7316 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 31sT MAY 1983 FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC BIRCH, Kenneth Charles and BIRCH, Trudi Lynne, of EXAMINATIONS 91 Brambletyne Avenue, East Saltdean and lately re- siding and carrying on business in the style of The TURNER, John, unemployed', residing at 3 Padstow Foodstore, 126-128 Lustrells Vale, Saltdean, Brighton Close, Hattersley, Hyde, and TURNER, Brian, unem- both in the county of East Sussex, previously trading in ployed, residing at 6 Elsdon Road, Longsight and for- the style of Roberts Stores, 143 Lower Street, Pulbor- merly residing at 15 Kelstern Square, Longsight, lately ough, and formerly residing at 53 Old Shoreham Road, trading in partnership under the style of Turner Bros, Southwick both in the county of West Sussex, FOOD- from 3 Padstow Close, aforesaid, all in the county of STORE PROPRIETORS. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Greater Manchester, as PAINTERS and DECORATORS. Matter—55 of 1983. Date of First Meeting—14th June Court—ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE AND STALY- 1983. 12 noon. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, BRIDGE. No. of Matter—17 of 1983. Date of First Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Meeting—15th June 1983. 10.30 a.m. Places-Official Brighton, East Sussex BN2 2JZ. Date of Public Examina- Receiver's Office, Townbury House, 11 Blackfriars Street, tion—29th July 1983. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton County Salford M3 SAB. Date of Public Examination—16th Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex August 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place—The County Court BN2 2LG. Date of Order for Summary Administration— Buildings, Scotland Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. 20th May 1983. LYONS, Holly Walter, of 154 Falcon Lodge Crescent, EDWARDS, John Victor (Junior) of 126 Craven Road, Sutton Coldfield in the county of West Midlands, TAXI Brighton, East Sussex, formerly of 30 Parsonage Road, DRIVER, lately residing at 77 Humberstone Road, Henfield and previously of 5 Oakhurst, London Road, Erdington, Birmingham and previously at 52 Church Henfield trading in the style of Edwards Tyres Services Road, Aston, Birmingham aforesaid, formerly carrying at Goldings Barn Farm, Small Dole, near Henfield and on business as a part-time PHOTOGRAPHER and as Three Cornered Platt, Cowfold Road, West Grinstead all an OFF-LICENSEE. Court—BIRMINGHAM (Ex in the county of West Sussex as a TYRE DEALER. High Court No. 2875 of 1982). No. of Matter—66u Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—26 of 1983. Date of 1983. Date of First Meeting—24th June 1983. 10.30 of First Meeting—15th June 1983. II a.m. Place— a.m. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, Commercial The Official Receiver's Office, Windsor House (East En- Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Birmingham B2 trance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 4UP. Date of Public Examination—12th October 1983. 2JZ. Date of Public Examination—9th September 1983. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, Corner of Cor- 10 a.m. Place—Brighton County Court, John Street, poration Street, and Newton Street, 4 Newton Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 2LG. Birmingham B4 6PY. MECHEN, Michael Arthur of 20 Staplefield Drive, East PALA, Suiesh, of and trading at 23 Evelyn Road, Spark- Moulsecoomb, Brighton in the county of East Sussex, hill, Birmingham Bll 3JH, lately of and trading at 157 formerly residing and trading as an ANTIQUE DEALER Oldfield Road, Balsall Heath, formerly of and trading at at Upton Farm, Upper Brighton Road, Sompting, Worth- 2 Regent Street, Hockley, previously of and trading at ing in the county of West Sussex, now unemployed. Court 85 Showell Green Lane, Sparkhill all in Birmingham. —BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—51 of 1983. Date of West Midlands as a JEWELLER. Court—BIRMING- First Meeting—14th June 1983. 12 noon. Place— HAM (by transfer from High Court of Justice).. No. of Official Receiver's Office, Windsor House (East Entrance) Matter—-66A of 1983. Date of First Meeting—15th 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. Date of June 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Official Receiver's Public Examination—29th July 1983. 