3 Abbreviations ADS accelerator-driven systems AKEnd working group for the selection of repository sites “Arbeits- kreis Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte”, Germany ALARA principle in exposure to radiation and other occupational health risks: as low as reasonably achievable ALARP principle in exposure to radiation and other occupational health risks: as low as reasonably practicable ANCLI national association of local information Commissions “Association nationale des commissions locales d’informa- tion”, France ANDRA national radioactive waste management agency “Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs”, France ASN nuclear safety Authority “Autorité pour la sûreté nucléaire”, France AT ataxia telangiectesi, a neurgenerative, inherited disease BERR Department for Business, Enterprises and Regulatory Re- form, UK BfS Radiation Protection Agency “Bundesamt für Strahlen- schutz“, Germany BGR Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources “Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe“, Germany BMU Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conserva- tion and Nuclear Safety “Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit”, Germany BNFL British Nuclear Fuels Limited Bq unit of radioactivity, measure of the activity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second BSK-3 special fuel canister “Brennstab-Kokille Typ 3” used in Germany BWR boiling water reactor CASTOR cask for storage and transport of radioactive material CCS carbon dioxide capture and storage CEA government-funded technological research organisation “Commission d’énergie atomique” (Atomic Energy Com- mission), France CED committed effective dose coefficient 432 C Annex and apparatus CLAB Swedish central interim storage facility “Centralt Lager för Använt Bränsle” CLI local information committee “Comité local de l’information”, France CLIS local information and oversight committee “Comité local de l’information et de suivi”, France CNE national review board “Comité national d’évaluation”, France CoRWM British Committee on Radioactive Waste Management CSN nuclear safety council “Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear”, Spain DECC Department for Energy and Climate Change, UK DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DOE Department of Energy, USA DSB double strand breaks (of the DNA molecule) DT, R mean absorbed dose in an organ or tissue (T) by a radia- tion (R) DWP Department for Work and Pensions, UK EA Environment Agency, UK ECC La Hague compact hull storage “Entreposage de Coques Compac- tées”, La Hague, France EIA Act Environmental Impact Assessment Act “Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung – UVPG”, Germany EnPA Energy Policy Act, USA ENSI Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate “Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat”, Switzerland ENSREG European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group EPA Environmental Protection Agency, USA ESK Waste Disposal Commission “Entsorgungskommission”, Germany FR fast reactors GIHP, fast scenario “Gorleben implementation at highest possible pace” GLFLA, slow scenario “Gorleben late failure, late consideration of alter- natives” GNEP Global Nuclear Energy Partnership 3 Abbreviations 433 GPD standing group of experts on wastes “Groupe permanent d’experts pour les déchets”, France GRS technical research and expert organization for nuclear safety “Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH”, Germany GSF research center for environmental health “Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit“, Ger- many GWd/t Gigawatt-days per ton Gy Gray, unit for the absorbed energy dose. 1 Gy corresponds to the absorbed energy of 1 Joule per kg mass (tissue) HABOG highly radioactive wastetreatment and storage building “Hoogradioactief AfvalBehandelings- en Opslag Gebouw” near Borssele, The Netherlands HLW high-level radioactive waste HSE Health and Safety Executive, UK IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna ICRP International Commission for Radiological Protection, Ottawa ILW intermediate level waste ILW-LL long lived intermediate level waste IRSN institute for research on radioactive safety “Institut de re- cherche sur securité nucléaire”, France ITAS institute for technology assessment and systems analysis “Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemana- lyse“, Germany JNFL Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited KASAM national council for nuclear waste “Kärnavfallsrådet” Sweden KBS-3 technology for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste (“kärnbränslesäkerhet”, i. e. “nuclear fuel safety”), devel- oped in Sweden KBS-3H KBS-3 horizontal KBS-3V KBS-3 vertical km kilometer KNE federal commission for radioactive waste disposal “Kom- mission für nukleare Entsorgung”, Switzerland KNS federal commission for nuclear