< C! - E WESTFIELD LEADER « '-."V The Leading and Mo$t Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County , NO. 35 SMOnd Cbu Potlitt Paid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1986 Published 24 Pages-30 Cents »1 W«wrnM. N.J. Every Thursday Public Hearing to Address Town Council Proposes Superintendent Search Increase in Parking Fees A town-wide invitation to sultant to the Westfield Board of Department of Educational Ad- An ordinance which would in- as Chief of Police, replacing road repairs and^maintenance. Westfield residents to attend a Education in its search for a suc- ministration, University of Con- crease monthly parking permit Police Chief James F. Moran, public hearing on the qualities An ordinance to change taxicab cessor to School Superintendent necticut. fees in designated municipal lots, who is retiring, effective July 1. and priorities for a new rates in Westfield was also ap- Laurence F. Greene, who has an- Citizens interested in being was introduced at Tuesday Scutti was appointed Acting superintendent of schools was proved. nounced plans to retire at the end scheduled on the agenda for Mon- night's public session of the Town Police Chief while Moran is on an issued today by Thomas J. First reading of an ordinance of this year, will conduct the day's open-to-the-public meeting Council. Revenues collected extended leave of absence. Taylor, chairman of the which would clarify regulations hearing scheduled for 8 p.m., may call the Board Secretary's from the fee increases would, ac- Superintendent Search Commit- On behalf of the mayor, Acting with regard to regular business Monday, March 31 in the Board office (654-6400, ext. 293) for a cording to Council members, be tee. Mayor Garland C. Boothe moved hours in professional zones in Meeting Room at 302 Elm St. 10-minute presentation. put toward the financing of ad- for the appointment of Kenneth residential districts was also ap- Dr. Carroll Johnson, National Assisting Dr. Johnson will be Dr. "Our only restriction is that ditional municipal parking Goski to the Neighborhood proved. Normal hours would be School Boards Association con- John Brubacher, chairman, speakers and writers refrain spaces. Improvement Council and Pat from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., inclusive from nominating a specific per- If passed, the ordinance would Velderman to the Historic Re- daily, except Sundays. son," said Taylor. increase fees as follows: ' '< view Commission. The appoint- As a result of a public hearing Written statements will also be Municipal Lot No. 3 (southside ments were unanimously approv- conducted on March 11, the Coun- accepted. Persons interested in railroad lot) - from 910 to $15 per ed. cil passed a resolution awarding submitting written statements month; Municipal lot No. 6 Also approved was an or- the contract for the Memorial should send them, by March 31, (northwest side of Watterson St., dinance to fix a 6.0% increase in Pool food concession to Westhill to the Superintendent Search between Rahway and South the municipal budget. Council- Associates, 737 Prospect St. for Committee, 302 Elm St. Aves.) - $5 to $8 per month for man Jubb Corbet said the 1.0% the 1986 pool year. Taylor said that information residents, $8 to $12 per month for increase beyond the 5.0% cap Acting Mayor Boothe an- provided by members of the com- non-residents; and parking lot would allow for improvements in nounced that Suburban Cable- munity will aid Dr. Johnson, the No. 8 (site of the old Citgo station consultant, and the Superinten- on the southwest side of Elms St. Last Page of This Section dent Search Committee in de- between East Broad St. and veloping a profile of the kind of Cowperthwaite PI.) - $18 to $25 superintendent Westfield wants per month for five-day permit and needs. The profile will be (Monday through Friday) and used in the paper screening of ap- additional six-day permits at $30 plicants and in the interviewing per month and a Saturday permit' of finalists, Taylor explained. at $5 per month. The School Board hopes to ap- point a new superintendent of Councilman Richard Bagger schools with a starting date of stated that the additional fees Sept. l. would make it possible to go ahead and increase parking Dr. Carroll P. Johnson <left), consultant from the National School "The selection of a new facilities in the municipality. Boards Association, confers with Thomas J. Taylor, member of the superintendent is of vital impor- Councilman Jim Heimlich com- Westfleld Board of Education and chairman of the 15-member staff tance to the future of education in mented that by increasing the and citizen Superintendent Search Committee. Dr. Johnson will meet Westfield," said Taylor. "We fees, Council hoped to offset an with committee members