10 a.m. Place- Office, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Brighton County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Birmingham B2 4UP. Date of Public Examination— 26th October 1983. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, Brighton, East Sussex. Date of Order for Summary Corner of Corporation Street and Newton Street, 4 Administration—19th May 1983. Newton Street, Birmingham B4 6PY. Date of Order, PINNER, Charles, of 149A Bannings Vale, Saltdean, East if any, for summary Administration—22nd March 1983. Sussex, FILM PRODUCER and lately residing at 149A Bannings Vale, Saltdean. East Sussex. Court— McPHEE, John, residing and carrying on business at 68 BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—144 of 1982. Date of Bower Street, Mill Hill, Blackburn, Lancashire under First Meeting—16th June 1983. 11 a.m. Place—Official the style of McPhee & Son as a BUILDER and Receiver's Office, Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 ROOFER. Court—BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—18 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. Date of Public of 1983. Date of First Meeting—6th June 1983. 11 a.m. Examination—29th July 1983. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton Place—The Official Receiver's Office, Petros House, St. County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East Andrews Road North, St. Annes-on-Sea. Date of Public Sussex. Date of Order for Summary Administration— Examination—9th August 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place— 20th May 1983. The Court House, 64 Victoria Street, Blackburn. RIDLEY, Michael James Kevin, of 410 Upper Shoreham DONNE, Alan, Hygiene Supervisor of 31 Ashburton Road, Road, Shoreham-by-Sea in the county of West Sussex, Blackpool, Lancashire, formerly residing at 272 Hornby lately carrying on business in the style of ' M & R Road, Blackpool aforesaid and previously residing and Security Systems' as a SALES AGENT, now unem- carrying on business from 197 Devonshire Road, Black- ployed. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—48 of pool aforesaid as a COAL MERCHANT and HAUL- 1983. Date of First Meeting—28th June 1983. 11 a.m. AGE CONTRACTOR. Court—BLACKPOOL. No. of Place—Official Receiver's Office, Windsor House (East Matter—8 of 1983. Date of First Meeting—9th June Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. 1983. 12 noon. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, Date of Public Examination—9th September 1983. 10 Petros House, St. Andrews Road North, St. Annes-on- a.m. Place—Brighton County Court, John Street, Ed- Sea. Date of Public Examination—20th July 1983. 10.30 ward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. Date of Order, if a.m. Place—The Law Courts, Chapel Street, Blackpool. any for summary Administration—19th May 1983. SCURLOCK-JONES, Peter David, of 350 Wallisdown Road, Bournemouth, Dorset. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. PORTFLEET, Neville Lancelot, of The Kings Head, Col- No. of Matter—17 of 1983. Date of First Meeting— chester Road, Halstead, Essex, Inn Keeper, lately a 15th June 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's BUILDING SUBCONTRACTOR, lately residing at 79 Office, Burlington Arcade, Bournemouth. Date of Pub- Queens Road, Sudbury, Suffolk. Court—CHELMS- lic Examination—27th October 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place FORD (By transfer from High Court of Justice). No. —Bournemouth County Court, The Law Courts, Stafford of Matter—17c of 1983. Date of First Meeting—9th Road, Bournemouth. June 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place—3rd Floor, Colman House, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 6EF. SCURLOCK-JONES, Poppy Joy, of 350 Wallisdown Road, Date of Public Examination—12th October 1983. 2.30 Bournemouth, Dorset. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. p.m. Place—Chelmsford County Court, London House, of Matter—18 of 1983. Date of First Meeting—15th New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 OQR. June 1983. 11 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, Burlington Arcade, Bournemouth. Date of Public Exam- CRAKER, Roy, residing at 26 Hospital Lane, Coventry ination—27th October 1983. 10.30 a.m. Place—Bourne- CV12 OLB, West Midlands, unemployed, formerly re- mouth County Court, The Law Courts, Stafford Road, siding and carrying on business under the style of " Bed- Bournemouth. worth Garden Services " at Rockholme, Saunders Ave.,.
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