COMPLETE PROGRAMS FOR WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 25 TEN CENTS E 8B7 DCT5213M 463 .. COMPLETE SCHEDULES OF ALL FOOTBALL GAMES ON THE AIR THIS WEEK SEE 'WHAT HOLLYWOOD HAS DO~n: TO GLAMOR GIRL GERTRUDE NIESEN Vol. b. No. 49 IN THIS ISSUE WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER ,25, 1937 CURTIS M I TC HELL Editor Smash Features Come to the Conventi.on American Legion-on the ai7'! by CARL PRENTISS 3 Dr. Brinkley Answers His own stO?'Y! Happy Listening by D R. JOHN R. BRINKLEY 4 Stories of the Songs You Love " Silver Threads Among HESE words may be a bit too late from the studio audience, but it was the Gold" to do any good, but we want it stupid of them to forget that umpteen b y HAROLD DESFOR 10 T known that we are sony we ever millions of us were waiting for something Personalities uttered kind words about the to drift out of our loudspeaker that broadcasting of fights. Not that the would enable us to have just half as Cal Tinney broadcasts themselves don't thrill us much fun as the belly-Iaughers in the H og Editor Makes Good! right down to our coccyx. It is the by­ studio. by MARGE KERR 5 products that hurt. We read in the next As we said, we don't mind the fights Chari ie Butterworth day's paper, after the recent Joe Louis­ themselves, but we wonder if 'they are We applaud him! 19 Tommy Fan fuss, that Harry Perlman of worth the by-products. Gertrude Niesen What Hollywood did to he?' ! 20 New York had perished of excitement at '(. '(. >[. Lum and Abner the ringside. Radio listeners had died, Seems like a lot of folk have their Their lives-in pictures! 24 too. One Chicagoan succumbed during dander up about radio. The Old Gentle­ the twelfth round, another upon h earing man Who Listens, of whom we wrote last the decision. An Asbury Park man died week, still insists we are becoming mental News and Views during the fifth. A Detroiter died at the grasshoppers and musical ostriches. Un­ Stories of the Week's Big Broadcasts 8 end of the seventh. fortunately, our indignation over Mr. F arr' s facial-muscle dance has taken too Hollywood Showdown But unhappy as we were at these fa­ b y EVANS PLUMMER 12 talities, we were made unhappier when much space to allow the old fellow his Airialto Lowdown Tommy F arr himself was presented to just dues. So, next week read his views by WILSON BROWN 13 the radio audience on the Rudy Vallee on How to Be Happy Though Listening Music of the Masters by CARLETON SMITH 17 program. Tommy spoke rema rkably to a Radio Speech. :r- :(. :f.- Short Waves well for a fighter, but our pain was de­ by CHARLES A. MORRISON 18 rived from our bewilderment at hearing A peculiar misconception is that Hol­ Fan's simple remarks succeeded by lywood beauties are all babied, coddled, thunderous waves of laughter that shook and hand-painted by million-dollar ex­ Pictorial Features the innards of our loudspeaker. Why perts in bedazzlement. Radio Guide's The Photo Week News-pictures of the stars 6 such laughter? Was he dressed as Baby own rubber-soled cameraman under­ " Arnold Grimm's Daughter" Bunting or was he performing Ritz takes to prove the contrary in his series Meet the cast! 14 Brother nip-ups on Rudy Vallee's pros­ of pictures of Gertrude Niesen publish­ Heard But Not Seen trate form? But no one ever told us. ed in this issue. Gertrude, who just re­ Stm's who are rising! 22 Now we've learned the reason, and cently was broadcasting's toppiest glam­ we' re opposed forever to fights being or girl, was selected only last year by Departments broadcast if this sort of thing is to be a Hollywood for its very own. What did Radio Guide's X·Word Puzzle 16 regular consequence. Tommy Fan was Hollywood do to her? How did it com­ Short-Wave Programs 18 making faces. Like a big silly, he was pound the attractiveness of her already Contests on the Air 31 standing behind the mike, twisting his high-tension personality? Mdre finger lips around his battered nose, ogling the waves? Fifty-dollar mud-pack? Bubble Programs studio audiences, mugging until they baths and ointments from Java? Turn to Sunday, September 19 27 howled. Well, it was nice of Mr. Vallee's page twenty and be surprised. Tune to Monday, September 20 29 sponsors to allow Mr. Fan to turn his Ben Bernie this Tuesday and hear the Tuesday, September 21 32 lips into a pretzel for the laughs he got voice that goes with the pictures. Wednesday, September 22 34 Thursday, September 23 37 Friday, September 24 39 Saturday, September 25 42 ~ ~~~~------------------------------------------------ Cover t>y CharLes E. Rubino H AU IO Cl UIl)}t.l ( 'J' nlde i\fal'k UCgi;i tel'ed U. S. Pat. Otlh-o). VululI1e VL XUllIbCI: 4H. W eek 11;lttllng Stlf)tclIIhel' 25, 19:n. Puhlishcti hy R egal P ress. lilt! . I... sued week ly. ll.o\ l)lO GrJIOtJ, n I PlYlHuuth Court, Chicago. Illinois. Elltcl'ect as second Ch lSS mattel' at the Post Olnce Ch i­ t!agn, I1linuis, !"ehrual'Y ~4, J 9. : ~2 . un del' A.ct of Mal'eli ,3. 