REPORT~ OF THE 36th INDIAN NATIONAL CONGREss· AHMEDABAD. I 9 2 I AiDI ED,\ ll.\il hiulcd by 11Am>.\!" :\I<•IIA:\1.>.\S G.\~11111 at tl,c :!':1\';ljCl'~an rr(<~. !IJal J>Uldi~hc•l h,v )!r. YJ.LL.\lliiJJIUl J. P.\TFJ. at !l,e l1L"cq>tion C'vnnuittcc':s oftkr, REPORT OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS HELD AT AHMEDABAD ON THE 27th and 28th December 1921 .\IUI£DAUAU :"\AWH~'.\1\ PBt:"~ I have th' pleasure and privilege· to issue the Report of the 36th ~ession of the Inuian Notional Congress, which has been recognised as the most ntomentous in the histmy of the Collgreso>. The prepuation of the Report had to be undertaken under very difficult circumstances and considetable pressure of work, due to the poculiar political atmosphere in the country nnd it is hoped that the generous readers will overlook the short-cowings in the arrangement and the general get-up of the Report. Excepting the art- paper for the illustrations, the paper used for the Report is purely .Indian. All the vernacular speeches have been printed in the Devnagari character accompanied .. by their English renderings. The Urdu speeches have, in addition, been printed in a special Appendix in the Urdu ocript. My special thanks are due to the NRvjivan and the Khilnlat pre,.ses for ttc neat and tiutely printing, Val!abhbhai. J. Patel. Chairman Rec•~tion Co:n111it1ee; 38652.. 36th Indian National Congress PRESIDENT-ELECT ACTING PRESIDENT AHMEDABAD • 1921 Deshl andhu C. R. Das Hakim Ajmalkhan Saheb ( lu .J~il) ' Pandit Motilal Nehru SJ.t • '-r • Ra.=agopalachariar Congreu General Secretary Congress Gener Jl Secretary (In ]ail) (In fail) AIIMEDABAD I 9 2 I Dr. M. A. Ansari Conar~n C~neral Secr~tary Sjt. Val!abhbhai j. Patel Chairm1n, Reception Committee Table ~f. Contents. l'Rges 1. Introductory;- I to 4. 1. Genetal. 1 2. Special features. 1 3. Situation. .. ... 2 4. Tile Panda!. 2 5. The Khadi :!\agar. 2 6. 'l'be Exhibition. 3 7, '£he Volunteers. 4 8. Musiim Nagar & the Khilafat Panda!. 4 2. Reception CoJUmittee arrangewen•s (pictured by Mahatma Gandhi ) S to 6 3. First day's proceedings: 7 to 19 1. Opening of the Session. 7 2 .. Songs. 7 3. Address of welcome (Hindi) by ~Ir. Vallabhbhni. J. Patel, Chairman, Reception Committee. ~ 4. English rendering of the Chairman's Address. 11 5. Hakimii's Presidential address (Urdu). 13 6. Hakimji's Preside-tial address in English read by Mr. Qureshi. 15 7. Deshbandhu's mess•ge rend by Mrs. Naidu. ... 17 8. Shrimati Basauti Debi's messa~e read by Mrs. Naklu. IS 9. Urdu :Oong. ... 18 4. Deshbaudhu 's address ( fttll te:xt). 19 to 28 5. Second day's proceedings 29 to 63 1. Songs ,.. ... ... 29 2. Resolution I, The Main Resolution ... ... 30 lo 48 The President calling upon Mahatma Gandhi to move it. 30 Speech by Mahatma Gandhi( Hindi & English. ) 31 Speech by Sjt. Vitbalbhai J. l'atel ( Gujarati with English rendering ) ... ... ,'\7 Speech by Maulana Abdul Majid ( Urdu with English rendering. ) · ... ... ~5 Speech by Maulana Syed Mohomed Fakir ( Urdu with English rendering. ) 41 Speech by Shriruati Mangaladevi ( Hindi with English rendering. ). 