'B C ff-1(+.ST-UfV C t/~'Jpi E.F 35°' CLASSIFICATION: TEXT-----.......P1J~il~ip~pj.an&sa2 ·_2s~-~30~f~N~A-SB~>-------­ - -EXPOSITORY "EPAPHRODITUS: A BALANCED CHRISTIAN" --BIOGRAPHICAL TITL,--------------------- --TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READIN,v---------------- - --DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: D... Hour Place Results and Comments: F.B.C. 5-22-96 WEDS. San Angelo, TX BIBLIOGRAPHY--------------------------------- F. B.C. SA S--:i.-,. -9v WA/. !l ; so EPAPHRODITUS: A BALANCED CHRISTIAN Philippians 2:25-30 If we were making a list of the I ran across an intriguing phrase the greatest men and women of the Bible, other day. The writer said that the reai Epaphroditus would not be on the list. He was challenge of Christianity is to translate our not a mighty leader like Moses or a great king theology in biography. That's what like David or a disfinguisned prophet like Epaphroditus did. He translated his theology Elijah or a dynamic preacher like Peter or a in biography. He not only shared the faith with ivisi-onary leader like Pau!. Yet, in our text for Pau l. He also shared with Paul in the work today, we see strong words of commendation that is necessary to propagate that faith. He given to this first century disciple. was Paul's fellow worker. Paul described Epaphroditus with When he called · Epaphroditus his three terms ·n r 25. Epaphroditus was a, FELLOW SOLDIER. Paul meant they were brother, a fellow worker, and a fellow soldier. against the same things. Paul was constantly When he called Epaphroditus his laying his life on the line to defend the faith . BROTHER, Paul meant they were in a fie said about Epaphroditus, "He shares with company of people ,committed to the same me in this as well. Like me, he is a faitbful, tn-ings . X the church provides a dedicated soldier who defends the faith fellowship which is unmatched by anything against all who would try to tear it down." the world has to offer. This fellowship grows Look again at the three phrases -- out of the recognition that we are all a part of rotfier, elLow VlQrker, and fellow soldier -­ the family of God. and you will see a picture of a balanced When he called Epaphroditus his Christian. The unique thing about FELLOW WORKER, Paul meant they were Epaphroditus is ot that he was a brother both working to realize the same goal. Some who · the faith or a fellow orl<er who Christians affirm their faith in Christ but never shared the fait or a fellow soldier who ...rr, do anything to share that fait with someone ~.......... ~ tu.,he faith . The unique thing aboutl/0 '~• else. They are the true "silent majority" Epaphroditus is that he kept all three of these among church members today. Not so with elements in balaoce ~ Epapbroditas. He didn't just believe the right Problems arise in the Christian lif~Jl554 things. He wanted others to know what he when we lose the balance when we believed, so he was aggressive in furthering emphasize one or the other of these three the Gospel of Christ. elements. Brian's Lines >May/June, 1996 Page 11 Some people enjoy the fellowship so That's true. Everyone has needs. Part of our much that they never do anything to share ti-9- responsibility today as Christian men and the faith with others. They are brothers but ifM!'' women is to meet the needs of other people. not fellow workers or fellow soldiers. As a 1.. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's result, they become self-centered and burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ." exclusive in their faith . Others are so busy sharing their faith and doing things for God that they neglect the fellowship with other Christians. They are Mary Catherine Strobel was 12-e[son fellow workers but not brothers or fellow~ like that. At her funeraJ, t e minister eulogized soldiers. As a result, they become + her by sayin she went through life with her individualistic and eccentric in their [email protected];Y ~ filled with supplies and her ~ filled with Others spend all their time defending love. the faith against every enemy, real and We can lighten the burdens of other. supposed. They aon't enjoy the fellowship of people. Bµt what we sgmefiroes forget js that the church because they're afraid they will meeting other people's needs is not just share fellowship with someone who is not as something we do for tu . It is also pure in their faith as they are. They are fellow something we do for .Gcd: The word solcliers, but not brothers or fellow workers. V5·?:Jtranslated ' o take care" ir:i our text is the As a result, they become angiy andi Greek word leitourgous. It is tile word from belligerent in their faith .