![The Boudinot Mansion](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Boudinot Mansion 1073 EAST JERSEY STREET ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY In Commemoration of Its Presentation BY THE BOXWOOD HALL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION TO THE Commission on Historic Sites of the State of New Jersey Lt Loa·n Ecvhibition of BOUDINOT HEIRLOOMS Portraits, Silver Plate, China, 11-,urniture and Library LENT BY THE FAMILY Through The l(noedler Galleries~ ~Tew York City And Including Other Original Pieces of the Period Opening Ceremonies, April 10th, 1943. ~E:·~td l{e-.-rark NJ, 1943 \.'fljoo words.) Lewis Ii.Cook Cook/Boudino€) -i.a:J tru,rt ii.Jte 1 /J ~: ~/~r!, ~,u& DOUUME.NTA.RY HI8'I'ORY OF BOUDINOT MANSION, - lf,J...,,_ et..lZ4-5ETH) /'J.r:.w Tl! Rs e:y ~ f\ 1P1 1:+QW1>ll~D HSti JDRNCR pf 1;;,':=\.RLY d:AYQB f)F By 1=5e~vi3 _D. Cook, B.Sc. in A11 chitecture; Li:'e 1.:er.lber of' the I-I1stor1cal and the Geneal.of!ic.aL Socie.. tie.s o~ r>an.na. In its iasue of i·,Aonday, 15 August 1768, theI·f8-Vv YorkJa.zett€ and ,ieekly morning lliat, ct€par~ed ~nia Life after ti shor~ illness, ~he Hon. Samuel Woodruff., Esq., one of His Iviajesty's Council r·or tnis Province. A G€ntle• ma.n univeraa.lly known t·or his undaunted Rea'1-ution, unshaken Fide!i~J, and just Decisions, in tne charac1,er of a Ma6istrate, for his Benevolence, Hoa?i~ality., public spirit and Liberality, few, it· ani, Excel1Ect nim. In ·his priv~te Life were most Eminently joined tne e1.ffectionat,e husband, ten­ der ~arent, Kind Master, faithful friend, ~nct to crown all., the cheerful ~nd devout Christian. By his sudien Fall, several ?UDlic ana important Pl~c€a of Trust became vacant, all of which he fillea with distinguished Int€grity. His remains were decently intErred yeste.t:·dc1y Aft€rn,:)on in the first Prtsbyterian Church, attended by u nurierous Concourse of' People, frorn this ttnd t,ht: neighboring Towns., wr1en a very pertinent linct judiciously 1/ appliect Sermon was prehch€d bJ' t,h€ Hev. James G1a.ldwelI, fro1~ lat:iiah lvii, 1,l.~ Thia first known owner ana occu~ant... of the house here considered, the Hon. Sar1.uel Wooaruff, Es(1,, who is thus record€d as havinr; died on 10 .nug­ d,PJ'~r<t?.>1 fl'c/ ust 1768., wa3/·a son of that Joseph 'No'Jdruff whose ~ruve stone in the First s-/at~s Prtsbyt,eriun Churchytt.rd"ehowa -r:,hat he died on 25 ~ep~er!lber 1746 t16ed 72 2 yeurs.-/H e is· sui· d oy tl.1e h is' t orian, t h € Rev. ~....., F •.laH tf J.€· 1... d J;~~~-~, t - t o h ave been extEnsively engaged in merchanclise, tradinG t,o the "t€st Indies, one of thE moat influential citizens of ~li~abeth, rntrnbe~ of the Provincial 1/ s·ix ME cbo--s of thE . • Cou~1cil 1757-6tJ, namEd one of -lhe 4 Uor~irion Uouncil iu the first chnrter of /~) Cook/rloudinot/ L:,:/ .t"l.ldErmun, und was thE YJ.6..yor 1751-60 etc., a justice of the pea.cc far r!ld,ny 4/ ye6.rs and one of thE judges of th€ County C')urt7 ?resident of the board of trustees of the First Presbyterict~ Llhurch 1756-65, :,rib.ined an elder thereof 1765, a menber of the PresbytEri~n Synod 1?64-65, and ti trustee of the Uolle~e ,16/ of New Jersey 1 749-66.hs the i·1i&.-;for of Elizabeth, hE entertained thE wife and da.u0 hter ot C.iovernor Jonathan Belcher in ~AHrch 1!51, during their visit to ins~tct the house \no. 1J46 ~- JerdEY 3t.; ~hich he had pro~osed for the 1~t- by him. The ~overn~r arrived ttt &lizhbethtown from Burlin~ton on 4 November follo~in~, and the t~wn which hbd beEn the original c~~ital of the colony 6/ °'6c1in becam€ the sEa.t of g:,vernmEnt until his death on )1 Au6ust 1757. In a. letter datEd i~lizabeth Town Nover1ber 19, 1756, nominating 5a.muel ~,ood­ ruff ~s'i • to the Vh.cancy in "His Maje sty's Council of this Province", the Gov­ ernor advised the Lords of 'I1rhdE thl:i.t 11 1 do with all Freedom rEco!!lI'1€nd him to your Loriships as u Gentlem~n of strict Virtue of gJod ability,~~ of a good Estate; he is & has been f1r several years ;.,1ayor of this Town, and one of the Judges of' thE County Court; of Jre c1. t Loyalty a.nd t~eal for advancing liis l·,la je sty's Inter€ st ~.