11111 KNCH ter, CT the Fe- ibllsh a rhe Fe- I In de- the re- it local lils ap - itlantlc 30 Cents period Saturday. Dec. 20,1986 lewhot :atlons >rocet- 262.25. u need on the nt and lank of III con- leetlna ved bv NORTH HAD mment NO K SCHEME TO itrv will for the new % ruck at 2 M ain I. 06238 irv 5th, d place led and itrv re- DIVERT $$$ olve all bidding It not ' lowest WASHINGTON (A P) - Lt. Col. North was fired by Reagan on Nov. 25. nstruc- Oliver L. North wrote an undated memo But one committee member, who Ion Re- for his White House files outlining the listened to Meese’s testimony, said be ob- pian to divert to Nicaragua’s contra North had only fragmentary knowledge ot the ad bury rebels profits from secret arms sales to of how much money might have been Phone; Iran, a source close to the House realized in profits on the arms sales and Intelligence committee said Friday. how much of that might have reached TRY the contras. 6 At the same time, Attorney General >E JR., Edwin Meese III, following testimony to The member. Rep. George Brown. the House panel, revealed that North, on D-Calif.. said Meese told the committee the weekend of Nov. 22-23, had told him that his original estimate that between that President Reagan did not know of $10 million and $30 million in arms sales the transfer of arms sales proceeds to profits had been diverted to the contras the contras. was based on "extrapolating” from NS While the Justice Department has data provided by North and did not been unable to establish the time the represent a hard figure. North memo describing the plan was “ He said Colonel North could not give ercab, written, the source said. "M y impres­ him details of the amounts of money,” ve lob sion was ... it was April (1986).... It gave Brown quoted Meese as saying. "H e w bat- the outline of the plan... to divert profits said that Colonel North did not have that rodlal from the sale of arms to Iran, to support information and that he (Meese) did not sxtras. the contras.” have it.” Meese also described as “ a very "He left him (Meese) with the lustom rough approximation” his statement of impression that Colonel North didn't tt with Nov. 25. that from $10 million to $30 have that information,” Brown said. miliion related to the Iranian arms sales The congressman said that Meese told was diverted to the contra forces. The committee members the matter is attorney general said "nothing I have under intense investigation by the FBI. heard at any time, from anybody, would After testifying before the House give me conclusive proof that the money intelligence panel late Friday, Meese r rovel ' did in fact get to the contras.” told reporters that "nothing I have excel- Vice President George Bush, in a heard at any time from anybody would stove, speech in Iowa, called on North to tell give me conclusive proof that money did 3llet, 3 what he knows about the Iran-contra in fact get to the contras. I only know 100 (or connection, while prominent lawyer that people told me that it was intended otter). Lawrence E. Walsh, the newly ap­ that money would be made available to pointed independent counsel in the case, the contras.” 0U8 promised a “ fair and thorough As President Reagan flew to Camp investigation.” David. Md., for a weekend respite from The Capitol Hill source quoted Meese the tangled controversy engulfing his AP photo as saying North was shocked when the administration. Bush urged North and ! Rally memo — apparently the first documen­ former national security adviser. Vice Attorney General Edwin Meese meets with reporters on Capitol I and tary evidence of a diversion plan — was Adm. John M. Poindexter, to “ answer tiable. discovered in his National Security Hill Friday after testifying before the House Intelligence Council files late last month. Turn to page 3; BUSH Committee, which is hoiding hearings on the Iran arms sale. X 14 I Skv- condl- II 646- Route 6 foe faces appraisal ewalls, 78 X 14 each. —see page 3 43-6463 Jet$on V tires, r both. EOUS SNAFU by Bruc* Maitt* ' ! ' ^ ' ’ ' ' ^ ^ ^ W ilsN p la g e s fair livbbe Bush: ‘Answer Just one key question’ Contlnned from page 1 one toward Libya — that reportedly was i ^ R S authorized by National Security Council of Iran-contra connection just one key question” before authorities. Christmas. A high-ranking Italian foreign minis­ Declaring that "the country cannot try official said he was told last spring WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judicial panel wait any longer,” Bush said that by Poindexter, who resigned Nov. 25 as Friday chose former judge Lawrence E. Walsh as question is whether the two former Reagan’s national security adviser, that independent counsel to probe the