January CALENDAR #!"# @7 EVENTS "EEJTPO4USFFUt#FSLFMFZ $BMJGPSOJBt tXXXGSFJHIUBOETBMWBHFPSH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Get musical this year! Livingston Diva Night Flatt Sourdough Winter Classes =ZdR7VccRc`Y`de begin January 9th ER^^j9R]] & Scruggs Taylor 5V_ZdVAVccZVc Slim Z_VWWRS]jhRc^ 4`__ZV4YR^aRX_V w/ Robert dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVc Tribute Band 7RZeYHZ_eYc`a h daVTZR]XfVded See Page 8 for details 3cR_ZTV>T<V_kZV Armstrong <ZeeHVRXR_e Don Rigsby c``edcVgZgR]Zde and Kathy Kallick ^`UVc_gRfUVgZ]]ZR_d ##&!RUg ##&!RUg #!&!RUg #!&!RUg DOORS OPEN AT 7 PM, #%&!U``c January 4 #%&!U``c January 5 ##&!U``c January 6 ##&!U``c ;R_fRcj( MUSIC AT 8 PM (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) TICKETING INFO aRXV( NEW TICKET DISCOUNTS Freight Frank Joe Steve Seskin, John FOR SHOWS IN 2012: Open Mic Vignola Craven Craig McCutcheon YOUTH-HALF PRICE an adventure w/ Vinny Raniolo RTT`fdeZTcV_RZddR_TV Trio Carothers, ^R_h _VhH``Uj (AGES 25 & UNDER) every time ViecR`cUZ_Rcj 8feYcZVecZSfeV45 aVcW`c^Z_XXfZeRcZded eYVZccVacVddZS]V;`V SENIOR-$2.00 OFF 4cRgV_YZd[RkkecZ`R_U Don Henry (AGES 65 & OVER) eYVZc_Vh45 dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVcdZ_ MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF eYVc`f_U %&! '&! ;R_fRcj"! #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj"" #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj"# ##&! #%&! ;R_fRcj"$ #)&! $!&! ;R_fRcj"% The Tuttles West Coast Joy Kills Rick Shea Berkeley California Lou & Peter with AJ Lee Songwriters Sorrow & Mary High School Zephyr Berryman S]RkZ_XS]fVXcRdd ^`UVc_2^VcZTR_ W`]\dj W`]\^fdZT|d R_Ud`f]Wf]dZ_XZ_X Competition a`aXcRdd McCaslin Chamber R^VcZTR_R Wf__ZVdeW`]\d ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU dZ_XeYVd`_Xd `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde `W;Z^CZ_XVc Music Concert 7:30 showtime >Rcj>T4Rd]Z_ dY`hTRdZ_Xe`^`cc`h|d e`aT]RddZTR]eR]V_ed #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj"& )&! "!&! ;R_fRcj"' #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj"( #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj") "%&! "'&! ;R_fRcj"* #!&! ##&! January 20 #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj#" 6dacZeUV5[R_X`VeDeVaYR_V7VdeZgR] Great Night Freight Chuck Jim George Cole Hot Club of Rumi Open Mic Brodsky, Malcolm Quintet, of Cowtown Bay Area’s premier `_V`WDT`e]R_U|d Y`e[Rkk & his Soul open stage event Tim Flannery WZ_VdeW`]\ Fishtank R_UhVdeVc_dhZ_X T`]`cWf]d`_XTcRWeVc ec`fSRU`fcd Caffee Caldo`aV_d Friends eVR^dhZeY Ensemble eYVRecVZ^ac`gZdVU 8ZR_edT`RTY ^fdZTZR_ Xjadj[RkkU`fS]VSZ]] ^fdZTR_Ua`Vecj #!&! ##&! January 22 %&! '&! January 24 #!&! ##&! January 25 #!&! ##&! January 26 #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj#( #%&! #'&! ;R_fRcj#) 6dacZeUV5[R_X`Ve DeVaYR_V7VdeZgR] F E DR_7cR_TZdT`4YR^SVc Tony Marcus, @cTYVdecRacVdV_ed B Rushad Dave Cheap Suit Paul Anastasio Classical @ the Freight R Eggleston Alvin Serenaders & Paul Shelasky Mozart Birthday U hYZc]hZ_U XcZeejS]fVdjc``ed gZ_eRXV[Rkk dhZ_XZ_|WZUU]VcdXfZeRc Z^ac`gZdReZ`_R] c`T\Wc`^W`c^Vc Z_ViaV_dZgVReeZcV Celebration TV]]Zde 3]RdeVc|dXfZeRcZde Panique`aV_d D74@2]]DeRcd A TR\VecZgZRbfZk Victor Krummenacher R `aV_d Y #!&! ##&! ;R_fRcj#* )&! "!&! ;R_fRcj$! #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj# #'&! #)&! 7VScfRcj$ #'&! #)&! 