~~~~~~,;.~:=::c:;.,-::ll:=:::ll.;.~.---=m:::.:Il"'.::....-:m:.;:r=fl1 I1 BERGEN COUNTY ji New Jersey ~ I MARRIAG~ ~ECORDS l $f~~::::..i .............. :::::::c-.::=:c.-.:.~~--~-':!==::::::r:-==:~=.!:.::==:;:;::;-.:r=-.:==:::--==:::::=r=::..-n:::.....-n~r'!.l BERGEN COUNTY New Jersey MARRIAGE RECORDS Copied from the Entries as Originally Made at the Court House by the Ministers and Justices of the Peace of the County Compiled b, MRS. FRANCES A. WESTERVELT Curator of the Bergen County Historical Society Financed by the Special Fund Donated by WILLIAM 0. ALLISON Publishers Lewis Historical Publishing Company, lnc. New York 1929 CHIEF ORATAJI[, Bergen County, 1567-1667 Bergen County Historical Society Organi:cd, 1902 Incorporated, 1907 Hiram Blauvelt, President James W. Mercer, Treasurer Oradell, N. J. Haclcensaclc, N. J. Cornelius V. Brinkerhoff, Secretary Mrs. F. A. Westervelt, Curator Haclceruack, N. J. Haclcensaclc, N. J. Assembly Rooms, Depository of Records and Museum Johnson Public Library, Hackensack, N. J. PREFACE HERE is nothing of the spectacular in the presentation of this volume of Bergen County marriages to the public, but in the preservation of these records there is performed a II sel"Vlce of value that will increase with the passing years. Nor 1s the work itself unat­ tended by human interest am! even something of the dramatic, for it is an accomplishment made possible by one who has p=¾5sed from our midst, an achievement of hands that are stilled. William 0. Allison was a life member, vice-president, and financial benefactor of the Bergen County His­ torical Society, and in addition to generous gifts to the regular activities of the Society established a fund of which he made the Curator, Mrs. Frances A. Westervelt, special trustee. With the discovery in the Court House at Hackensack of these records, entered by ministers and justices of the peace, there was disclosed a fitting use for the fund,} use that would permit of dedicating to Mr. Allison a memorial in recognition of his generous support and aid of :ill his­ torical work. Historians and genealogists to whom these data are now made availabfe are debtors to him, owers of a debt that can be discharged by the careful, conscientious, effective type of research and study that he admired. As for the compiler, it is another milestone upon the road that she has long traveled, a road leading to a fuller record of Bergen County history, a wider popular knowledge of the lives and works of Bergen Countians, from even the time of Oratam, ancl of the historic ground we tread from day to day. MRS. FRANCES A. WESTERVELT. Hackensack, N. J . February 1, 1929. COMMUNITIES are arranged alpha- betically, and marriages thereunder follow in chronological order, with a few minor exceptions, all entries from a sin­ gle church grouped under the name of the congregation. Entries have been repro­ duced e..'Cllctly as made, even when mis­ spellings are obvious. BERGEN COUNTY MARRIAGES ACQUACKANONK-NOW PASSAIC. 