1 Triggers of magnetar outbursts Robert C. Duncan University of Texas at Austin TX USA Abstract. Bright outbursts from Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) are believed to be caused by instabilities in ultramagnetized neutron stars, powered by a decaying magnetic field. It was originally thought that these outbursts were due to reconnection instabilities in the magnetosphere, reached via slow evolution of magnetic footpoints anchored in the crust. Later models con- sidered sudden shifts in the crust’s structure. Recent observations of magnetars give evidence that at least some outburst episodes involve rearrangements and/or en- ergy releases within the star. We suggest that bursting episodes in magnetars are episodes of rapid plastic yielding in the crust, which trigger “swarms” of reconnec- tion instabilities in the magnetosphere. Magnetic energy always dominates; elastic energy released within the crust does not generate strong enough Alfv´en waves to power outbursts. We discuss the physics of SGR giant flares, and describe recent observations which give useful constraints and clues. 1.1 Introduction: A neutron star’s crust The crust of a neutron star has several components: (1) a Fermi sea of rela- tivistic electrons, which provides most of the pressure in the outer layers; (2) another Fermi sea of neutrons in a pairing-superfluid state, present only at depths below the 11 −3 “neutron drip” level where the mass-density exceeds ρdrip 4.6 10 gm cm ; arXiv:astro-ph/0401415v1 21 Jan 2004 ≈ × and (3) an array of positively-charged nuclei, arranged in a solid (but probably not regular crystalline) lattice-like structure throughout much of the crust. These nuclei become heavier and more neutron-bloated at increasing depths beneath the surface, until the swollen nuclei nearly “touch” and the quasi-body-centered-cubic nuclear ar- ray dissolves into rod-like and slab-like structures near the base of the crust: “nuclear spaghetti and lasagna” or “nuclear pasta” (e.g., Pethick & Ravenhall 1995). In a magnetar, the crust is subject to strong, evolving magnetic stresses. Mag- netic evolution within the crust occurs via Hall drift; while ambipolar diffusion and Hall drift of magnetic flux within the liquid interior strains the crust from below (Goldreich & Reisenegger 1992; Thompson & Duncan 1996, hereafter “TD96”). The crust and the magnetic field thus evolve together through a sequence of equilibrium states in which magnetic stresses are balanced by material restoring forces. Because a magnetar’s field is so strong, this evolution inevitably involves episodes of crust failure driven by the magnetic field on a variety of time-scales. Many complexities 1 2 Triggers of magnetar outbursts are likely to affect the crustal yielding threshold, and cause it to vary from place to place within a neutron star’s crust. Moreover the very nature of neutron star crust failure is somewhat uncertain. In the deep crusts of magnetars, yields may resemble sudden and sporadic flow in an inhomogeneous liquid crystal, induced by evolving magnetic stresses. Before discussing these complications, it is worthwhile to note how neutron star crust material, outside the pasta layers, differs from a terrestrial solid. A key differ- ence (due to the high mass-density in a neutron star) is that the relativistic Fermi sea of electrons is only slightly perturbed by the Coulomb forces of the nuclei, and does not efficiently screen nuclear charges. With a nearly inert and uniform distri- bution of negative charge, pure neutron star crust-matter comes close to realizing the “ideal Coulomb crystal.” Such a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice is expected to form in the low-temperature limit of a “one-component plasma” (e.g., Brush, Sahlin & Teller 1966; Ichimaru 1982; van Horn 1991). The crystallization temperature is −1 2 kB Tc =Γ (Ze) /a, where Z is the ionic charge, a is the Wigner-Seitz radius satisfy- 4 3 −1 ing 3 πa = n with ion density n, and Γ is a numerical constant found in statistical mechanics to be Γ 170. In the deep crust of a neutron star, T 1010 K. ≈ c ∼ The electrostatic structure of naturally-occurring terrestrial solids is more complex, with bound electrons and efficient screening. Only in the cores of old white dwarfs, which have cooled sufficiently to crystallize, does bulk material like the stuff of a neutron star’s outer crust (ρ<ρdrip) exist elsewhere in nature. Inner-crust matter is found nowhere outside of neutron stars. However, nearly-ideal Coulomb crystals have recently been made in the laboratory, and the failure of these crystals under stress was studied (Mitchell et al 2001). I will now describe one of these delicate and elegant experiments. About 15,000 cold 9Be+ ions were confined within a volume about half a millimeter in diameter, in the laboratory at the National Institute of Standards in Boulder, Colorado. A uniform magnetic field confined the ions radially, while a static electric field with a quadratic potential trapped them axially (i.e., a Penning trap). The ions were