7VScfRcj% San Francisco Bluegrass & Oldtime Festival Gerard Gretchen Larry Hanks the Stairwell Edery Peters & Deborah Bee Eaters Sisters g`TR] XfZeRcgZcef`d` ?RdYgZ]]VW`]\T`f_ecj decZ_XSR_UZ__`gReZ`_ R]]XR]`]UeZ^V aVcW`c^d2eRYfR]aR dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVc Robins WVRefcZ_XEcZdeR_R_U eVRcU`h_ JfaR_bfZ|d2cXV_eZ_V T]`dVYRc^`_ZVdR_U ERdYZ_R4]RccZUXV W`]\d`_Xd ScR_UdaR_\Z_|@=5 Cahalen & Eli`aV_ 2^VcZTR_d`_Xd #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj& #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj' #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj* #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"! #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"" Workshops/Classes aRXV)February 12 & beyond aRXV( Theme & Variations aRXV$ Kids’ Shows+;R_fRcj"%AReTYh`c\DVcZVd+CfUV5`X5f`4c`ddaf]dVUf`1""R^ DRefcURj;R_fRcj#"7cVZXYe4`^^f_Zej@aV_9`fdV_``_%a^ A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t www.freightandsalvage.org About the Freight PERFORMER PROFILES: January 2011 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ Livingston Taylor Wednesday January 4 Society for the Preservation of Traditional Singer-songwriter Livingston Taylor returns to the Freight .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHBOJ[B- stage to lift our spirits and engage our minds with his well-crafted, tion dedicated to promoting the understanding melodic, intelligent folk with pop sensibilities. An unrepentant and appreciation of traditional music—music romantic armed with razor-sharp wit and a quirky view of the world, rooted in an expressive of the great vari- the Boston-based artist spices up his impeccable musical perfor- ety of regional, ethnic, and social cultures of mances with wry humor and a warm stage presence. peoples throughout the world. We are sup- Born into the gifted group of siblings that includes two other ported by your attendance, grants from the singer-songwriters, James and Kate, Livingston picked up his first "MBNFEB$PVOUZ"354'6/% #FSLFMFZ$JWJD guitar at the age of 13 and began his musical career performing in "SUT1SPHSBN 5IF8JMMJBN'MPSB)FXMFUU Boston clubs and coffeehouses back in the 1970s. Over the follow- Foundation, the Kanbar Charitable Trust, JOHZFBSTIFQFOOFEESPWFTPGHSFBUTPOHT JODMVEJOHUIF5PQ'PSUZ UIF8BMUFS&MJTF)BBT'VOE UIF&ENVOE IJUTi*8JMM#FJO-PWFXJUI:PVwBOEi*MM$PNF3VOOJOHw UPVSFETPMPBOEXJUIUIFMJLFTPG-JOEB BOE+FBOOJL-JUUMFGJFME'PVOEBUJPO /BUJPOBM Ronstadt and Fleetwood Mac, and released more than a dozen albums. Along the way, he won several Endowment for the Arts, Bernard Osher awards from ASCAP for his songwriting, and a Boston Music Award for Outstanding Folk/Acoustic Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, the Act. Currently a professor of performance at Boston’s Berklee College of Music, Livingston’s most Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Foundation recent CD is Last Alaska Moon. at the San Francisco Foundation, Wells Fargo Foundation, musician’s benefit perfor- mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous Diva Night Lisa Ferraro, Tammy Hall, Denise Perrier, Connie Champagne, tax deductible donations. Faith Winthrop, Branice McKenzie, and Kitt Weagant Thursday January 5 Seven superbly talented women, with hearts as big as Contact Info their voices, band together to raise money for a sister musician 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 and a young girl, both impacted TELEPHONE: by cancer. Don’t you dare miss E-MAIL: [email protected] this astounding evening of music WEBSITE: www.freightandsalvage.org when divas Lisa Ferraro, Tammy Hall, Denise Perrier, Connie Champagne, Faith Winthrop, Branice McKenzie, and Kitt Weagant