Bargain in Reading Matter The Weekly Ledger Tt Hexic Weekly La4, the Mia. $1.00 PER YEAR BnnlWt, Tfc Mlwwil Vafley war! MEXICO WEEKLY !! CASH IN ADVANCE !1 and lb LEDGER Farmer HwibM lUgadM iH to mv niMribm aor, mm year, ia f 1.10 THE DAILY LEDGER rah drnc, "To Our R. M. WHITE & SON, LEDGER, Pride In the Past, and Our Hope for the Future, Let Us Add Vigorous Work in the Living Present." by mail $4 per year in ad- Vexlco, Mo. vance in the County. R. M wurrr . , - J"" ""o" nd Props. MEXICO, AUDRAIN COUNTY, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917 VoL 59 No. 7 8 SUBSCRIBE NOW AT THE END OF THE DAY 111 I . - We pray Thee, our Father, n flTITimiA women uo nauiu DlflllUNb HKS. CUTBDRN JIRKSnN 1 il for the men and who are DRAFTING OF .UWIIVWI1 1 1 t II live without Thee; and III I II trying f ARE ORDREDSIWflNTLED H we know no bettor prayer than IEU GUI TREASURER LABOR IS Mill URGED that Thou wilt make it harder and them to wnlk John Million Receives harder for alone. Notification to Mexico Girl Orpheum Honored by So- Theater Have All Local National Mobilization of Men Unfit for the We pray thia not only for them, Stations Out of rority at IU Grand Conclave in Army Urged as Immedi- ouraelvea, our Fatther, Service by Wednes. Night MEXICO -: MISSOURI an but for St. Louis Thia Week asking Thee that, the way of ate Need. IS A GOVERNMENT harder-an- d harder ORDER MET in be made AT JEFFERSON HOTEL Fri. and Sat.. April 20-2- 1 USE 2 MILLION BOYS, TOO for our own lives, and that reat Only Four Stations Her, that Are of Mexico be. our portion only Chapter WiU be Hostesses on 19 and peace ai Any Power and 8 P. M WITH MATINEE SAT, APR 21st AT 2:30 P. M. Those Between IS and Years Can s$ze All in Conclave in Excelsior wo walk with Thee. In Jesus' Charge Be Called to Ranks of !of You Clean House Needs of Younger Boys Springs Crowning ore name. Amen. in 1918 The Achievement of the World's "Army of Soil." John Million, Greatest Producer son of President and Mrs. Claybom Jackson, of this city, Mrs. ST. LOUIS, April 11. Immediate J. W. Million, of Hardin e, was house YOUR COUNTRY 18 AT WAR Grand Treasurer of the mobilization of the Nation's men who Before you clean come to Graham's and save money received notification Tuesday to Upsilon D. W. YOUR country la now in a state of Gamma Sorority Grand Coun GRIFFITH'S do. not meet the qualifications for on New Mops, Brushes, Wash Boards, Cotton Gloves, inform all owners of wireless tele cil COLOSSAL $2,000,000 SPECTACLE war, and you should govern your- at its meeting in St. military service for use in producing Pails, Brooms, Clothes Pins, Soap, House Dresses, Etc. graph stations here to down Louis selves accordingly. There is more or take this week at the Hotel Jeffer- - farm products is one of the measures their aerials and dismantle son. The lest foolish and soma thoughtless talk, their other officers chosen were: to bo taken to solve the food prob- To have enough of these articles will make your house clean- equipment before Wednesday night. Miss regarding the war which we art now Isabel Rader, Jefferson City, lem of the United States, in the opin- Tha order INTOLERANCE ing this year easier than ever. What you save by buying waa received from facing. If you are not loyal to your J. F. Grand President; Mrs. D. H. ion of delegates to the farm confer Dillon, radio inspector here, will help you to buy the new things needed after country, the best thing you can do is for this dis Laurel, Mont., Grand ence of agricultural experts, which trict. Miss - to at least keep still. Some people are Frances Fales, Ober- closed a two day session here late house cleaning is over. There The Most Gigantic Attraction the World knocking are a number nf ji ...... lin, Ohio, Grand Secretary; Mrs. has Ever Known so in the habit of their home - . outuons Tuesday evening. here but only Laurence Cleveland, Brunswick, town and every enterprise it under- four of any aide and Mo., The conference, called by Secretary capable of Grand Organizer, "Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages" takes, that they think it popular to sending message, dia Northern and Miss Houston, was composed of heads of A Few ThingsYouWill Need To Make Your Work Easier when in Sue Holmes, Nashville, Term., Grand knock the Government even a Mr. Griffith's Only Since . agricultural schools and officers of Edward Southern Organizer. Production state of war. While our young men Milhon. Richard Green, son farm boards from