1879. Authorized by Po ~ t Oflice Depaltmeut. Ottawa, Cunac1a, as sc('ond-class llIattm', C'J~YJ'.lg h t, 193 (. by Regal P ~e s!ol, I nc. All n gl!ts resen-ed. Editorial, Cit'eulation and Business Offices, 7:H Plymouth Court, t.: hicago. 11111101 8. Herbert I{rancer, VH: e ~ l")r eii Jd e nt; Curtis Mitche ll, Vice~PI ·esi. de nt; J'.: d Zoty, Circulation Manager. Adt"crt isinJr Otlices 5 tH Fifth, AV~IlUC , .New YOl'k, ~. ,Y.; ~HlI s B!dg., San 1;' l'llIlCisco, Calif.; Westel'll P acitlc Bldg. , Los Angeles, CaUf .• and 7:l1 PIYIllouui C;OUl't: Clllcag{),. l HI , n~is. Un~o h c lt ed .maIlU ,~~ I'lI~t fi SllOU ld be l.1CCOlll llani e~ by staUlped. s e l t' ~ adrll' esse d envelope for return. Ten ccnts PCl' copy III tile Un i ted States. ,SU I) :;H:l'iptlOIl ratt!s . lIl,thc, U, S. and posseSS lOm and COlilltl'ies ot' the Pall~Alllerican Postal Un ion: six months, $2.50; one rem', $4.0 0. SU h:U'I'IJ}tioll rates III I'm'C lgn rountrie1l : s jx months, ~ 5 . 00; one real', ~8. 00 , Rem it hy postal money order eXnl'eli~ money ord('J', 01' rhtWk \lmwn to Ol'llfl' of H.\llin 01'1111-;. ( ' UrJ'l' IlCY sent at su bscribel" /J rj ~ k, ' 2 Radio Guide • Week Ending September 25. 1937 N COME TO THE CONVENTION Legionnaires ~y the thousands will descend upon New York Monday to join in the greatest reunion in history-their 19th Annual Convention! T'S going to be the biggest conven­ bel's of the Legion itself, in recognition tion in history! -WITH THE AMERICAN LEGION IN of their service as wartime nurses and I It will bring to New York the in other non-combatant capacities. hugest army of visitors that even that NEW YORK MONDAY TO THURSDAY Meeting with the Auxiliary, and in great metr'opolis, long accustomed to New York as their guests, will be the counting its people in the millions, has Gold Star mothers, women whose sons ever known! gave up their lives for their country. There'll be a parade that will take BY CARL PRENTISS They'll be royally entertained during 24 hours to pass any given point! In their stay in the metropolis. There'll this, probably the greatest of all peace­ be trips around Manhattan Island, up time parades, there'll be no less than iliary, boasting a membership roll of the National Executive Committee at the Hudson to West Point, visits to 600 bands, bugle and fife-,and-drum 430,000-it's the largest women's or­ 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, the museums, to the Statue of Liberty, corps! ganization in the world-will' stage its Legion Auxiliary has laid out for itself Governor's Island, Coney Island. For From all over the country, 500,000 own convention meeting in l'Tew Yor);:, a program of the widest scope. the Sons of the American Legion, an . men, women and children will descend and the Sons of the American Legion, extensive educational program has on New York, by bus and car, by train the children's auxiliary, will of course THE Auxiliary is composed of the been arranged. They'll see everything and plane--some of them in motor­ be represented. Beginning at 10: 30 wives and daughters of veterans, a in town worth seeing! cades originating hundreds of miles a.m. on Sunday, September 19, and unit separate from the several thou­ away-to join in the greatest reunion concluding finally with a meeting of sand women who are actually mem- REPARATIONS for handling the of its citizens this country has ever P convention crowd - some estimate known! of its size can be gathered by reflection It's the American Legion Conven­ on the fact that visitors to the conven­ tion of 1937 in New York City, sched­ tion could populate a city the size of ljled this year for the four days from Washington, D. C.-were begun early September 20 to September 23, and it last fall.
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