take the stage to raise funds Board of Directors for fellow musician Erika Luckett, who is cur- rently battling ovarian cancer, and for three-year- John Bidwell Suzanne Fox old Alma, who recently lost her mother Hillary Chair Peter Glazer Williams to oral cancer. Erika will make a special Steve Meckfessel Barbara Higbie appearance at tonight’s show, which also features 7JDF$IBJS Clyde Leland bassist Ruth Davies and Kent Bryson on drums. Nancy Castille Ray Murray Lisa, the evening’s organizer and host, is a distinctive, soulful jazz vocalist hailing from Pittsburgh, Secretary Kerry Parker PA. A truly versatile pianist, Tammy captivates lovers of jazz, Brazilian, or classical music with beau- Bill Haggerty Russ Pollock Treasurer tifully understated virtuosity. Blessed with a rich contralto voice, Denise has spent most of her thirty- Sarah Robertson year career performing jazz and blues in the San Francisco Bay Area and touring Europe, Latin Polly Armstrong Marci Rubin Dion Aroner America, and Asia. A musical theater actress specializing in portrayals of Judy Garland, Connie David Sawi brings powerful vocals and a larger-than-life stage presence. Since her days as the house singer Larry Chung Steve Sidney at San Francisco’s legendary hungry i, Faith has been an integral thread of the Bay Area’s cultural Sheila Duignan Austin Willacy fabric, founding the famed Glide Memorial choir and teaching at the San Francisco Conservatory of Robin Flower John Williamson Music, Mills College, and the Jazzschool, as well as touring the world performing in her trademark soulful, elegant style. Branice offers an incredible four-octave voice and magnificent song stylings, as heard on the theatrical stage and international tours with Harry Belafonte, Roberta Flack, and Dianne New Home Committee Reeves. A consummate performer, jazz vocalist Kitt uses her distinctive, sultry purr to embrace her audience in thrilling warmth and a deep range of emotion. Ruth, on standup bass, and Kent, on Danny Carnahan & Warren Hellman Co-Chairs drums, round out this amazing musical lineup. Musicians Committee Flatt & Scruggs Tribute Band with Don Rigsby and Kathy Kallick Friday January 6 Darol Anger Tony Marcus We guarantee a room full of tapping toes and plucked heart- Duck Baker Mike Marshall strings when the Flatt and Scruggs Tribute Band plays the David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon music of one of the most popular and influential bluegrass Greg Brown Libby McLaren Wes Carroll Geoff Muldaur bands of all time, Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, and the Foggy Bill Evans Steve Seskin Mountain Boys. For tonight’s special concert, the tribute band Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell plus special guests Don Rigsby and Kathy Kallick celebrate Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith Scruggs’ 88th birthday. Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson A multiple International Bluegrass Music Association award- Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson winning artist and producer, Kentucky native Don is one of Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH the best tenor and lead singers in bluegrass today as well as a superlative mandolinist. Kathy is a Grammy-winning artist who has been leading tra- Staff EJUJPOBMCMVFHSBTTCBOETPOUIF8FTU$PBTUTJODF JODMVE- ing her own Kathy Kallick Band and the Good Ol’ Persons. Steve Baker Heather Herrington In addition to Don and Kathy’s unforgettable
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