Awards Summary April 2016 - March 2017 Organisation Item Total Project Cost (£) Grant Award (£) Goole Fields 1 Wind Farm Community Fund Business in Goole Goole Beach Day 2016 10,536 1,600 Castaway Castaway Access 5,962 3,866 AWARDS SUMMARY April 2016 - September 2017 Creykes Pre School IT Equipment 1,484 1,354 Goole and District Community Transport Group Extending Opportunities Phase 2 13,545 9,900 Moorlands Community Charity IT Equipment 20,544 10,974 Old Goole Gala Association Annual Gala 2016 5,983 2,600 Old Goole Senior Citizens Club Increase Club Membership 3,367 2,367 Ousefleet Flower Show and Gala Annual Event 2016 1,361 1,009 Pollington Balne Pre-School New Purpose Built Room 10,550 5,000 Snaith and Cowick Drama Group Lighting Desk and Lights Upgrade 4,317 2,417 Images courtesy of project volunteers Snaith Explorers Expedition Equipment 2,035 1,501 Swinefleet Village Hall Keeping the Hall Warm Phase 2 2,783 1,870 Introduction The Conservation Volunteers Pond Dipping for All 6,231 2,811 Goole Fields I Wind Farm is operated by Innogy Renewables UK Ltd The Goole Fields 1 Fund The Green Team Provision and Growth of Gardening Services 13,800 10,000 (innogy), one of Europe’s leading energy companies. As part of the The Fund operated within a governance framework Vale of Snaith Action Group Heritage Walks – Phase 2 6,795 1,800 development’s planning permission, granted in 2010, a commitment was that was established when planning permission Yorkshire Waterways Museum Green Space 18,045 3,000 made by the company to create a community fund. was granted. The Constitution set out the Fund’s The Sobriety Project Total 62,069 The Goole Fields 1 Wind Farm Community Fund - established after the objectives, who could apply for funding and how Awards Summary April 2017 - September 2017 wind farm started exporting electricity in 2014 - received its first substantial decisions were made about the disbursement of the (Please note these are recent awards so in some instances will be ‘work-in-progress’ at time of going to press). donation (in 2015) of £64,000 per annum (index linked to inflation). fund. The Fund was administered by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Organisation Item Total Project Cost (£) Grant Award (£) With the commissioning of the second, Goole Fields 2, Wind Farm, in late 2016, a new combined Goole Fields Wind Farm Community Fund will be Castaway Goole Accessible Music Theatre 12,375 9,827 established in late 2017 which will manage future donations arising from The Fund supported educational, environmental, Cowick Primary School PTA Outdoor Regeneration Project 3,130 1,950 both Goole Fields 1 and Goole Fields 2 Wind Farms. energy efficiency and amenity initiatives or similar East Riding Voluntary Action Services Volunteen Green Scheme 5,497 5,497 charitable purposes for the benefit of the public living Therefore, the existing Goole Fields 1 Fund will cease operation in Goole Youth Action Old Goole Summer Fun 5,046 3,792 within the Snaith, Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Marshland September 2017 and this report records the concluding work of the Goole Marshland Local History Group Publication 400 400 and Goole South Wards of the East Riding of Fields 1 Fund covering the second full year of the Fund’s operation (April Marshlands Primary School Outdoor fitness equipment 11,000 5,000 Yorkshire (known as the ‘Area of Benefit’). 2016 to March 2017) and also includes the projects awarded funding from Old Goole Gala Association Annual Gala 4,940 3,000 April 2017 to September 2017. This timetable is summarised in table below. Ousefleet Flower Show and Gala Annual Gala 2,687 1,755 Snaith and Cowick Together Heritage Day 1,828 1,000 Snaith and District Choral Society Concert 950 400 Wind Farm Community Fund Dates Comment Swinefleet Primary School Cinema Club 4,724 4,724 Vale of Snaith Action Group Resident’s project 1,320 225 Goole Fields 1 April 2015 - March 2016 First Annual Awards report published September 2016 Trinity Methodist Church, Goole Media equipment 1,306 1,216 Twin Rivers Parish Council – Ousefleet This second, and concluding, Awards Report Professional fees – planning future works on Hall 1,600 1,000 Goole Fields 1 April 2016 - September 2017 Village Hall published. Goole 1 Fund closes September 2017. The Sobriety Project Total 39,786 Goole Fields (combined) October 2017 - December 2017 New Fund established. For Further Information Contact Goole Fields Wind Farms Community Fund, (01482) 391655 Goole Fields (combined) January 2018 New Fund opens. c/o Rural Policy and Partnerships, [email protected] East Riding of Yorkshire Council, As stated, this report focuses on the concluding work of the Goole 1 Fund. Further detail on the establishment of the new Goole Fund is Burnby Hall, The Balk, Pocklington YO42 2QF www.eastriding.gov.uk/goole-fields-fund