1796, 14 Ja!I. Hassel Jurrian to Marytie Van Hoorne by Henry Schoonmaker, 27 Mar. James D. Christie " Annaatie Helm · V. D. M. 1797, 22 Jan. Cornelius C. Van Houten " Antie Post " 7 May Harmanes Van Bussem " Beeletie Post IO Dec. Jacobus Doremus .. Maria Goetschius 17g8, 17 Nov. Harmanes Van Blerchom " Elizabeth Van Allen 6 Dec. George Bolesbey " Phebe Stiles 1799, 3 Aug. Jacob Brinkerhoff " Abigail Van Bussem IO Nov. James Van Riper '' Rachel Mead 18oo, 3 May Garret Marsellus " Lena Degraw 18o1, 28 Feb. Demick Cadmus " J annetie Krow 13 June Egbert Brower " Rachel Goetschius 15 Nov. Jacob Berdan, Jun•. " Antye Van Houten 18o2, 14 Feb. Garret Demott (widower) " Mariaty Westervelt 18o3, 16 Jan. John I. Van Giesen " Catherine Van Allen " 16 Feb. Jacob Garretson " Leah \Vesselse 17 Apr. Joseph Gillam " Annaatje Cough IO July Adrian I. Post " Rachel Van Gieson 18o4, 17 l\Iar. John Van Bussum " Jannetyc Goetschius 10 Mav Denick Berdan 1' Antye Berdan 29 July Richard Outwater " Catherine Kip 18o5, 24 Mar. John S. Van Winkle " Jannetie Kip 21 Sept. Peter A. \Vestervelt " Catherine Burhans 18o7, 30 Aug. John R. Berdan " Maria Van Houten 18o8, 2 Oct. Caspares Wesselse " Neeshye Van Houten " 10 Dec. William Cairns " Maria Cough 1811, 23 May Eda P. Mersailes " Hylie Kip 22 Sept. John T. Goetschius " Hannah Goetschius Dec. John Kip " Jannetie Van Winkle 1812, 31 Mar. Joseph Kingsland " Martha Acherman 1813, 13 May George Van Voorhis " Sally Van Bueren 6 June David Demarest " Garretye Van Houten 19 Sept. George I. Ryerson " Hellegart Van Houten 1831, 24 Feb. Solomon F. Bogert " Maria Van Bussum by John Berdan, Min­ 1832, 21 Jan. Abraham C. Romine " Catharine Zabriskie ister, Acquackanonck,. 2 June James J. Van Winkle " Maria Prentice .. IO Oct. Enoch Brinkerhoff · " Mary Berry 1833. 19 Feb. Christopher C. Joroleman " Elizabeth Van Emburgh 2 Nov. Richard Alyea " Rachel Van Riper 1834, 1 Jan. William Tichenor " Elizabeth Brinkerhoff 31 Mar. John Van Roden " Elizabeth Prentice 1834, 8 I•eb. James Curley " Ann Christie by Wm. R. Bogardus, 27 l\far. Michael Gillam " Betsey Howard Pastor 21 Jtme Nicholas Van Winkle " Jane Vreeland " 18 Dec George Vreeland " Ann Ycreance 6 BERGEN COUNTY MARRIAGES 1834, 31 Dec. John J. McQean to Elizabeth Jane Banta by Wm. R. Bogardus, 31 Dec. Stephen Berry " Ann Eliza Berry Pastor 1835, 25 May Benjamin N. Qeveland " Eunice Van Winkle 12 Sept. Lawrence Van Orden " Ann Y ereance .. 1836, 30 Apr. Hassel Yereance " --Post ( wid.) " 24 Sept. Solomon F. VanDerbeck " Lelly Van Iderstine 27 Oct. Abraham A. Van Riper " Clarissa Kip " 27 Oct. Adolphus Van Winkle " Petrina Van Winkle 10 Nov. Jacob Van Hom " Harriet Outwater 1837, 20 May John Yereance " Jane Van Houten " 28 St'pt. Christopher Stager " Elizabeth Yereance " 2 Dec. Lawrence Ackerman " Cecilia Van Bussum " " 1838, 17 Mar. Theodorus Van Iderstine " Elizabeth Terhune " " 31 May James Slater " Catherine Van Vorst " 4 Oct. Elias Vreeland " Rachel Van Houten 21 Oct. Cornelius Doremus " Maria Cadmus " 1838, 24 Oct. James Cadmus " Lydia Banta " " JQ Dec. Andrew Snyder " Ellen Van Houten " " 1840, 20 May Garret Van Vorst "Ann Calaum 25 June Philip Van Riper " Rachel Ann Van Winkle 20 Aug. Peter H. Kip " Sarah Van Iderstine 5 Nov. Garret Newkirk " Jane Van Riper " 31 Dec. John Yereance "Ann Cadmus 1841, 9 Sept. Cornelius Van Houten " Maria Zabriskie 14 Oct. Jacob Van Riper " Ann Ackerman 1842, 24 Nov. Henry Van Delinda " Lucina Tours 1844, 15 Oct. Peter Bush " Joanna Van Vorst 1845, 3 July Garret I. Post " Eliza Ann Post 3 July