Publications for Mathew Crowther 2021 Editorial: Trends in Urban Rodent Monitoring and Mitigation: Fardell, L., Bedoya-Perez, M., Dickman, C., Crowther, M., Improving Our Understanding of Population and Disease Pavey, C., Narayan, E. (2021). Are physiological and Ecology, Surveillance and Control. Frontiers in Ecology and behavioural responses to stressors displayed concordantly by Evolution, 7, 522. <a wild urban rodents? Science of Nature, 108(1), 5. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2019.00522">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00114-020-01716-8">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> van Eeden, L., Slagle, K., Newsome, T., Crowther, M., Spencer, E., Dickman, C., Greenville, A., Crowther, M., Kutt, Dickman, C., Bruskotter, J. (2020). Exploring nationality and A., Newsome, T. (2021). Carcasses attract invasive species and social identity to explain attitudes toward conservation actions increase artificial nest predation in a desert environment. Global in the United States and Australia. Conservation Biology, 34(5), Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01588. <a 1165-1175. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01588">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13488">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Crowther, M., Dargan, J., Madani, G., Rus, A., Krockenberger, Cairns, K., Nesbitt, B., Laffan, S., Letnic, M., Crowther, M. M., McArthur, C., Moore, B., Lunney, D., Mella, V. (2021). (2020). Geographic hot spots of dingo genetic ancestry in Comparison of three methods of estimating the population size southeastern Australia despite hybridisation with domestic of an arboreal mammal in a fragmented rural landscape. dogs. Conservation Genetics, 21(1), 77-90. <a Wildlife Research, 48(2), 105-114. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10592-019-01230-z">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR19148">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> van Eeden, L., Slagle, K., Crowther, M., Dickman, C., Pettit, L., Crowther, M., Ward-Fear, G., Shine, R. (2021). Newsome, T. (2020). Linking social identity, risk perception, Divergent long-term impacts of lethally toxic cane toads and behavioral psychology to understand predator management (Rhinella marina) on two species of apex predators (monitor by livestock producers. Restoration Ecology, 28(4), 902-910. <a lizards, Varanus spp.). PloS One, 16, e0254032. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rec.13154">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0254032">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Letnic, M., Crowther, M. (2020). Pesticide use is linked to Rus, A., McArthur, C., Mella, V., Crowther, M. (2021). Habitat increased body size in a large mammalian carnivore. Biological fragmentation affects movement and space use of a specialist Journal of the Linnean Society, 131(1), 220-229. <a folivore, the koala. Animal Conservation, 24(1), 26-37. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blaa084">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acv.12596">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> van Eeden, L., Crowther, M., Dickman, C., Newsome, T. Cairns, K., Newman, K., Crowther, M., Letnic, M. (2021). (2020). Wicked �wild dogs�: Australian public awareness Pelage variation in dingoes across southeastern Australia: of and attitudes towards dingoes and dingo management. implications for conservation and management. Journal of Australian Zoologist. <a Zoology, 314(2), 104-115. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.7882/AZ.2020.019">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12875">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> 2019 Bedoya&#8209;Perez, M., Ward, M., Loomes, M., McGregor, I., Crowther, M. (2021). The efect of COVID19 pandemic van Eeden, L., Smith, B., Crowther, M., Dickman, C., restrictions on an urban rodent population. Scientific Reports, Newsome, T. (2019). 'The dingo menace': an historic survey on 11(1), Article number 12957-1-Article number 12957-14. <a graziers' management of an Australian carnivore. Pacific href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92301-0">[More Conservation Biology, 25(3), 245-256. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/PC18031">[More Information]</a> 2020 van Eeden, L., Dickman, C., Crowther, M., Newsome, T. Rees, J., Crowther, M., Kingsford, R., Letnic, M. (2020). Direct (2019). A snapshot of changes in graziers' management and and indirect effects of carrion subsidies in an arid rangeland: attitudes towards dingoes over 60 years. Pacific Conservation Carrion has positive effects on facultative scavengers and Biology, 25(4), 413-420. <a negative effects on a small songbird. Journal of Arid href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/PC18089">[More Environments, 179, 104174. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104174">[More Fernandez, C., Schmertmann, L., Higgins, D., Casteriano, A., Information]</a> Irinyi, L., Mella, V., Crowther, M., Meyer, W., Krockenberger, van Eeden, L., Newsome, T., Crowther, M., Dickman, C., M. (2019). Differences in the genetic diversity of Chlamydia Bruskotter, J. (2020). Diverse public perceptions of species' pecorum between neighbouring sub-populations of koalas status and management align with conflicting conservation (Phascolarctos cinereus): a potential issue for wildlife corridor frameworks. Biological Conservation, 242, 108416. <a construction in population management. Veterinary href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108416">[More Microbiology, 231, 264-270. