REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 75 CHECK LIST AND INDEX TO REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Nos. 32 (1955) to 74 (1968); CHECK LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE ARCHAE- OLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, No. 1 (1965) to No. 30 (1976) AND OTHER INFORMATION ON ACTIVITIES OF THE SURVEY AND THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY, 1948-1972. Robert F. Heizer ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology Berkeley 1972 Revised edition, 1976 REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 75 CHECK LIST AND INDEX TO REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Nos. 32 (1955) to 74 (1968); CHECK LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE ARCHAE- OLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, No. 1 (1965) to No. 30 (1976) AND OTHER INFORMATION ON ACTIVITIES OF THE SURVEY AND THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY, 1948-1972. Robert F. Heizer ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology Berkeley 1972 Revised edition, 1976 PREFACE We provide here a brief index to Reports No. 32-74 (1955-1968) of the University of California Archaeological Survey, Berkeley (UCAS). This is intended as a continuation of the index of Reports No. 1-30 which was published in UCAS Report No. 31, 1955. To this index is added a check list of Reports No. 1-75 of the UCAS and a check list of Contributions, No. 1-30 of the Archaeological Research Facility of the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (ARF). Further, a brief history of the University of California Archaeological Survey and its successor, The Archaeological Research Facility, is provided, together with a listing of the manuscripts and maps filed with the Archaeological Research Facility, and a list showing numbers of archaeological sites in the permanent California site file maintained by the ARF. Robert F. Heizer Coordinator, AR F July, 1972 Note: in the present reprint of UCAS-R 75 the listing of ARF Contributions has been brought up to the date of publication. June, 1976 CONTENTS Page Preface I. Index of UCAS Reports, Nos. 32 to 74 1 General subjects 1 Ethnographic tribes referred to 1 Historic sites 1 Trail sites 2 Cave and rockshelter sites 2 Petroglyphs and pictographs 2 Physical anthropology (skeletal analysis) 3 California sites referred to (listed by county) 3 Arizona sites referred to 7 Nevada sites referred to 7 Oregon sites referred to 8 Utah sites referred to 8 II. Check list of UCAS Reports Nos. 1 to 75 9 HI. List of authors of Reports Nos. 1 to 75 20 IV. Check list of ARF Contributions, Nos. 1 to 30 33 V. List of authors of ARF Contributions Nos. 1 to 30 40 VI. Catalogue of manuscripts deposited in the AR F files 58 VII. Catalogue of manuscript maps deposited in the ARF files 82 VIII. Check list of Nona-serial Publications of the AR F 89 IX. A brief history of the UCAS and ARF, 1948-1972 91 I. INDEX TO UCAS REPORTS 32-74. General Subjects Report No. Burial and cremation practices ............... No. 60 Culture history ........................................ No. 56 Division of labor .................................... No. 60 Ethnography .................................... .. No. 68, Parts I, II,5III Face and body painting................................... No. 60 Mission records of Indian villages ..... No. 74 Nature of land holding groups .................. No. 56 California archaeology .................................. Nos 32, 33,, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 61, 162, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71 Nevada archaeology........................... Nos. 32, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 66, 71, 73. California ethnology ........................ Nos. 38, 41, 50, 55, 66, 68 (Parts I-III), 69, 72, 74. Ethnographic Tribes Referred to: Achomawi........................................ No. 50; paper 86. Chumash ...... No. 38, paper 61, No. 61. Coast Yuki............ No. 63. Maidu.......... ... .. No. 50; paper 85. Miwok....................... .. No. 50; paper 86. Nicoleno ........ .. *......a..... No. 50; paper 76; No. 55. Nisenan............... ....0...... No. 50; paper 86. Northern Miwok............. No. 38; paper 60. Porno...................................*0........ No. 72 Southern Miwok ............. No. 41; paper 69. Washoon.. No. 66; No. III. No. 38; paper 62. Historic Sites Hum-69 67:58-102. Iny-2 32:8; 33:4,28,31; 34:35-38, 40, 46, 51, 54; 42:70, 73-76, 80; 48:47; 51:31, 33, 76; 58:1, 12, 20-22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 50, 53,55. Ker-74 32:8 33:28 31 51:33. Mrn-115 38:2, 4; 44:(I)2; 62:135, 143. Mrn-232 48:18; 61:7. 