available separately. Business in Goole Old Goole Senior Citizens Club 14 The Green Team The Fund Panel 1 7 Decisions about how the annual donation was Goole Beach Day Increase Club Membership through activity Ongoing Provision and Growth of Gardening Service spent were made by the Goole Fields 1 Wind Farm Grant Award £1,600 Grant Award £2,367 Grant Award £10,000 Community Fund Panel. The Panel was made up of This award has improved facilities for club members by the purchase of thirty nominated representatives who live, work or volunteer Business in Goole is a voluntary group of local business owners who work together to improve The Green Team facilitate a volunteer supported gardening service to eight new chairs to replace worn out chairs that were both uncomfortable within the Area of Benefit and included an innogy the offer of Goole Town Council to residents, visitors and investors. elderly and disabled residents living within a ten mile radius of Goole. and, in some cases, potentially unsafe. Part of this award was also used to member of staff (in an observers role). An Officer The aim of this project is to expand the group’s gardening services from This includes community activities one of which is the Goole Beach day organised in the town subsidize transport costs on several club trips in summer 2016. from East Riding of Yorkshire Council attended all 295 to 450 customers and from 27 to 40 volunteers. centre each year. This grant contributed towards the equipment used for the 2016 Beach Day. meetings as the Fund’s administrator. This project enabled the employment of a driver to transport the Ousefleet Flower Show and Gala volunteers to an increased number of locations. The Fund Panel held two grant decision making 8 meetings in 2016 and two in 2017 (the last being in May Annual Gala 2 Castaway 2017). During this time the Panel considered a total of Grant Award £1,009 48 applications for funding and made 32 awards. Castaway Access The aim of this grant to improve the facilities for this popular annual show and In accordance with the Fund’s Constitution, the Panel Grant Award £3,866 this was achieved by the purchase of a marquee and associated equipment. held a Special meeting in May 2017 to consider the Castaway is an organisation that seeks to improve the health and well being of disabled major changes that will accompany the establishment young people and adults with learning and physical disabilities. This is achieved through of the new Goole Fund. Panel members decided Pollington Balne Preschool performance and leisure activities. The organisation has recently taken the lease of 9 unanimously, and generously, to stand down (effective premises in Estcourt Street, Goole. New Purpose Built Room September 2017) allowing for a new Panel to be recruited for the new combined Goole Fund. The aim of this project was to improve these premises for better community use by Grant Award £5,000 improved wheelchair access via a dropped kerb, the provision of new tables and chairs The aim of this project was to provide Fund Administration and some volunteer training. improved facilities for the preschool children by the purchase of equipment that could be The Panel was supported by the East Riding of used in a new classroom. 15 Vale of Snaith Action Group Yorkshire Council’s Rural Policy and Partnership Heritage Walks Phase 2 Team who provide the day to day administration of 3 Creykes Preschool the fund. 10% of the annual donation was charged to Snaith and Cowick Drama Group IT Equipment/learning 10 Grant Award £1,800 cover this cost. journeys Lighting desk and lighting upgrade The Vale of Snaith Action Group is a local walkers group set up (with reference to Walkers are Welcome guidelines) to promote the local area. NB: When the Goole 1 Fund closes unspent monies Grant Award £1,354 Grant Award £2,417 sitting within this Fund will be transferred (in full) by the This project refreshed 15 walk cards and walks signage previously installed This drama group produce two productions per year in various locations administrator to the new Goole Fund. The aim of this project, via improved IT, by a funded project (2012). is to improve productivity of staff and in the local community. This grant enabled the group to purchase a new This was achieved by volunteers re-surveying the walks, new artwork freeing up time to be with children, plus lighting desk and upgrade the lighting and in consequence the group can Decisions during the 2016/17 year (walk cards) and new signage. using the equipment to provide learning perform in an increased number of locations. During April 2016 to March 2017 the Goole Field 1 Community Wind Farm Fund received 30 opportunities for pre-school children and applications of which 18 were successful.
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