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2019.02.020">[More Information]</a> Parsons, M., Jardine, C., Crowther, M., Himsworth, C. (2020). Moseby, K., Crowther, M., Letnic, M. (2019). Ecological Role Mammalogy, 40(1), 103-105. <a of an Apex Predator Revealed by a Reintroduction Experiment href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM16049">[More and Bayesian Statistics. Ecosystems, 22(2), 283-295. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10021-018-0269-6">[More Crowther, M., Tulloch, A., Letnic, M., Greenville, A., Information]</a> Dickman, C. (2018). Interactions between wildfire and drought Mella, V., McArthur, C., Krockenberger, M., Frend, R., drive population responses of mammals in coastal woodlands. Crowther, M. (2019). Needing a drink: Rainfall and temperature Journal of Mammalogy, 99(2), 416-427. <a drive the use of free water by a threatened arboreal folivore. href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyy003">[More PloS One, 14(5), 1-15. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0216964">[More van Eeden, L., Crowther, M., Dickman, C., Macdonald, D., Information]</a> Ripple, W., Ritchie, E., Newsome, T. (2018). Managing conflict Bedoya-Perez, M., Smith, K., Kevin, R., Luo, J., Crowther, M., between large carnivores and livestock. Conservation Biology, McGregor, I. (2019). Parameters That Affect Fear Responses in 32(1), 26-34. <a Rodents and How to Use Them for Management. Frontiers in href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12959">[More Ecology and Evolution, 7, 1-16. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2019.00136">[More Predavec, M., Lunney, D., Shannon, I., Lemon, J., Sonawane, Information]</a> I., Crowther, M. (2018). Using repeat citizen science surveys of Schmertmann, L., Kan, A., Mella, V., Fernandez, C., Crowther, koalas to assess their population trend in the north-west of New M., Madani, G., Malik, R., Meyer, W., Krockenberger, M. South Wales: Scale matters. Australian Mammalogy, 40(1), 47- (2019). Prevalence of cryptococcal antigenemia and nasal 57. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM16059">[More colonization in a free-ranging koala population. Medical Information]</a> Mycology, 57(7), 848-857. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mmy/myy144">[More 2017 Information]</a> Reckless, H., Murray, M., Crowther, M. (2017). A review of van Eeden, L., Newsome, T., Crowther, M., Dickman, C., climatic change as a determinant of the viability of koala Bruskotter, J. (2019). Social identity shapes support for populations. Wildlife Research, 44, 458-470. <a management of wildlife and pests. Biological Conservation, href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR16163">[More 231, 167-173. <a Information]</a> href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.01.012">[More Hanford, J., Crowther, M., Hochuli, D. (2017). Effectiveness of Information]</a> vegetation-based biodiversity offset metrics as surrogates for Smith, B., Cairns, K., Adams, J., Newsome, T., Fillios, M., ants. Conservation Biology, 31(1), 161-171. <a Deaux, E., Parr, W., Letnic, M., van Eeden, L., Appleby, R., href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12794">[More Greenville, A., Dickman, C., Crowther, M., et al (2019). Information]</a> Taxonomic status of the Australian dingo: the case for Canis Cremona, T., Crowther, M., Webb, J. (2017). High mortality dingo Meyer, 1793. Zootaxa, 4564 (1), 173-197. <a and small population size prevent population recovery of a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4564.1.6">[More reintroduced mesopredator. Animal Conservation, 20(6), 555- Information]</a> 563. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acv.12358">[More Dargan, J., Moriyama, M., Mella, V., Lunney, D., Crowther, M. Information]</a> (2019). The challenge for koala conservation on private land: Gordon, C., Eldridge, D., Ripple, W., Crowther, M., Moore, B., koala habitat use varies with season on a fragmented rural Letnic, M. (2017). Shrub encroachment is linked to extirpation landscape. Animal Conservation, 22(6), 543-555. <a of an apex predator. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86(1), 147- href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acv.12487">[More 157. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365- Information]</a> 2656.12607">[More Information]</a> van Eeden, L., Dickman, C., Newsome, T., Crowther, M. (2019). What should we do with wild dogs? Taxonomic tangles 2016 and the management of dingo-dog hybridisation. Australian Parr, W., Wilson, L., Wroe, S., Colman, N., Crowther, M., Zoologist, 40(1), 92-101. <a Letnic, M. (2016). Cranial Shape and the Modularity of href="http://dx.doi.org/10.7882/AZ.2018.031">[More Hybridization in Dingoes and Dogs; Hybridization Does Not Information]</a> Spell the End for Native Morphology.
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