2 Mrp-80 34:21. Trail Sites Mrp-92 34:23; 47. No. 54 deals generally with California. Mrp- 200 34:23. No. 48, trails in Huntington Lake area. Sac-86 38:3; 39:2; 50:44. Mrp-3 34:24; 30, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55. Sac-126 38:3. Riv-53T 37:22 throughout. SBa-45 69:33. Riv-58 37:27, 28, 35. SBa-87 69: 24. Riv-71 37:37; 23, 30, 35. Sis-262 48:57. Tri-70 46:15; 43:(I)8. Teh- 193 40:8, 10, 11, 46, 48:58. Tuo-109 34:24, 47. Teh- 208 40:44. Tri-45 43:(I)8, 9, 24; 46:3-7. Tri-46 43(I)5, 16. Tri-112 43:(I)8; 46:8-13. Tri-113 46:13. Tuo- 231 34:22. Cave and Rockshelter Sites Alp-7 51:24. Ker-185 51:24 Las-l (Tommy Tucker Cave) 35:1-25; 36:1, 5, 48; 53:14, 26, 27, 58. Las-90 48:49 LAn- (Bowers Cave) 59:1-60. NV-Ch-16 (Hidden Cave, Nevada) 33:58; 42:63, 68, 73-76, 85; 66:103; 70:50-79; 71:103-113 NV-Ch-18 (Lovelock Cave, Nevada) 33:50; 36:1, 4; 42:63, 73-76, 82; 52: throughout NV-Ch-35 (Humboldt Cave, Nevada) 33:50; 36:1,4; 42:63, 73-76, 82; 70:49-- NV-Pe-14 (Leonard Rockshelter, Nevada) 33:50; 36:1, 4; 42: 63, 80, 82; 70:50-79. NV-Pe-67 (Granite Point Cave, Nevada) 70:50-79; 73:195-233. Catlow Cave, Oregon 33:44. Danger Cave, Utah 53:25,26. Petroglyphs and Pictographs Report No. 65 numerous sites in Owens Valley (Inyo and Mono dounties) Report No. 70: 151-153 many sites Sac-227 48:72, 75, 76, 77, 81. Ala-19 41:14. Sac-228 48:71, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81. Ala-51 41:13. Sac-229 48:69, 75-81. Eld-69 48:69, 75-77, 81. Sie-1 51:23. Nev-5 51:23. Sol-16 41:13. Pla-2 48:67, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80. Tuo-22 34:10. Pla-26 51:23. Tuo-35 34:22. Pla-37 48:68, 75, 76, 77, 79-81. Tuo-41 34:22. Riv-46 37:22, 23. Riv-49 37:25. Sac-213 48:70, 75-77. Sac-216 48:70, 75, 77, 79, 80. 3 Physical Anthropology (skeletal analysis) Report No. 39 (Lower Sacramento Valley area). Report No. 45 (Great Basin area). Report No. 50 (Central California area). Report No. 66 (the Ophir skull from Nevada). Sites Referred to, by County or State (California unless specified) Alameda Ala-19 41:14; Ala-51 41:13; Ala-307 42:82, 84; 44:(I)4-6; 47:16, 55, 70; 62:140; Ala-309 38:31; 44:(I)6; 47:55, 68, 70; 62:140-142; Ala-328 44(I)4; 62:135, 139, 140, 143; Ala-330 32:21, 22. Alpine Alp-7 51:24. Amador Ama-3 33:2. Ama-14 48:81. Butte But-59 38:14, 15; But-65 64:23; But-66 64:23; But-84 64:23; But-94 64:23. Calaveras Cal-13 33:2; Cal-99 33:2; Cal-114 48:44; Cal-142 48:44. Colusa Col-l 33:2; 39:2; 50:44; 62:136, 142, 143, 136; Col-2 33:3; 48:45, 59; 62:143; Col-3 33:3; 62:143. Contra Costa CCo-l 35:29, 32; CCo-2 35:27, 32; CCo-5 35:28, 32; CCo-17 35:27, 31, 34; CCo-128 35:30, 32; CCo-129 35:30, 32; CCo-135 35:28, 29, 32, 33; CCo-138 33:3; 35:29-31; 38:20; 39:1, 2; 44:(I)4, 6; 48:45; 50:44; 57: all of Part I; 62:142, 143; CCo-137 33:3; 35:36, 40-42; 47:30; 62:140; CCo-139 35:29-31, 34; CCo-140 35:29, 32; CCo-141 33:3; 35:31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 43; 62:140; CCo-146 35:30, 32-34, 36, 38-43; 38:31; CCo-147 35:30; CCo-150 33:3 35:31; 62:140; CCo-250 33:3 62:140, 142; CCo-259 49:throughout, 62:140, 143; CCo-283 62:140; CCo-295 33:3; 47:16, 68, 70; CCo-200 33:3; 62:140. El Dorado Eld-16 33:3; Eld-24 48:45; Eld-73 64:23. Fresno Fre-7 48:46; Fre-27 48:46; Fre-48 33:3; Fre-105 34:44; Fre-lL5 33:4; 34:35-38 41, 46, 51, 52; 48:8, 9, 12, 46; 58:1, 10, 19-21, 28, 32, 38, 50, 55, 56; Fre-117 48:9; Fre-118 48:8, 9; 58:21, 30; Fre-119 48:9; 58:21; Fre-120 34:41; Fre-122 34:44; Fre-123 48:8, 9, 11; 58:19, 20, 27, 28, 30, 36; Fre-132 58:35; Fre-137 48:4, 9, 11; 58:19, 20, 27, 30; Fre-142 48:9; Fre-145 48:9; Fre-148 48:8, 9; Fre-149 48:9; Fre-158 48:8, 9; 58:21; Fre-161 48:9; Fre-169 48:9, 11; 58:21, 27, 28; Fre-178 58:2; Fre-183 48:4; Fre-186 48:9; Fre-197 58:21; Fre-198 48:9; 58:35; Fre-200 58:34; Fre-201 58:34; Fre-202 48:9; Fre-205 48:9; Fre-206 48:9; 58:3; 4 Fresno (continued) Fre-207 48:9; Fre-208 48:9; Fre-210 48:9; 58:2; Fre-211 48:9, 11; Fre-212 48:9, 11; 58:3; Fre-213 48:9; Fre-214 48:9; Fre-215 48:10; Fre-217 58:3; Fre-220 48:10, 11; 58:24; Fre-221 48:11; 58:2; Fre-225 48:10, 11, 12; Fre-226 48:10; 58:21; Fre-227 58:21, 34; Fre-229 48:10, 11; Fre-236 48:10; Fre-237 48:10; Fre-239 48:10; Fre-243 48:10; Fre-244 48:10; Fre-245 48:10, 58:19-21, 27, 28, 31, 41, 55; Fre-246 48:10; Fre-247 48:10; Fre-251 58:2; Fre-252 48:10; Fre-254 48:10; Fre-255 48:10; Fre-291 58:10, 19-21, 30, 35; Fre-292 58:22; Fre-293 58:22, 30; Fre-295 58:22; Fre-334 58:3; Fre-335 58:34; Fre-336 58:71; Fre-371 58:21.
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