MEDICINAL Medicinal Plant PLANT SPECIALIST GROUP Conservation Silphion Volume 12 Newsletter of the Medicinal Plant Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Chaired by Danna J. Leaman Chair’s note . 2 of medicinal and aromatic plants – Bert-Jan Resolución de la reunión satélite del Grupo de Ottens, Klaus Dürbeck & Geertje Otten . 28 Especialistas de Plantas Medicinales (MPSG) Prioritisation of medicinal plants for conservation de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza through threat assessment in Madhya Pradesh, (UICN) . 3 India. A paradigm shift from prescription to Resolución de la mesa redonda sobre directrices practice – G. A. Kinhal, D.K. Ved & B.M.S. mundiales de conservacion y uso sostenible Rathore . 31 de plantas medicinales . 3 Medicinal plants of the Canary Islands – David Botanic Gardens: Using biodiversity to improve Bramwell . 36 human well-being – Kerry Waylen. 4 Taxon File Progress on the International Standard for Sus- Conservation strategies for Commiphora wightii. tainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and An important medicinal plant species – Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP) – Susanne Vineet Soni & P.L. Swarnkar . 40 Honnef, Danna Leaman, Britta Pätzold & Uwe Schippmann . 8 Podophyllum hexandrum and its conservation status in India – Niranjan Chandra Shah . 42 Supplier audit in MAP collection and cultivation: Buyer perspective in Germany – Ernst Nepeta binaludensis, a highly endangered medi- Schneider . 12 cinal plant of Iran – Farsad Nadjafi . 47 Towards a sustainable management of medicinal and aromatic plants: The case of the Agro- Conferences and Meetings artesanal Association of Producers of Dried Coming up – Natalie Hofbauer. 48 Medicinal Plants of Ecuador – AAPPSME – CITES News – Uwe Schippmann . 49 María Argüello & Zornitza Aguilar . 17 Lista de especies, nomenclatura y distribución en el genero Guaiacum – Patricia Davila Aranda Regional File & Uwe Schippmann . 50 The status of exudate species in Iran and existing challenges in their sustainable utilization – Notices of Publication . 51 F. Nadjafi, A. Koocheki & A. Ghasemi Arian. 22 Alleviating poverty in Afghanistan through sus- List of Members. 53 tainable resource management and marketing ISSN 1430-95X 1 November 2006 development of a practical and widely relevant interna- Chair’s Note tional standard for sustainable wild collection of medici- nal plants (ISSC-MAP). This has clearly been a major Danna Leaman focus of our work. Our substantial progress on this objec- Two years into the current IUCN Quadrennium (2005- tive is summarized in this issue of MPC (see p. 8 f.). 2008), this 12th volume of Medicinal Plant Conservation Workplan objective 4: Ongoing partnership through provides an opportunity to revisit the ambitious workplan IUCN with WHO, WWF, and TRAFFIC enabling the proposed for the Medicinal Plant Specialist Group for publication, distribution, and implementation of the revis- this period (see Chair’s Note MPC 11: 2-3), to consider ed “Guidelines for the Conservation of Medicinal our successes and continuing challenges, and to review Plants”. The third draft of the revised “Guidelines” has our group’s priorities for the two years remaining before been completed and is currently being circulated to the the IUCN Members, Commissions, and staff reconvene members of the steering committee. We continue our eff- at the next World Conservation Congress. orts to raise the funds required to support a final consulta- Workplan objective 1: Establishment of regional sub-groups tion with the author institutions, and print/web publication and programmes of work for the MPSG in the Pacific, and distribution of the final guidelines. We remain com- Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, North Asia, and mitted to making the “Guidelines” accessible in French, Africa (regional sub-groups have already been established Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and other languages in addition in South Asia and Latin America). The IUCN Species to English, to facilitate their implementation world-wide. Survival Commission, to which all MPSG members belong, We are very grateful to the Species Survival Commission, is initiating an on-line membership registration. Building the Wildlife Conservation Society, and Swann Inter- this system created some delays in the process of inviting national for funding to support completion of the third and registering new specialist group members. However, draft of the revised “Guidelines”. These funds also sup- the larger part of the responsibility for the delay in moving ported a Round Table on implementation of the Guidelines forward on this objective is mine as Chair. Particularly in in Latin America, coordinated by the MPSG regional sub- Africa, the middle East, Europe, and North America many group for Latin