mm «»:5h«iW»PW mmu- MONDAY, MAY 6, 1907. / "" 1 THE EVENING TIMES, GRAND FORKS, N. D. N'0\C£ - V* ' / PAGE THREE ARE YOU GOING TO ADD A TOUCH Of1 BEAUTY HE RESIGNED To Your I 'We oiler lor jroir con»ld< North Dakota Football Team state. Street trees, elm an# 12 to IS feet high, straight tr Without a Manager—Mr. • • mg$ FLO O'Connor Quits. Splrea, 5 kinds. s8$? Snowball, 6 kinds. Lilac, 40 different varieties J. F. T. O'Connor, recently made Syringa, 5 khtfs. ULlEMSlHie LIDS PUT HERE manager of the North Dakota foot­ Flowering Currant, 8 kinds ball team, has resigned. The resig­ Honeysuckle. 3 kinds. B nation was sent in on Saturday after­ these we have Elder, Sr Well Known Minneapolis Team noon. Prunus, Hydrangea. Deutzla Mr. O'Connor was obliged to take berries, Cornus, Symiphorlc Going Against Pickets this step on account of the large and numerous other hardy i amount of work he has been obliged in variety. Large sized apt v This Summer. to do, and that he will have to do this •bock. summer and coming fall. As manager Roses that will bloom LEAGUE of the football team last year, he was three Weeks ot the time thr a success, and it was hoped that he planted and continue to bloot The Lund ibaseball team of Minne­ would stay another year. stantly until frost. Fifteen For Next Few. Days There Will apolis has 'been organized for the HOTEL DACOTAH choicest kinds. season and will start out the season SPORTING EVENTS ON THE Vines, Clematis, red, pink, Be Something Doing All about the middle of May and con­ WEEK'S CALENDAR. THE FINEST IN THE NORTHWEST and blue. Wild Crape, Ivy, Cini tinue playing every day until Sep­ Monday. the Time. tember. Last year the Lunds played British woman's golf championship Rates: $2.00 to $4>0Q Per Day Sundays only and as a matter of fact opens at Newcastle, Ireland. the players were never able to get Ninth annual meet of the League of GRAND FORKS, ^ NORTH DAKOTA, j into shape. This year the manage­ American Sportsmen opens at Nor­ WICKLE1 All teams of the 'Northern Copper- ment Intends to turn out a profes­ ~ -J GROUNDS IN RIVERSIDE f Country league are now practicing for folk, Va. the opening on May 16, a little over sional aggregation and tours of North Meeting of the new Louisville Jockey- a week from today. It Is anticipated and South Dakota, as well as Wis­ club opens with the Kentucky derby. that by that time the members of the consin and Minnesota, will be made. Tuesday. various nines will be in first class Secretary Schultz ot the team has Iowa baseball league begins its sea­ condition for the season. already scheduled games with several son. The ' Calumet "Aristocrats" re­ of the best teams in the northwest, American Trotting association board , y'rV$.. ported in St Paul for prelim­ and the team will <be on the road of appeals meets at Chicago. inary practice last week, and expect during the entire summer, with the Wednesday. GRAND FORKS ORATORIO SOCIETY exception of one week in June, when Interstate association's second to put in the next few days meeting ANNOUNCES ITS some of the fast nines in and around a series of games will be iplayed with southern handicap tournament at Rich­ -Vr/j fit St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Giants, the St. Paul gophers. Among the mond, Va. as the Houghton team is called, are town that have been scheduled are Thursday. now busy in Wisconsin, although the Webster, Redfield, Aberdeen, Brook­ Spring meeting of Westchester Jock­ HAY 16 & first game of the week, scheduled to ings. Watertown, Huron, S. D.; Grand ey club opens with Metropolitan han­ life be played in Oshkosh, had to be can­ Porks, Cooperstown, Fargo, Devils dicap. celled, owing to recent snowstorms in Lake, Enderlin, Valley City. James* Wisconsin baseball league and New 17th, 1907 town, Carrlngton, New Rockfcrd, Fes- York State league begin their seasons. L that district. However, before the senden, Harvey, Minot. Bismarck and team returns to Houghton it will have Invitation golf tournament under had some good workouts, during Oakes, in North Dakota. auspices of Princeton Oniversity Golf Two Mntlnena Two Evening Concerts which time Captain Taylor will have The team'plays against the Pickets club. Thursday, May 16, 2:30 P. M.—"Popular Concert" weeded out the undesirables, and have in this city. Friday. Thursday, May 16, 8:15 P. M.— "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast." selected a permanent lineup. Packv McFarland vs. Maurice Say- Fridav. May 17, 2:30 P. M.—"Symphony Concert" Only one of last year's Calumet ers, ten rounds, at Milwaukee. Friday, May 17, 8:15 P. M.