TIHECTORV.] HUNTINGDONSHIRE. FLETTO:s'. 25 Radford GeorJ;re. farmer Saint Oharles, wheelwright &; Rose &;' Thompson William, harness maker, Richards Edwd. Alfred, wheelwright Crown P.H 2 Bridge terrace Roberts William, beer retailer Saint William, wheelwright Thurley Thomas, Ohequers P.H RaIls Arthur Oliver, tobacconist Sansom Amelia (Mrs.), carter Topper Richard, farmer Rayston William, beer retailer Scard Anthony,carver &; gilder,Ivy cot Toseland Simon Thomas, coal dealer .s1. Ives (Hunts) Gas 00. Limited Scoffield Amy (Miss), dress maker, 7 Watts Oharles A. miller (wind) (William James Mason, general Bridge terrace Wootten J. &; Son, chicory manufrs manager), London road Swain William, jobbing gardener FLETTON is a parish on the borders of Northamp- the manor. The various brick companies in the parish tonshire, about· 1 mile south from Peterborough, arid on are the principal landowners. The soil is rich loam; the road to Whittlesey, in the Northern division of the subsoil, principally clay and gravel. The chief crops are county, petty sessional division and hundred of Norman wheat, barley, beans and peas. The area of Fletton Cross, union -and county court district of Peterborough, rural civil parish is 757 acres of land and 1 of water; rural deanery of Yaxley, archdeaconry of Huntingdon rateable value, £14,004; the population in 1901 was 'Rnd diocese of Ely. Old Fletton is governed by an Urban 1,833. District Oouncil of 15 members, formed in 1905 under The old parish has, under Section 36 of the "Local the provisions of the "Local Government Act, 1894" Government Act, 1894," been divided into FletOOn Urban (56 &; 57 Vict. c.73). In this parish is the Peterborough and Fletton Rural, the former being that portion of the. joint station of the Great Eastern, London and North old parish within the municipal borough of Peter- Western and Midland railways. The river Nene, form- borough. • ing part of the parochial boundary -on the north, is New Fletton was incorporated with the borough of navigable from ,Sutton Wash, 10 -miles eastward, and Peterborough in 1874, and the names of residents will also westward to Northampton. The church of S1. be found under Peterborough. Margaret is an ancient structure of Barnack stone, con- Acting Parish Clerk, Abraham Nicholls. sisting of chancel with north aisle of two bays, cleres- toried nave with .aisles, south porch and a western towt'r Town Sub-Post, M. O. &; T. Office, Old Fletton.-Mrs. with octagonal broach spire containing a clock, erected Harriet Edis, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from in commemoration of the Jubilee olf Her late Majesty Peterborough at 7 &; 8 a.m. &; 1.15, 4.30 &; 7.30 p.m.; Queen Victoria, and 3 bells: the oldest features are dispatched at 8.30 &; II·3° a.m. &; 3, 5.30, 6·45, 7·45, tl\O figures of saints embedded in the south wall of the 9 &; II p.m.; sundays, arrive 8 a.m.; dispatched 8,30 chancel. and some 'singular and grotesque frieze designs W~ilmLetter Box, Ohurch corner, cleared 8.3 &; II.3 inserted in the adjoining angle buttrus, exhibiting 0 0 . t Id' f th . d 'th a.m. &; 3, 5.30 , 6·45,9& II p.m.; sunday, 8.30 p.m m er ace carvmg; a cross 0 e same peno Wl Wall Letter Box, London road, Railway bridge, cleared sculptured animals and the inscription "Radulphu8 Filius Wilielmi" much defaced, stands under the west 8 a.m. &; 2, 5· 15 &; 8.30 p.m. week days only window; the Norman remains, m-ostly of the time of OLD FLETTON URBAN DISTRICT OOUNOIL. Henry H. comprise the south and east walls of the chancel and the arcades of both north aisles; that of Meetings are held at the Council schools, Old Fletton, the nave formerly consisted of four arches. but during on the second monday in each month at 7.15 p.m. ~ome alterations in the Decorated period the two Members. Wl'sternmost arches and the pillar were removed and replaced by one wide arch (the deposed Norman capital Ohairman, Edward Dickinson J.P. being taken to the neighbouring church of Stang-round, Vice-Ohairman, A. Johnson 0.0. where in an inverted position it form8 the base of a Fletton Ward. Decorated pier): the Transitional period is illustratl'd Retire April I Retire April by two ~mall shafts with floriated capitals in the chancel Edward Dickinson J.P. 19II (i.eor/re Pooler 1912 arch; and there are some Early Engolish lancet windows WilIiam Hawkins J.P.. 19II I H. Wootton 1913 llnd other details: the rest of the edifice, including the A Juhnson ....