America during the IX Latin American potential new members have been identified. However, Botanical Congress, 19-25 June 2006, in the Dominican much remains to be done to complete the invitation process Republic. The Congress resolution resulting from this and formally establish new regional sub-groups. Round Table is included in this volume of MPC (p. 3 f.). On a more optimistic note, the regional Latin American Workplan objective 5: Continued publication of “Medi- sub-group of MPSG met in June 2006 in a satellite meet- cinal Plant Conservation” and enhanced use of the MPSG ing of the IX Latin American Botanical Congress in Santo website to effectively communicate current issues and ac- Domingo, the Dominican Republic. The group identified tions relevant to the overall aim of the MPSG. Uwe priorities for action, mechanisms to support interaction Schippmann and Natalie Hofbauer have worked diligently among the regional members, and nominated national fo- to bring you this issue of MPC, and we are grateful to BfN cal points for those countries represented at the meeting. for their continued generous support for the production The resolution from this meeting, in Spanish, appears in and mailing of this newsletter. Work to update the main this volume of MPC (see p. 3). MPSG website has been slower than I’d hoped, owing to Workplan objective 2: Expansion of global conservation lack of time. I’m grateful to MPSG member Reza Azmi assessment of medicinal plants through regional Red List and WildAsia, based in Kuala Lumpur, for their efforts to training and assessment projects, identification of regional move forward on improving design and content, and to Red List Authorities for medicinal plants in collaboration BfN for financial support to include the ISSC-MAP pro- with other SSC Specialist Groups, and support for regio- ject on their website. The Latin American sub-group of nal medicinal plant conservation data management capa- MPSG has designed a regional website that will be hosted city. We have begun work with TRAFFIC and WWF to de- by the Grupo Etnobotanico Latinoamericana (GELA), and velop a joint programme with IUCN on conservation and accessible via the main MPSG website early in 2007. sustainable use of medicinal plants that will support preli- Other Project Updates minary and Red List assessments, market assessments, and implementation of models for sustainable use of medicinal Revision of CITES #-annotations for medicinal and aro- plants, linking regional projects to a global strategy. I am matic plants: Work on this project, a consultancy underta- hopeful that MPSG will be able to provide funds for regio- ken by the MPSG to the CITES Secretariat to identify pro- nal MPSG initiatives through this programme. blems that may arise because of unclear annotations regar- ding medicinal plant species included in the Appendices of Workplan objective 3: Ongoing contributions to the CITES, is nearly completed (see also p. 48). 2 Medicinal Plant Conservation 12 Resolución de la reunión satélite del Grupo de Especialistas de Plantas Medicinales (MPSG) de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza (UICN) IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Botanica 19 de junio de 2006 Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Reconociendo la contribución de los miembros latinoamericanos del Grupo de Especialistas de Plantas Medicinales (MPSG) a los objetivos globales de la Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza Concientes de la importancia del fortalecimiento del Subgrupo regional para trabajar conjuntamente en las prioridades regio- nales, relacionadas con la conservación y el uso sostenible de las plantas medicinales. Los participantes de la Reunión Satélite acordaron: Prioridades • Intercambio de conocimientos, información y experiencias • Reconocimiento del valor de los sistemas de medicina tradicional • Valoración del conocimiento tradicional en uso sostenible de especies • Integración de equipos multidisciplinarios • Abordar los aspectos de conocimiento tradicional, acceso a recursos genéticos y distribución de beneficios • Fortalecer los procesos de educación Mecanismos de interacción • Crear un subdominio en el sitio web del GELA para difundir y compartir información sobre actividades relacionadas al MPSG. • Considerar el beneficio de establecer subgrupos subregionales de los miembros, así como redes de trabajo en áreas o temas particulares • Impulsar el rol del grupo como órgano consultivo en aspectos relevantes a las plantas medicinales • Informar adecuadamente a los donantes sobre la importancia de la conservación y uso sostenible de plantas medicinales y buscar fuentes de financiamiento. Responsable de la Región Latinoamericana: Sonia Lagos-Witte; Responsables por países: Argentina: Nilda Dora Vignale, Ana Maria
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