Excursion Simplon Macugnaga Gruben http://www.geo.uzh.ch/~chuggel/exk/macugnaga_prog12.html 3-tägige Exkursion 'Gletscher im Umweltkontext' (GEO415) 'Glaziale und Periglaziale Geomorphodynamik' (GEO413) Dozenten:Christian Huggel, Holger Frey Datum:11.- 13. Juli 2012 Programm:Mittwoch 11.7.2012 Macugnaga (Italien) / Belvedere Gletscher (Gletschersurge, Seeausbruch, Massnahmen) Bahn nach Domodossola / Bus nach Macugnaga: Fahrplan: Zuerich HB ab 8:32, Bern an: 9:28, Bern ab: 9:34, Brig an 10:40, Brig ab 10:44, Domodossola an 11:13, Domodossola Bus ab 12.10, Macugnaga Pecetto (Sesselbahn) an 13.35. Achtung: Bahn/Busbillete Zürich-Domodossola / Mattmark-Saas Grund / Saas Grund-Täsch / Täsch-Zürich (wenn kein GA) selber kaufen (s. unten)! Treffpunkt direkt im Zug (reservierte Abteile 'Univ. Zürich', wahrscheinlich im vorderen Zugsteil), oder 12.00 in Domodossola direkt beim Busbahnhof (vis-a-vis des Bahnhofeingangs) weiteres Programm Macugnaga: Bergfahrt mit Sesselbahn; leichte Wanderung zum Refugio Zamboni (CAI Hütte); leichte Wanderung zu den Gletscherseen; Abendessen, Übernachtung und Frühstück auf dem Rifugio Zamboni (Tel: +39 0324 65313); Donnerstag 12.7.2012 Macugnaga / Monte Rosa Ostwand, Fels- und Eislawinen Fruehstueck im Rifugio Zamboni, anschliessend Instabilitaetsprobleme in der Monte Rosa Ostwand, Wanderung entlang des Belvedere Gletschers talabwaerts, Gletschersurge- und Murgangproblematik. 1 of 3 12.06.2012 17:08 Excursion Simplon Macugnaga Gruben http://www.geo.uzh.ch/~chuggel/exk/macugnaga_prog12.html Macugnaga - Saas Grund. Entweder mit Wanderung vom Passo di Monte Moro zum Mattmark-Stausee (Allalingletscher Katastrophe 1965) oder, falls Monte Moro Bahn geschlossen, Zug- und Busreise von Macugnaga nach Saas Grund Uebernachtung in Saas Grund, Pension Schönblick Freitag 13.7.2012 Täsch Risikomanagement + Rueckfahrt nach Zürich Fruehstueck in Saas Grund. Zugfahrt nach Täsch. Wanderung über Täschgufer hinauf auf die Täschalp. Instabilitäten im Permafrost. Steinschlagverbauungen. Neue Schutzbauten auf Täschalp gegen Gletscherseeausbrüche / Murgänge. Risikomanagement auf der Täschalp und in Täsch. Zu Fuss Abstieg nach Täsch. Rückfahrt nach Zürich per Zug. Ankunft in Zürich am Abend. Unterlagen: Unterlagen bitte im Sekretariat Phys. Geogr. ab 29. Juni abholen. Kosten: Alle Teilnehmenden müssen die Bahn/Busbillette Zürich-Domodossola und Saas Grund-Zürich selbständig kaufen. Ebenso Euros mitnehmen für die Übernachtung mit Halbpension im Rifugio Zambone (ca. EUR 30.-). Die restlichen Übernachtungs- und Reisekosten (Seilbahnen, Bus) werden durch die Exkursionsleitung bezahlt (nach Vorauszahlung durch die Exkursionsteilnehmenden, s. unten). Ausrüstung: Pass bzw. ID (Italien!), Gebirgstaugliche wetterfeste Kleidung und Schuhe (Turnschuhe genügen nicht; wegloses Gelände), Rucksack, Regenschirm, Sonnenbrille und -creme, Kälteschutz, Lunch für ersten und zweiten Tag, Schreibutensilien, ev. Handtuch. Ausreichend EURO und CHF. Ev. leichter Hüttenschlafsack. Anmeldung: über OLAT, Anmeldeschluss: 31. Mai 2012 ACHTUNG: Anmeldungen werden nur als bestätigt betrachtet, wenn CHF 30.- als Vorauszahlung geleistet wurde auf das folgende Konto: Empfänger: Physische Geographie, GIUZ/UZI, CH-8057 Zürich Bank: Swiss Post, PostFinance, Nordring 8, CH-8057 Zürich Konto: 80-24405-9 IBAN: CH31 0900 0000 8002 4405 9 Clearing: 09000 BIC: POFICHBEXXX bitte unbedingt mit Vermerk 'Macugnaga'. 2 of 3 12.06.2012 17:08 Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol. 56, 104–111. Oslo. ISSN 0029-1951 A surge-type movement at Ghiacciaio del Belvedere and a developing slope instability in the east face of Monte Rosa, Macugnaga, Italian Alps WILFRIED HAEBERLI, ANDREAS KA¨ A¨ B, FRANK PAUL, MARTA CHIARLE, GIANNI MORTARA, ALVARO MAZZA, PHILIP DELINE & SHAUN RICHARDSON Haeberli, W., Ka¨a¨b, A., Paul, F., Chiarle, M., Mortara, G., Mazza, A., Deline, P. & Richardson, S. 2002. A surge-type movement at Ghiacciaio del Belvedere and a developing slope instability in the east face of Monte Rosa, Macugnaga, Italian Alps. Norsk Geo- gra sk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol. 56, 104–111. Oslo. ISSN 0029-1951. Extraordinary development s are taking place at Ghiacciaio del Belvedere near Macugnaga, Valle Anzasca, in the Italian Alps. A surge-type ow acceleration started in the lower parts of the Monte-Rosa east face, leading to strong crevassing and deformation of Ghiacciaio del Belvedere, with extreme bulging of its orographic right margin. High water pressure and accelerated movement lasted into winter 2001/2002: in places, the ice is now starting to override moraines from the Little Ice Age. In addition, but fairly independently , a most active detachment zone for rock falls and debris ows has been developing for several years now in the east face of Monte Rosa. Besides the scienti c interest in these