SPECIAL EDITION Nutritional and Health Benefits of Yeast Practical technology from Lallemand Inc. The Roles of Yeast in Baking, Nutrition, and Health EAST NOT ONLY leavens dough temperatures has revolutionized the frozen produces carbon dioxide. This produces a and gives it a light, sponge-like tex- and parbaked sectors. spectrum of intermediate metabolites, many Yture—yeast also provides flavor and As a result of no-time dough process- of which are precursors for flavor. aroma and contributes to the nutritional ing, volume-processed standard bread has Yeast fermentation products that can value of bread. lost bread’s characteristic fermentation be detected both in dough and in the flavor. Consequently, certain yeast suppliers finished bread include ethanol and higher LEAVENING have turned their attention to yeast strains alcohols, aldehydes, and organic acids, The carbon dioxide gas produced by yeast that provide excellent and, more interest- which are by-products of the yeast’s pri- expands the dough as it is trapped within ingly, variable flavor profiling in bread. mary metabolic function in dough. Some the dough’s protein matrix. This stretching of these by-products enhance the rate of results in the light, airy structure associated FLAVOR browning reactions and the formation of with yeast-leavened products. The dough Bread’s taste and aroma are the result of its melanoids and caramels in the bread crust. matures or develops through the action of ingredients, the aromas originating from Important substrates for these types of fermentation on the gluten structure. the yeast’s fermentation, and the thermo- reactions are sugars and amino acids. By Yeasts that are more tolerant and re- chemical reactions during baking. Yeast contributing some of these substrates, the silient are selected for high-stress process- imparts the characteristic flavor of bread yeast also influences the eventual taste and es. The availability of yeasts specifically and other yeast-leavened products. flavor of the bread. selected for their ability to survive subzero Sugars are metabolized when yeast Continued THE NUTRITIONAL AND HEALTH BENEFITS OF YEAST Yeast can naturally contribute significant of clinical abnormalities, including neurological Zinc is an important constituent of insulin amounts of numerous nutrients to bread and and cardiovascular (heart failure) disorders. and the DNA and RNA repair/enzyme function. baked goods. Niacin (B3) is involved in glucose and fatty It is involved in flavor perception and acts as acid oxidation. It is one of the five vitamins that vitamin A carrier. Symptoms of zinc deficiency VITAMIN D (PHYTOSTEROLS) when lacking in human diet is associated with a include depressed growth, diarrhea, impotence Phytosterols are natural plant sterols that have pandemic deficiency disease called pellagra, and delayed sexual maturation, alopecia, and been shown to effectively lower blood choles- which causes diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. eye and skin lesions. terol, enhance the immune system, and decrease Pantothenic acid (B5) is involved in fatty acid PROTEINS the risk of certain cancers. The lowering of cho- synthesis and degradation as well as in the syn- Proteins are the chief actors within the cell, said lesterol is phytosterol’s most documented health thesis of cholesterol, steroid hormones, heme, to be carrying out the duties specified by the property. When exposed to UV light, ergosterol and acetylcholine. B5-deficiency symptoms are information encoded in genes. The best-known is converted to vitamin D. Apart from the pre- similar to those of other vitamin B deficiencies. role of proteins in the cell is as enzymes, which vention of the deficiency diseases rickets and os- Impaired energy production, due to low CoA lev- catalyze chemical reactions. Proteins have teomalacia, vitamin D is involved in maintaining els, could cause irritability, fatigue, and apathy. recently been recognized for their role in weight calcium balance in the body, normal cell division Folate (B9) has a well-established role in the management and satiety. They represent more and immune system function, a healthy inflam- prevention of neurotubular birth defect (spina than 50 percent of yeast (w/w). matory response, and normal muscle function. bifida). It also has a possible preventative role DIETARY FIBERS Bakers yeast typically contains 0.5 percent against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, Dietary fibers play a role in maintaining normal (w/w) ergosterol, but selected strains can con- and neuropsychiatric conditions. intestinal function and stimulating the immune tain up to 1.5 percent ergosterol. The vitamin D MINERALS system. They are also known to act as prebiotic, level in yeast can be adjusted to any needs. The minerals found in yeast are involved in improve insulin resistance, and reduce serum B VITAMINS growth, development, energy metabolism, and cholesterol. Yeast typically contains 30 to 