/ • For tl1e La test Loeal and National News DIAL A NEWS at 678-2251. Stay in Distributed to mil~ ..a c!Tman po1&011Ml on ftlfte 'lad' Mlsslle Range. Published weekly by Las Cruces Citizen. Lu tmlc8S, N. M .. a private firm in no way connected with Department of the Army. Opinions expressed by publishers and Tune With the World. writers herein are their own and are not to be consldei-ed an offidal expression of Department of the Army. Appearance of advertisements in thla publication does not constitute an endorsement by Department of the Army of products or services. • Vol. XIII-No. 46 White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, Friday, February 16, 1968 8 Pages 'Operation Gold Mines' President Seeks Additional ' > Gets Underway on Post I Benefits~ JObs for Veterans President Johnson has asked Congress to approve f increased job opportunities and benefits for veterans, There's gold in them thar hills! So sayeth the U. S. including the expansion of existing Department of De- Army Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM), now TECOM To fense programs. · • conducting a special campaign, "Operation Gold Mines." In a special message to Congress Jan. 30, the Presi­ "Operation Gold Mines" is TECOM's three-month War Goods dent urged that recommended programs under the $7.3 billion veterans section of the fiscal 1969 budget be suggestion campaign which is being conducted during Hold Meet ------------- aimed at assisting veterans to the period of Feb. 1 through April 30 this year. During function as "free, upstanding this perio".l Loth military and civilian personnel are en­ Now Top Missile Range and self · reliant citizens" upon couraged to participate in th i s their return to civilian life. worthwhile and rewarding sug· two hydrolic combination c o ll· At Ft. Bliss DI ('I · / Among the President's recom. gestion program. struction and earth boring ma­ r 1ans 011ec1a mendations were the expansion And rewarding it can be. Cash chines for pole line construction. Need List The second Instrumentation T of two DOD programs, Project awards to White Sands person­ The machines eliminated heavy Materiel intended for use in Conference to be call!!d by the r ll r 100,000 and Project Transition. nel totaled $5,355. for fiscal year lifting and manually h o 1 d i n g Vietnam will take top priority Army Test and Evaluation LO eee LOUrses Also included was a new' "Vet· 1967, and with only hal£ of fiscal poles during backfilling. H i s at environmental test centers Command gets under way Feb. V erans in the Public Service Act" 1968 passed, awards to employes suggestion will save the govern· next year, the Army Test and 27at Jn. Bliss with the com- Several special courses along whic~ would ~rovidc special fi· have already rolled out to t h e :nent $12,205 annually in m a n­ Evaluation Command announc­ mand's Air Defense Board with regular in-service aca· nanc1al benefits for veteraM tune of ~4,780, with more to hours and repair cost. Mr. Ben­ ed recently. serving as host. demic courses of college-level ~vho agree to wor~ as t~acp.e~s. come. nett was awarded $560 for h i s More than 100 conferees at­ The four-day meeting wfll t . h d 1 d f m poverty areas, m police del • · Accounting for a big per cent suggestion. Sp4 Richard A. Earl be conducted by the Instru- ~~ai~mg S ar: ~~ e. u e R or partments or in fire depart-j of the government savings at tending the annual TECOM mentatlon Division of the TE- ,, ._hite . an s iss~ 1e angde ments, and the expansion of a' These suggestions and others Environmental Test Planning * .If. this spnng by Trauung dn £ l" .· WSMR thus far in 1968 is t h e have been rewarding to both the * * COM Logistics Directorate. ,,; •. program or counse mg ser\lce. suggestion that came from Ser· Coference here heard Colonel Th h f t Development Branch l1t ivil· men before and immediately af- geant First Class Paul W. Kra­ government and the suggestor. William D. Meara. chief of e t eme o he conference. Ian Personnel and. ·lt'.taini:ng d" h In the past year · and . a · half "Defining Instrumentation Pro- . • · ter isc arge. mer, of the Atmospheric Science Test Analysis and Operations SP4 R. A. Earl Named Division. \ ··' p ·d t J h · d th blems," will be set by the key- 1 ' · ,,.r· resi en o nson praise c Office, U. S. Army Electronics alone, well over 200 ideas have Office, describe the impact of been accepted at WSMR, saving note speaker, Colonel Harry L. "The only thin!5'~~n01·e ex- results o! both Pr~~ect 100,?00 Command. Sergeant