
PALM S Index to Vol. 60 Vol. 60(4) 2016 Index to Volume 60 A new species of Attalea from the Bolivian Attalea crassispatha 97, 113 lowlands 161 Attalea eichleri 111 A university palmetum 93 Attalea exigua 112 Acoelorrhaphe 97 Attalea huebneri 61, 69, 73, 74, 76, 114, Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 25–28, 97 117–119, 123 Acrocomia crispa 97, 113 Attalea insignis 76, 123 Adonidia dransfieldii 15 Attalea macrocarpa 122, 123 Adonidia merrillii 15, 97 Attalea maripa 59, 72, 74, 76 Aiphanes horrida 67, 70, 74, 113 Attalea moorei 58, 59, 62–64, 66–70, 72–74, Aiphanes minima 113 76, 117–121, 123 Aiphanes weberbaueri 72 Attalea osmantha 123 Andriamanantena, A.Z., as co-author 169 Attalea pacensis 162–165, 167 Ali, O.M.M.: The argun palm, Medemia Attalea peruviana 62, 64, 65, 77, 112, 122, argun , in the eastern Nubian Desert of 123 Sudan 145 Attalea phalerata 63, 68, 69, 73–76, 114, Allagoptera 111 117–120, 123, 162, 163, 165, 167 Areca 18 Attalea plowmanii 58, 62–64, 76, 110, 117, Areca catechu 3, 19 123 Arenga 17 Attalea polysticha 64, 65, 76, 112, 116 Arenga caudata 43 Attalea princeps 59, 71, 73, 76, 77, 118, 123, Arenga hookeriana 43 161, 162, 165, 167 Arenga pinnata 97 Attalea racemosa 62, 76 Arenga undulatifolia 97 Attalea rostrata 123 Aspects and causes of earlier and current Attalea salazarii 58, 61, 62 spread of Trachycarpus fortunei in the Attalea septuagenata 76 forests of southern Ticino and northern Attalea speciosa 76 Lago Maggiore (Switzerland, Italy) 125 Attalea tessmannii 59, 62, 64, 76, 113, 121, Astrocaryum 39, 113, 114 122 Astrocaryum carnosum 70 Attalea weberbaueri 59, 66, 67, 72, 73, 77, Astrocaryum faranae 70, 72 111, 112, 114, 119, 121, 123 Astrocaryum gratum 76 Attalea : Insights into the diversity and Astrocaryum huicungo 69 phylogeny of an intriguing genus 109 Astrocaryum perangustatum 72 Bactris 39 Astrocaryum ulei 74 Bactris gasipaes 39 Attalea 9, 11, 12, 18, 21, 39, 57–59, 63, 64, Bactris hirta 74 66, 69, 72, 74, 76, 77, 109–116, 121, Baker, W.J., W.L. Eiserhardt, M. 161–163, 167 Rakotoarinivo, A.Z. Andriamanantena, Attalea allenii 112, 116 R.N. Rabarijaona & S.H.J.V. Rapanarivo: Attalea amygdalina 72, 113 The palms of the Masoala Peninsula 169 Attalea anisitsiana 73, 74, 118, 123 Baker, W.J., W.L.T. Eiserhardt & M. Attalea bassleriana 60, 64, 69, 74, 76, 77, 116, Rakotoarinivo: Photo Feature: Dypsis 117, 122, 123 pumila 99 Attalea blepharopus 75, 76, 77 Barcella 111 Attalea butyracea 62, 69, 74–76, 113, 119, Bismarckia nobilis 21, 97 121–123 Borassodendron machadonis 17 Attalea cephalotus 66, 70, 72 Brahea armata 134 Attalea cohune 113 Burga, C.A., as co-author 125 Attalea colenda 107, 111, 114 Butia 111 202 PALM S Index to Vol. 60 Vol. 60(4) 2016 Calamus 12, 138–141, 143 Couvreur, T: Jean-Christophe Pintaud Calamus albidus 138 (1960–2015) 38 Calamus henryanus 137 Daemonorops 12 Calamus kontumensis 141 Daemonorops grandis 19 Calamus spiralis 143 de Granville, J.