jg a w g g COVERING T H I S W E E K TOWNSHIPS OF flOLMDEL, MADISON 1 4 P a g e s MARLBORO, MATAWAN ! AND One Section MATAWAA! 3QROUGH Member ■■ ' ■ Mvrutwr . ■ . MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1962 New Jersey PrcM Awoclalion Single Copy Ten Cent* »3rd YEAR — 4Sth W EEK National IWItorlal AjkooUU oo Good Turn ‘'Slcady, BroMnic, ll Hurls Me W o v ^se‘n il llu rls ^on'’ A l f e r I V iH liX Q flIs Split Vote On Map For More than 2tf members of Boy Scout Troop H, Malawan, and adult leaders contributed i a day of work cleaning up Mt. Pleas­ For Levitt Streets 423 M o r e Homesites• ant Cemetery on ' New Bruns­ wick Ave., Matawan, Saturday. Steps to alter present require­ inches of poured concrete to b# ,Ti>0:uM «rihoirft.T«'la‘sh'P .? k“1: Scoutmaster. T. Leslie Grace, ments for street widths in subdi­ used as a streel base instead of shl . Bin* mwmsja sr! t: n »uti visions as well as specifications indies of crushed stone; presently c e p c -lo r- v«»a«Mivuv.wA troop’s community project. After lor their foundations and top cov­ required. The foundation wouli .fcftrl&ijro C<i^p:._ Pertjl O n Jury P«sn*l erings w ere taken Monday night ai then be surfaced with 1.5 inched .rrv-v ■ :lmum* te r ,» ^87-apro irapt at ,« # troop located rbe tomt»cV'\e' oi separate meetings of tlie Matawan of bituminous concrete. Tbe conyfi Twenty-nine bayaiipre uroa resi­ Mrs. Phillip Freneau, widow of 'I o w n sli'p 'P la n n in g B o ard an d the mittec called for a public hearing lntersec*(on pf Rd and Ro- dents are included in' tii? petit jury the famous poet. Ed Stanford as­ 'township Committee. on the ameuuiiieni May 21. « pertivllle Rd/Approval of-thls (nap panel whiph will serve until to­ sisted the group on the cleanup Tne township committee intro­ ■makes ilW Upts approved wilhin the At Monday’s meeting of the plai). morrow. They are Mra. Margaret project, as representative of the duced an ordinance amending the .Rjitumor^h (or- future qction. iiing board, the board voted to per, ; Abel,1 Hailet; Robert Ahlers, Un- B«ard of Trustees of the First subdivision code to permit five mit the downgrading of require® f This map ran into contest. flenry lonBeach; Fred Allen, Matawan; Presbyterian Church, Malawan- widllvs In the Strathmoro-at-Maty* lOolenbock, ‘Perth Amboy, was John Brzezniak, Ciyffwopd; Steve A considerably amount of brush wan project of Levitt and Son* cohfrpRted lylth chfl|epue by Paul Buksar, Pnion ’ Beach; Mrs. Mary remains to be cleared from the Inc. for 44 interior: streets- In -thA": !Slsdqn. a spectator,, when he (r\- Crowley. West keansburg; . Ed­ cemetery and volunteers will be Seek Widening development Hie downgrading pi cliPM tyr. ■ S|*pon with Maple ward Eastmond jr., Union Beadr, welcomed tm Saturday morning, present standards was approved ad ’Slmde Fann, Robert ij. Tjiorne Miss' Botty 'J. Erickson, Kqyporl -May 12 when members ol the a 4-1 vole of the board with Harofq iri(f C, McDowell as pwnefs from Also' Erland Erlandsen, Union scout troop will resume their, pro- Of Cliffwood Ave. J. Dolan dissenting and boan|> whom options l^ad j»ei» taken. Mr. Beach'; Mrs. Madeline Fraser, Key- je c (. ’ •___________________ chairman Joseph Stenger abstain*' Sladonprote»ted hp'tiacJ ne««r giv-' L>ort; Miss Dons Gorlach, Union Township Mulls mg I ' ; 1 en.juiypna m option on his land dead); Samuel L ., Gtimbs, Cliff­ “Lowering Standards" ' 'atfd ttys w*< all pews to him. wood; Mra, Theima Hyer, Mala­ Plumber Complaints Mr. Dolan declared Che planning : , \M aypr P«)ul A. .Chester and Com-: wan;' Thomas King,' Union Beaehs Full Time Health The Matawan Township Commit­ board was lowering standard* - -miiiBemaii Cuaiies T , McCue bo ii Robert E. E, Lovo, Hazlet; Adolph tee Monday night authorized Com- originally set under the planned 'deminded the map be ^ejected In L u 'n t tn a n n, Hazlet; llieodore m ittc e m a n ’ joh.v iviai7, jr . to c a rry community ordinance. The plan; that "M r, Culenbqc|c appeared to Luac?- sr., Koansburg; Amos Officials Needed -■•personal appeal to the Monmouth ned community ordinance, wnicll. ba misrepresenting the1 conditions Mutnfprd, Hariet; Courtney Muth. County Board ot Freeholders for had been subject to a court tost^ be|)M 'which it waa bei?