SEMANTIC ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SLOGAN 1Andi Asrifan 2Like Raskova Octaberlina 3Rini Handayani 1,3Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang 2Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia Abstract In this study the objectives to be achieved are: (1) To identify what are the types of English slogans. (2) To identify how the semantic meanings of English slogans. The type of research used is qualitative. While the methods and instruments used to collect and analyze and answer all existing problems are qualitative methods and checklist observations. The process of data analysis in this research is carried out in a process starting from data collection and done intensively until the end of the study. Data that researchers get from observations from several sources such as the internet and journals, namely: (1) in general there are 4 types of slogans such as product / advertising slogans, health slogans, environmental slogans and educational slogans. The types of product / advertising slogans are 6 slogans, health slogans 2, environmental slogans 5 and education slogans totaling 8. (2) semantic meanings of 4 types of slogans from internet and journal sources there are 5 namely conceptual meaning, associative meaning, connotative meaning, affective meaning and stylist. Of the 20 slogans education slogans and products that contain more conceptual meaning. The environmental slogans contain more conceptual and affective meanings. Slogans that contain conceptual meaning in the form of a situation context and based on words that have been conceptualized in the dictionary. Key Words: Analysis Semantic, Semantic Meaning, English Slogan. Language is an important component in life so it is not excessive when language is termed as the heart of human life, because language is a very important role in life to support the interaction process. Knowledge of a language is very important especially knowledge about the relationship between symbols or units of language with the meaning in communicating using that language. Furthermore, the true meaning is content contained in forms or symbols, namely the relationship between symbols and or units of language and the outside world agreed upon by language users so that they can be mutually understood. In other words, learning the meaning of words basically learns how language users in a language community interpret language symbols to understand each other. One medium for conveying intent is to use writing. Languages can be divided into two types, namely written language, and oral language. Language has a variety of meanings that can be interpreted by everyone who hears or reads it. The writing used to convey certain intentions can be written that is interesting and striking like a slogan. Slogans are interesting or striking speeches, words, or short sentences that are easy to remember to tell or explain the ideological goals of groups, organizations, political parties, and so on. English itself is unique in realizing the meaning contained in the slogan so that English is often the main motto in a slogan. However, the meaning contained in the English slogan is not immediately understood simply by reading or listening. This is because the language used is different from the language we use in everyday life. This will be very influential if the target slogan does not understand the meaning contained so that they cannot capture the message or information conveyed in the slogan. The slogan is the writing used to convey the intentions conveyed by the slogan maker. Slogans are usually in the form of concise and simple sentences that contain warnings, appeals ,and invitations made intentionally by agency agencies that contain the meaning of the goal so that the target of the slogan is easily remembered. The language used in the slogan that we usually meet is not only in the form of Indonesian slogans but we also often encounter slogans that use English, especially advertisements, large companies and public places such as hospitals, parks, school, library, and others. The slogan in the environment was made aimed at conveying various aspects of the meaning of objectives to the community there. Talking about meaning means talking about the meaning of words that are certain in nature, namely having meaning in the relationship between signs in the form of symbols of speech sounds with things or things intended. Meaning in language certain, the origin and development of the meaning of a word can be known through semantics. Semantics is one branch of linguistics that examines meaning. It means Semantics is studys of meaning, or the study of relationships between words and how we construct meaning, sheds light or how we experience the world. Based on the semantic understanding above, According to Charles W. Kreidler semantics is systematics study of meaning and how to express meanings of the language. Charles (1998: 3) stated that: “Semantics is the systematic study of meaning, and linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings”. It means that semantics is systematic in the study of meaning. This is in line with the semantic notion put forward by Saeed (1997: 3) in his book entitled semantics, argued that: "Semantics is the study of meaning and words or semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language". According to him semantics is the study of the meaning of words and is a study of the meaning of communication in language, meaning semantics is the study of how we interpret communication in a language. This opinion was also reinforced by, Palmer (1981) in his book entitled Semantic. Palmer said that: , "Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning". According to Palmer, this semantic term can be technically used to refer to the study of meaning. From several opinions above all agree that semantics is the study of meaning. Understanding of the meaning of the objectives of the slogan needs to be mastered by the community so that no violations can harm themselves or others. the community must heed orderly rules by taking lessons in every slogan in the existing environment. but unfortunately, not everyone can understand the meaning of these English slogans. Understanding the aspects of the purpose of the English slogan cannot be mastered or understood by just reading at a glance, but will only be mastered understanding the meaning of the purpose if often pass through, read, analyze and understand the meaning of slogans in the region. this is because the English slogan has a variety of purposes in its meaning, besides that the use of foreign languages that may not be understood by all people can easily affect the meaning of the community towards the slogan. of course, this will have an effect on the reception and implementation of the message someone wishes to convey in the slogan to the person who reads it so that the message conveyed is not conveyed properly. Based on the background of the problem, the authors are interested in reviewing research on "semantics analysis on the use of English language slogans" A. Some Pertinent Idea In this section, we will discuss several theories that support this research such as theories about slogans, semantics and meanings 1. Slogan In terminology or the term, the slogan is a motto or phrase that is used as an expression of an idea or goal that is easy to remember. While etymologically the slogan is taken from the term Gaelic word, "Sluagh-chairman, which means" shout of battle ". The shape of the slogan varies, from the written and visible to the spoken and vulgar tone. However, in general, the notion of slogans is to provide space for conveying more detailed information, besides that it is also conveyed in the form of social expressions of shared goals rather than projections from only a few people. Slogans generally use persuasive sentences. Whereas according to kamus besar bahasa indonesia/KBBI or the large dictionary of the Indonesian language (2003:1080), “slogan/slo·gan/ n 1 perkataan atau kalimat pendek yang menarik atau mencolok dan mudah diingat untuk memberitahukan sesuatu ; 2 perkataan atau kalimat pendek yang menarik, mencolok, dan mudah diingat untuk menjelaskan tujuan suatu ideologi golongan, organisasi, partai politik, dan sebagainya” “slogan / slo • gan / n 1 short or interesting words or sentences that are easy to remember to tell something; 2 short words or short sentences that are interesting, striking, and easy to remember to explain the purpose of a group, organization, political party, etc”. From the opinions and several sources above regarding the notion of slogans, it can be concluded that slogans are words or short sentences that are interesting or striking and are easy to remember to tell something and a tool/ media that has the purpose of explaining things to the public, with slogans that vary from written until spoken. a. Characteristics of Slogan Based on the theory from KBBI (2003) about slogan, we can see that the characteristics of the slogan are interesting, striking easy to remember and explain a group, organization , and political ideology. The contents of the Slogan describe the vision, goals , and expectations of an activity or company organization. A slogan is made to inform something. The word slogan is arranged in such a way as to influence the reader. The characteristics of the slogan include: 1) His words are short, interesting, and easy to remember In a slogan whether in the form of writing or oral, the use of the word in it contains short and interesting words which are words in an interesting slogan to read. By using word choices, then from the use of short words, someone who sees it will easily remember the writing on the slogan in question. Not all in notifying or informing in short words is interpreted as the characteristics of slogans or rustic slogans.
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