29 A REVISION OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF TASMANIA. Part II. By A. JEFFERIS TURNER, M.D., F,E.S., Brisbane. (Read 8th August, 1927.) It is necessary to make a f·ew corrections and additions to Part I. Chlorocorna assimilis, Luc., was inoluded owing to a misidentification, which I regret. It must be deleted; and so must Ecpatites callipolu~, Turn., which is a synonym of Mictodoca toxeuta, Meyr. An examination of specimens in· the Littler c.oHec.tion shows that a few species· from Broken Hill and South Australia received by .him have by some mistake had T>a,sma.nian 1abels affixed. I have, of course, not included these, and for the same reasons I think Microdes typhopa, Low., and Sandava xylistis, Swin., should also be deleted. The generic name Pauroneura was used earlier by me in the Gelechiadx, I therefore propose to substitute the name PaurUlioneura for the Hyponome~Ltid genus. The additions will be found ·below. NOTODONTOIDEA. LARENTIADA!:. Omit Euphyia languescens, and substitute bichromata, Gn. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1890, p. 839 (languescens). BOARMIADA!:. !diodes p1·ionosema, Turn. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1919, p. 291. Strahan. NOCTUOIDEA. AilCTIADA!:. Amsacta. *eurymochla, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 119. Beaconsfield. £ ~::;;.:.__ A RETISION OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF TAS)IANIA 30 BY A, JEFFERIS TURNER, M.D., F.E,S, 31 NocTUIDlE. Eclipsiodes drosera, Meyr. Tr. E.S. 1897 p. 245. Hobart; Agrotinre. Strahan. Androdes, Turn. Gat. Lep. Phal. IV., p. 379. Beacons- Scoparia chiasta, Meyr. Tr. N.Z. Inst. 1884, p. 74. Laun­ tibiata, Gn. ceston. field. PSYCHOIDEA. PTEROPHORIDEA. PTEROPHORIDlE. LIMACODIDlE. Doratifera oxlei, N eWUI. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1926, p. 419. HobaTt. Omit Platyptilia emissalis, Wlk., and .substitute omissalis, Fletcher. Tr. E.S. 1885, p. 448 (emissalis), ZYGJENOIDEA. TINEOIDEA. ZYGlENIDlE. CARPOSINIDlE. Pollanisus lithopastus, Turn. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1926, p. 444. ilondia, Newm. Hobart; 'Rosebery; Strahan. nigellro, Newm. P.L.S.N.s.w. 1882, p. 182. Hobart [Ervoneously identiJfied in Part I. with cyanotus, Carposina, H-Sch . •Meyr., a s·pecies w:hich has not been taken in Tas· P.L.S.N,S.lW. 1881, p. 669 manila.. I no longer refer the Zygrenidre to the mediella, Wilk. (pterocos­ Mt. Wellington, 2,500 ft.; Deloraine. Psychoidea, 1but consider them a distinct super mana). family.] petrrea, Meyr. P.L.S.N;S.W. 1910, p. 151. Strahan. *latebrosa, Meyr. P.L.S.N,S.W. 1910, p. 153. PYRALOIDEA. Deioraine; Rosebery; Strahan. Paramorpha, Meyr. PHYCITIDlE. Ephestia, Gn. semotheta, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 154. Hobart; cautella, Wlk. Brit. Lep., p. 373 (ficulella). Laun· Mt. Wellingt·on, 3,000 ft.; National Park, 2,000 ft. ceston. (Introduced.) *eburneola, Turn. P.R.·S. Tas. 1926, p. 120. Rose- I~~· kuehniella, Zel. Brit. Lep., p. 374. Launceston. bery. (Introduced.) Coscinoptycha, Meyr. II Plodia, Gru . improbana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 701. Laun­ .I interpunctella, Hb. Br.it. Lep., p. 372. Launceston. ceston. (Introduced.) Sosineura, Meyr. GALLERIADlE. mimica, Low. Tr. R.S.S.A. 1893, p. 168. H~·bart; RostJbery. Eucallionyma, Rag. sarcodes, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1882, p. 172. Hobart; PHALONIADlE. Launceston. Reliocosma, Meyr. incongruan.a, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 695. Hob­ CRAMBIDlE. a!1t; St. Helen's; Lake Fenton, 3,500 ft.; Deloraine; Platytes, Gn. [This genus should replace Thinasotia, Hb., in Moina, 2,000 ft.; Gra.dle Mountain, 3,000 ft.; Part I.] Strahan. *contempta., Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 120. Moi·na, rhodopnoana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 694. St. 2,000 ft. Helen's. II, PYRAUSTIDlE. TORTRICIDlE. "l11 H ellula, Gn. Proselena, Meyr. ill Laun- undalis, Fab. Delt & Pyr, p. 416 (hydralis). annosana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 421. Laun- ces.ton. ceston . .~ ' 32 A llEVISION 011' THE LEPIDOPTERA OF TASUANIA BY A, JEFFERIS TURNER, ~I.D.. F.E,S. lsoch01'ista, .Meyr. .. 33 encotodes, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 166. Mt. diemeniana, Zei. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 185. Wellington, 1,200 ft.; Burnie; Ro·sebery. helota, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 168. Delor.aine. *]Jent:::..:ona, Low. P.L.S.N;S.W. 1910, p. 185. Hob­ art; Lake Fenton, 3,500 ft.; Deloraine; Cradle pan:eolana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 426. Hob­ Mountain, 3,000 ft.; Zeehan. art; Mt. Wellington, 2,500 ft.; Zeehan. "pw•astactis, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 186. chaodes, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 168. Hobart; Deloraine. Mt. Welling'ton, 2,500 ft.; Eaglehawk Neck; ·''poliobaphes, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 122. Hob­ Russell Falls; Lake Fenton, 3,500 ft.; Waratah. art; Mt. Wellington, 2,500 ft. Pyrgotis, Meyr. *asemantica, Turn. P,R.S. 