separate phenomena, both events affect the growing hazard potential to the local infrastructure and must be considered seriously. Keywords: Climate change, glaciers, high mountains, natural hazards, slope instability Wilfried Haeberli, Andreas Ka¨a¨b, Frank Paul, Glaciology and Geomorphodynamic s Group, Geography Department, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zu¨rich, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected] . Marta Chiarle, Gianni Mortara, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per la protezione idrogeologic a nel Bacino Padano, Strada delle Cacce, 73, IT- 10135 Torino, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] . Alvaro Mazza, Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Via Academica delle Scienze, 5, IT-10123 Torino, Italy. Philip Deline, Laboratoir e de Ge´ographie de l’Universite´ de Savoie, Centre Interdisciplinair e Scienti que de la Montagne, Domaine Scienti que, FR-73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex, France. E-mail: [email protected] . Shaun D. Richardson, Reynolds Geo-Sciences Ltd, 2 Long Barn, Pistyll Farm, Nercwys, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 4EW, UK. E-mail: [email protected] Introduction dere and the gigantic east face of Monte Rosa (Figs. 1 and 2) has been affected by such processes for a long time. Most As a consequence of global warming trends, glacierized recently, some quite dramatic processes have taken place, mountain areas presently undergo rapid and potentially including a surge-type movement of Ghiacciaio del Monte accelerating changes. In fact, the combination of human Rosa/Ghiacciaio del Belvedere and rock instability in the activities and ice vanishing through melting has introduced central part of the Monte Rosa east face. The present con- the most striking changes in cold-mountain landscapes tribution brie y describes these still ongoing phenomena and (Haeberli & Beniston 1998). As a consequence of such provides some recommendations with respect to observation developments, permafrost degradation in ssured rock walls and hazard assessment. It is devoted to Johan Ludvid Sollid has long-term impacts on frost weathering and rock fall as a sign of admiration for his outstanding work on glaciers activity by reducing the strength and increasing the perme- and permafrost in Norway and Svalbard, and as an expres- ability at depths of metres to tens of metres below the surface sion of deeply felt gratitude for excellent collaboration with (Matsuoka et al. 1998). At places of pronounced glacier the Swiss partners over many years. retreat, changes in stress distribution and surface temperature in rock walls must also be anticipated (Wegmann et al. 1998). Formation and disappearance of ice- and moraine- Background dammed lakes generally accompany marked changes in glacier extent or thickness (Walder & Costa 1996, Reynolds Ghiacciaio del Belvedere is a humid-temperate, heavily 2000) and steep hanging glaciers that are partially or entirely debris-covered glacier fed by steep glaciers (especially frozen to their beds could become less stable. The general Ghiacciaio del Monte Rosa as the main tributary), ice and tendency in high mountain areas with a scenario of accel- snow avalanches as well as rock falls from the large east face erated future warming would be a marked shifting of hazard of Monte Rosa. It has been investigated for many decades zones with considerable changes in the involved processes and was known in the early scienti c literature as a classic and a widespread reduction in stability of formerly glacier- example of a glacier with an elevated sediment bed ized or perennially frozen slopes (Dramis et al. 1995, (Monterin 1923, VAW 1983–1985, Mazza 1998). Haeberli et al. 1997, Barla et al. 2000, Davies et al. 2001, At least seven outburst oods are known to have origin- Giani et al. 2001, Deline in press). ated from the glacier in the past; some of these seriously The uppermost part of the Anzasca Valley (Valle threatened the Macugnaga village besides affecting the Anzasca) above Macugnaga in the Italian Alps with its original moraine geometry. In August 1868, strong pressure spectacular high-mountain scenery of Ghiacciaio del Belve- exerted by water accumulated inside the glacier as a con- # 2002 Taylor & Francis NORSK GEOGRAFISK TIDSSKRIFT 56 (2002) A surge-type movement at Ghiacciaio del Belvedere 105 Fig. 1. Synthetic oblique perspective view of Monte Rosa east face with Ghiacciaio del Belvedere (GB). The gure is created from an ASTER false colour infrared image (band 3, 2 and 1 as RGB) acquired on 24 August 2001 and draped over a DEM with 25 m cell size. The frontal position of a steep hanging glacier in 1998 (derived from TM) is indicated (green line), SL = supraglacial lake, B = breach, DS =
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