Kr a m e r the governm,,nt more than $200,· the war in Southeast Asia on Yerby director of logistics. pensive than trammg is no and ProJect Transition, statmg simply introduced the idea of 000 each year, and paving cash the test and evaluation pro­ ' training when it is needed," it is necessary to assure job op. replacing expensive, commer­ grams of the command. Soldier of the Afonth Some · 70-80 instrumentation explanied James M. Patton, portunities for the veteran who cially producec corner reflectors awards of more than $10,000. engineers and other guest are This is the 25th anniversary of The testing workload ls training chief, CPO. "How· has received a few other advan,. on balloons (used in tracking), growing steadily, he said, and W h i t e Sands Missile Range expected to be on hand for the ever, any administrator wor· tages from life." with good old household alumi· the Army Suggestion Program. opening sessions, about double TECOM's "Operation Gold the continuing manpower has awarded S o 1 d i e r of the thy of the title wm make every Pointing to Project 100,000, the num foil. The saving to the gov· drain, especialy among m!li- Month honors to Specialist Four Specialist Earl was cited for the number that attended the ernment is $94,167 annual· Mines" program hopes not only outstanding performance of du· first conference held at Aber­ effort to keep expenses to a President said that in its fir8t to meet, but exceed Department tary personnel, is having a sig- Richard A. Earl, of San Pe­ ly, while earing the sergeant a ties, exemplary conduct a n d deen Proving Ground, Md., minimum. That is the reason year the program reached 50,· of the Army objectives during nificant effect on capabilities. dro, Calif., a Hawk missile and more and more training is 000 "disadvantaged young comfortable $1,125. soldierly appearance and bear· last spring. In addltlon to TE­ · The top 1:uggestion of the 1967 this the silver anniversary year. To assure effective resource launcher repairman with t h e ing. conducted on post." Americans" who wo·1ld have management under these con- Hawk Missile Group here. COM personnel representing fiscal year came from a govern· Major General L. G. Cagwin, The specialist was assigned to the headquarters and the 15 In March, an Operations Re. otherwise been rdcckJ by t h e ment employe, Harry F. B e n­ commander of TECOM, has said ditions, COL Meara said, ac- The Soldier of the Month re· WSMR in October 1967. He is test installations and activities search Appreciation course armed forces because of educa- nett, of the Communications Di· that, "it is not only your respon­ ceptance of projects offered ceives a $25 U.S. savings bond will be given. Instructors for tional or physical limitations. Continued on Page 8) Continued on Page 8) rectorate, National Range Oper­ sibility but also your privilege to for arctic, tropic and desert and a three-day pass. the classes will come to ws. Of the 50,000 men under t h e ations. Mr. Bennett's suggestion play a key part in the sugges· testing in FY 1969 will have Earl, 21, attended the Army's MR from the Army Manage- program, Mr. Johnson said, .96 resulted in the procurement of tion program." to be handled on a priority 32-week Hawk Missile and Laun- ment Engineering Agency per_c~nt graduated from b a s 1 c basis. cher Repairman course at the (,A.MEA) Rock Island Ill. tra1rung and that some. h_a v e U.S. Army Missile Munitions Personnei from there gon_e on to Non . Comm1ss1oncd Six categories of materiel C t d S h 1 t Red t New Promotion Policy re~ently ha.ve been established by TE- en er an c oo a s one . Officer schools. Because of the of i in P[-i· _ Arsenal, Ala. He is also a 1964 com_pleted teaehmg .courses in success Project 100,000, th e Glenn Elder to Speak COM for use in ass gn g graduate or Sao Pedro High Des.ign and Analysi~ of Ex- President said, he is directing oritles. School and attended Los Ange. penments, and Staslical Qual· the Secretary of Defnese to en­ First place on the test line les Harbor College and UCLA Stresses Perform.ance lty Control. roll 100,000 men "in this vi t a I is reserved for materiel on the until his junior year. White Sands also has ar- program•· during its s e c on d Army's new accelerated pro- --- At Meeting of IEEE Defense Department's Master Now Taking Courses rangements with Frankford year. Urgency List even though all At present the Soldier of the motion policy for enli.sted men for E·5 and E·6.
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