INDONESIANIndonesian Journal JOURNAL of Social OF SandOCIAL Environmental AND ENVIRONMENTAL Issues (IJSEI), 1 (1) ISSUES, 33-38 (IJSEI) Journal Homepage: https://ojs.literacyinstitute.org/index.php/ijsei ISSN: 2722-1369 (Online) Research Article Volume 1 Issue 1 April (2020) DOI: 10.47540/ijsei.v1i1.3 Page: 33 – 38 Participation of Community in Rural Development in Oengkolaki Village Mawasangka District Central Buton Regency Muslimin1, Muhammad Arsyad2, Sarmadan3 1,2,3Department of Sociology Halu Oleo University, Indonesia Corresponding Author: Muslimin; Email: [email protected] A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Participation of Community; The purpose of this study was to determine the kinds of participation of community Rural Development; Oengkolaki and the factors driving participation in rural development in Oengkolaki Village, Village. Mawasangka District, Buton Tengah Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through literature review and field Received : 25 January 2020 research conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. After the Revised : 20 February 2020 data has been redundant, then completed the analysis by using qualitative Accepted : 28 March, 2020 techniques. The results of the study aimed that the form of community participation in rural development in Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka District, Buton Tengah Regency included participation in development planning, development implementation, and participating in utilizing the results of development. The factors driving community participation in development are awareness, community capacity, and rising community income. INTRODUCTION the best for Oengkolaki Village but the reasons for The multi-dimensional national development participating in the development greeting are still in its management involves all government lacking. If it is seen from the number, only a small officials, both at the central and regional levels and portion of the community participates in the joint even at the village level. In the sociology dictionary, development, and only families from the village it is stated that participation is the participation of a apparatus and people who have cooperation ideas, person in a social group to take part in the activities such as the elderly who directly participate in of his community, outside of his work or profession building. Such conditions are a problem and an (Theodorson in Melis, 2016). obstacle for rural development to prosper the In implementing development goals, all community. existing potentials must be developed, such as The problem related to community human potential in the form of the population which participation in development in Oengkolaki Village must be increased in knowledge and skills to be is the weakening of the community's desire to be able to explore, develop and utilize natural potential involved in development because they think that to the full, and to achieve the implementation of this development is not important or not according development programs. to community needs, opportunities are given by the According to Isbandi (2007), the results of the village government are always open but the ability study showed that community participation in and willingness of the community are still lacking village development included participation in the or low. form of ideas or thoughts, participation in the form Based on this phenomenon, I intend to of energy, participation in material forms, and encourage the community to be directly involved in participation in evaluating the results of village development as is the duty of village development. communities. Actually to carry out community Of course, the situation is very unfavorable development has the desire to participate but the because many people in Oengkolaki Village are in community still has a lot of influence from other contradiction, people in Oengkolaki Village want village communities not to participate. This resulted 33 Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (1), 33-38 in conflicts in the implementation of development classifies, organizes, directs, discards unnecessary between the community and the village data, and organizes data in such a way that finally government. the collected data can be verified. Thus, there are two objectives in writing this Presentation of data is an assembly of article, namely to find out the form of community information organizations, descriptions in the form participation and the factors driving community of narratives that enable the conclusions of research participation in rural development in Oengkolaki can be done. The data presentation must refer to the Village, Mawasangka District, Buton Tengah formulation of the problem that has been formulated Regency. as a research question so that the narration presented is a description of the detailed conditions MATERIALS AND METHODS for telling and answering the questions. Presentation This research has been carried out in of qualitative data in addition to being presented in Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka District, Buton the form of a narrative text can also be presented in Tengah Regency. The determination of the research the form of matrices, graphs, networks, and charts. location is based on several considerations related After presenting the data, the next step is to the issues to be studied relating to community concluding. Concluding is the end of the qualitative participation in rural development. In determining research activities. The researcher must conclude informants, the researcher uses purposive sampling and verify both in terms of the meaning that the techniques, including village communities, village researcher formulated and the truth of the officials, and some community leaders. conclusion agreed upon by the subject where the The type of data used in this study consisted of research was conducted. qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is a type of data that is written or oral in a series of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION words or sentences. While quantitative data is a 1. The Forms of Community Participation numerically mathematical type of data. The data In developing a development, it certainly sources in this study, namely primary data and cannot be separated from community participation. secondary data. Primary data is data created by Thus community participation is needed both in researchers for the specific purpose of solving the planning, implementing, and utilizing the results of problem being handled, primary data obtained development (Gaventa and Valderma in Astuti D., through interviews using interview guides compiled 2009) asserting that community participation has by researchers to obtain data on informants. While shifted the concept of participation towards a secondary data is data that has been available at the concern with various forms of citizen participation agency in the study location. in policy-making and decision making in various The data collection techniques used in this key venues that affect the lives of citizens. In study includes: development, the community plays a role as a 1. Observation, namely attention focused on a subject and object that has a very important location symptom, event, or something to interpret it, in the sustainability of development. express the causes, and discovering the rules According to Isbandi (2007), community that govern it. participation is community participation in the 2. Interviews, conducted to obtain detailed data process of identifying problems and potential that and reveal answers from research informants. exists in the community, selecting and making 3. Documentation, carried out by looking back at decisions about alternative solutions to deal with the literature or documents and photographs of problems, implementing efforts to overcome documentation relevant to the theme raised in problems, and community involvement in the this study. process of evaluating changes that occur. To analyze the data obtained by researchers Community participation is often seen as an use qualitative data analysis techniques as intended inseparable part of community empowerment by Miles and Huberman (Upe, 2016), including data efforts. According to Mardikanto (2014) that the reduction, data display, and conclusions drawing. participation of a person or group of community Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, members in an activity. These forms of participation 34 Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (1), 33-38 in their implementation activities certainly require desires that are expected in the success of the prerequisites, one of which is the element of development, the need for compact cooperation volunteerism in carrying out such participation, between the government and the community because in carrying out participation means because community awareness cannot arise by participating in a problem that requires the itself. participation of various groups around him to be Community participation is giving greater able to achieve goals. opportunities to the general public to take part in the a. Participation in Development Planning process of determining actions that will affect their It can be concluded that, obtained information lives. With participation, the community, in general, on the form of community participation in citizens will have greater control over events that affect their that in this case shows the level of community lives, so that they will
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