Nevada Test Site 828 underground nuclear tests were conducted on the Nevada Underground Test Area Test Site from 1951 to 1992. Some of the tests occurred near or below the water table, (UGTA) Sub-Project resulting in groundwater contamination. Pahute Mesa Earth Vision three-dimensional 5'4!3UB 0ROJECTSTAFFARERESPONSIBLEFOR computer model EVALUATINGTHEIMPACTOFHISTORICNUCLEARTESTS ONGROUNDWATERRESOURCESANDSTUDYINGTHE EXTENTOFCONTAMINANTMIGRATION 4HE5'4!!PPROACH q /RGANIZEDINTOFIVE#ORRECTIVE!CTION5NITS#!5S q !#!5ISAGROUPINGOF#ORRECTIVE!CTION3ITES#!3S BASEDONTHE LOCATIONSOFHISTORICUNDERGROUNDNUCLEARTESTSANDSIMILARGEOLOGY q %ACH#!5ISANALYZEDANDEVALUATED q 7ELLSAREDRILLEDTOCOLLECTFIELDDATASAMPLES q &IELDDATAISUSEDTOCREATETHREE DIMENSIONALCOMPUTERMODELS q -ODELSAREUSEDTOESTIMATEGROUNDWATERFLOWANDTRANSPORTPARAMETERS q -ODELSARETHEPREFERREDDECISIONTOOLSFORPREDICTINGCURRENTANDFUTURE location of contamination q -ONITORINGOFGROUNDWATERISUSEDTOEVALUATEMODELPREDICTIONSAND ENSURECOMPLIANCEWITHREGULATORYREQUIREMENTS Central Pahute Mesa CAU 9UCCA 5'4!WELL%2 DURINGMOBILIZATIONON9UCCA&LAT &LAT CAU $/%STAFFWORKSWITHOTHERORGANIZATIONSINACOLLABORATIVE Western Pahute APPROACHTOUNDERSTANDTHENATUREANDEXTENTOFGROUNDWATER Mesa CAU contamination: s,AWRENCE,IVERMORE.ATIONAL,ABORATORY s,OS!LAMOS.ATIONAL,ABORATORY &RENCHMAN 2AINIER &LAT s $ESERT2ESEARCH)NSTITUTE Mesa CAU 3HOSHONE s 5NITED3TATES'EOLOGICAL3URVEY Mountain CAU s 3TATEOF.EVADA s .ATIONAL3ECURITY4ECHNOLOGIES s .AVARRO )NTERA !LLACTIVITIESARECONDUCTEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHE&EDERAL &ACILITY!GREEMENTAND#ONSENT/RDER&&!#/ ALEGALLY BINDINGDOCUMENTAGREEDTOBYTHE3TATEOF.EVADA THE53 UGTA Corrective Action Unit (CAU) Boundaries $EPARTMENTOF%NERGY ANDTHE53$EPARTMENTOF$EFENSE For more information about the Environmental Management program, contact: 53$EPARTMENTOF%NERGYs.ATIONAL.UCLEAR3ECURITY!DMINISTRATION.EVADA3ITE/FFICEs/FFICEOF0UBLIC!FFAIRS !PRIL $/%.6 0/"OX ,AS6EGAS .6 s sENVMGT NVDOEGOVsWWWNVENERGYGOV Nevada Test Site It is a top priority to protect the public from access to ground- Protecting water contaminated by historic the Public Nevada Test Site activities. Protecting the public is best achieved through accurate computer modeling, ongoing monitoring and limiting access. For more information about the Environmental Management program, contact: 53$EPARTMENTOF%NERGYs.ATIONAL.UCLEAR3ECURITY!DMINISTRATION.EVADA3ITE/FFICEs/FFICEOF0UBLIC!FFAIRS April 2010, DOE/NV-1373 0/"OX ,AS6EGAS .6 s sENVMGT NVDOEGOVsWWWNVENERGYGOV The Federal Facility Agreement Nevada Test Site and Consent Order (FFACO) is a UGTA Strategy legally-binding agreement between the State of Nevada and the DOE. Section 3, Appendix VI Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order Value of Information Prepare/Revise CAIP NDEP CAIP Review C Analysis A I 1 P No CAIP Approval NDEP Decision Yes NDEP Evaluate Existing/ Collect New Develop Revised CAIP Revision NDEP - State of Nevada Division New Data Data CAIP of Environmental Protection NDEP Data Approval Review and Approval Data Completeness NDEP Decision No Auxiliary Data CAU - Corrective Action Unit: Assessment group of sites under investigation. Yes Develop CAU Flow There are five CAUs within the