tonight and with citizens at an 8 p.m. open- sincerely invite citizens to par- increase in the proposed or- to4he-puMlc meeting on Monday, March 31, as the selection process ticipate in the process by attend- dinance was unanimously ap- continues in Westfield's search for a new superintendent to succeed ing the March 31 meeting or by proved. , L.F. Greene who plans to retire at the end of this year. sending written comments to the Council passed a resolution ap- search committee." pointing Capt. Anthony J. Scutti Rescue Squad Offers Capt. Attthony J. Scutti Seth McCoy, tenor Susan Hlnshaw, soprano Named New Chief of Police Emergency Advice Westfield Symphony Debuts Most Westfield residents have further damage, and may lead to frequently seen the familiar serious complications.) Police Captain Anthony J. At Carnegie Hall white and blue ambulances of the • Reassure the patient, advis- Scutti of Westfield has been nam- Westfield Rescue Squad en-route ing him help is coming. Never ed Chief of Police by the Town Internationally acclaimed Lydia Bergen Foundation, First through Town or at the scene of leave him alone if at all possible. Council, to become effective July tenor Seth McCoy and soprano Fidelity Bank, Trustee. Demand an accident of medical emergen- • When you call tht ^quad, give 1, Scutti is presently serving as Susan Hinshaw head a cast of for tickets is heavy. Symphony cy. While all wish the aid of the your name and that of the pa- Acting Chief of Police in the outstanding soloists as the West- management urges those who field Symphony led by Music Squad will never be needed, with tient, his location (including replacing Police Chief James F. will not be using their tickets to nearest cross street), the phone Moran, who is on an extended Director Brad Keimach per- return them to the WSO, P.O. more than 2,200 calls answered forms Beethoven's "Fidelio," annually the chances are that number you're calling from, and, leave of absence before his Box 491, Westfield 07091. Those every Westfield resident, or of course, the nature of the retirement. interested in obtaining the someone they know, may indeed emergency. Don't hang up until Scutti, who joined the Depart- Saturday at 2 p.m. at Carnegie complimentary tickets should need the Squad's help. As part of the dispatcher does, in case fur- ment on May 1, 1959, was pro- Hall, The symphony is being contact Carnegie Hall Box Of- its annual Fund Drive the Rescue ther information or an address moted to the rank of sergeant in presented by the Frank and fice. Squad has offered advice on how clarification is required. (Often 1966. In 1974 he was promoted to to address such emergencies. what you tell the dispatcher will lieutenant and on Sept. 9,1984 he Squad officers emphasize that determine whether a paramedic became captain. School Calendar Approved calmness and common sense are unit or police car will be sent to the scene at the same time as the From 1966 to 1974 he was the Capt. Anthony .1. Scutti often the best first aid, and by- A school calendar for the of the school calendar. ambulance.) firearms instructor for the standers or family are often of department. Scutti organized the In a recent interview, Acting 1986-1987 academic year, with 180 School holidays' include: great assistance. Among com- • While awaiting help, if possi- Union County Firearms Officers Chief Scutti said he thought Chief days of school and 25 M> school •Oct. 13 — Columbus Day and mon pointers given by the Squad ble have someone ready to direct Instructors Association which is Moran had done an excellent job, vacation days, has been approv- Yom Kippur emergency vehicles to the scene are: recognized statewide and by the making his job easier. He added ed by the Westfield Board of •Nov. 13 and 14 — Teacher by standing at the curb, or by • Do not delay in calling your New Jersey Training Commis- ,. that he has his own ideas and in- Education. Professional Days doctor or the Rescue Squad if you flashing house lights at night. Approved at the Board's * Nov. 27 and 28 and half of Nov. (Street numbers are often dif- sion. He also assisted in novations which will be made on think you may have a medical establishing the Westfield Junior a gradual basis. March 18 public meeting, the 26 — Thanksgiving Recess emergency. (Often only a full ficult to spot in a moving am- calendar shows school opening * Dec. 24 through Jan. 2 — Holi- bulance.) Police and served as its co- medical examination can tell the director. He was platoon leader "My main objective," Scutti on Wednesday, September 3, and day Vacation seriousness of a complaint.) • Be prepared to give the Squad and instructor for the Union concluded," is to continue a pro- closing on Tuesday, June 16, if no •Jan.
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