Charles Price " Helen S. Anderson BERGEN NECK. 1829, 31 Dec. John Houseman to Jane Vreeland by Rev. Ira C. Boice 1830, 1 May Michael Vreeland " Ann Vreeland " " 1831, I June Andrew Prior Simonson " Matilda Vreeland 24 Sept. Joshua Van Name " Ellen Van Hom 19 Nov. James Story " Sarah Waters 19 Dec. Henry Mandeville " Rachel Vreeland 31 Dec. George Vreeland " Ann Vreeland 1832, I Jan. Jacob Simonson " Jemima Enyarcl 20 Sept. Rev. James R. Talmage " Grace S. Miller 1833, 2 Mar. Oliver Hatfield " Sarah Ann Cozine 25 July Paul Mersereau " Jane Fountain 7 Nov. Henry Newkirk " Sarah Van Buskerk 14 Nov, Cornelius Cadmus " Rachel V reelancl 1834, 8 Oct. John Waters " Jane Simonson 18 Oct., Henry Van Riper " Catherine Cubberly 23 Oct. Garret G. Vreeland " Catherine Van Buskcrk 2 Dec. Sidney Schenck " Sarah Ann Smock 25 Dec. Cornelius Vreeland " Catharine Van Horn 1835, 31 Jan. Frederick Le Noir " Elizabeth Anderson 24 Feb. James W. Welsh "Jane Bell " BERGEN NECK-CARLSTADT 7 1835, 19 Mar. Michael Terhune to Jane Vreeland by Rev. Ira C. Boice 16 May Jacob Metzer " Jane Cadmus " - " 27 May Jasper G. Cadmus " Levina Van Pelt 2 June Moses Van Name " Caroline Housman 5 Sept. John Carragan " Gertrude Van Horn " 1836, 8 May· Jacob Herbert •• Eliza Jane Smock 5 July Thomas Robinson •• Jane Garretson 9 Oct. Samuel S. York " Elizabeth Jacobs 1837, 10 May Jacob Van Wickle " Susan R. Boice " 1 June Edward Cunningham " l\fary Ann Blake 29 June Thomas Cadmus " Julia Ann Earle CARLSTADT. 1813, 18 Dec. Jacob Kanouse • to Sally O'Brien by Jacob Bastedo, Minister of the Gosple 1821, 29 Nov. Benjamin B. Whiteman " lssabella Storms by William Leonard, Min­ ( of Hackensack) (of Hackensack) ister of the Gosple 1837, 25 Nov. Jacob Van Wart " Catharine Bloomer by John Hancock, Min. (wid.) 1838, 27 Oct. Joshua Van Wagonen " Eliza June 3 Nov. Lewis Pearsall " Sarah Horton " 1863, 26 Nov. Michael J. Murrey " Harriet Hunton (mar­ by E. W. Adams, Min. of ried in Hackensack) the Gosple 1867, 25 June Dr. Franklin \V. IIttnl " Eliza Fiennan (married by Woodbury M. Ferrald, in Hackensack) Clergyman of Boston, Mass. 1872, 25 Feb. Kornelis Mulder ", Aaltje Smit by L. G. J ongeneel, Min. of Gosple 17 Feb. Charles Daniel Heimisha " Emma Carstens by A. H. M. Held, Pastor (married at Hoboken) German Lutheran Ch. 12 May Ludwig Schroder " Juliane Von Hemsen of N. Y. Res. 79 (married at Hoboken) Christopher St., N. Y. 12 May John Kirck " Dorothea Schaarger " " (married at Hoboken) 15 Aug. Clans Henn Lemmermann " Anna Wilhelmine Gross ( at Hackensack) r877, 4 Oct. Edwin A. Dickerson (b. " Lina Hassel (b. Apr. 22, by George Windemuth Feb. 6, 1854, Newark) 1857, Hackensack) 7 Oct. Frederick Gmehlich (age " Dorothea Nettmeier (63 .. 48, of Weilsfeld, Wiirt­ yrs .. of Hanover) temberg) 3 Nov. Anton Jans (b. 30 Jan., " Anna Dora Stamp (b. 27 1852, of Lusenburg) June. 1857, Hacken­ sack) Henry Eckel (b. 27 June, '' Anna Kahler-Heckel 1854, Germany) (wid., b. II May, 1854. Germany) No Date Jacob Danielson " Polly Day by Rev. Eli Baldwin, b. Hack., 1794. Mission­ ary Agent, N. Y. & Pa. r824-5, N. Y. C.; 1825. d. 8 BERGEN COUNTY MARRIAGES FIRST GERJl[AN EVANGELICAL CHURCH. 186g, 7 Nov. Christian Rick to Elizabeth Degever by Rev.
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