« iffejvd. West Keansburg; Thomas F- Mc­ Borough Cautjoned the widening of Cliffwood Ave. at is the measure under winch: th* Coipnititetman Joieph A. Laniaro, Carthy, Hfjle*. its intersection wibh Route 35. Levitt project is proceeding; II : who had mad* lha moliqc to classi- Aisp Charle* NewlJury, Keypprt; On New State Setup required all streets to be at least’ '.fy it arit) jWMiph A. Ait, who had fvtrs. Geneviev* Poling, Keyport; Mr. Mar/, showed lhe committee Archie R. Price, Hazlet; Mrs. Edna Oscar Aquino, health officer of photographs he had taken of the 30 feet w ide. .Jecw tfed Th* fltove, appe^ed »o W- Wayne Township and a member of Laurenof Kpiseit, freehold, the Ragsdale, Matawan;. J o h n I- intersection, which he said, sliowcd Under the terms of die resolution state advisory health commission, board's ^ttcfraw, for a ruling. Mr. S chanck Jr., Keyport; Omar Sick­ there were 17 feet of roadway not approved by the township plannerf addressed the Matawan Bprough al the Oak Shades Fire Ijouse, Lower Main St., Kiva«n mUd mat it would not be les, Hatiet; Andrew Sneiigrove jr., W aller Whit* grimaces aa his dog “ Brownie" being utUl/.ed on Cliffwood Ave. Monday. 44 streets in the develop ­ *cwi*ry tor Mr. Golet*boclt or thp Keaqsbu'rg, and Michael Witkows- Board of Health Monday about re­ receives an anti-rabies Inoculation from Dr. Earl Matawan Township. Nearly 80 dogs received anii- He added that trucks and buses ment will be 26 feet wide. 16 atiieri( evelopers toj>irovide proof nf own- Ky, M ata w en . quirements Ihe state is going to en­ Osterheld,' veterinarian at the Malawan Animal rabies shots, it was reported by township Clerk Rose have difficulty negotiating the turn will have a w idth of 30 faet, Irstiipor3 even taking pptjpps, ui it force on the municipality in the Hospital during a free rabies clinic held Saturday K. W enzel. from the highway into the two lane four other major Uiorofares map presented tor clsisliicationla next year or two. road have w idths of 36 feet. onlyto»!ww intent with respect tp Mr. Aquino determined that, as Boat Bill The committeeman also noted In return for ttie planners coar I jl v u p j i c i of proparty, whether Award Contract the borough was *tj!l a municipali­ New that Cliffwood Ave. will be a direct cession on street wnidis, the Levitt ty under 10,000 population, it could Additional Traffic Past Schools access road to the site of the pro­ firm will be required to pave Lloyit tnsdsveloper qwm it at tha time of The S|;tle S en ate Monday combine with other municipalities posed American-Wheaton Glass Co. Rd. to a width of 36 feet where " offering tne map or not. passed and sent lo the Assembly For Sewer Work under 10,000 population in the area plant which ts slated for construc­ tlve ro ad ab u ts ttie S tra d in •" Agrees wifh pfiaiM its own version of a small-boat to set up a health district that Feared If Parkway Exit Is Closed tion on Cliffwood Ave. between the project. The Levitt firm alao P4r.. jGMenbock titte i this had licensing law, subject o( contro­ Council Alto would spread out the cost of new railroad right-of-way and the be required to provide adequ baaa till experience. He told the versy tor over three years. The full-time help that will have to.be Ackerscn Sees Aufojsts Heading For fiarden State Parkway. drainage and curbing on Lloyd 1 board'the matter ot ownership only Votes PUC Appeal Senate-approved bill differs In employed. Mr. Aquino listed this Plumbers Complain as it passes through ttie devek: MflflAiaa pertfqfflt whan the devpl- personnel as an executive health Bell Labs Diverted To Holmdel Rd. Iwo ma|or aspects from the bill qperoqme* ia (pr preliminary ap- Mayor Norman Wood announced m ent. The Matawan Borough Council officer, for whom the civil service approved Iasi week by the As­ way of Holmdel Rd. would be of the committee has undiir consid­ However, the resolution permit# jmyal;'» If i*L0bvio)ia fce canr»t Tuesday night awarded a. 174,M l salary figure is now IBQOO; a first M ayor J a m e s H- A ckerson, sem bly. contract tor the construction of Holmdel, said Tuesday his first concern to municipal authorities eration an ordinance tn license Lloyd road construction by Levitt to ft Mo.4 nnaka Improvements on c la ss sa n ita ria n , listed a t $5500 sa l­ The Assembly bill required reg­ and schoolmen in Raritan Township plumbers operating in the township to comprise tlie five inches of lemf not l?> fil* possession. , four pumping stations along the ary per annum, an administrative reaction to announcements in istration of all power vessels ply­ on account of the added traffic and establishing plumbing permit poured concrete as a foundation ikt. McCue and *•»* mayor then bofppgh's new sewer network to clerk who also handles vital statis­ newspaper stories that the N J.
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