Opportunity Quincy

Opportunity Quincy

Washington Directory of Radio plus. *John P. Andrist, CEO, pres & gen mgr; Rebecca L. Andrist, 'KNWP(FFM) -1998: 90.1 mhz; 1.6 kw. 197 ft. TL: N48 09 03 W123 Colfax (99111). (509) 397 -3441. Fax: (509) 397 -4752. E -mail: CFO; Rebeca L. Andrist, sr VP; Gene Harris, progmg dir; Jerry 40 09. Box 642530, 382 Murrow Ctr., Washington State Univ., Pullman kzzlOcolfax.com. Licensee: Hauser & Associates. (acq 4- 30-94) Wash Robinson, chief of engrg. (99164- 2530). (509) 335 -6511. Fax: (509) 335-3772. E -mail: any: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Country. News staff: one; nwprewsu.edu. Web Site: www.nwpr.org. Licensee: Washington news progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus. Bill Gott, VP & chief State University. Wash airy: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: of engrg; Beverly Thonn, stn mgr; Rob G. Hauser, gen mgr & sis dir; Opportunity Classical, News. *Dennis Haarsager, gen mgr; Roger Johnson, stn Dennison Bird, mus dir; David Sargent, news dir. mgr, Gillian Coldsnow, opus mgr; Sarah McDaniel, dev dir; Mike KNFR(FM)- Apr 1, 1961: 96.1 mhz: 56 kw. 2,378 It TL: N47 34 11 Rathke, progmg dir; Robin Rilette, mus dir; Ralph Hogan, engrg dir. Puyallup W117 05 00. Stereo. 300 E. 3rd Ave., Spokane (99202). (509) 459 -9800. Fax: (509) 459 -9850. Web Site: www.kix961.com. KONP(AM)- 1945: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N48 07 19 W123 26 13. KSUH(AM)- Dec 1, 1951: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N47 10 41 W122 Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner. Clear Communica- Channel Box 1450, 313 W. First (98362). (360) 457-1450. Fax: (360)457-9114. 16 24. (CP: 1440 khz; 5 kw -D, 2 kw -N, DA -2). Hm opn: 24. 2011 S. Rep: Allied Radio Partners. tions Inc. (acq 8-30 -00; grpsl) Wash arty: Web Sie: www.konp.com. Licensee: Radio Pacific Inc. *Net: ABC /I. 330th St., Federal Way (98003). (253) 815 -1212. Fax: (253) 815-1913. Target Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza. Format: Country. Rep: Tacher. Format: Adult contemp. news/talk, sports. Target aud: Licensee: Jean J. Suh. (acq 4 -4 -97: $350,000) Format: Korean, easy 25 aud: -54. Norm Feuer, CEO & pres; Kosta Panidis, gen mgr & gen 28 -54. Terry MacDonald, pres, gen sis mgr & prom mgr, Jim Ming, news. News staff: 2. Target aud: 25-65; working folks. Spec sis mgr; Jerry Jensen, nati sis mgr; Robin Baumgarten, rgnl sis mgr; MacDonald, gen mgr: Todd Ortloff, news dir: Kris Grier, chief of engrg. prog: Sports 6 hrs, C &W 6 hm wkly. *Sung woo Hong, gen mgr. Jim Allen, prom dir; Scott Shannon, progmg dir, Eric Koleman, chief of engrg. Prosser Quincy November 1955: 630 khz; 530 w -D, 53 w -N. N47 36 KXLI(AM)- TL 1998: mhz; kw. 1,046 KMNA(FM)- Sept 6, 1962: 101.7 mhz; 3.5 kw. 865 ft. TL: N46 11 12 KGER(FM)- October 95.9 2.51 ft. TL N47 19 31 W117 22 25. 500 W. Boone Ave., Spokane (99201). (509) W119 45 13. Stereo. 