NDEP CAU Model Joint NDEP & Review and Input and Transport Model UGTA Sub-Project. NNSA/NSO Decision C 2 CAIP - Corrective Action NNSA/NSO 3 A Are the Evaluates Joint NDEP & Investigation Plan: looks at Model Results and Model and Data Is the Strategy Yes I NNSA/NSO Decision No Achievable? existing information from the Data Adequate? Needs weapons testing program, the regional flow model, and Yes No one-dimensional transport simulations to determine the best Peer Review options for site characterization and prioritization. 4 Is the CAU Model Acceptable for CADD/CAP No Propose New Studies? Strategy CAI - Corrective Action NDEP Decision Investigation: uses the information from the CAIP stage Yes to develop CAU-specific models of Negotiate Negotiate Initial CAU with flow and transport, taking the Compliance Boundary uncertainty of each specific NDEP hydrogeologic setting into NDEP Review of Prepare/Revise CADD/CAP account. These models are then CADD/CAP used to forecast contaminant Develop New boundaries for 1,000 years. Strategy C 5 A CADD/CAP Approval No CADD/CAP - Corrective Action NDEP Decision D Decision Document/Corrective Monitoring/Model D Yes Refinements Execute New Action Plan: includes developing Strategy Implement CAP and negotiating an initial C compliance boundary, developing A Start or Continue Monitoring monitoring programs for model P testing and closure, and 6 identifying institutional controls. Is CAU Model and Monitoring No Acceptable for Closure? CR - Closure Report: involves NDEP Decision negotiating the final compliance Yes boundary for CAU closure; developing a closure report, which Negotiate CAU Closure must be approved by NDEP; and Compliance Boundary developing and initiating a NDEP Prepare/Revise CR Closure Report long-term closure monitoring Review program. 7 No CR Approval NDEP Decision C R Yes Start Long-Term Closure Monitoring Transition to Long-Term Stewardship Continue Monitoring Program NDEP/Stewardship Periodic Evaluations Review Yes 8 Is the Corrective Feasibility of Yes Action No No Decision Working? Monitoring/Model Refinements Source: Modified from Appendix VI, Revision No. 2, NDEP Decision of the FFACO, 1996 (amended 2010) For more information about the Environmental Management program, contact: 53$EPARTMENTOF%NERGYs.ATIONAL.UCLEAR3ECURITY!DMINISTRATION.EVADA3ITE/FFICEsOF0UBLIC!FFAIRS April 2010, DOE/NV-1383 0/"OX ,AS6EGAS .6 s sENVMGT NVDOEGOVsWWWNVENERGYGOV Nevada Test Site Geology at the Complex Geology Nevada Test Site is diverse and complex. 0AHUTE-ESA'EOLOGIC-ODEL 4HECOMPLEXITYOFTHESUB SURFACEGEOLOGY CREATESTECHNICALCHALLENGESFORSCIENTISTSTO ACCURATELYDETERMINEWHEREANDHOWFAST GROUNDWATERANDCONTAMINANTSMIGRATE 4HE5NDERGROUND4EST!REA3UB 0ROJECTWORKS Each color EXTENSIVELYTOCHARACTERIZETHEGEOLOGYAND represents rocks REPRESENTTHEUNCERTAINTYOFCONTAMINANT with distinct MIGRATION4HEGEOLOGICMODELSPROVIDE hydrogeologic THEINITIALFRAMEWORKFORALLGROUNDWATERMODELING properties. 