Recent Articles, Books, Pamphlets, Dissertations, and Other Publications in Indiana History Compiled by Leigh Darbee Editor’s Note: This annual list is intended to aid researchers in Indi- ana history. The Magazine solicits items for inclusion, especially from publications (other than newspapers) not usually reviewed in the IMH. Items to be included in the March 2003 issue should be sent before November 1,2002. “1900-1999-A Century of Fulton County in Photos,” Fulton Coun- ty Images, No. 5 (2000). Adams, Bob, “Decatur: Three Time State [Girls’] Champs?” Indiana Basketball History, VIII (Summer 2000). Aitken, Kenneth G., “In Search of the American Pioneers of the Last, Best West: An Introduction to Immigration Records of Ameri- cans on the Canadian Prairies, 1908-1918,” The Hoosier Gemal- ogist, XLI (June 2001). [Focuses on several Hoosier families.] Alexander, J. Trent, “Great Migrations: Race and Community in the Southern Exodus, 1917-1970” (Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001). Aley, Ginette, “More than Canawlers and Railroad Builders: Rural Irish Immigrants in Indiana and the Old Northwest,” Indiana Canals, XI1 (Fall 2001). “All Aboard! Remembering Indiana’s Other Grand Stations,” Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History, XI11 (Summer 2001). Alter, Peter T., “The Serbian Great Migration: Serbs in the Chica- go Region, 1880s to 1930s” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona, 2000). Anderson City Planning Department, Architectural Classification of Anderson, Indiana’s Historic Sites and Structures (Anderson: The Department, 1999). The Army-Navy Club of Indianapolis: A Brief History with Remi- niscences. Ed. Harley W. Rhodehamel ([Indianapolis: s.n.3, 1998). Arnesen, Eric, “The 1890s Crisis in Context: The Pullman Strike, Labor Politics, and the New Liberalism,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XCII (Autumn 1999). [Review essay on The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s, ed. Schneirov et al. (19991, and Schneirov, Labor and Urban Politics (1998).] Baer, M. Teresa, and Kathleen M. Breen, eds., Finding Indiana Ancestors (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 2000). Recent Publications in Indiana History 67 , ‘World War I Letters to the Sammy Girls of Henry Coun- ty, 1918-1919,” The Hoosier Genealogist, XLI (June 2001). Baker, Kenneth Gearhart, “‘Oatmeal and Coffee’: Memoirs of a Hoosier Soldier in World War I.” Ed. by Robert H. Ferrell; tran- scribed by Betty Baker Rinker, Indiana Magazine of History, XCVII (March 2001). Baker, Ronald L., Homeless, Friendless, and Penniless: The WPA Interviews with Former Slaves Living in Indiana (Blooming- ton: Indiana University Press, 2000). Balesi, Charles J., “Exploring the Midwest’s French Roots,” Illinois Heritage, I1 (Falwinter 1999). , The Time of the French in the Heart of North America, 1673-1818 (Chicago: Alliance Franqaise Chicago, 2000). Balough, Linda, and Betty Bartley, A Pictorial History of Hendricks County, Indiana (Virginia Beach, Va.: Donning Co., 1999). Barrows, Robert G., Albion Fellows Bacon: Indiana’s Municipal Housekeeper (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000). Bassett, Beth, “Augustus Dwight Babcock: The Open Door Muse- um Brought the World to Goodland,” The Newcomer, Newton Coun- ty Historical Society (Summer 2000). , “A Glimpse of Newton County Settlements, Towns and Vil- lages,” The Newcomer, Newton County Historical Society (Win- ter 2001). Beatty, John D., “‘All That Is True and Beautiful’: The Flowering of Artistic Expression in Nineteenth-Century Fort Wayne,” Old Fort News, LXII, No. 2 (1999). Beggs, S. R., Pages from the Early History of the West and North- West (Salem, Mass.: Higginson Book Company, [2001?1). [Reprint of 1868 edition.] “The ‘Big Four,”’Indianapolis Postcard Club (December 2000). Bigham, Darrel E., ed., Indiana Territory: A Bicentennial Perspec- tive (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 2001). Birzer, Bradley J., “French Imperial Remnants on the Middle Ground: The Strange Case of August de la Balme and Charles Beaubi- en,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XCIII (Sum- mer 2000). Bixby, Randy, “Genealogy Division of the Indiana State Library,” The Hoosier Genealogist, XL (December 2000). Blanke, David, Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the Rural Midwest (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000). Blegen, Theodore C., Songs of the Voyageurs (St. Paul: Minnesota His- torical Society Press, 1998). [Compact disk and accompanying booklet.] Bodnar, John, Our Towns: Remembering Community in Indiana (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 2001). 