42 Speech by H. H. Shree Sbaukeracharya of Sharda Pith ( .English ) 43 Speech by Khwaja Abdul Rehman Gazi ( Urdu with English rendering and English. ) Speech by Sardar Guru Ba" Singh ( Hindi with English rendering ) 45 Speech by Mrs. Snrojiui Noidu ( l(nglisb. ) 46 Speech by Mr. RustoJUji K. Sidbi'I·B ( Gujarati with Englbh rcudericg. 4i 'the President putting the resolution to vote. 47 3. Resolution No. Il-Appeal to the Non-N. C. 0. s. 48 4. Resolution :Ko. Ill-The Moplah disturbance. 48 5. Resolution IV-Congratulations to Ghazi Mustafa Kelllal Posba. 48 6. Resolution V-the Bombay occurances 48 7. Resolution VI-Congratulations to Sikh leaders 48 · 8. Resolution VII-Changes in the Congress Consitution: 49 9. Resolutions VIII & IX-Appointn~ents of Congre.s Secretaries and Treasurers- 4 9 10. Mr. Vithalbhai J. Patel sn 1I 1 The President; ... ... 50 50 12. Resolution re. change in the CongreSs Creed "'E . h d . ) -6° Speech by lllaulara Hazrat Mobani. (L'tdu with ng 11s reo ermg 50 Speech by Sit R. \'enkattaw (English). 54 Spoech by Swami Kuwaranand ( Hindi wit? E~glis~ renderin.g. ) 54 Speeches by Mr. Yakub Ali Khan (Urdu wttll Enghsh rendermg and English.) 55 Speech bjr Mr. T. P. Alwar (English) 55 1'he Pres'dent. 56 Opposition speech by Mahatma Gandhi ( Hindi & English ) 57 Reply by Hazmt Mohani ( Urdu with English rendering) 59 The President putting the resolution to vote (Urdu with English rendering. ) 60 13. The President's concluding speech 60o-61 14. Thanks to the President 61-62 · Speech by Sjt. C. Vijayaragha,·achatiar (English). 61 Speech by Swami Shradhanandji ( Hindi with the English rendering). 62 15. Thnuks to the Chairman Reception Committee. · 6! 16. Reply by Mr. Vallabhbltai. J, Patel. 62 6. APPENDICES 65 to 124 1. ,\ PPENDIX I OOice-beares &members of the various sub-Committees of the Reception Committee. 65 2. APPENDIX II Members of•the Subjects Committee. ... 67 3. APPENDIX III Analysis of the attendance of the members of the Subjects Committee. 60 4. APPENDIX IV Election-return of the delegates who attended the Congress. 71 5. APPENDIX V .1\ualysis of the attendance of the delegates 112 6. APPENDIX VI Resolutions ~assed by the Ahmedabad session of the Congress. 113 7, APPENDIX VII N. C. 0. resolution passed by the Calcutta special session in Sept. 1920 ... 116 8. APPENDIX VIII N. C. 0. resolution passed by the Congress at Nagpur in December 1920 ... ... ... 117 9. APPENDIX IX Statement of receipts and expenditure of the Reception Committee up to 30-10-22 ... ... ... ... 119 1, U1WU Sr!mClll\S ( IN URDU SCRIP1' ) I.IST OF ILLUSTR.\TIONS. 1 I,okati:uitiyO. Darwaja 13 The Lokawanya barwaja illuminations z Delihabaudu Das. H Museum Building 3 llakiw Ajwal Khnu 15 Stalls aud Exit 4 !'audit Motilal Nehru 16 Lady Volunteers 5 Sjt. C. Rajagopalachariar 17 Working members of the Reception 6 Dr. M. A. Ansari Committee 7 Sjt. Vallabhbhai J. Patel 18 Plan of the Congress Panda! and 8 Congress Panda! and Enclosure Khadi Nagar 9 The Swaraj Dwar 19 Congress in Session 10 Inside the Panda! 20 Mahatma Gandhi ( moving the waiu 11 A Bird 's eye-view of the Khadi Nagar resolution. ) H A street in the Kbadi Nagar 21 Volunteers saluting the National ];'lag 22 Privy volunteers A Bird's eye~view o! th= Khadi N.agar A Street 1n the Khadi N<~g.u The Lohmanya 0Jrw,;a llluminahon• Main enlr nee to l .