gravest crisis of the national security aides told Reagan William A. Wilson, the U.S. ambassador Reagan presidency, investing Walsh with virtually about the diversion of Iranian arms to the Vatican, had been permitted by limitless parameters for an investigate of the sales profits to the Nicaraguan Iran-contra connection. previous NSC directors to make secret insurgents. Walsh, of Oklahoma City, was asked to lead a contacts with Libya. " I am satisfied the answer will be criminal Inquiry that will range far beyond the one White House spokesman Larry requested by the Reagan administration. It will delve ‘no’,” Bush said in a speech prepared for into covert arms sales to Iran, diversion of profits to the delivery in Altoona, Iowa. Speakes said he could find no evidence Nicaraguan rebels, and the entire contra supply Bush spokesman Marlin Fitzwater of such a go-ahead being given to network. said the speech was cleared in advance Wilson, who was replaced as ambassa­ A former Vietnam peace negotiator and top deputy in by the White House. " I think everyone, dor this year after his meeting with the Justice Department in the second Eisenhower including the president, had a chance to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was administration, Walsh was described by the three- look at it,” he said. disclosed. "When I pull the cord it says, ‘My name is judge court as "one of the outstanding lawyers of the Bush also conceded in his speech that nation." In other developments: Talking Tina. Piease burp me.’" the administration may not have done /i U.S. Circuit judges George E. MacKinnon, WalterR. the best job of presenting its side of the —The Wail Street Journal said in Mansfield and Lewis R. Morgan said the 74-year-old story. " I know we haven’t explained this Friday's editions that when an Am eri­ Walsh "brings to this very broad investigation ... the properly to the American- people.” he can cargo plane was shot down over judgment and ability acquired through years of said. Nicaragua on Oct. 5, Felix Rodriguez, a Connecticut Weather experience as a prosecutor, federal judge, government The White House, meanwhile, said former CIA operative with close ties to official, trial lawyer and as a recognized leader of the bar of the nation." that Reagan has no plans to replace CIA Bush, notified North that the plane was Sworn in immediately. Walsh pledged a "fair and Director William J. Casey, who under­ missing. Central, Eastern Interior, Southwest Interior: went surgery Thursday for removal of a thorough investigation." and said the chief judge of the The newspaper quoted unidentified Saturday, partly cloudy. High around 40. Wind cancerous brain tumor. U.S. District Court here. Aubrey E. Robinson Jr., has AP photo U.S. officials as saying North flew northwest 10 to 15 mph. Saturday night, clear. Low A Georgetown University Hospital already begun to assemble a grand jury. immediately to El Salvador to try to around 20. Sunday, mostly sunny. High in the mid 30s. Walsh pledged to meet with chairman of congres­ spokesman said Casey, 73. was "in President Ronald Reagan, with his arms in the air. makes his way prevent details of the Contra supply Northwest Hills: Saturday, partly cloudy. High 30 to sional committees investigating the affair “ in order to stable condition and doing well” Friday, to a Marine helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House mission from becoming public and to 35. Wind northwest around 10 mph. Saturday night, minimize any possibility of conflict.” Both the House and that his doctors believe he "w ill be Friday afternoon. The president and Mrs. Reagan were on their arrange death benefits for survivors of clear. Low in the teens. Sunday, mostly sunny. High and Senate have established Watergate-style panels EX-JUDGE LAWRENCE WALSH able to resume his normal activities” at around 30. which will begin work next year. an undetermined time. way to Camp David for the weekend. the two Americans killed in the crash. West Coastal, East Coastal: Saturday, partly cloudy. Walsh declined to comment on whether anyone . named independent counsel After testifying before the House —Budget director James Miller said High 40 to 45. Wind northwest 10 to 20 mph. Saturday would be granted immunity. President Reagan has panel, Meese also said there was no night, clear. Low in the mid 20s. Sunday, mostly sunny. diversion. on NBC’s “ Today” show that the asked that fired National Security Council staff deputy indication that any of the money wound intended to confer with Meese soon to High in the upper 30s. Walsh, 74, sworn in as independent administration’s proposed fiscal 1988 Oliver L.
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