•.....••..• 1912 I F. Wright 1913 south aisle, tower, and the restored porch. are Decorated work: in the chancel is a low-side window: a narrow Stanground Ward. -:"ood staircase remains in thp chancel .uch, and in the A. CIsrk •...•.•.•.•....... 19II W. T. Loma!> .....•..•.•• 1913 north aisle of the nave a small aumbry: the church was James Frepar 1912 Charles Medlock 1913 partially restored in 1872, and in J90J the south aisle D. H. Redhead ••••.•..• 1912 was restored and f'nlarged at a cost of £700, and theI'!' Woodstone Ward. ";Ire now 340 sittings. The churchvard was closed to - t t· 8 Th . t d t f th E. Rains J911 I C. Hill. 1912 ln ermen s In r 9~. e regIS er a es rom e yf'ar J. J, 1516, but entries from 1606 have bf'en COnif'd into it: Thomas Oftord 19II D. R. Scott 19 13 there are no entries from 1642 to r648. The living i~ Officials. '8. rectory, net yearly value £475, including 64 acre,s of Olerk, Richd. Randolph Oog-gon, Grandmoor,Old FlettoD glebe, with residen-ca, in the gift of G. O. Wentworth· Treasurer, J. A. Bagshaw, Stamford, Boston &; Spalding Fitzwilliam f'sq. J.P. and held sinct' 1887 by thp Rf'v. Bank, Peterborough Charlps Dowman B.A.. LL B. of Trinitv C'ollp~t'. Dublin. Medical Officer of Health, Alexander Stewart RobertsoD Here is also a Mission room and a United Methodist M.B., O.M.Glas. Elmlea, London road, Peterborough ~hape1. A cemetel'Y of about 4 acres, with a mortuary Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Frederick James chapel, was opened in 1893; it is managed by a. joint Whittaker. Fletton avenue committee of the Old Fletton Urban and Peterborongh Collector, Charles Butler, High street Town Councils. There are deep beds of clay in this Council School (mixed &; infants), built in 19or• at a parish, and a very large industry in bricks is carried on bere. The charities are as follows :-Francis and Jane cost of [,7,000, for 400 mixed &; 240 infants; average attendance, 400 mixed &; 235 infants; Thomas W. Proby in 17II- 12 left £,200; Marv Walsham in 1744 a Miles, master; Miss Kathleen Wibon. infants' mist sum of [,roo; and Robert Wright in 1815, £10; the interest is distributed to the poor in fuel: Proby's Secondary Oouncil School, London road, erf'cted in 1910 charity of [,1,530 in Consols produces about £40 yearly at a cost of [,3,000, but not yet (June) opened; H. E. for educational purposes; a scheme for its appropriation Rayner, head mlloSter designate was confirmed by Order of Court, 29th May, 1858. Great ~orthern Goods Depot, High street, Henry J"ames Bristow esq. of 8 Bancroft, Hitchin, i,g lord of FurmIdge, goods agent PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Baines Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Butler Oharles, assistant overseer &; E')oth Rev.Alfred (United Methodist), Victol'ia place rate collector, Hi~h street Florf'nce villa Beales Richd. boot 1'ePJ". 47 Duke st Butler Sydney, florist, High street Dickinson Edward, London road Beaumont Frances (Mrs.), grocer, St. Cemetery (W. Mellows, Peterborough, Dowman Rev. Ohas.B.A.•LL.B.Rectory Margaret's Toad clerk; Abraham Nichols, curator) Farnsworth Mn. Fletton house Brewster Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Olark George. hair dresser, High st Hawkins William J.P Queen's road ,Oogg.m Richard Randolph, clerk to M'llden A.llbrev Ohal'1es. London ,.oad Brice Ernest, teacher of music, the Urban District Council, Grand- OliveT Robert 'Dudley Maunsel (H.M. Edward villa, High street moor Inspector of Schools), Manor house Broughton Eveline (Miss), dTesS ma. Dllws3n Sarah (M-ss), shopkeeper, W.ragg Thomas, Fletton 10. London rd 9 St. Margaret's road I Fellows road COMMERCIAL. BI'nughton George, shopkeeper, St, Eastwood &; 00. Limited, FlettoD Addington Thos. ins. agt.21 Milton rd Margaret's road Brick 00. (E. Dickinson, manager), Ayre Amoll, general smith, 2J Prin- Butler O. &; Son. makers of Butler'sj brick &; tile makers cess road patent garden frames.
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