~e P:Jndal EnclNure ·' Con~ress Pand~l and ~ndosure (From th~ 14t bank of the Sabarmall) Tile Swaraj ·Dwar , . Entrance to the Pandal Inside tile Pand61 36th Indian National Congress 192 t. Appendix I. Office-bearers and members of the various sub-committees of the Reception Committee. CHAIRMAN Sit. Val!abhbhai Jha,·erbhai Patel. VICE·CHAIRMEN Sit. Abbas 'l'yebii. , , Asndwal Tekchand Gidwa1,1i. Dr. Bah·antrai Narsiuhlnl Kauuo;a; GENERAL SECRETARIES Sit. Indulal Kauialal Yaguik (up to 6-10-21) , Gauesh Vasudeo :Mavalankar. TREASURER Shriyut Acharatlal Chtmilal Sheth. • .THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1 The Chairman. 19 Sit. Balvantrai Pramodr~i Thakore. 20 Bhogilal Chotalal Sutaria, The V!ce--chairmen. 21 " " Waruanrao SitaiBm :Mnkadaru. n 22 Kalya11ji Vithalbhai Mehta. 23 " The General Secretaries. " :Mansukhlal Rawjibhai Meh•. ~} 24 .. Manila! Vallabhji Kothari. 25 7 The Treasnrer. " Gaianan Krishnarao Mavalaukar. 8 The Secretary, Exhibition Committee. 26 Manila! Harivallabhdas Bbagat. 27 " 9 Manclap Committee. " Krisbnalal Narsilal Desai. " Accomodation Committee. 28 1.0 " Kalidas Jaskaran Jhaveri. 11 " V tllnnteer Committee. 29 " Hariprasad Pitambardas Mehta. " Anast~yaben 30 12 Shrimati Sarabhai. " Dr. Hariprasad Vrajrai Desai. 31 13 Sit. Ranchodlal Atnritl•l Sheth. " Manila\ Maganlal Abhaichond. 14 Ambalal Gordhandas Kosbiparekh- 32 Pranla\ Narbheram 'l'hakore. " 33 " walo. " 1\!ohan\al Vithaldas Gandhi. 15 Imam ~aheb Abrtul Ko.dir B1wazir. 34 Bhogila\ Tribhunn TI1akkar. " 35 " 16 Dr. Syed Jalnl-t1d-din Kadrl. " Ambalal 1\!aneka)al 1\!ehta. 17 " Jaysingbhai Chnnilal Seth. 36 " •• Chotalnl Ghelabhai Gaadbi • 18 .. Molilal Harilal Ja&abbaiwala. Gu TtiE 1\\ANDAP COMMITTEE. 1 The Chninuan. ~ Sjt. La!shauker Adittam. 9 Krishna!al Karsinhlal Desai. ; }The General Secretarios. " Laxnudas Ptnshotamdas. 10 " 4 Tbe Trcas~ucr. 11 Bilognal Chotalal Sutaria. " La,bhai Dalsnkluam Saheba. 5 Shriynt Kalidns J askarau Jliaveri. 12 " 6 Anaudrao Ganesh Pnn<lit. 13 Purs!JottB1U Goviudlal Gajjar " " 7 Gokuldas Hansjibhai Pntd. (Secretary). " THE ACCO~IMODATION COMMITTEE. 1 The Chairman. 13 Sjt. Keshadal Bulakhidas Parekh. 14 SllnmbhnpJasad Chimnnlal Tbnkore. Gcueml Sectetaries, " ;}The 15 Amritlal Kaliuas Seth. " . 16 Ishwatbhai Naranbbai Patel. 4 The Tn:asttrer. " Chilllnulal Chotalal Gandhi. Jshwarla.l Trikamlal 5 Sjt. 17 " 6 Manila! Maganlnl Abhnichand. Gajanan Kt ishua Mtwlankar. " 18 " 7 Kuberdas Hargo\·Budas. Ja:unadas Magan~al Kiuariw-ala. " 19 8 Dayabhai Manordas Patel 20 " Mo'1 ;na·i Hab.b Abdul Kader. " " 9 Sakerlal Bu'akhidns. Da :1:·ab!Ia 1 Cho~a~al. · •• 21 " 10 Chimanfo.l Lnllubhai,. 22 Rat::al Bapa'at Dtvanji. " " 11 Mnkhand Asbatam Jba\·eri. 1.\andubltai ~lancharam (Secretary ) . " 23 " 12 " .-\•nbalal Gordhanclas Kn•hiparekln-ala, THE VOl.liNTEER COMMITTEE 1 'the Chairman. 7 ~jt. Amba1al Balkrishna Pttrani. 8 Gaja11B11 Krishna l\Iavalankar. ; }The General Secretaries. •• 9 "• Nand!a\ Manila! Shah. 4 The Treasurer 10 " Jaysinghbbai Chunilal Seth. 5 Sjt. Cbandulal Chho!alal. 11 Vallabhdas Hi• alai. 6 " Jh·af'Ma.l Ha.rip1 asad " Dtngnshanker Shh·ashanker Yajnik. 12 " Dh·an (Captain). THE EXHIBITION COMMITTEE I The Chairman. 11 Sjt. H ariprasad V rijrai De6lli, 12 Vadilal Jamnadas. ~}The General Secretaries, " Narayen Maneklal.
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