne mental fellowship...." Kilpatrick, Mike Cope, Mar "The forums are held vin Phillips, Calvin Warpula, because brethren on both It was the White's Ferry Tony Woodall, Rick Atchley, sides believe the same Road Church of Christ to things. We were kept apart Jerry Jones, Richard Rogers . which DeWelt referred in the In 1990 there were: Steve Flatt, because we didn't know each other. ... Our hope is for how quote above. In a letter dated Jim Woodroof, Larry West, much fellowship we can Jan. 1,1985, DeWelt wrote: Walt Leaver, Calvin Warpula, have while we differ over Gary Beauchamp, Jerry that issue. I see - in the "WE BELIEVE GOD Jones, Terry Rush, Rubel future - joint services and HAS OPENED WIDE A Shelly, Dick Marcear, Stanley mergers which will be DOOR of opportunity to Ship, Richard Rogers, Mike a cappella - non-instrumen express love and unity. The Cope, Jay Utley, Max Lucado, tal. I see some churches hav White's Ferry Road Church Marvin Phillips, Don DeWelt, ing both instrumental and of Christ elders have asked non-instrumental services." that we share with them to Jerome Williams. In 1993, the help meet the traumatic schedule listed: Joe Beam, {Tulsa World, June 17, 1990, Section B3) need of the starving in Denny Boultinghouse, Stan Ethiopia. ley Shipp, Jerome Williams, At the 1990 Tulsa Workshop, "We are so excited about Lynn Anderson, Marvin the mutual acceptance of while welcoming Don DeWelt, a Phillips, Richard Rogers, each other in this effort and Terry Rush, Jeff Walling, Christian Church preacher, also the eager desire to Mike Cope, Steve Flatt. In Phillips said, demonstrate our faith and other years there have been: love by our works...we must "Don DeWelt is a not fail." Chuck Lucas, Bill Banowsky, beloved brother to me. We Mid McKnight, Landon Saun disagree like many brethren ders, Alan Cloyd, Reuel Lem- In a letter dated Dec. 19, disagree, but he is a beloved 1984, from International Disas mons, Jimmy Allen, Cline brother. His spirit is great. ter Emergency Service, Inc. Paden, Randy Mayeux. From He loves the Lord, believes these names you would think you in the authority ofthe Scrip (IDES), which is an organization were looking at a list of "Who's tures, believes in the one of Instrumental Churches of Who" among false teachers and church, believes in so many Christ and Christian Churches, compromisers of the Faith! things that he and I both we read regarding their own Note below the documented would give our lives for. He reliefefforts in Ethiopia, is the owner and operator of evidence to show the false teach Gospel Press, is always at "Then we received an ings of three of these men: Mar the workshop with their appeal letter from the vin Phillips, Terry Rush and booth and their store...." White's Ferry Road Church JeffWalling. These are the very of Christ in West Monroe, men whom Larry West, in his As Don DeWelt spoke at the LA asking for help for article quoted above, desires workshop he said, Ethiopia.... These need our everyone to hear! It is a clear help, and we have sent endorsement of them! The tenor "As a direct result of the $5,000. ofbrother West's article is, "Hear Forums, we are involved in "We contacted elder Carl these men, obey their words and cooperative efforts and they Allison of the White's Ferry May 1993 - Seek The Old Paths Road congregation and Brother Phillips taught a TERRY RUSH learned their congregation is series of classes at Kentucky working with other of the Christian College (Christian Terry Rush is the minister of non-instrument churches in Church school) in the Master of the Memorial Drive Church of raising funds. ... Carl Ministry program to thirty-six Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The assures IDES the aid is students in 1986. These classes Tulsa Workshop alternates being sent in on a direct line were filled with error and com from the U.S. congregations between Memorial Drive and to the Ethiopian congrega promise as the tapes show. Garnett Road (where Marvin tions.... Brother Phillips says, Phillips preaches). Brother Rush "IDES will be forward has a book entitled: The Holy ing funds designated for "I come across Matt. 15:9...I Spirit Makes No Earthly Sense Ethiopia directly to the realized that you can't be which is endorsed by Richard White's Ferry Road Church perfect in doctrine, but you Rogers, Tracy Ellis, Dick to be combined with what must be genuine... And Marcear and Ted Stewart. Cline that's exactly what I John they are raising. This joint Paden wrote the introduction. effort between brethren on verse 7 means when it says A review of this book both sides of the restoration walk in the light. Well, movement will hopefully be there's only two ways to appeared in Hammer & Tongs, a means towards apprecia walk in the light. One would May through October 1992, edit tion for and understanding be sinless perfection and ed by Bill Lockwood and Stephen of each other much more that's not you and me, or the Wiggins.
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