-J. & M. Gayot: Guide des Calyptrocalyx 18 palmiers de Guyane, reviewed 84 Calyptrocalyx hollrungii 43 Dictyocaryum lamarckianum 72 Calyptrocalyx laxiflorus 43 Dowe, J.L., R. Lovatt & N. Snajder: Flowering Calyptrocalyx micholitzii 43 of Carpoxylon macrospermum , a critically endangered palm, in the Townsville Calyptrocalyx multifidus 43 Palmetum, Australia 29 Calyptrocalyx pachystachys 43 Dowe, J.L. & D. Warmington: Watkins Calyptrocalyx yamutumene 43 Munro Martin Conservatory, Cairns Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana 43, 48 Botanic Gardens, Queensland, Australia 41 Calyptronoma occidentalis 17 Dransfield, J.: Guide des palmiers de Carpoxylon 35 Guyane, reviewed 84 Carpoxylon macrospermum 29–36, 43, 93, 102 Dransfield, J.: Photo Feature: Eugeissona Caryota 17, 137 brachystachys 201 Caryota maxima 137, 138 Dransfield, J., Princeps, reviewed 102 Caryota mitis 19, 97 Drymophloeus 18, 43 Caryota no 22 Dung, N.Q., as co-author 137 Caryota obtusa 137, 138 Dypsis 18, 97, 173, 176, 182, 183, 185, 186, Ceroxylon 39, 56 190, 193 Ceroxylon echinulatum 72 Dypsis acaulis 171, 172, 192 Chamaedorea tepejilote 39 Dypsis baronii 179 Chuniophoenix suoitienensis 141 Dypsis carlsmithii 190, 192 Coccothrinax 97 Dypsis confusa 186, 188, 189, 192 Coccothrinax borhidiana 97 Dypsis crinita 177, 179, 188, 192 Coccothrinax crinita 96, 97 Dypsis decaryi 97 Cocos 114 Dypsis dransfieldii 173, 176, 186, 188, 189, Cocos nucifera 97 192 Copernicia 17, 88 Dypsis faneva 186, 188, 192 Copernicia baileyana 87 Dypsis fanjana 188, 192 Copernicia cowellii 85–88, 90, 91 Dypsis fasciculata 173, 192 Copernicia fallaensis 97 Dypsis fibrosa 173, 186, 188, 189, 192 Copernicia gigas 86 Dypsis forcifolia 173, 186, 189, 192 Copernicia hospita 86–88 Dypsis hiarakae 179, 192 Copernicia macroglossa 85, 86, 88, 90, 91 Dypsis hovomantsina 183, 186, 188, 192 Copernicia prunifera 97 Dypsis lantzeana 180, 192 Copernicia rigida 86 Dypsis lastelliana 173, 176, 179, 183, 186, Copernicia × burretiana 87–89 188, 192 Copernicia × dahlgreniana 55, 85–91 Dypsis lutescens 97, 172, 190 Copernicia × dahlgreniana , a new natural Dypsis metallica 159, 171, 177, 180, 192 hybrid in the savannas of Camagüey, Cuba Dypsis minuta 188, 192 85 Dypsis mocquerysiana 179, 186, 188, 192 Copernicia × escarzana 86, 88 Dypsis nodifera 192 Copernicia × occidentalis 87, 88 Dypsis pachyramea 171, 173, 179, 186, 188, Copernicia × shaferi 86, 89 192 Copernicia × sueroana 86, 87 Dypsis perrieri 179, 183, 192 Copernicia × textilis 87 Dypsis pinnatifrons 43, 173, 186, 188, 192 Copernicia × vespertiliorum 86, 87 Dypsis poivreana 43 Corypha 17 Dypsis procera 173, 180, 186, 188, 189, 192 Corypha utan 18 Dypsis pumila 99 203 PALM S Index to Vol. 60 Vol. 60(4) 2016 Dypsis pusilla 176, 188, 189, 193 Iguanura spectabilis 43 Dypsis reflexa 171, 178, 179, 193 Iriartea deltoidea 72, 74, 76 Dypsis tokoravina 188, 193 Iriartella stenocarpa 72 Dypsis tsaravoasira 188, 189, 193 Jean-Christophe Pintaud (1960–2015) 38 Dypsis vonitrandambo 159, 171, 173, 176, 192 Johannesteijsmannia 16, 18 Edelman, S.M.: Pneumatophores on Johannesteijsmannia altifrons 3 Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 25 Johannesteijsmannia perakensis 17, 18 Eiserhardt, W.L., as co-author 99, 169 Jubaea chilensis 134 Elaeis 10, 27 Jubaeopsis caffra 97, 98 Elaeis guineensis 27, 97 Komen, J., as co-author 79 Eugeissona brachystachys 201 Korthalsia rostrata 3, 11, 19 Eugeissona tristis 201 Laansoo, U., Photo Feature: Nephrosperma Euterpe edulis 39 van-houtteanum 40 Euterpe oleracea 27 Lanonia centralis 140, 141 