:- * '• •JU* • • April 7, 1980 Page 2 HAVE FOR SALE CH.MPCAGES Crashing Off the Press Line an Evans Fanfare BEHIND THE BIG TOP Contact: JERRY LIPKO Is Coming 1 - 800 - 824 - 7888 - Ext. A-263 CIRCUS QUIPS ...by KARLJ. BISCHOFF HUBERT CASTLE CIRCUS THERE is a new title going around for show ... by Ralph Henderson people working the FRONT DOOR - it's known The new partnership of Hubert Castle and Tar as TRUST OFFICER. /an Zerbini brought a truly bigger and better Sometimes a WARDROBE MISTRESS feels than ever Shrine Circus to Spokane for nine that she could use half of the hands of the "700 performances in four days (Mar. 13-16). FUSSY TAILORSI" The show staff included: Bob Dunham, person- SINCE the trend is to rebates, it might be bet- nel director; Prof. Toca, band leader; Rick Aid- ter to change the term of HOLDBACK to RE- rich, prop boss and Lucky Larabee, ringmaster. BATE. Clown Alley concists of Gene Randow, Toby SOME SHOW PEOPLE who never do anything Ballantine, Lee Marx and Bill Vaughn. extra than they get paid for will NEVER GET Following the overture, the show opened with a PAID for any MORE than they do. flashy Spage Age Disco production with special LIKE a good JEWELER -a good CIRCUS will lighting effects, followed by ten Space Angels make customers enjoy the RINGS OF QUALITY on the Spanish web. A girl-to-lion illusion was used to introduce Tarzan Zerbini's cage act, af- ter which the clowns did a lion careing bit assis- elephants. ted by Tarzan. An aerial number followed with The second half opened with the Zercoffs Com- Miss Stella and Miss Lilia on the pump-over edy Voltige riding, followed by the Flying Vas- trapeze; Miss Maya and Miss Debby on single quez (3). The clowns came on with the washer- trapeze; The Brauns, cradle act and the Berans woman gag, and a display of perch acts with the on the balancing trapeze; Next came a dog act Diones and Dynamic Berans followed. The Rid- (one of the best and cutest I've seen for a long ing Zerbini Family followed (during the Friday time) Marie France and her Yorkies. evening show the young man that does the horse Jorge Resell and his Unpredictable Car follow- to hoiss somersault fell and landed on the ring ed, after which came three rings of animals - curb). Tarzan filled in for the balance of the en- Gary Thomas and a small elephant, the Martial gagement, doing a good job of riding and clown- camels and Hamas and a Lipizzan stallion riden ing. by Miss Patty. The next display was an Outer Space Production The clowns returned, then came three rings of featuring Mile. Jacqueline and her single trap- equilibrists • Becky and Maya, Martin Lamberti eze act below a flying saucer. The Outer Space and Les Michels. This was followed by a display theme was carried out with a walk-around of with three head balancing trapeze stars - Senor "Creatures of the Universe" while the net was Juan, Felipe and Venice. Then there were three being set for the Finale, Captain Circus' Rock- rings of jugglers with Ray, Michele and Yolanda, et Cannon number. Sampion and Lamberti. The first half came to a close with a Voo Doo Jungle Fantasy featuring five girls and Garry Thomas with the five circus WANT TO BUY YOUNG FEMALE THE CIRCUS REPORT is published oach week by Don Marcks, 525 Oak St., El Ccrrlto, Calif. • ASIAN ELEPHANT 94530 - Phone: 415-525-3332. Write: RONWHITFIELD SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $15.00 per year. Over- seas via surface malt is $20.00 per year. Marine World Parkway ADVERTISING RATES: (First Come Basis) Min- Redwood City, Calif. 94065 imum ad $5.00; Quarter Page $10.00; Half Page $20.00; Full Page $35.00 Call: 415 591-7676, Ext. 77 The Circus Report Page 3 Another attractive addition in the program was the Hollywood Horses presented by Philip An- thony. This liberty troupe, recently purchased HANNEFORD AT GREENVILLE, S. C. by Philip from Ian Garden, has been booked for .. .by Ron Morris the Monte Carlo Circus tour of Japan. The half No one can say that the 1980 Royal Hanneford closed with an Alice in Wonderland spec, again Shrine Circus produced for the Hejaz Temple on designed by Philip Morris, and featuring a mo- March 7-9 didn't start with a bang. torized hippo, a ditto birthday cake, and Nellie Hanneford as Alice who presented her fantail The spotlight opened on the singing ringmaster, dove fantasy. Ernie McClean who reminded the darkened house of the many past achievements of Amer- The second half kicked off with the Flying Ga- ica leading up to the first moon landing. Co-ring- onas (Arturo, Julio and David, plus Cindy Her- master Philip