152101 County Rte 12 W (99350). (509) 13 W119 47 59. Hm opn: 24. Box 31000, Spokane (99223). (509) 325 -6300. Fax: (509) 325 -0676. Licensee: Queens Radio Inc. Group 786-1017. (509) 7864532. Fax: (509) 786 -1181. Licensee: Moon 754-2000. Fax: (509) 448 -3811. E-mail: acn @acn-network,com. Web owner: Morgan Murphy Stations (acq 5- 21 -97) Format: Nostalgia. Broadcasting Co. (acq 5 -8 -97; $100,000 for 55 %) Rep: Target Radio. Site: www.acn- network.com. Licensee: Quincy Community Radio. Chris Garras, gen mgr, opns mgr & gen sis mgr, Teddi Gibbon, stn Format: Hispanic. Target aud: 18.49. Frank Allen, gen mgr & gen sis Wash airy: Pepper & Corazzini. Format: Christian talk. *Thomas W. mgr; Brian Paul, mktg dir, prom dir & adv dir. mgr; Brian Tucker, progmg dir; Mike Lewis, chief of engrg. Read, gen mgr, KWNC(AM)- Sept 10, 1957: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D, 40 w -N. TL: N47 16 Othello KZXR(AM)- Coowned with KMNA(FM). Dec 14, 1956: 1310 khz; 5 15 W119 51 13. Box 607 (98848). (509) 663 -5121. Fax: (509) kw -D, 66 w -N. TL: N46 14 03 W119 48 49. (509) 786 -1310. (509) 664-6799. Licensee: West Coast Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 3.8 -99) 786 -4532. (Acq 6 -1 -98; $80,000) Net: CNN, Unistar. Rep: Tacher. KRSC(AM)- Sept I, 1957: 1400 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N46 49 29 W119 Rep: Tacher. Formal: News. News staff: 3; news progmg 168 hrs wkly. Format: News/talk, sports. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Sp, relg B 11 26. Hm opn: 24. Box 566, 180 E. Main (99344). (509) 488.2791. Target aud: 35 plus; farm-oriented. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. *Jim hrs wkly. *Mike Funk, pres; Frank Allec, gen mgr; Brian Tucker, opus Fax: C. (509) 488 -7252. Licensee: Roberto Lopez. (acq 1999; $40,000 Wallace Jr., pres; Kelly Hart, gen mgr, Todd Meriey, chief of engrg. mgr; Karl Wyckoff, gen sis mgr; Mike Lewis, chief of engrg. for stock) *Net: ABC/I. Rep: Farmakis, Tacher. Format: Sp, sports, Rates: $10; 10; 10; na. talk. Target aud: 25 -49. Spec prog: Christian rock 14 hrs wkly. Roberto Lopez, gen mgr. Pullman KWWW-FM- Aug 29, 1985: 96.7 mhz; 440 w. 1,079 ft. TL: N47 19 13 W199 48 00. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 231 N. Wenatchee Ave., KILN -FM- February 1992: 97.5 mhz; 4.6 kw. 656 ft. TL: N46 45 55 KHTR(FM)- Listing follows K000. Wenatchee (98801). (509) 665-6565. Fax: (509) 663-1150. Web Site: W119 16 49. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 2869, 126 E. Hemlock (99344). www.kw3.com. Licensee: Fisher Radio Regional Group Inc. Rep: (509) 488 -6089. (888) 660 -3842. Fax: (509) 488-3299. Web Site: McGavren Guild. Wash ally: Shaw Pittman. Format: CHR, 805 & 90s. K000(AM)- 1938: 1150 khz; 1 kw-D, 500 w -N, DA -N. TL: N46 4340 www.theriver.com. Licensee: Wheeler Broadcasting Inc. (group owner; Target aud: 18.49. *Larry Roberts, pres & gen mgr, Jeff Dahlstrom, W117 12 20. (CP: 25 kw -D, 260 w -N. TL: N46 46 03 W117 11 03). Hrs acq 9-27 -96: $120,000) Jones Satellite Audio. Wheeler gen sis mgr, Dale Roth, prom mgr. Net: opn: 24. Box One, 4187 Wawawai Rd. (99163). (509) 332 -6551. Fax: Broadcasting. Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 25-49; 60% male, (509) 332 -5151. E -mail: khlr @aol.com. Web Site: www.ho1104.net. 40% female. *Veri D. Wheeler, pres & exec VP; Mark Wheeler, sr VP, Licensee: Radio Palouse. (acq 12 -74) Net: ABC TalkRadio, ABC/I. Raymond mgr, dev mgr & gen sis mgr, Nilufer Wheeler. natl sis mgr, Denny gen Rep: Eastman; Allied Radio Partners. Format: Newshalk. News staff: Maciced, progmg dir, mus dir & news dir; Dan Farrell, chief of engrg. one; news progmg 24 hm wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Farm KFMY(FM)- Oct 26, 1984: 97.7 mhz; 760 w. 918 ft. TL: N46 41 44 Rates: $12; 12; 12; 8. 3 hrs, loc news 10 hrs wkly. Bill Weed, gen mgr, Rod Schwartz, gen W123 4617. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 1198, Aberdeen (98520). 1520 sis mgr; Steve Franko, chief of engrg. Simpson Ave., Aberdeen (98520). (206) 942 -5533. Fax: (206) 942- Pasco 5587. E -mail: kswweradio.fm. Licensee: Jodesha Broadcasting Inc. KHTR(FM)- Coowned with K000.1967: 104.3 mhz; 24 kw. 1,669 ft. (group owner; acq 6.19 -97: $182,400) Net: ABC. Rep: Tacher. TL: N46 48 40 W116 54 55. Stereo. Web Site: www.hot104.net. Format: Adult contemp. News progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; KEYW(FM)- June 30, 1986: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. 197 ft. TL: N46 08 48 Format: CHR. Rod Schwartz, sis dir; Jim Johnson, mus dir. adults. *William J. Wolfenbarger, pres; Susan Wolfenbarger, gen mgr: W119 05 59. Stereo. Box 2485, TriCities (99302). (509) 547.9791. Johnna Cogdill, rgnl sis mgr: Rhys Davis, progmg dir & news dir, Bob Fax: (509) 735-9451. Web Site: www.keyw.com. Licensee: Marathon Coates, chief of engrg. Rates: $21; 18; 19; 12. Media LP. Group owner: Marathon Media Group LLC (acq 9- 13-99; KRFA-FM-See Moscow, ID grpsl) Net: Unistar. Format: Adult contemp. Edward T. Hardy, pres; Renton Eric Van Winkle, gen mgr, Kevin Godwin, gen sis mgr: Jamie Chase, KRLF(FM)- July 1, 1991: 88.5 mhz; 420 w vert. 794 ft. TL: N46 38 prom dir: Paul Drake, progmg dir. 01 W117 05 13. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. S.W. 345 Kimball (99163). (509) KRIZ(AM)- Feb 2, 1982: 1420 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: N47 332 -3545. Fax: (509) 332 -5433. E -mail: Iffmtc @pullman.com. 26 25 W122 12 09. Hm opn: 24.2600 S. Jackson St., Seattle (98144). Licensee: Living Faith Fellowship Educational Ministries. Wash any: KFLD(AM)- Licensed to Pasco. See Richland- Pasco -Kennewick Box 22462, Seattle (98122 -0462). (206) 323.3070. Fax: (206) 322- Gammon & Grange. Format: Christian adult contemp, inspirational, 6518. Licensee: KRIZ Broadcasting Inc. (acq 2 -84; $400,000; FTR: praise & worship. News progmg 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-54. Spec KGDN(FM) -Licensed to Pasco. See Richland- Pasco- Kennewick 3-5 -84) *Net: American Urban, Format: Black. Target aud: 18 plus. prog: Sp one hr wkly. Karl A. Barden, pros: Aaron Atkinson, opus Spec prop: Relg 18 hrs wkly. *Christopher H. Bennett, pres & stn mgr & asst music dir; Kevin O. Hunter, gen mgr, progmg dir & mus dir; mgr; Gloria V. Bennett, VP; Frank P.

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