all states, execpt that Graham's Sells (or Less These Items Will Help of Dr. and Mr The Biennial Conclave will be held are enlisting to fight for their coun- O. Olin Green; the at "THE BIRTH OF A NATION" New England and the Pacific Coast. Winans boys, three the Elms Hotel, Excelsior Springs, I Can Use 2 Million Boys try, some of the homefolks are giving sons of Dr. and 123,000 1,200 Mrs. Mo., in June, 1918. Beta PEOPLE 7,500 HORSES CHARIOTS Ever Useful Tack Hammers comfort to the enemy. This line of T. H. Winans, and Howard Chapter of Regarding the mobilization of farm Fibre Chair Seats Reed, son of Dr. Eta Upsilon Gamma, Hardin College, Exactly the same show rocked all pre- labor, made Steel heads, in severeal styles. conduct is more serious probably than and Mrs. W. L that Broadway the report public says thing you need to make that old r Reed. will be hostess. The names of the Orpheum Just the most people think. It is not a joking sented at the at Mexcio with Symphony Or- that plans for public defense should nails Each DC This active members of Gamma chair new again. 20 brass head 1f1A proposition to be arrested for disloy- order regarding the dismant are: Miss chestra and Operatic Chorus of 17 Musicians. Daringly include provisions for an adequate ling of es Jane Rodgers, who is of with each set, each lUw Swift's White Laundry Soap alty or treason. We very often hear private wireless stations was President new, all the Romance, Beauty, Adventure and Thrill of food supply for civilians and soldiers, issued by the" local chapter; Julia Tucker, Lou the statement JJiat "a man would the Government early this your happiest dreama come true. as well as for enlisting men to go to Pure White, good in any water. 4 week ise Johnson, Mary Lee Burks, Jennie Leatherette Upholstery Nails r rather steal a hundred dollars from a and is for the purpose of elim- the front. Not including the number 4 Bars for jQ inating Parker, Janette Bragg, Isabel Crad-doc- k SEATS NOW SELLING FOR ALL PERFOMRANCES de- private citizen than a postage stamp any stations in the hands of of persons rejected for physical Imitation leather head nails for upholstery German and Kathryn Garrett. Swift's Washing Powder from Uncle Sam." You know "Uncle secret representatives in this fects, the report says, there are more work, in black and tan ;30 to box country. than 2 million between ages 15 Sam" is not to be fooled with even in 50c to $1.00 of and for 5c Swift's Pride Washing Powder, for washing BEREA ITEMS 19 in the cities who are not engaged time of peace, much less in the time of Mail orders promptly filled when accompanied everything from clothing to floors Bob by remit- rA BEN ELLIOTT MAY Mundy and family have moved in any productive work vital to the ". war. Of course, our government per- SERVE tance and self -- addressed envelope Ironing Board and windows. Package . J to the Plybon property in Molino. Nation. .J mits freedom of speech and freedom Has Qualified t Aa Arehin-- In Gov- - M. W. Emmons, R. L. Miller and The plan of military enlistment, Full size adjustable ironing board, made of of the press; but there is a wide dif- it Sunbrite Cleanser eminent Service J. A. Cauthom sold hoes to Miindv is urged, should be broadened to util- bass wood and will not warp. Our ference between freedom of speech Q Q A A Cleansing powder which cleans, Ben Elliott, of this city, has quali and Botts last week at 14c. Clar- ize for agricultural labor, manufac (Each r and disloyalty to your country. GIVES 50 LBS. BUTTER IN WEEK price not advanced. oOlf scours, scrubs and polishes. Can fied ence Hurd sold a quantity of corn to GIVE ' ture of munitions or The crime of treason is clearly set for service in the architects di UP EASTER AT other national j Thomas Schieffer at 90c per bushel. Holstein-Friesia- n Cow service: First, men beyond forth in the United States criminal vision of the United States army and Makes Re. military Galvanized Tubs Inside Paints and Vsrnishes Mrs. Ed Crooks of Sikeston, Mo., age; been into stat- is subject to the government's markable Record ' second, men of military age, but code and has enacted call. TIRE FOR C. No-No- Tubs 89c A good quality paint and varnishes for visited Mrs. Forest Weaver part of L ft not accepted for active service; r.nd 2 Galvanized utes in many of the states, including The American Institute of Archi- I 98c toiujching up worn places on furniture or last week.
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