cooled to millikelvin temperatures using lasers that were tuned to a frequency just below an ionic ground-state excitation level. The plasma crystallized into a disk, with a bcc lattice structure. (Note that trapping fields effectively provided the neutralizing background for this crystal.) Due to a weak radial component of the electric field, the charged crystal experienced E B drift and rotated. The velocity × of rotation was controlled and stabilized by the experimenters using a perturbing electric field. The ions, fluorescing in laser light and separated by 15 microns, were directly imaged and photographed. The crystal was then stressed by illuminating it with laser light from the side, and off-axis. Slips in the crystalline structure were detected. They were distributed, over at least three orders of magnitude, according to a power law with index between 1.8 and 1.2. One can’t avoid mentioning here that this distribution of slip sizes resembles the energy-distribution of bursts from SGRs. Some would claim that this is a conse- quence of “universality” in self-organized critical systems. In any case it can have no deep implications about burst mechanisms, since the physics of SGR outbursts is much more complex than simple slips in a crystal. These experiments verify some expectations about idealized, crystalline neutron 1.1 Introduction: A neutron star’s crust 3 star matter; but real neutron star crusts, and especially magnetar crusts, are likely to be complex and messy. As emphasized by Ruderman (1991), the circumference of a neutron star is about 1017 lattice-spacings, which is similar to the size of the Earth measured in the lattice-spacings of terrestrial rock. According to the old, 20th century neutron star theory, the amount and distribu- tion of crystalline imperfections in the crust is history-dependent. Two factors were thought to be involved: the rapidity of cooling when the solid originally formed, and the subsequent “working” of the solid by stresses and (in some cases) episodic re- heating. More rapid initial cooling and solidification would generally produce more lattice imperfections and smaller lattice domains (i.e., smaller grains). Extremely rapid cooling, or “quenching” would produce an amorphous (glassy) solid rather than a crystal, which is really a long-lived metastable state: a super-cooled liq- uid. It was suggested that this occurs in neutron star crusts (Ichimaru et al. 1983); however, models of crust solidification in more realistic, neutrino-cooled neutron stars showed crystallization (de Blasio 1995). Subsequent strain-working of the crust would increase lattice imperfections, while episodes of (magnetic) re-heating followed by cooling would tend to anneal the solid. That’s the old picture. Jones (1999, 2001) recently turned the story on its head. He showed that, when the crust initially cools through the melting temperature, a substantial range of Z (i.e., nuclear proton-numbers) get frozen-in at every depth below neutron drip. This is due to thermal fluctuations in the nuclei, which are in equilibrium with the neutron bath. The energy separation of magic-number proton shells in the neutron-bloated nuclei is not large compared to the melt temperature. This is important because it means that the crust of a 21st-century neutron star is amorphous rather than crystalline. There exists some short-range crystalline order, but over distances greater than about 10 a the variable Z’s affect the inter-nuclear ∼ spacing enough to destroy all order. This has important implications for transport properties such as electrical conductivity, among other things. Finally, there is the sticky issue of nuclear pasta (Pethick & Ravenhall 1995 and references therein).∗ Deep inside the crust, the neutron-bloated nuclei become elon- gated and join into “nuclear spaghetti”: long cylindrical structures in a 2-D trian- gular array. As depth and density increase, these nuclear noodles join into slabs: “nuclear lasagna.” At even higher densities this gives way (at least for some values of nuclear state parameters) to “inverse spaghetti”: an array of cylindrical holes in the high-density fluid; followed by “inverse meatballs”: a bcc lattice of spherical holes in otherwise continuous nuclear matter. Beneath that lies continuous nuclear fluid. Because rod-like (or planar) structures can freely slide past each other along their length (and breadth) without affecting the Coulomb energy, nuclear pasta has an extremely anisotropic tensor of elasticity. Indeed, the elastic response of nuclear spaghetti resembles that of the columnar phases of a liquid crystal, and elastic nuclear lasagna resembles the smectics A phase (Pethick & Potekhin 1998). At sufficiently ∗ Nuclear pasta results from the competition between Coulomb and nuclear surface-energy terms when minimizing the energy. The pasta ground states exhibit spontaneously broken symme- tries, although the underlying interactions between constituent nucleons are nearly rotationally- symmetric.
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