~ Honour ht all time a, nor do I know a :•1ore Wr)rthy Person to su~?lY 11 thE said Place. ,woodruff ·11iaS acccrdin~ly adni ttt d to the lJ )u.ncil on ;.j c.Tuly ..... l ?·/ l •p. "-'' (J ., By his Hife Elizabeth (Ogden) 1--Tooclru.. ff, ·who st1rvived hi:n, the 1·1ayor Samuel 1Joodruff had issue:- The Rev·. Be11jamin l·!oodruff, .1~.B. 1753, .Ji.r1. 1756, Princeton, ·who died 3 .April 1eo3 aged 70 yenrs, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of ;Jestfield, l{.J.; Joseph 1·lood­ ruff born abou~t 1734, of ·whom further; ..Ebigail ·woodruff born 14 and died 27 September 1736; Sa.muel ~Ioodruf'f Jr. born 15 I1arch 1746 §_/ and died in Nove~ber 1747; and Eli zeheth 1ioodruff who died in ~lbany, N~Y., h2ving married first on 9 May 1759, ·with her brother officiating, Ebenezer Bryant, a la~1yer of Elizabethto1~m, !~.J., who Proposlfed Eestoration of the Boudi11ot T1Iansion, Elizabeth, 1-l". J. ! 1942. (without the t,10 wings) died there in 1761, and second the Rev. Jose~_h Treat, l7J4-1797, . ~) pastor o~ the l'irst Presbyterian Churoh ot Hew York City 1763-1784. · .. :· ""•. ·-r' •· ·i:;· ' ·.-:::i.·-~,-:::-: ,· ' ·; . t . 9/ · · ... · _-._}···Gt:•~;:lit8frf.lt ~the H-on~·- Samtl'!l V/oodruf:f' d@ccao(;tr• - The administrat·dr'sf-hi:9· "Wi'doir ,--•t,ro· sons, ~nd brothE r Isaac 1• oo<lruf'f- ad vE rtis€ d' ·1··'.- ...•~- h-,-~ L ~ in th€ New 'for'!:.· OU:"U~l or Jailz Advtrtiser 'Jf 1 3Ept€~b€r 1768 c1. :)ublic StilE 1) deptember next, of 11 .n. ~rec.1.t Vhriety of J:,ods, c~:1;3istin~ of 6 €nteel h-)USE- pair of 6 ood oxen, tht be at milch cows, ct. nurr1be r of younc..:; c~l. ttle, b. he rd of :3,1vine, a com..iletE set of fB-.rm.in~ uten3ils, Ll. ,1uantity of wtll-curtd hay, both the ~rcund, with other o.lruJst innunerable a.rticles. 11 In thE issuE of c:::6 .:)€p• tEL'1b€r followin,G, they advertised the udjou.rn€d s~:i.le to be held on 4 Octob€r, 11 iihen the rEmC\ining !!lOVEable est.~te will b€ sold, C:JnsistinJ of two 1~J.r~e boats in good trim, a larJE anchor anrt cable, a neat dinJinG clock, currlint wine, a stout ne~ro r.ia.n, h:JUdE hold furni turE ii etc _J:Q,/ 11 Th€ invent:ir~f the Personal estu.te of the Honble. Sa!'luel ,loollruff ~s<1 ., 11 deceased, trtken ye 1r3th day of Au~ust 170() , li:1ts the 7·urniture in these named (and other irn~lied; rooms in his late dwelling houBE in &li/4abeth Town:­ bltj.E roo~., 7 t:J.e..L, • Cn::/BaU.Ci:n.-:Jt (! crinson roo:'.:1, 02.k roon, ~s ~lso Prticles in the nilk house, kitchen, cPll?T, bArn thf?; dock, ? 11 chsise hbuse, ~ncl. hP.yr2.ck ~t fprm, the r..el:-r bor-1.t n.".lY.:led Lone,_, 13lac~', 2:0,:,ds in the store, etc. n.t. t.JtP.l v~l11rtion of 1696 nour.1.0_:::;, 2 shillings, 1 1 uence; rri th a_ebts ~_,_le the est~te 3:10 DO1.md.s nn8_ bon:1-s. 3S6~' ]JOUL"1.ds, 3 shillings, ~/-/,P ll/ 4 ""!)(-?nee; which ina.ic~cte~ a mA,n of c:Jnsia_erable ~.'.'8~1 th. ~ \ ~,cco:rd_ingly u-oon his t,~:o sons, of v1ho·rr: '-Tose~Jh cane into D:J~sessio::-i~of tl1ei n~tern~l L~.;~ ,6r'7"/ler- ~e- w-✓ /3 · n, ,!J 1 I 'Cf(;/ homestead by deed of 1~5 Octobe~ 1768 from 4;be ')tl·ie-.-. C'.Qn. Thi3/is e:-<ni1)i ted_ in r1, mortisP.-:::e of October 1 .~i ven b:r Joseph Wooa_ruff Jr. of the Bor-Jur~h of Eliz- 14 768 - -~ ._..,. beth, merchAnt, co:iveyinf; to Benjamin V7o:.)•~_ru.ff of s2.ne 7:il ~ce, clerk, P.S sec1..1ri tY·~ 1 11 ..C> for p2.;v"Tnent of '3CY) -pounds cur:---ent r:i~:n1ey of Ee :· Jersey, All t}1r1t lat 0.L by George Price, &nd which the s~id J~)se~oh Wo,:Jdruff hold.s by. virtue of R deed of convey~nce fror:i the SP.id Benj~nin 7Jc,,)o..ruff beari112: d?te the d~ ...v before the a_ate of these presents, tot;ethsr with L- • 12/ 11 1 211 2r1.d. sing:1lar the 'Buildings Pnd 21rourtenRnces to .the sr-u:1e bel·)ngin:~;. -- But this Josffqh W0,1druff J!'., who thus succeec.9a. his father in -ooss~~s·~3ion ~na. occu~1ation of the fr-unily scat, survi ve<l him only six months.
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