'EOLOGIC#ROSS3ECTIONAT0AHUTE-ESA Timber Mountain caldera complex Area 20 caldera (topographic [i.e. moat] area) (topographic area) Timber Mountain caldera complex Area 20 caldera (structural area) (structural area) 4HECOMPLEXGEOLOGICFEATURESOF0AHUTE-ESAINCLUDE The Bench Southwest Northeast U-20y Well ER-20-10 A Gravity-inferred basement ridge (projected; 244 m [800 ft] A’ Well ER-20-7 Well Cluster east of A-A’) ER-20-5 U-20c U-20ao 7,000 Well ER-EC-6 Well ER-EC-11 2,000 Proposed Tma Tt Tt Proposed Well ER-EC-15 Well ER-EC-13 QTa Tt Tma 6,000 Tt Tma Tmr Tma Tma Tmr Tmrf Tmr Well ER-EC-2A QTc Qay Tmrf s!TLEASTSIX4ERTIARY AGECALDERAS Qay Qai 1,600 Qay Tmrf TtpTt Tpb Tmrh 5,000 QTa Qai Tmat Tpb(b) Tpb Tmat Tpcy Tt Tt Tf Tpb(b) Tpc Tpcy Tpc Tf Tf Tmrf Tmatx Tp(b) Tfbw Tfbw Tpc Tfbw Tp(b) Tmr Tpt 4,000 Tpc Elevation (feet) 1,200 Tpt Tpt Tf Magnetically-inferred TMCC Tpb Tmrf collapse Th(b) Th(b) Tpt near-surface lava ? ? ? Tp(b) M3 fault collar Th 3,000 Tf Tf ? Tpc Tpb Th Th ? ? Th(b) 800 ?? Tp(b) Th(b) Tp(b) ER-20-5 TD s"ASIN AND RANGENORMALFAULTS Tpt Tpc Tci Tf Th 2,000 Th Tp(b) Tci BENHAM Th Tpt cavity Elevation (meters) 400 Tcpe Tc Tc Tc 1,000 Th Th Tmaw Tcpk Tmaw Tbg Tci Well ER-EC-2A TD Tcb Sea Level Sea Level Area 20 caldera Tcb Tc Tma To collapse collar Tc TMCC s-ESOZOIC AGETHRUSTFAULTS Tma Tma structural -1,000 Tcb Tmax margin Area 20 caldera NTMMSZ -400 structural margin Tcb Tmax Pz -2,000 Source: NSTec, 2009 Stratigraphic Units Lithologic Units NTMMSZ = Northern Timber Mountain moat structural zone Qay Young alluvial deposits Tma Ammonia Tanks Tuff Tp Paintbrush Group Tcpe Rhyolite of ER-EC-1 Welded ash-flow tuff Predicted water table s'RANITEBODIESINTRUDEDTHROUGHABASEMENTOF Scale TMCC = Timber Mountain caldera complex* QTc Colluvium Tmax Debris-flow breccia associated with Tpb Rhyolite of Benham Tcpk Rhyolite of Kearsarge Stratigraphic contact Qai Intermediate alluival deposits the TMCC collapse collar Tpcy Tuff of Pinyon Pass Tcb Bullfrog Tuff Rhyolitic lava 0 1,000 2,000 feet TD = total depth QTa Old alluival deposits Tmat Rhyolite of Tannenbaum Hill Tpc Tiva Canyon Tuff Tcbx Debris-flow breccia associated with Lithologic contact Tt Thirsty Canyon Group Tmatx Debris-flow breccia associated with Tp/Th(?) Paintbrush/Calico Hills Tuff the Area 20 caldera collapse collar Debris-flow breccia 0 400 800 meters No vertical exaggeration Tf Volcanics of Fortymile Canyon the NTMMSZ fault scarp (tentative) Tbg Grouse Canyon Tuff Nonwelded and bedded tuff, Fault with arrow showing sense of offset * The TMCC is composed of the Rainier Mesa and Tfb Beatty Wash Formation Tmr Rainier Mesa Tuff Tpt Topopah Spring Tuff To Pre-Grouse Canyon caldera units alluvium, and colluvium (offset less than 30 meters [100 feet] not depicted) younger Ammonia Tanks calderas that are interpreted Tfbw Rhyolite of Beatty Wash Tmrf Rhyolite of Fluorspar Canyon Th Calico Hills Formation Pz Paleozoic sedimentary rocks Carbonate to have a common structural margin in the area of the Tmaw Tuff of Buttonhook Wash Tmrh Tuff of Holmes Road Tc Crater Flat Group cross section. HIGHLYDEFORMEDSEDIMENTARYROCKS Tci Rhyolite of Inlet January 12, 2010 For more information about the Environmental Management program, contact: 53$EPARTMENTOF%NERGYs.ATIONAL.UCLEAR3ECURITY!DMINISTRATION.EVADA3ITE/FFICEs/FFICEOF0UBLIC!FFAIRS April 2010, DOE/NV-1372 0/"OX ,AS6EGAS .6 s sENVMGT NVDOEGOVsWWWNVENERGYGOV Nevada Test Site Wells are drilled
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