safety “Kommission für nukleare Sicherheit”, Switzerland 434 C Annex and apparatus KTA nuclear technology committee “Kerntechnischer Aus- schuss”, Germany KTM ministry of trade and industry “Kauppa- ja Teollisuusmi- nisteriö”, Finland KW kilowatt KWh kilowatt hour LET linear energy transfer, a measure of the energy an ionizing particle transfers along its track through material LILW low and intermediate level waste LILW-LL longlived low and intermediate level radioactive waste LILW-SL short lived low and intermediate level radioactive waste LLW low-level radioactive waste LLW-LL longlived low-level radioactive waste LNT linear no-threshold(-model), a model for predicting the long term, biological damage caused by ionising radiation LWR light-water reactors m meter MA minor actinides man Sv unit of collective dose quantities MEEDDM ministry for the environment, energy, sustainable devel- opment and oceans “Ministère pour l’Écologie, l’Energie, le Développement durable et la Mer”, France METI Ministry for Energy, Trade and Industry, formerly MITI, Japan MeV megaelectron volt, a Nuclear energy unit mGy megagray MOX mixed oxide mSv millisievert (1 mSv = 0.001 Sv) TiHM metric tons of initial heavy metal MWd megawatt-day MWe megawatt electrical NAGRA national cooperative for the disposal of radioactive waste “Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle“, Switzerland NAS National Academy of Science, USA NDA Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, UK NEA Nuclear Energy Agency, agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 3 Abbreviations 435 NEPA National Environmental Policy Act, USA NGO non-governmental organisation NII Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, UK NIREX United Kingdom Nirex Limited, formerly Nuclear Indus- try Radioactive Waste Executive, UK NISA Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Japan NPP Nuclear Power Plant NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA NSC Nuclear Safety Commission, Japan nSv nanosievert (1 nSv = 0.000000001 Sv) NUMO Nuclear Waste Management Organisation, Japan NWMO Nuclear Waste Management Organisation, Canada NWPA Nuclear Waste Policy Act, USA NWTRB Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, USA OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Develop- ment, Paris ONDRAF.NIRAS Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Mate- rials “Organisme National des Déchets Radioactifs et des matières Fissiles enrichies” (ONDRAF) and “Nationale Instelling voor Radioactief Afval en verrijkte Splijtstoffen” (NIRAS), Belgium OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic P&T partitioning and transmutation PET positron emission tomography PIA area for preliminary investigation PTB federal physical-technical agency “Physikalisch-Techni- sche Bundesanstalt”, Germany PUREX plutonium-uranium extraction, reprocessing method for the recovery of uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel PWR pressurised water reactor RBE relative biological effectiveness RSA 93 Radioactive Substances Act 1993, UK RSK reactor safety commission “Reaktor-Sicherheitskommis- sion”, Germany RWM radioactive waste management 436 C Annex and apparatus RWMAC Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee, UK SEA strategic environmental assessment SEER Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA SF spent fuel SFS swedish act as published in the Swedish statue book (“Svensk författningssamling”) SI small intestine SKB nuclear fuel and waste management company “Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB”, Sweden SKI nuclear power inspectorate “Statens Kärnkraftinspektion”, Sweden SL short lived SNF spent nuclear fuel SRWDA Specified Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Act (or Waste Law) of 2000, Japan SSB single strand breaks (of the DNA molecule) SSI radiation safety inspectorate “Statens Strålskyddsinstitut”, Sweden SSK radiation protection pommission “Strahlenschutzkom- mission”, Germany SSM radiation safety authority “Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten” , Sweden STUK radiation and nuclear safety authority “Säteilyturvakeskus”, Finland Sv sievert – unit for the equivalent dose which is obtained from the absorbed dose multiplied with the radiation weighting factor (wR) T tissue TA technology assessment TBL-A transport cask storage facility “Transportbehälterlager” Aarhaus, Germany TBL-G transport cask storage facility “Transportbehälterlager” Gorleben, Germany tHM ton of heavy metal TSN Act transparency and security in the field of nuclear activities TWhe terawatt-hours of electricity 3 Abbreviations 437 UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UOX uranium-oxide UO2 uranium dioxide US NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission μSv micro-sievert (1μSv = 0.000001 Sv) VGB european technical
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