68 Indiana Magazine of History Bonsall, Thomas E., More Than They Promised: The Studebaker Story (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000). Boo, Michael, “Timeless: Frank Lloyd Wright in Indiana,” Outdoor Indiana, IXVI (July/August 200 1). Boomhower, Ray E., “‘A Business Without a Boss’: William Powers Hapgood and the Columbia Conserve Company,”Traces of Indi- ana and Midwestern History, XI11 (Winter 2001). , “But I Do Clamor”: May Wright Sewall, A Life, 1844-1920 (Zionsville: Guild Press of Indiana, 2001). , and Darryl Jones, Destination Indiana: Travels Through Hoosier History (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 2000). , “The Indiana Medical History Museum,” Traces of Indi- ana and Midwestern History, XI11 (Spring 2001). Born, Gerald, “The Diana Hunting Club,” The Newcomer, Newton County Historical Society (Fall 2000). , ‘zedger of the Graves’ General Store of Morocco Reveals Much History,” The Newcomer, Newton County Historical Society (Winter 2000). Boukai, Irit Erez, “The Indianapolis Sephardic Jewish Congregation and Community: An Oral History Account,” Indiana Jewish History, No. 34 (February 2001). Bowen, Otis R., Doc: Memories from a Life in Public Service (Bloom- ington: Indiana University Press, 2000). , “A Hoosier in Washington: From Doc: Memories from a Lifi in Public Service,” Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History, XI11 (Winter 2001). Brehob, Elizabeth, My Memories ([Indianapolis?: s.n.],2000). [Mem- oirs of Indianapolis resident from 1910s to 1990s.l Bresnahan, Roger J., “The Midwestern Expatriates: Why They Left, What They Remembered,” MidAmerica, XXV (1998). [Includes a discussion of Theodore Dreiser.] Bruggen, Bill, and R. David Cart, J. F. D. Lanier: America’s For- gotten Patriot and Financier (Carmel: Lanier Mansion Foun- dation, 2000). Bundles, A’Lelia, On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker (New York: Scribner, 2001). Caccamo De Luca, Rita, Back to Middletown: Three Generations of Sociological Reflections (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000). Caldwell, Howard, “Tony Hinkle: Coach for All Seasons,”Indiana Bas- ketball History, VIII (Summer 2000). [Excerpt from Caldwell’s book of the same title, published 1991.1 Carlson, Vic, “150 Years of Farming,” The Newcomer, Newton Coun- ty Historical Society (Spring 2001). Carman, Sam, “Charles Deam,” Outdoor Indiana, LXVI (Jan- uary/February 2001). Recent Publications in Indiana History 69 Cassell, Janie, et al., Ulen Country Club: 75 Years of Go& Gracious Living and Hoosier Hospitality (Carmel: Creative Publishing Concepts, 1999). Cayton, Andrew R. L., The American Midwest: Essays in Regional History (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001). , “Artery and Border: The Ambiguous Development of the Ohio Valley in the Early Republic,” Ohio Valley History, I (Win- ter 2001). , and Frederika J. Teute, eds., Contact Points: American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998). Chaudemanche, Diane, and Elaine Herold, Andrew Wylie: A Bibli- ography ( [Bloomington: Indiana University], 2000). [Indiana Heritage Research Grant product.] Clanin, Douglas E., “Indiana Korean War Casualties: Hoosier Medal of Honor Recipient, Lieutenant Colonel Don C. Faith Jr.,” The Hoosier Genealogist, XL (December 2000). Cleaves, Freeman, Old Tippecanoe: William Henry Harrison and His Time (Newtown,Conn.: American Political Biography Press, 2000). [Reprint of 1939 edition.] Cody, Rachel, “Town Crier: Bill Garrett and the Language of Democ- racy in the Postwar Indiana Press,” Black History News & Notes, No. 84 (May 2001). Cohen, Sylvia Nahmias, “The History of the Etz Chaim Sephardic Congregation and Community of Indianapolis, Indiana,” Indi- ana Jewish History, No. 34 (February 2001). Combined 1878 Atlas and 1903 Twentieth Century Atlas of Clinton County, Indiana (Mt. Vernon: Windmill Publications, 2000). [Reprint, with index.] Combined Atlas of Warren County, Indiana, 1877,1904,1923 (Mt. Ver- non: Windmill Publications, 2001). [Reprint, with index.] Conseco Fieldhouse: The First Year, 1999-2000 (Indianapolis: Pac- ers Sports & Entertainment, 2000). Coon, Diane Perrine, ‘1848 St. Paul’s Second Baptist Church’: The Chronicles of Chapman Harris, a Free Black Leader of the Under- ground Railroad and Pastor of the Second Baptist Church at Madison, Indiana ([s.l.: s.n.1, 1999). [Indiana Heritage Research Grant product.] ,Southeastern Indiana’s Underground Railroad Routes and Operations (Louisville, Ky.: s.n., 2001). “Covered Bridges,” Indianapolis Postcard Club (December 1999). Cross, Robert, et al., Elkinsville, Indiana: “The Town That Was” (Spencer: The Authors, 2000). Crossroads of America: A Portrait of Historic South Central Indi- ana (Marceline, Mo.: D-Books Publishing, 2000). Cunningham, Gerald L., Having My Say: Reflections on Justice Min- istries, 1969-1999 ([Indianapolis: s.n., ZOOO?]). 70 Indiana Magazine of History Darbee, Jeffrey T., “Socialist
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