—Handela "Messiah." team has been signed for this season. Hugo Kelly vs. Jack (Twin) Sulli­ He is "Biddy" Dolan, the lanky first van, twenty rounds, at Los Angeles. % EHGIHEEROEATEH Steve Kinney vs. Young Donohue, baseman, and one of the best hitters > CHORUS OF 120 VOICES in the league. Two of the men secur­ twenty rounds, at Pueblo, Cal. Under direction of PROFESSOR 6. A. STOUT of Wesley Conser­ ed by Manager-Captain Frank Mul- Laws Take Saturday's Game Saturday. j vatory of MusIC) assisted by lane are Kurke and Newcomtoe of last Annual tournament of Intercollegi­ year's Lake Linden team. Kurke will ate 'Shooting association at Rockaway, CLARA WILLIAMS, (Minneapolis), Soprano, By Score of 14 to 10—Puts L. I. CHARLOTTE HARRIET SHELL, (Boston), .Alto, do the backstop work, assisted by IMPERIAL HOTEL Mullane, while Newcombe is on the Race of Harvard and Columbia var­ H. AUGUSTINE SMITH, (Chicago), Tenor. Machine Men Out. sity crews on Charles river, Boston. M. J. OT.ONNOK, Proprietor dUSTAF HOLMQUIST, (Chicago), Basso, pitching 'staff. Calumet's first game is scheduled Princeton university interscholastic and the championship at Princeton, X. J. AMERICAN PLAN Ratest la50 per day SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA to be played with the fast St. Thomas college team of St. Paul. The team Standing of the Teams. Yale-Harvard track and field meet j has secured the use of the St. Paul w. L. Pet. at Princeton, N. J. New Furniture—All Modern NEAR GREAT NORTHERN DEPOT Tickets Now on Sale at Octti Mnalc Store ... American association team for its Laws 2 0 1000 Brown-M. I. T. track and field meet •I Arts 1 0 1000 at Boston. Prices: Season tickets, $4]00, $&50, games in the Saintly city, and expects K^ep your eye on the 'black pacing to be in the best possible shape when Preps 1 1 .500 Dartmouth-Amherst track and field Single Admission—Evening, v&QQ, $1.50, $1.00. Commercials 0 1 .000 meet at Hanover, N. H. stallion, to be sold this month. He Single Admission—Afternoon, $1.00, 75c. and 50c. the N. C. league seasons opens on Thursday, 'May 16. Calumet is schedul­ Engineers 0 2 .000 Wesleyan-Williams track and field has a mark of 2:07*4—but the Call vj Send Mall Orders to John H. Catkin. Bovlneis, Manager. ed to open the season in Winnipeg, By defeating the Engineers in a well meet at Mlddletown, Conn!' predicts he will hang up a two-min­ Virginia-Johns Hopkins track and Box 106, Grand Forks, H. D. with Houghton playing In Duluth. played game Saturday afternoon, the ute mark this year if he fails into Captain Taylor, of the Giants, in­ Laws took the lead in the inter-de­ field meet at Baltimore. formed the Jhome management last partment baseball league at the uni­ Swartmort-Dickinson track and field the hands of a race-horse man at w ous tor chorals among musicians week that he had signed several addi­ versity. The final score was 14 to 10, meet at Carlisle, Pa. the sale. everywhere, and Richard Heuberger, tional players, and that when the team but this mountain of tallies does not Nebraska-Minnesota track and field In the 2:24 class trot in the Cen­ '^e/9 CQ the other director, is a professor at returned to Houghton the latter part denote that the game was a good one. meet at Minneapolis. tral circuit of North Dakota the purse VIENNA MALE the Vienna conservatoire. Social of the week, in order to meet the The Engineers have been put out of Naval academy-Carlisle Indians is $500 and there will be a big field status and musical ability are equal Medicin4 Hat team a week from Sun­ the pennant race entirely by Satur­ track and field meet at Annapolis. of starters. Sanitary Plumbing. requisites to membership in the so­ day, there need be no fear as to the day's defeat, while the Laws feel as Entries for the Central circuit of Steam nnd Hot Water. ciety. No less than eight millionaires ability of the men brought along with though they were already possessors YOUNG GOULD'S TENNIS HONORS. North Dakota close May 15. Heating Ventilation are on the rolls, and In addition there him. Taylor had his men join him of the 'rag. The score by innings. J. O. Connor of Courtenay, N. D., nnd Oaa Fitting. SINGERS VISIT R. H IS Wins International Court Champion, has purchased of F. N. Lee of Brit- are many nobles, artists, high officials, in Chicago the first of the week and - Both Phones 1043.L. Engineers. 0 1 4 2 0 0 0 3 0—lO*" 8 7 ship in Hard Contest. ton, S. D., the handsome chestnut university professors and distinguish­ they put In a couple of davs practic­ Laws 5 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 *—14 12 8 London, May 6.—Jay Gould, son of ed professional men.
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