Morris, then broke in with a Cape riott) with 12 year old David consistently per- Canaveral count-down. forming a two-and-a-half. Mark Anthony's com A rocket hissed upward to a pedestal where wire edy car followed, and then came a real show walker Herbie Weber waited in the blackout. Ex- stopper, a western number with menage horses plosion. The spotlight zeroed in on Herbie, dres- including Mark Karoly, Brad Frank and Gay- sed in silver, simulating the first landing on the lord Maynard. moon in a backward slide for life. A bigger ex- The three ring dressage staged by Maynard in- plosion, then came the house lights and Old cluded a hindleg walk down the complete hip- Glory fluttering everywhere. Then followed the podrome track by Brad Frank, a capreol in the Grand Parade of "space maidens and moon ca- saddle by Mark Karoly, a rocking forehand by dets" extolling America. Maynard, and concluded with a Texas Skip by The Philip Morris designed and choreographed Brad Frank "bringing back the Tom Mix days spec received a warm audience response. Mean- in the Thirties" according to producer Tom- while as the parade continued, Tajana (Struppi my Hanneford. Hanneford) guided her mixed Bengal and Siber- Closing acts were: the four Hanneford elephants ian tigers to their positions. At the close of the worked by Tommy and featuring Mark Karoly spec the cats were already in place and the act who does a backward somersault propelled by commenced without pause. The smooth sophis- elephant power; The Nerveless Nocks, whose tication of the opening number prevailed throu- four sway poles practically touched the auditor- ghout the entire length of the Hanneford pro- ium celing; and a God Bless America finale fea- gram. turing an 18 ft. vinyl globe which inflated dur- Other high lights of the first half included the ing the number and blazed forth with an exag- Castro Bros, working on a 30 ft. high wire with erated outline of America in red, white and out a net, the Estrada Teeterboard (Julio and blue. Antonio), Belinda Maynard and four web girls Key personnel were: Tommy Hanneford, pro- in an aerial number which began with a beauti- ducer; Glenn Parkins, executive director and ful calypso theme. Gaylord Maynard's drunken producer, Dwight Hanson, prop boss with a horse routine was great as always. The Olmeda's crew of five, Meg Hansen, lighting director, bicycle number and the Hanneford Riding Act Mark Anthony and Tina (Tiny Tina) Scotts, with nine people including Mrs. George Hanne- producing clowns, Kenny Heller, concessions, ford (now 93 years old), Cindy and Heidi Her- Philip Morris, costumes and choreography. riott, Gary and Terri Bolstrem. and featuring Mark Karoly. Page 4 April 7. 1980 Dondi, the Elephant Show Dates Apr. 8-12 Merritt Island, Fla. Oram Temple Shrine Circus Apr. 7-12 Kingston, Pa. James H, Drew Exposition Beatty-Cole Circus Apr. 7-12 Lincolnton, NC Apr. 7-8 Lumberton, NC Ringling-Bamum - Blue Unit 9-10 Myrtle Beach, SC to June 1 New York. NY Tony Fossett Family 11-13 Wilmington, NC Apr. 1M3 Syracuse, NY Rin^ing-Barnum- Red Unit Garden-Johnson Circus Apr. 10-13 Charleston, W. Va Gund Western Collection Apr. 7-9 Bismarck, NO to Apr. 20 Fresno, Calif. 10 Jamestown Roberts Bros. Circus Apr. 11 Hawthorne, Fla. Gutis Family - Jungle Parody 11-13 Fargo 12 Lake Butler Apr. 11-13 Syracuse, NY 7-13 Springfield, Mo. Royal Lichtenstein Circus Kaye Hollywood Elephants 9-13 Green Bay, Wise. Apr. 7-8 Flint, Mich. Apr. 10-19 Columbus, Ohio Hubert Castle Circus - 9 Detroit The Kursawes - Bicycle Act Apr. 8-13 Sioux City, Iowa 10 Warren Apr. 7-12 Springfield, Mo. 10-19 Columbus, Ohio 11 Detroit 12 Flint Rick Legg- Clown Circus Vargas Apr. 11-13 New Orleans, La. Apr. 7-10 Thousand Oaks. C Shrine Circus Apr. 9-13 Madison, Wise. Los Latinos - Wire Act Coronas Thrill Circus to Apr. 12 Atlanta, Ga. Apr. 11-13 Macon, Ga. ••••MAGIC--" 0j John MacKay - Clown Dobritch Int'l Circus Amazing Con ktins Apr. 12-13 New Orleans, La. Apr. 12-13 New Orleans. La. Apr. 7 Golud, SO 8 Taylor Tommy Scon's Medicine Show Fiesta de Circo 9 Glen Ullin Apr. 7 Warren, Ark. Apr. 12 Manteca, Calif. 10 Montpelier 8 Camden Garden Bros. Circus 12-24 New Orleans 9Hope Apr. 8-13 St. Paul. Minn. 10 Texarkana, Texas Bervvin & Brewster 11 Paris Hamid-Morton Circus Apr. 7-12 RipU'v, Tumi. 12 Longview Apr. 12-13 Asbury, Park, NJ Blackstone Magic Show 13 Mt. Pleasant Hoxie Bros. Circus Apr. 8-27 Boston, Mass. Mr. Sensation - Aerialist Apr. 7 Merritt Island, Fla. Prf. Miller's Magic Time USA Apr. 7-12Wilke$-3arre, Pa. 8 St.
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