Fehr, V. & C.A. Burga: Aspects and causes of Latania 12, 97 earlier and current spread of Trachycarpus Latania lontaroides 12 fortunei in the forests of southern Ticino Latania verschaffeltii 21 and northern Lago Maggiore (Switzerland, Lemurophoenix 170, 186, 188 Italy) 125 Lemurophoenix halleuxii 186, 187, 193 Ferreira, E.J.L., as co-author 57 Licuala 12, 42, 43 Flowering of Carpoxylon macrospermum , a Licuala bachmaensis 140, 141 critically endangered palm, in the Townsville Palmetum, Australia 29 Licuala cordata 42, 43 García-Dávila, C., as co-author 109 Licuala grandis 12 Gender expression of magnesium deficiency Licuala malajana 43 in Canary Island Date Palms 79 Licuala manglaensis 139, 141 Geonoma 43 Licuala mattanensis 43, 46 Geonoma atrovirens 43, 47 Licuala orbicularis 43, 49 Geonoma deversa 74 Licuala platydactyla 43 Geonoma epetiolata 43 Licuala ramsayi 41, 43, 45 Geonoma occidentalis 74 Licuala sallehana 43, 45 Geonoma peruviana 72 Licuala triphylla 43 Geonoma undata 72 Linospadix albertisianus 43 Guide des palmiers de Guyane, reviewed 84 Livistona 17, 27, 137 Henderson, A. & N.Q. Dung: Palms of Livistona australis 27 Vietnam – a progress report 137 Livistona decora 97 Heterospathe trispatha 43 Livistona jenkinsiana 137, 142, 143 Hodel, D.R., J. Komen, R.M. Hodel & M.A. Livistona saribus 137 Hodel: Gender expression of magnesium Livistona speciosa 137 deficiency in Canary Island Date Palms 79 Lodoicea 17, 19 Hodel, M.A., as co-author 79 Lodoicea maldivica 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 21, 56 Hodel. R.M., as co-author 79 Lovatt, R., as co-author 29 Howea 8, 17 Marojejya 180, 181, 190, 193 Howea forsteriana 97 Marojejya darianii 159, 176, 177, 180, 193 Hydriastele 43 Marojejya insignis 180 Hydriastele beguinii 43, 49 Masoala madagascariensis 183, 184, 188, 193 Hydriastele cariosa 43 Mathew, S.P.: Natural history of Phoenix Hyophorbe 97 andamanensis from the Andaman Islands Hyospathe peruviana 72 194 Hyphaene 12, 145 Mauritia 17, 27 Hyphaene dichotoma 11, 12 Mauritia flexuosa 19, 27, 69, 160 Iguanura 43 Mauritiella 17 204 PALM S Index to Vol. 60 Vol. 60(4) 2016 Maxburretia 12 Pinanga kontumensis 139, 141 Medemia 151, 153 Pinanga maculata 43 Medemia argun 145–147, 151 Pinanga ridleyana 43 Mejía, K., as co-author 57, 109 Pinanga simplicifrons 43 Merklinger, F.F.: The Singapore Botanic Pinanga tomentella 43 Gardens palm collection – historical Pintaud, J.-C., as co-author 109, 161 perspective, representation, conservation Pintaud, J.-C., A.M. Rodriguez del Castillo, and direction 5 E.J.L. Ferreira, M. Moraes R. & K. Mejía: Metroxylon 17, 27 Towards a revision of Attalea in Western Metroxylon sagu 19, 27 Amazonia 57 Miller, J.: Photo feature: Sabal palmetto 154 Pintaud, J-C., obituary 38 Moraes R., M. & J.-C. Pintaud: A new species Plectocomia elongata 19 of Attalea from the Bolivian lowlands 161 Pneumatophores on Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 25 Moraes R., M., as co-author 57 Prestoea carderi 72 Natural history of Phoenix andamanensis Prestoea montana 11 from the Andaman Islands 194 Princeps, reviewed 102 Neoveitchia 31 Pritchardia 108 Nephrosperma van-houtteanum 40 Pritchardia beccariana 108 Nypa fruticans 4,
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