40 Soluble in water, the B vitamins found in yeast the reproductive system. percent (dry weight) fibers, of which 60% are are structurally dissimilar yet equally essential Potassium acts as an osmotic pressure regu- beta-glucans. for normal cellular functions, growth, and lator and is involved in the body acid–base bal- Beta-glucans, polysaccharides found in development. ance and muscle contraction. Epidemiological yeast cell walls, have been shown to reduce Thiamin (B1) acts as a coenzyme in a variety studies indicate that diets high in potassium can blood cholesterol concentrations. Reports have of critical metabolic reactions related to energy reduce the risk of hypertension and possibly also been published on the immune benefits of metabolism. B1 deficiency can lead to a variety stroke. yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) beta-glucans. The Roles of Yeast in Baking, Nutrition, and Health (Continued) NUTRITION The Nutrition Facts table on a baked min D and folate, yeast only contributes The precise nutrient values of yeast can product’s packaging shows the percentage small percentages. However, when com- vary with manufacturer. This is why the of Daily Values that a bread serving can paring the amount of nutrients found in Canadian Nutrient File and the USDA contribute. When considering the Daily bread with that provided by yeast, it is National Nutrient Database for Standard Values for different nutrients versus the clear that bakers yeast significantly con- Reference have conjointly established the nutrients provided by compressed bakers tributes to bread’s nutritional value. nutrient profile of compressed bakers yeast. yeast used in bread at 3%/fl, except for vita- COMPARISON OF BREAD AND YEAST NUTRIENT VALUES Bread Nutrition Facts Lallemand Yeast Amount per Yeast Contribution to Contribution to Bread Nutrients in Yeast Daily Values* 100 g Serving** Daily Values (%)*** Nutrition Facts (%)† Vitamin D 200–400 IU 90–400 IU†† 0 or 6–100††† 28–100 B1 Thiamin 1.3–1.5 mg 0.46 mg 2.4–2.7 15 B2 Riboflavin 1.6–1.7 mg 0.33 mg 1.2–1.3 7 B3 Niacin 20–23 mg 4.39 mg 1.0–1.1 7 B5 Pantothenic Acid 7–10 mg 0.20 mg 0.9–1.3 34 B6 Pyridoxine 1.8–2.0 mg 0.08 mg 0.4 7 B9 Folate 220 –400 mcg 111 mcg 3.6–6.6 10 Copper 2 mg 0.25 mg 0.1 2 Iron 14 –18 mg 3.74 mg 0.3–0.4 1 Magnesium 250 –400 mg 23 mg 0.2–0.3 3 Phosphorus 1000–1100 mg 99 mg 0.6 5 Selenium 50–70 mcg 17.3 mcg 0.2–0.3 1 Zinc 9–15 mg 0.74 mg 1.2–2.1 12 Sodium 2400 mg 681 mg 0 0 Potassium 3500 mg 100 mg 0.3 10 Total Proteins 50 g 7.64 g 1.9 13 Total Fiber 25 g 2.40 g 0.6 8 * Based on FDA and CFIA highest Recommended Dietary Allowances for each age and † Based on nutritional analyses of Lallemand compressed bakers yeast (30% solids); sex group; apply to most people aged 2 and over, but do not include extra needs for obtained by dividing the amount of each nutrient in Lallemand yeast used in bread by pregnancy and breastfeeding. the amount of each nutrient in bread, and then multiplied by 100. ** Based on the Canadian Nutrient File for bread, white (includes soft crumbs), commercial. †† According to current regulations, yeast can contribute a maximum of 400 IU (US) and *** Based on the Canadian Nutrient File and the USDA National Nutrient Database for 90 IU (Canada) of vitamin D per 100 g of bread. compressed bakers yeast and white bread; obtained by dividing the amount of each ††† Normally, yeast does not contribute to the vitamin D content of bread, but when using nutrient provided by yeast used in bread at 3%/fl by the Daily Values, and then Lallemand standard yeast or Vita D® Plus yeast, it can provide significant percentages of multiplied by 100. vitamin D Daily Value. Lallemand Yeast Specialty Products ALLEMAND continues to innovate in selenium used by dietary supplement its products, by optimizing yeast and food manufacturers, to make their Lallemand Baking Update is produced by production processes, to create baked goods a source of selenium. Lallemand Inc. to provide bakers with a L source of practical technology for solving products that can contribute significantly Glucans-30, a natural cell wall fraction problems. If you would like to be on our to the nutritional content of baked goods rich in beta-1,3/1,6-glucans, is also used in mailing list to receive future copies, or if . reviving the 1930’s ‘yeast for your baked goods. you have questions or comments, please health’ motto. Bakers can take advantage Contact Lallemand for more informa- contact us at: of this nutritional knowledge when updat- tion on these nutrient-rich bakers yeast LALLEMAND Inc. ing their label declarations. products. 1620 Préfontaine The vitamin D content of bread* can Montréal, QC H1W 2N8 CANADA be declared when using Lallemand Vita D® tel: (800) 840-4047 (514) 522-2133 fax: (514) 255-6861 yeast, which is a nonfortified and vegetari- * Following a petition submitted by Lallemand on email: [email protected] an source of vitamin D.
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