'Tas. 1926, p. 123. Wil­ insignana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 440. Mt. mot; Burnie. Wellington, 2,500 ft.; Lake Fenton, 3,500 ft.; euphona, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 189. Hobart; Beaconsfield; Deloraine; Cradle Mountain, 3,000 Bothwell; Launceston; Deloraine; Cradle ft. Mountain, 3,000 ft.; Ros-ebery. 1 Acropolitis, Meyr. *nirnbosa, Turn. P.R.S. T;a1s. 1926, p. 123. Laun- ' ll dolosana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 435. Deloraine. ceston; Rosebery. I impletana, Wlk. P.L. .S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 431. Hobart; d1·yina, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 192. Deloraine. Lake Fenton, 3,500 ft. *eugrapta, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 124. Strahan. I *ergophora, Meyr. P.L. .S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 175. Hob­ *•ephedra, Meyr. P.L.S.N.1S.W. 1910, p. 193. Mt. I' art; M.t. Wel.Iington, 21500 ft.; Russell Falls; Wellington, 1,500 ft. Bothwell; St. Helen's; Rosebery; Strahan. I *thaleropis, Turn. P.RJS. Tas. 1926, p. 124. Rose­ *ptychoserna, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 121. Oradle bocy; Strahan. Mountain, 3,000 ft. vacuana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 448. Laun- rudis, w.lk. P.L.S.N.S.·W. 1910, p. 177. Hobart; ·ceston. Launceston; Burnie. clarana, Meyr. P.L.S.NJS.W. 1881, p. 475. H01bart; lignigerana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 437. Laun­ Campbell Town; St. Helen's; Delo·raine; Wilmot; ceston; Beacons.fieid. Moina, 2,000 ft. * Alytopistis, Meyr. hypm·etan.a, M·eyr. P.LJS.N.S"W. 1881, p. 479. Hob­ *tortricitella, Wlk. Cat. Brit. Mus. XXXV., p. 1812. art; Launceston; Deloraine. montivagana, Meyr. P,L,S.N;S.W. 1881, p. 477. Batodes, Gn. epiglypta, Meyr. P.L. .S.N;S.W. 1881, p. 462 (con- Hobart; Bothwell; Ross; St. Helen's; Deloraine; junctana). Launceston; Deloraine. WNmot; Cradle Mountain, 3,000 f·t. conjttnctana, Wlk. P.L.S.NJS.W. 1881, p. 461 intmctana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.'S.'W. 1881, p. 454 (sor- (hernicryptana). St. Helen's; Launceston; didatana). Hobart; Launcest·on; Deloraine. Deloraine. mersana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. p. 452 (chirnerin­ ana). Hobart; Mt. Wellington; Bothwell; R•oss; Authommma, Turn. St. Helen's; Launceston; Deloraine. pentacosnm, Low. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1900, p. 409. *eucycla, Turn. Tr. R.S.S.A. 1916, p. 509. Huon Bothwell. River. * Paraphyas, Turn. scotinopa, Low. Tr. R.S.S.A. 1902, p. 235. Laun- *callixmm, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 122. Rosebery. ceston. Captta, Stph. isoscelana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 470. St. cosrnopis, Low. Tr. R.S.S.A. 1894, p. 87. Bothwell; Helen's; Launc·eston; Zeehan. Ross; Launceston. Placoxantha, Low. Tr. R.S,S.A. 1896, p. 160. Hobart; Mt. Wellington, 1,500-2,500 ft.; Russell Falls; Wil­ mot; Cmdle Mountain, 3,000 ft.; Zeehan, Strahan. II.... '(,'i , I I, A REVISION OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF TASMANIA 34 BY A. JEFFERIS TURNER, M.D., F.E.S. 35 oxygrammana, ,Meyr. P.L1S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 460. *hemiphwna, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 126. Russell Hobrort; Launceston. FaUs; Zeehan. *effulgens, Meyr. P.L.S;N.S.W. 1910, p. 202. 7jeeha~. erysibodes, Turn. Tr. R.S,S.A. 1916, p. 512. Both­ *cirrhoptera, Turn. P.R.S. Tas. 1926, p. 124. Cradle well. Mountain, 3,000 ft. *dotatana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 229. Atelodora, Meyr. *,ophiodesma, Low. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 229. · pelochytana, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S,W. 1881 p. 427. Russell F:a•l•ls; ,Sheffield:; Stmlhan. Deloraine. *cetrata, Meyr. P.L.S.N.:S.W. 1910, p. 230. Hobart; H omona, Wlk. Deloraine. mediana, Meyr. P.L. .S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 210. Hobart; *arcaria, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 231. Deloraine. Deloraine. *lycodes, Meyr. P.L.S:N.:S.W. 1910, p. 232. Mt; Cacwcia, Hb. Wellingon,, 3,500 ft. polygraphana, Wlk. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 495. fabricata, Meyr. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1910, p. 233. Lake Hobart; Mt. Wellington, 2,500 ft.; Russell FaHs; Fenton, 3,500 ft.; WHmot; BuT'nie. Lake Fenton, 3,500 ft.; CampheU Town; St. Helen's; Launcesto•n; Deloraine; Moina, 2,000 ft.; sobriana, Wik. P.L.S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 504 (mnemosy­ Cradle Mountain, 3,000 f.t.; Burnie; Zeehan; nann). Hobar,t; Mt. Wellington, 2,500 ft.; Russell Falls. Strahan. australana, Lewin. P.,L ..S.N.S.W. 1881, p. 485. *ac1·othecta, Turn.
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