wimi rainuiu: ^iinsiians v^an uo ror America Page 1 of3 What Patriotic Christians Can Do For America by Chuck Baldwin December 19,2006 Among the hundreds ofemail letters I receive, scores ofthem ask the same question: "Isee the problem, but what can I do?" Today's column isan attempt to answer these people. First, let's acl^owledge that our Pilgrim forebears answered this question by leaving their homeland andrisking theirlives on a dangerous voyage across theAtlantic Ocean to a new world. There is no doubt in my mind that conditions in America today rival those ofthe ancient Pilgrims in Europe. (They are probably worse!) Obviously, there are no new worlds to settle, but I do know ofpeople who are relocating toother countries for reasons very similar to those ofour Pilgrim fathers. However, what can those ofus do who plan to stay and "tough itout" in America? Are we totally without recourse? Isthere nothing we can do to truly help turn the ship ofstate around? Let me begin by stating some things that will have very little impact on much ofanything. Continuing to vote for the majority ofestablishment candidates from both the Republican and Democratic p^es will accomplish nothing. Voters have been changing the composition oftheir various and smdry elected offices for decades, and nothing has changed. The country continues to plummet down theproverbial slippery slope. Attending the average church inthe United States will produce little salt toprotect against the forces of evil which currently seem to dominate our countiy. Regardless ofdenomination, most churches today refuse toaddress the crucial, salient issues that would educate and inspire people to make a difference. Neither will listening to the major news media, including Fox News, prepare one tobea difference- maker. With very few exceptions, the major TV newscasts and radio talk shows are regurgitating the same redundant propaganda. So, for those ofyou who really want to do something that will prepare you to make a difference inyour country, I offer the following suggestions. Ifyou are a Christian, do your best to find a church where the pastor knows what isgoing on and isnot afraid toteach and preach politically incorrect Bible truth. How far one might have to drive should not bea factor. Neither should denomination bea factor. Obviously, one cannot compromise fundamental convictions, but I would far rather worship ina church outside my denominational preference where the pastor was a bold and courageous champion oftruth than stay inthe denomination ofmy preference and sit undera milquetoast preacher. If one is not a Christian, he or sheshould become one and find this kind ofchurch. Our country's problems are, first and foremost, spiritual innature. Therefore, solutions will ultimately 12/19/2006 wnai ramoiic \^nrisiians c.an uo or America Page 2 of3 never be discovered inside the hallsof Congress; rather, they willbe found in thehearts and lives of God's people. "Judgment must begin atthe house ofGod." Ifenough people would leave these panty- waist, compromising, entertainment-evangelism, prosperity-theology, "purpose-driven" social clubs and start supporting true tell-it-like-it-is men of God, wecould see a genuine revival in America. Secondly, begin educating yourself. Stop relying onthe major news outlets to bring you the news. I heartily recommend the New American Magazine. Inmy mind, itisthe best news magazine out there. I also find Human Events newspaper veiy informative, and Middle American News isanother good one. There areseveral smaller, independent papers outthere, too. Forexample, in the Greenville, South Carolina area, the Times Examiner is an excellent resource. Internet newssitessuchas News With Views andWorld Net Daily arealsovaluable sources of mformation. Read everything Jerome Corsi writes. Get on Congressman Ron Paul's mailing list. Everyone should subscribe to Howard Phillips' "Issues and Strategy Bulletin." It is a fantastic resource! For educational matters, read John Stormer. John Eidsmoe isas good as they get regarding constitutional issues. For athorough and in-depth study ofeconomics, read Don McAlvany. Find non-establishment orindependent radio talk shows. People such as George Putnam inCalifornia, Barbara Jean Whiteley in Utah, StanMonteith in Colorado, and Adam McManus and AlexJonesin Texas come tomind. Alex istough to take, sometimes, and I'm not sure I subscribe to everything he says, but atleast he isinthe fight and not ^aid to take on the hard issues. Joel Skousen's web site isatreasure-trove ofuseful information. Christians will, no doubt, enjoy David Alan Black's web site. Covenant News might be the best web site regarding pro-life issues. Alan Keyes and Tom DeWeese also have excellent web sites. For family resources, I recommend Doug Phillips' Vision Forum. One should definitely receive Phyllis Schlafly's newsletters. PatBuchanan isanauthor and political commentator worth reading andlistening to. Thirdly, get involved with likeminded patriots. Hook up with your local John Birch Society. Join Larry Pratt's Gun Owners ofAmerica. Jews for the Preservation ofFirearms Ownership is another terrific pro-Second Amendment organization you shouldbe familiarwith. Inaddition, I recently left the GOP and am now proud to be identified with the Constitution Party. I recommend the CP to my readers. I also like what Jim Gilchrist isdoing with the Minuteman Project. Congressman TomTancredo deserves our support, too. Fourthly, never discount prayer. God's true champions have seldom, ifever, been a majority. Throughout histoiy, God has used a small number of faithful and courageous Christian soldiers to accomplish His divine will. He can still do so. Ifeveiyone reading this colunrn would sincerely and seriously bewilling tochange their affiliations and association, would endeavor to personally educate and inform themselves with thetruth, would endeavor tonot knowingly support organizations and individuals that contribute tothe compromise of ournational sovereignty and independence, and would bewilling tofervently and faithfully pray for America,there is no telling what may result. So, what are you waitingfor? Get busy! © Chuck Baldwin 12/19/2006.
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