~ ~o which we get our word "liturgy." A liturgy, We have in our churches today some according to the dictionary, is "a prescribed who n·o the faith and others who the form for a public religious service ." faith and still others who d nd the fait . What an interesting idea! As What we need are more balanced disciples Epaphroditus carried out his ministry Paul like Epaphroditus who will keep all three of he was actually performing an act of worship these elements in balance, Christians who to God. will be brothers and fellow workers and fellow Let me tell you what that means .- We soldiers. Epaphroditus was a balanced worship not on ly by what we do here on disciple. Sunday. We also worship by what we do for What did this balanced disciple do? In one another all through the week. How we our text, Paul revealed three things about need Christians today like Epaphroditus who Epaphroditus. He served. He cared . He worship God by meeting other people's ventured. needs. He served. He Served He Cared He first of all served. The Philippian Secondly, Epaphroditus cared. Paul Christians sent Epaphroditus to Paul, was gracious for all that Epaphroditus had according to the last part of erse 25, to take done. But now, Paul felt compelled to send care of his needs . Epaphroditus back to Philippi. Why? We see What a simple thing, and yet how the answer i erses 26-28. Paul said about important it is in our world today. Epaphroditus in vera_e 26, 'For he longs for all Epaphroditus took care of Paul's needs. That of you and is distressed because you heard is important because everybody has needs. he was ill" I!. quip suggests, "Everybody either · a When he got to Rome , Epaphroditus problem, a problem, or lives with one !" picked up some kind of sickness. We don't Brian's Lines >May/June, 1996 Page 12 know what it was anymore than we know people's problems. The counselor replied, what Paul's thorn in the flesh was. We can "Who listensl." only speculate. Apparently, it was something Do we care enough about other that he picked up because of his diligence in people to listen? Do we care enough about serving Paul. Maybe he stayed up day and other people to hear? How long has it been night taking care of Paul, and then spent time since you were deeply touched by the sharing his faith with others, and perhaps had concern and anxiety of others? some debates with some others about the William Booth, the founder of the faith. inally, in pure exhaustion, with his Salvation Army, preached a message after resistance down, he became ill Whatever which hundreds responded. After the service, caused it, the sickness was serious. We see an assistant found him in tears. 'Why are you this clearly in verse 27. Paul said, "Indeed he crying?" he asked . "Think of all the ones wh was ill, and almost died." came to Christ. " Booth said, "l was just thinking of all the hundreds who did not church come." in Philippi Epaphroditus fits into that great found out tradition of Christians whose hearts were about it and touched by the needs and concerns of others. became overly He Ventured worried about him. In tliese final two verses, we see a Epaphro - third quality of this first century disciple. ditus, in Epaphroditus ventured. Epaphroditus was to turn, was be honored by the church, and in verse 30, t,t w o r r i e d we see why: "because he almost died for the about their work of Christ, · · · · to make up for worrying the help you could not give me." about him. The word translated 'cistressed" The key is the word "risking. ' It means in verse 26 is the same word used of J..es~s at to stick your neck out. It means to tread Gethsemane (Mt. 26:37). ''S:ORRIWfu/ " where otheFS fear te tread. Epaphroditus was Epaphroditus was in great distress a risk-taker. because of the concern he was causing the Let me ask you a question: How long Christians at Philippi. The only way the has it been since you risked something for problem could be solved was for him to go Christ? Or do you always play it safe? back home and show them he was well. Only One man said· "I will not follow where then could the anxiety of Epaphroditus be the path may lead, but I will go where there is allayed. Epaphroditus was deeply concerned no path, and I will leave a trail." Epaphroditus about the Christians in Philippi. He was was that kind of Christian.
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